Test Yourself ( 4 grades, English)
Оценка 5

Test Yourself ( 4 grades, English)

Оценка 5
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английский язык
4 кл
Test Yourself ( 4 grades, English)
Main aims: to learn to work individually and in a group without making mistakes; to write new words on the blackboard and practice their pronunciation; to develop working with different pictures; to improve pupils' learning skills. Lesson task: to enrich the students’ vocabulary; to develop the students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills; to encourage the pupils to feel free in the classroom;To hand papers with the term test tasks; to explain the task of every test part; to explain test vocabulary if necessary;
28Term's test 4cl.docx
Date Subject  Class Theme Lesson aims English teacher: Kumusbayeva G.O 15.05.17 English  4 grades Test Yourself  ­to learn to work individually and in a group without making mistakes; ­to write new words on the blackboard and practice their pronunciation; ­to develop working with different pictures; ­to improve pupils' learning skills ­ to enrich the students’ vocabulary; ­ to develop the students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills; ­ to encourage the pupils to feel free in the classroom; Result Materials ­ recognizing the meaning of the new vocabulary; ­being ready to solve any situational problem; ­learning when and how to use the grammar; ­developing reading, speaking, listening; Primary colours 4,pictures, tape­recorder Stages І. Administration  moment  (5 min) ІІ. Check up the  homework  (5 min) ІІІ. New theme  Vocabulary by unit (20  min) IV. Conclusion  (5 min)   V. Assessment (2 min) VI. Homework (3 min) Lesson plan Teacher’s activities wishing Good Morning; checking attendance; ­to ask vocabulary of previous  lessons; ­to make pupils to give some  examples with different  grammatical construction; ­to explain again if necessary; ­to hand papers with the term  test tasks;  ­to explain the task of every test part; ­to explain test vocabulary if  necessary; ­to ask some questions related  to the term test; ­to collect pupils' test works ­to check pupils' works and  evaluate To learn by heart new words  and revise all grammar Pupil’s activities ­greeting; ­to be able to give right  answers to teacher's  questions; ­to make some notes; ­to be able to write the term  test without any mistakes; ­to ask the teacher about  test tasks and unknown  words if necessary; ­to give papers with the  term test answers; ­write down the homework VII . Reflection:  Children, you must write your opinion  about lesson. Advantages or disadvantages. ­ Was our lesson interesting for you or not?  Give some reasons.

Test Yourself ( 4 grades, English)

Test Yourself ( 4 grades, English)

Test Yourself ( 4 grades, English)

Test Yourself ( 4 grades, English)
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