1. Explain the symbolism of the stars and the stripes on the U.S. flag.
2. In which city did the First Continental Congress meet in 1774?
3. What was the “Homestead Act”?
4. Which U.S. legal holiday – held every four years – falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November?
5. When did American women receive the right to vote?
6. Who was the first President elected as a member of the Republican Party?
7. Who was the first President to serve only one term?
8. Name the longest serving U.S. President.
9. Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the U.S.?
10. What is impeachment? Name one President it threatened.
11. From which two states was the original District of Columbia carved?
12. After the Vice-President, which political figure is next in line to succeed the President?
13. Name the two political parties in the U.S. and the animals that symbolize each party.
14. Which U.S. government agency is charged with the collection of taxes?
(The answers to questions)
1. 50 stars = 50 states; 13 stripes = 13 original colonies.
2. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
3. The transfer of land from the U.S. government to a “homesteader” after five years of residence at a nominal price.
4. Election Day.
5. In 1920.
6. Abraham Lincoln.
7. John Adams, the 2nd U.S. President.
8. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
9. John F. Kennedy.
10. A formal accusation against a public official; Andrew Johnson, or Richard Nixon, or Bill Clinton.
11. Maryland and Virginia.
12. The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
13. Democrats – donkey; Republicans – elephant.
14. Internal Revenue Service – IRS.
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