The theme: " In the village" 3 grade
Оценка 4.8

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

Оценка 4.8
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The theme: " In the village"  3 grade
Lesson: My city School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Class : 3 Number present: Absent: Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to To teach to describe one’s city, places in a city To develop pupils speaking skills To support interest in learning English Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: Read the text Most learners will be able to: Translate the text Some learners will be able to: To talk on the theme Level of thinking skills: Knowledge, comprehension, application Success criteria: Some of them can answer the questions Value links Listen to each other Cross-curricular links Russian
plan 6 class.docx
Date:  Teacher’s  name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: My first day at school School: Secondary school by Altynbike  Bertaeva Number present:  absent: CLASS: 6A Learning  objectives(s) that  this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives To talk about first day at school  and revise Past Simple Tense To develop pupils oral speech and grammar skills To create interest in learning English All learners will be able to:  Speak about school and apply Past simple tense Most learners will be able to:  recognise and name some irregular verbs in Past form Some learners will be able to:  name and use most of the irregular  verbs in Past form Level of thinking  skills: Assessment criteria: Say topic words with clear pronunciation  Knowledge and comprehension  Application Say expressions clearly Grammar: Ordinal numbers Previous learning Plan Planned timings Planned activities  Descriptor Resources            Beginning        Middle     Good afternoon, pupils! How   are   you   today?   Who   is   on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? Warm – up Ex 1. Write the dates Brainstorming When did you first go to school? Who did you go with? What did you wear? What do you remember about it?     Reading Now class let’s read the text “My first day at school” Now look at the text again and find irregular verbs. Wake­ woke Put­put Go­ went Take­took Buy­bought Ring­rang Test Ex 4 Circle the correct letter. Answer the  questions Read the text Find the verbs Pupils’ books Pupils' Тексерілді: Date:  Teacher’s name: Kemelbekova  G Lesson: Comparative:  Short adjectives Class : 6 A Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills School: Secondary school by Altynbike  Bertaeva Absent: Number present:  To introduce short adjectives. To develop grammar skills. To support interest in learning English All learners will be able to: Listen and repeat short adjectives Use and make up sentences Knowledge, comprehension, application. Make up at least 2 or 3 sentences using short adjectives. Compare size and people  1 Listening to the teacher 2 Listening to each other The world around us none Previous learning Comparative adjectives Plan Planned timings Beginning Descriptor Resources Pupils can name  opposites of the  adjectives PB Pupils understand  the Comparative and superlative  adjectives Pupils can use the  Comparative and  superlative  adjectives PB Planned activities   Hello, pupils! How  are   you  today?  Who   is  on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? Brainstorming Say opposite these words: Big­ White­ Clean­ Old­ Fast­ Demonstration Let’s remember the previous  lesson. Comparative and superlative  adjectives Short adjectives(One syllable) Long adjectives(two or more  syllables) Irregular forms Adjectives ending in­y  Practice Ex 11 p 71 Ex 12 p 71 Home task Ex 8 p 70 Middle End                                   Тексерілді : Date: 11.01.2016 Teacher’s name:  Kemelbekova G Lesson: My school day School: Secondary school by Altynbike Bertaeva Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Previous learning Absent: Number present:  To talk about school day To develop speaking skills of pupils To support  interest in learning English All learners will be able to: Learn the new words connected with school subjects Read the text about Bill’s  school day. Understand the text and tell about it Knowledge, comprehension, application To talk on the theme “ My school day” 1. Listening to the teacher 2. Listening to each other School subjects None  Comparative adjectives Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Middle End Descriptor Resources Name the tallest  classmate in the  class Pronouns the new words PB PB Read and  translate Name the names  of subjects  Name the time. Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Who is on duty today? Who   is   absent   today?   What   date   is   it today? Previous knowledge Comparative and superlative adjectives Who is the tallest in your class? Who has got the longest(shortest) hair?  New words Listen and read English  Chemistry  Geography Science Physics PE Reading  Let’s read the text about Bill’s day. Practice Read the text again and try remember the  time and subjects Ex 5 Write subjects are these sentences. Home task Write about your school day at home Marks Date: Lesson: Long  adjectives Class : 6 A Lesson objectives Level of thinking  skills:            Teacher’s name: Kemelbekova G School: Secondary school by Altynbike Bertaeva Number present:  Absent: To teach long adjectives To develop grammar skills To support interest in learning English Knowledge  Success criteria: Can use  long adjectives ICT skills None  Previous learning My school day Descriptor Resources PB PB Listen and  practice Talk to  partner Make sentences                                                                                                              Plan                     Planned activities  Planned  timings Beginning Middle End Organization moment Hello, pupils! How are you today?      Who is on duty today?         Who is absent? What date is it today?                             Previous knowledge Time  To write about school day Demonstration Today we will read and speak about the  Long adjectives Wonderful more wonderful the most  wonderful Practice Ex 7 p 74 Listen and practice Ex 8 Talk to your partner A wonderful season A difficult subject A dangerous sport Ex 9 use the adjectives and make sentences Home task  Ex 9 p 74 Marks Date:25.01 .2017 Teacher’s  name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: Irregular  Adjectives Class : 6A Lesson objectives Level of thinking  skills: School: Secondary school by Altynbike  Bertaeva Absent: Number present:  To teach irregular adjectives To develop grammar skills To support interest in learning English Knowledge  Success criteria: Can use  long adjectives ICT skills None  Previous learning School uniform Descriptor Resources PB PB Listen and  practice Talk to  partner Make sentences                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Middle End Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge To write about school uniform in  Kazakhstan   Demonstration Irregular  adjectives Good­better­the best Bad­worse –the worst Many/ much­more­the most Practice Ex 4p 76 Listen and practice Ford is a good car Rover is a better car. Mercedes is the best car. Ex 8 Talk to your partner A wonderful season A difficult subject A dangerous sport Ex 8 p 76  use the adjectives and make  sentences Which is the best season in your place? Home task  Ex 9 p 74 Marks Date: 30.01.2017 Teacher’s  name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: Test School: Secondary school by Altynbike Bertaeva Class : 6 A Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Number present:  Absent: Consolidate the previous  lessons . To develop thinking skills To support interests in learning English. Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: Choose the correct answer. Most  learners will be able to: Choose some correct answers Some  learners will be able to: Choose all correct answers Descriptor Resources PB Level of thinking  skills: Application  Success criteria: Can choose correct answers Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Good behavior  None  None  Revision  Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Demonstration Today you have a test lesson you will  consolidate the previous lesson. Practice Circle the correct answers 1.My car is ­­­­­­­than of my friend’s. Middle A. Faster B. Fastest C. The fastest 2.She is ­­­­­­­­person in class. A. the intelligent  B. more intelligent C .the most intelligent 3. My book is ­­­­­­­­­­than yours A. better B. good C. big 4.Supermarkets are­­­­­­­­­­­than  shops A. bigger B .biggest C. big 5.Your work is ­­­­­­­­­­­in class A. the worst B. worst C. worse 6.Write ordinal numbers 3 5 8 12 30 7. Write the years 1801 1957 2003 1300 8. Write the dates 15 February 2  September 3 21 May 4.18 March 9. Write comparatives and  superlatives adjectives Dangerous Good Dirty Bad Important 10.Give opposites Fast­ Cheap­ Quite­  Important  Low Old End Polite Short­ Old                                                                                           Тексерілді: 29.01.2007 Date:08.02 .2017 Teacher name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: Keep warm School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives Absent: Number present:  To teach to describe feelings To develop speaking skills To bring up to lead healthy way of life All learners will be able to: Pronounce the new words Most learners will be able to: Read and answer questions Some  learners will be able to: Make sentences using new words Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Knowledge Comprehension Application  Understand the text  Use the new words Name the new words  lead healthy way of life Kazakh  None  Revision  Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings                     Planned activities  Descriptor Resources Beginning Middle End Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge Let’s revise adjectives Warm up Packet Can Tube Glass  Package  Jar  Angry Demonstration Angry Unhappy  tired  cold  ill  happy worried bored Practice Ex 3 p 82 Look at these sentences below  They are mixed up. Can you match  them. Reading Read Asel’s diary and answer the  questions below.  When did she begin to fill ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? Home task Ex 7 p 83 Marks Revise adjectives Complete the  expressions  Flash cards Learn the new  words PB PB Match the  sentences  Read the text Answer the  questions Тексерілді: 08.02.2017­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Date:09.02 .2017 Teacher name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: Health  problem Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Absent: Number present:  To teach to describe feelings To develop speaking skills To bring up to lead healthy way of life All learners will be able to: Pronounce the new words Most learners will be able to: Read and answer questions Some  learners will be able to: Make sentences using new words Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Knowledge Comprehension Application  Understand the text  Use the new words Name the new words  lead healthy way of life Kazakh  None Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Revision  Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge Let’s revise adjectives Warm up Packet Can Tube Glass  Package  Jar  Angry Demonstration Middle End Take a tablet Feel pulse  Examine throat Listen to lungs  Practice Ex 3   Look at these sentences below   They are mixed up. Can you match  them. Reading Read Asel’s diary and answer the  questions below.  When did she begin to fill ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? Home task Ex 7  write sentences about your health Marks Descriptor Resources Revise adjectives Complete the  expressions  Flash cards Learn the new  words PB PB Match the  sentences  Read the text Answer the  questions Тексерілді: Date:22.02 .2017 Teacher name: Kemelbekova G Lesson13: Does  weather affect our  health? Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Absent: Number present:  To teach to describe feelings To develop speaking skills To bring up to lead healthy way of life All learners will be able to: Pronounce the new words Most learners will be able to: Read and answer questions Some  learners will be able to: Make sentences using new words Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Knowledge Comprehension Application  Understand the text  Use the new words Name the new words Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills  lead healthy way of life Kazakh  None  Pollution is bad for health Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge Let’s revise adjectives Warm up Packet Can Tube Glass  Package  Jar  Angry Descriptor Resources Revise adjectives Complete the  expressions  Flash cards Demonstration Middle Learn the new  words PB Take a tablet Feel pulse  Examine throat Listen to lungs  Practice Ex 3   Look at these sentences below   They are mixed up. Can you match  them. Reading Read Asel’s diary and answer the  questions below.  When did she begin to fill ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? Home task Ex 7  write sentences about your health PB Match the  sentences  Read the text Answer the  questions Marks End                                                                                                     Тексерілді: 22.02.2017ж  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Date: 23.02 .2017 Teacher name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: Travelling for  health Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Absent: Number present:  To teach to describe feelings To develop speaking skills To bring up to lead healthy way of life All learners will be able to: Pronounce the new words Most learners will be able to: Read and answer questions Some  learners will be able to: Make sentences using new words Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Knowledge Comprehension Application  Understand the text  Use the new words Name the new words  lead healthy way of life Kazakh  None  Revision  Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge Let’s revise adjectives Warm up Packet Can Tube Glass  Package  Jar  Angry Demonstration Angry Unhappy  tired  cold  ill  happy worried bored Practice Ex 3  Look at these sentences below   They are mixed up. Can you match  them. Descriptor Resources Revise adjectives Complete the  expressions  Flash cards Learn the new  words PB PB Match the  sentences  Middle Read the text Answer the  questions Reading Read Asel’s diary and answer the  questions below.  When did she begin to fill ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? Home task Ex 7  Marks End Тексерілді: 23.02.2017­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Date: 27.02 .2017 Teacher name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: Travelling for  health Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Absent: Number present:  To teach to describe feelings To develop speaking skills To bring up to lead healthy way of life contributing to Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: Pronounce the new words Most learners will be able to: Read and answer questions Some  learners will be able to: Make sentences using new words Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Knowledge Comprehension Application  Understand the text  Use the new words Name the new words  lead healthy way of life Kazakh  None  Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Revision  Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge Let’s revise adjectives Warm up Packet Can Tube Glass  Package  Jar  Angry Demonstration Angry Unhappy  tired  cold  ill  happy worried Middle Descriptor Resources Revise adjectives Complete the  expressions  Flash cards Learn the new  words PB PB Match the  sentences  Read the text Answer the  questions bored Practice Ex 3  Look at these sentences below   They are mixed up. Can you match  them. Reading Read Asel’s diary and answer the  questions below.  When did she begin to fill ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? Home task Ex 7  Marks End Тексерілді: 27.02.2017­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Date: 13.03 .2017 Teacher name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: Travelling for  health Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Absent: Number present:  To teach to describe feelings To develop speaking skills To bring up to lead healthy way of life All learners will be able to: Pronounce the new words Most learners will be able to: Read and answer questions Some  learners will be able to: Make sentences using new words Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Knowledge Comprehension Application  Understand the text  Use the new words Name the new words  lead healthy way of life Kazakh  None  Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Descriptor Resources Revise adjectives Complete the  expressions  Flash cards Learn the new  words PB Revision  Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge Let’s revise adjectives Warm up Packet Can Tube Glass  Package  Jar  Angry Demonstration Angry Unhappy  Middle tired  cold  ill  happy worried bored Practice Ex 3  Look at these sentences below   They are mixed up. Can you match  them. Reading Read Asel’s diary and answer the  questions below.  When did she begin to fill ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? Home task Ex 7  Marks PB Match the  sentences  Read the text Answer the  questions End Тексерілді: 13.03.2017 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Date: 03.03 .2017 Teacher name: Kemelbekova G Lesson: Invitation School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives Absent: Number present:  To teach to describe feelings To develop speaking skills To bring up to lead healthy way of life All learners will be able to: Pronounce the new words Most learners will be able to: Read and answer questions Some  learners will be able to: Make sentences using new words Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Knowledge Comprehension Application  Understand the text  Use the new words Name the new words  lead healthy way of life Kazakh  None  Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Revision  Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge Let’s revise adjectives Warm up Packet Can Tube Glass  Package  Jar  Descriptor Resources Revise adjectives Complete the  expressions  Flash cards Angry Demonstration Angry Unhappy  tired  cold  ill  happy worried bored Practice Ex 3  Look at these sentences below   They are mixed up. Can you match  them. Reading Read Asel’s diary and answer the  questions below.  When did she begin to fill ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? Home task Ex 7  Marks Middle End Learn the new  words PB PB Match the  sentences  Read the text Answer the  questions Тексерілді: 03.03.2017 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Date: 12.04 .2017 Teacher name: Kemelbekova G Lesson:  School: Secondary school of Karaturyk Class : 6 Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to Lesson objectives Absent: Number present:  To teach to describe feelings To develop speaking skills To bring up to lead healthy way of life All learners will be able to: Pronounce the new words Most learners will be able to: Read and answer questions Some  learners will be able to: Make sentences using new words Level of thinking  skills: Success criteria: Value links Cross­curricular  links ICT skills Knowledge Comprehension Application  Understand the text  Use the new words Name the new words  lead healthy way of life Kazakh  None  Previous learning                                                                                Plan Planned  timings Beginning                     Planned activities  Revision  Organization moment Good afternoon, pupils! How are you today? Previous knowledge Let’s revise adjectives Warm up Packet Descriptor Resources Revise adjectives Can Tube Glass  Package  Jar  Angry Demonstration Angry Unhappy  tired  cold  ill  happy worried bored Practice Ex 3  Look at these sentences below   They are mixed up. Can you match  them. Reading Read Asel’s diary and answer the  questions below.  When did she begin to fill ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? Home task Ex 7  Marks Middle End Complete the  expressions  Flash cards Learn the new  words PB PB Match the  sentences  Read the text Answer the  questions Тексерілді: 03.03.2017 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade

The theme: " In the village" 3 grade

The theme: " In the village"  3 grade
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