"Treasure and numbers" 4 grade
Оценка 4.6

"Treasure and numbers" 4 grade

Оценка 4.6
Разработки уроков
английский язык
"Treasure and numbers" 4 grade
"Treasure and numbers" 4 grade
Module 3.docx

Module 3: Treasure and Heritage


Theme: Treasure and numbers 1

School: Bumakol EKS

Date: 12.11.2019

Teacher’s name: Mubinov Zh.Zh.




Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general range of general and some curricular topics; plan, write and check sentences with support on a range of basic personal, general and some curricular topics; use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100


All learners will be able to: use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100; answer the questionsabout what they can see in the pictures.

Most learners will be able to:use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100; answer the questions about what they can see in the pictures; make a new dialogue.

Some learners will be able to:use cardinal numbers 1 – 1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100; answer the questionsabout what they can see in the pictures ; act out the story

Assessment criteria

To develop listening and reading comprehension skills through a story: to talk about a class expedition

To learn  how to pronounce [ʃn] and its different spellings.

Language focus

Structures: Consolidation.

Language in use: what`s today`s expedition? We must find these ten leaves and name the trees.

Target vocabulary




Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)






Teacher: Good afternoon!

How are you?

Learners answer the question How are you?, looking at the picture.




Task1. Listen, point and repeat. Then match.

1.A hundred

2.a thousand

Descriptor: A learner

 Correct answer

• pronounces words and expressions clearly.


Task 2. T divided into 2 groups, ever group find Captain Jack Parrot`s treasure! Do the sums and cross off the places on the map. The last place is where the treasure is.

1. 500+250=

2. 150*4=

Descriptor: A learner

  correct answers

• pronounces words and expressions clearly.




Topic Treasure and numbers

Task. Name the objects and tell their coordinates. Example:

The octopus is 1 – 1.

Descriptor: A learner · names the objects; · identifies coordinates of objects on the map and tells them; · pronounces words/ phrases/ sentences clearly.


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links

Values links





Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson



Module 3: Treasure and Heritage 3

Module 3: Treasure and Heritage 3

Task 2. T divided into 2 groups, ever group find

Task 2. T divided into 2 groups, ever group find
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