Unusual buildings 5 сыныпқа арналған ерекше ғимараттар туралы сабақ жоспары. бұл тақырып аясында әр түрлі елдердегі ерекше үйлер туралы оқушыларға таныстырылады. еркше үйлердің еркешелігі неде екені туралы оұушыларға тиапсырма беріледі. оқушылар топпен жеке жұппен жұмыс жасау арқылы тақырыпты ашады. және таныстырады.
Unusual buildings.docx
Unit of a long term plan: Unit 1.Home and
School: №278
Teacher name: Kulmyrzayeva A.H.
Number present:
Lesson title
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to (link to
the Subject programme)
Unusual buildings
5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected
comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group
and whole class exchanges
5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a
limited range of general and curricular topics
5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts
on general and curricular topics
5.C9 Use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
name and pronounce correctly the vocabulary about rooms
memorize and recognize the new words and pronounce them
describe the pictures and talk about rooms using basic grammar to
have a conversation
understand basic classroom instructions
describe the rooms using the degrees of comparison
ask and answer the questions about rooms
Most learners will be able to:
Some learners will be able to:
• demonstrate understanding by writing three facts about bedroom
Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence
level with limited flexibility
Interact with each other delivering content correctly and clearly to others
Make a clear plan of writing
Read and identify the main idea in the text
Connect sentences into a paragraph
Assessment criteria
Values links
Kazakh patriotism and civil responsibility, respect, cooperation,
Level of thinking skills Application. Higher order thinking skills Crosscurricular links
Previous learning
Art,Kazakh and Russian language
Learners know the names of the rooms
They have introduced the degrees of comparison
Planned timings
Planned activities (replace the notes below
with your planned activities)
05 min
a)asking the date and day
b)checking up attendance
II. Warm up activity. Teacher shows the video
about rooms in the house. While showing the
video students should write the rooms’ names.
If someone finishes the task the first, she\he
will say the “Bingo”.For example:
Sheets of papers,
Living room
Dining room
Group work. Vocabulary bag
Teacher divides the class into two groups. And
explained the activity which called “Vocabulary
Bag”. In this activity Teacher gives them two
sheets of papers with text about unusual
buildings. The first group have to find the
comparative adjectives from the text.
Ex.1 p.10 Look at the pictures. What can you
see? What do these buildings look like? Read
and listen to find out.
II. Pair work.Describe the pictures.
Ex. 2 p. 10. Read the text and mark the
sentences T (true), false (false) or DS (doesn’t
A. 1. The piano house has got four rooms. DS
2. There’s a lift in the violin. T
It has got a living room. F
B. 4. Jan’s house is in China. F
5. It has got four floors T
6. it is an office. F
Descriptor: A learner • reads the text;
• answers the questions using the information from the text and picture.
III. Group work. Thinks.
Ex. 4 p. 10. In three minutes write a few senten
ces about your ideal house. Use the words in
the list. Tell the class
the shape big rooms – great view –
garden –fireplace
Descriptor: A learner
writes 12 sentences to the descriptions.
IV. Individual work.
Ex.5 p. 11. Look at the picture. Listen and
repeat. What are these words in your language?
A learner • makes up questions using topic
• draws the house according to the description;
• presents the information to his/her partner.
Formative assessment: Traffic lights
1)Student who says the sentences with positive,
takes red colour,
2)Student who talks the sentences with
comparative adjectives, takes the yellow
3)Student who speaks with all degrees of
comparison, he/she takes the green colour.
Ex. 9 p 10. In three minutes write a few
sentences about your ideal house. Use the
words in the list. Tell the class
the shape big rooms – great view –
garden –fireplace
Descriptor: A learner
writes 12 sentences to the descriptions.
Reflection: At the conclusion part of the lesson
students write their reflection about what did
they do at the lesson.
Feed back.At the end of the lesson teacher put
the fishbowl in the classroom. Students should
put there their questions which they didn’t
understand or wanted to know extra
information about grammar, topic. At the next
lesson teacher works with their
5 min Additional information
Differentiation – how do you
plan to give more support?
How do you plan to challenge
the more able learners?
Assessment – how are
you planning to check
learners’ learning?
Health and safety check
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives realistic?
Did all the learners
achieve the lesson
objectives/ learning
objectives? If not,
Did my planned
differentiation work
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I
make from my plan
and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
Unusual buildings
Unusual buildings
Unusual buildings
Unusual buildings
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