Long term plan unit:Natural disasters
School: |
Date: |
Teacher name: |
Grade: 7 |
Number present: |
Absent: |
Theme of the lesson: Writing a newspaper article about disaster for school magazine or school e- zine |
Learning objectives (s) that this lesson is contributing to
7.C6 organize and present information clearly to others 7.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics 7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a range of general and curricular topics |
Level of thinking skills |
Application, Higher order thinking skills |
Lesson objectives |
· All learners will be able to: Read and write the newspaper articles about natural disasters with support; · Most learners will be able to: Plan, write, edit and proofread the news articles with support. · Some learners will be able to: Аnalyze the elements of a newspaper article structure; |
Assessment criteria
- Demonstrate an ability to organize and express clear information to peers -Identify details of the article about Natural disaster -Plan and write definition in the newspaper article structure |
Value links |
Labour and creativity, cooperation, lifelong learning |
Cross curricular links |
Kazakhlanguage,Geography,Art |
Previous learning |
Discussion about Disaster statistics in Kazakhstan |
Plan |
Time |
Planned activities |
Resources |
Beginning 8
5min |
Org moment a)Procedural questions b)Setting the lesson objectives c) “Puzzle”. Dividing into 3 subgroups. Teacher uses pictures to divide the class into three subgroups. Learners divide according the chosen picture.
Teacher forms three subgroups KHABAR, KTK, 31CHANNEL Brainstorming Find 13 words in the word search box and make a sentence with the remaining lettersguess the title of the lesson
(I)Task1 Active learning. Setting topical atmosphere. “Tick or cross”Do you know how to write a magazine article? Tick forTrue or Cross for False for these sentences. 1.An article should always be written using formal language. 2. You should use paragraphs when writing an article. 3. Don’t express your opinion in an article. 4. Your article should have a catchy title. 5. You should ask the reader questions in your article. (I)Task2(7.C6,7.R2) Reading comprehension. Learners work individually. They should think about 5 Wh questions as “What? Who? When? Where? Why? How?” Then, learners peer assess each other on these questions. Five “W’s + H” questions Write down their definition in the newspaper article structure in the columns (connected with the natural disaster you are going to write about).
(Modelling) What? – What type of natural disaster happened? Who? – Who suffered in this disaster? When? – When did this disaster happen? Where? – Where did this disaster happen? Why? – Why did this disaster happen? What are the reasons of it? How? – How did this disaster happen?
Descriptor: A learner · Identify how to write a magazine article · Make up Wh-questions about disaster
Task 3 (7.W1) “At first hand” E-learning: teacher displays the video of natural disaster Active learning : acting out the role play : hot news BBC Differentiation: different modes of learning: visual , kinesthetic and audial learners Teacher demonstrates the video about “Aral Sea” to learners. This way the teacher can visualize the disasters. Because some of the learners in the class can be visual learners, while some can be audial ones. For kinesthetic learners teacher will use the method of TPR by using certain actions to remember.
Aral Sea 1989-2014y Imagine that you are a journalist. You are going to the city where the natural disaster happened a day ago. You interviewed the city residents and watched the places that were damaged. After that you should write a report describing what happened and how the disaster affected the life in the city. Include the following information: • Name of the city (Where did it happen? What was the name of the city? country?) • Type of the natural disaster that happened (What type of disaster was it?) • The number of victims (Were people warned about the disaster? How many people were killed? How many people were injured? What was the total number of victims?) • How people feel after the disaster (How did people feel after the disaster? What did people do?) • Describe in what ways the city was damaged (Was the city seriously damaged? How many houses were destroyed?) • What people plan to do to minimize the effect of the possible disaster in the future (What do people want to do now?) Descriptor: A learner · Watch the video and give information about disaster · Read the text about Aral Sea and answer the questions
Assessment criteria:
1) Write between 70-100 words. 2) Vocabulary range (words and phrases related to natural disasters). 3) Follow the structure of a newspaper article.
Slide 1
Appendix 1 (Natural Disasters article)
https://www. youtube.com/watch
Handout 2 |
Скачано с www.znanio.ru
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