Easter in Russia and in Britain
Easter in Russia
Easter in Russia is a religious holiday. On the night of Easter, Orthodox Christians go to churches to the night Easter mass and participate in the procession of the Cross. |
On Easter morning Russian people have colored eggs, kulichi and paskha for breakfast. Then, people go to church if they didn’t visit the night ceremeny. Easter in Russia is called Paskha. On Easter day people congratulate each other by saying “Khristos Voskrese”, and the reply is “Voistinu” or “Voistinu voskrese”. After saying that, don’t forget to kiss the other person on the cheek three times.
1. Match the phrases to the pictures |
1. eat/ bake an Easter cakes (Kulichi) |
a |
2. make paskha |
b |
3. go to the church |
c |
4. say “Khristos Voskrese” and “Voistinu voskrese” |
d |
5. exchange colored eggs |
e |
6. kiss another person on a cheek |
f |
2. Say Yes/ No to the sentences below.
1. Easter is a winter holiday. No
2. People go to churches to the night or morning Easter ceremonies.
3. On Easter morning Russian people have chocolate eggs, kulichi and paskha for breakfast.
4. People say each other Khristos Voskresse and Voistinu Voskrese on Easter day.
3. Answer the questions.
1. Does your mother bake or buy kulichi for Easter?
2. Who do you usually exchange eggs at Easter with?
3. What colours were your eggs last Easter?
4. How British people celebrate Easter?
Name: Sahra Age: 12 Adress: Britain
4. Tick 4 names you hear.
□ Easter presents
□ a colored egg
□ an Easter egg
□ a chocolate Easter bunny
□ kulichi
□ paskha
□ Hot Cross buns
Ø Good Friday – Страстная пятница (Христианский праздник поминовения смерти Иисуса Христа на кресте)
Ø hunt – охотиться
Ø hide chocolate eggs – прятать шоколадные яйца
Ø bun - булка
5. Watch the video. Say Yes or No.
1. Children have got school holidays at Easter.
2. Sarah’s family buy colored eggs and presents for Easter.
3. Sarah’s family go to the church on Easter evening.
4. Mum and Dad hide chocolate eggs in the garden.
5. Sarah’s family go egg-rolling on Easter Monday.
6. Answer the questions.
1. What are Cross Hot Buns?
2. What facts about Easter in Britain were surprising for you?
7. What is different about Easter in Russia and Britain? Write a story.
Russia |
Britain |
1. buy presents |
N |
Y |
2. go to school |
3. bake kulichi |
4. decorate eggs |
5. make paskha |
6. hide chocolate eggs in the garden |
7. go egg-rolling on Easter Monday |
8. buy Easter chocolate eggs |
9. kiss another person on a cheek on Easter day |
10. say each other Khristos Voskresse and Voistinu Voskrese on Easter day |
Russian and British people celebrate
Easter differently (по-разному).
British people buy presents, but Russians don’t buy them.
Russia |
Britain |
1. buy presents |
N |
Y |
2. go to school |
N |
N |
3. bake kulichi |
Y |
N |
4. decorate eggs |
Y |
Y |
5. make paskha |
Y |
N |
6. hide chocolate eggs in the garden |
N |
Y |
7. go egg-rolling on Easter Monday |
N |
Y |
8. buy Easter chocolate eggs |
N |
Y |
9. kiss another person on a cheek on Easter day |
Y |
N |
10. say each other Khristos Voskresse and Voistinu Voskrese on Easter day |
Y |
N |
Put Easter eggs into the basket.
Emotions |
happy |
fine |
bored |
Текст- https://learnrussian.rt.com/speak-russian/easter-in-russia.html
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