Урок "Sport, Olympic Games, Usain Bolt"

  • Разработки уроков
  • docx
  • 23.08.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Урок "Sport, Olympic Games, Usain Bolt" предполагает использование на уроке видео. Целью использования видеофильмов на уроках является погружение обучающихся в иноязычную среду, несмотря на то, что она создана искусственно. Данная искусственная иноязычная среда помогает сломать невидимый психологический барьер между адресатом и адресантом.
Иконка файла материала урок спорт игры.docx


Конспект урока  английского языка


Мартынова Валентина Александровна

 преподаватель английского языка


«Краснослободский аграрный техникум»,

 Республика Мордовия.



Тема урока: «Sport, Olympic Games, Usain Bolt»


























1 Практические.

- развитие умения аудирования и говорения, умения извлекать основную информацию из аудиотекста.

- формирование лексических навыков.

2 Общеобразовательные.

- расширение общего кругозора.

- повышение общей языковой культуры, выражение мыслей на английском языке.

- расширение словарного запаса.

3 Воспитательные.

- формирование познавательной активности.

- формирование положительных качеств и черт характера человека.

- поддержание интереса к изучаемому предмету.

4 Развивающие.

- развитие внимания, памяти, воображения.

- развитие языковой догадки.

Языковой и речевой материал: НЛЕ, тексты для работы.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, мультимедиа проектор, обычная доска, наглядность, раздаточный материал.

Планируемый результат

Предметные умения

  • Умение правильно понимать значение лексических единиц (ЛЕ) по теме.
  • Умение использовать ЛЕ в заданной ситуации.
  • Умение строить краткие высказывания с использованием опор.
  • Умение составлять диалоги по теме.
  • Умение составлять монологическое высказывание по заданной ситуации.

Личностные УУД:

– устанавливать связь между целью деятельности и ее результатом.

Регулятивные УУД:

– осуществлять саморегуляцию и самоконтроль;
– оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, возможности ее решения;
– совместно с учителем и одноклассниками давать оценку деятельности на уроке;
– выделять и осознавать то, что уже усвоено и что еще нужно усвоить.

Познавательные УУД:

– синтез – составление целого из частей; установление причинно-следственных связей;
– осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания;
– осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания с использованием опоры;
– осознанное и произвольное построение диалогического речевого высказывания с использованием плана; 
– свободная ориентация и восприятие текста.

Коммуникативные УУД:

– слушать и понимать речь учителя, а также видео.
– уметь с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации;
– планировать учебное сотрудничество с учителем и сверстниками;
– владеть диалогической формой речи в соответствии с грамматическими и синтаксическими нормами родного языка;
– владение монологической речью.

Ход урока:

 Организационный  момент.

T:Good morning boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! Let’s begin our English lesson. Today we are going to have a talk about Usain Bolt, sport and the Olympic Games. We`ll watch a short film, read and speak  about it.


 Речевая разминка.

T: Are you against or for sports?

Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?

Is sport a part of our everyday life?

Is sport important to you?

What is your favourite kind of sport?

 Who is the best sportsman in your class?

What kinds of sports are popular in Russia?

Who is your favourite sportsman?

Please, look at the screen and guess the sportsman.(Презентация)

T: Who is he? Who is she?  What sport does he (she) do?Tell me do you know anything about Usain Bolt?

P: I know that he`s a legendary Jamaican Track and Field Athlete.

T: So, what is the theme of our lesson?

P: Sport and the Olympic Games; Usain Bolt.

T:We`ll watch a short film about him, but first lets read the  text to get some more information about  Usain Bolt.

Работа с текстом.

Read the text and do the tasks below.

«The fastest man alive».

 Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world, winning three gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, and becoming the first man in Olympic history to win both the 100-meter and 200-meter races in record times. Bolt also won three Olympic gold medals at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London. He ran the men`s 100-meter race in 9.63 seconds, a new Olympic record, making him the first man in history to set three world records in Olympic competition. He made history again at the 2016  Summer  Games in Rio when he won gold in the 100-meter and 200-meter race, earning three gold medals at three consecutive Olympics for a total of 9 gold medals over the course of his Olympic career.

 Usain Bolt was born in Jamaica on 21 August, 1986. He grew with his parents, Wellesley and Jennifer Bolt, his brother Sadiki and his sister Sherine.  His  parents ran the local grocery store in the rural area, and  Usain spent his time playing cricket and football in the street with his brother, later saying, «When I was young, I didn`t really think about anything other than sports».

 In his personal life, Bolt expresses love for dancing and his character is frequently described as laid-back and relaxed. He has the nickname «Lightning Bolt» due to his name and speed. Bolt is Catholic and known for making the sign of the cross before racing competitively, and he wears a miraculous medal during his races.


Answer the following questions.

-  What do you know about Usain Bolt?

-  How many medals did he win in Rio?

-  How many Olympic medals has he won in total?

-  What do you know about his character?

- What do you know about his childhood?

- What do you know about his life?

- Why does he have the nickname «Lightning Bolt»?


Read the text and match the title to each paragraph. One title is extra.

1. Early years.                                                               

2. Personal life.

3. Olympic Gold and World Records.

4. Sponsorships and advertising work.


Подготовка к просмотру видео.


   T: Now we are going to watch an animated film « The boy who learned to fly», based on the life of Usain Bolt.

T: Work in pairs. Match the words with their meanings.

1. No worries.                                        A) Вовремя.

2. What`s the matter with you?              B) Быть искусным в ч-л.

3. Right on time.                                      C) Сенсация.

4. To beat somebody in a race.                 D) Что с тобой?

5.To win.                                                    E) Невероятный.

6. To be great in something.                      F) Выигрывать.

7. Increadible.                                             G) Не волнуйся.

8.Sensation.                                                  H)  Победить к-л в беге.

T:You`ll hear the conversation between Usain and his mother. His mother`s advice was:

«All worries do weigh you down».«You always go faster when you keep it light».

How do you understand it?

Учащиеся:  «Все волнения только отягощают тебя».    «Ты побежишь быстрее, если будешь легче к этому относиться».

I think, you are ready to watch the movie. I`m sure you`ll like it.

Просмотр мультфильма.После просмотра обсуждение и выполнение упражнений.

T: I would like you to do the exercise, the task is: choose who said that? There are 4 variants .

1.Who said that? a)Usain, b) Usain’s mother, c) a man, d) a teacer, e) a commentator


1).“Not gonna be late, not gonna be late”

2). “Hey, wait, you forgot your lunch”

3) “Hey, boy , what’s matter with you?”

4) OK, lunch time, everyone outside!

5) What if I don’t win?

6) Here comes the teenage sensation Usain Bolt sprinting down racetrack

7) The boy I know has no worries, because all worries ever do is weigh you down

8) Come on, that’s  from here to that tree

9) You can always go faster when you keep it light.

10) You did good, but if you want to be great, you wanner  have to take more seriously.


 The next task. Work in pairs.

2. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1) What if I                                                      a) with you?

2)  Since when did you become                     b) to that tree

3) You wanna have to take it                         c) you don’t win?

4) What`s the matter                                      d) don’t win?

5) All worries                                                e) when you keep it light

6) You always go faster                               f) do weigh you down

7) Come on, that’s  from here                     g) sprinting down racetrack

8) Here comes the teenage sensation Usain Bolt          h) mama

9) No worries,                                            i) so serious, boy?

10) What if                                               j) more seriously

3. Work in groups pretending you are either a journalist or a famous sportsman Usain.  Use the phrases given to you in the cards.
Questions  for composing a dialogue.

-Hello! Could you answer some questions? 

-Do you have ideals in sport? 
-Were you sure you could win?
-What helped you to overcome (
преодолеть) difficulties? 
-Were you successful at the beginning?
-Do you take part in preparing your equipment?
-Do you feel nervous before the competition? 
-Are there any unpleasant things in your situation?
-How did you start?
-I wish you good luck in the future.
-Where were you born?
-Do your parents help you?
-Do you have a dream?

– Well, what do you want to know?
- I dream to have a rest in a hot place near a warm sea. 
– I was born in a small town near Moscow.

– My dream is to have a lot of ice-cream and sweets.
- It helps to become strong, energetic, to look cool.
- I was often ill in my childhood and my parents brought me to the skating rink

-I worked hard and hoped I would achieve a good result.
-I admired Vyacheslav Vedenin and his race in Sapporo in 1972.
- I regard many sportsmen but I want to be myself.
- Of course!
-Thank you for your attention.
-It’s very beautiful artistic and musical.
-I try to get rid of stress thinking about pleasant things.
- My parents…. I think I couldn’t win that gold medal without their help.


T: Tell me, how does the film make you feel?


P1. The film was so beautiful and so touching, now I’m asking myself why I haven’t heard of it before.

P2. This video changed my whole life I will never get back.

P3. I find this video very useful and interesting.

P4.I really liked it. Usain Bolt is truly a legend.

P5. My dream is to be like Usain Bolt. He is my hero.

P6. I find this video and the lesson great because it has a deep meaning.

P7. It teaches us to be hardworking.

P8. It teaches us try, try and try again.

P9. A little progress every day adds up to big results.


Подведение итогов.

Учитель: Does the film have a massage?

-          Yes,  we have to be hardworking and believe in our dreams because a man without a dream like a bird without wings.

-           Usain wanted to be the fastest man in the world and his mother`s advice helped him to overcome his fears and the pressure of  performance.


Учитель: I want to say that you have to appreciate your parents,  and  it`s very important to choose the right advice?

 Домашнее задание.

Учитель: Our lesson is over. Thank for your work.


Your home task: Draw your favourite scene from the cartoon with label.

At the next lesson we will put all the drawings together and make a video book.



























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