Урок в 9 классе "The main secret of true friendship"
Оценка 4.8

Урок в 9 классе "The main secret of true friendship"

Оценка 4.8
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9 кл
Урок в 9 классе "The main secret of true friendship"
Учебник 9 класс. Авторы: Лапицкая Л. М., Демченко Н. В., Волков А. В.,
The main secret of a true friendship.docx

Lesson 5.

Урок в 9 классе

The main secret of a true friendship


Совершенствовать лексические навыки (повторение и обобщение лексических единиц по теме «Friendship» Лексика  Unit 1 и  lessons 1–3,  Unit2

Способствовать воспитанию таких нравственных качеств учащихся, как дружелюбное отношение друг к другу.

Способствовать развитию умений монологической речи,

развивать навыки чтения и разговорную речь, навыки воспроизведения.



Аудио запись ex. 3a, Карточки для ex. 2a(приложение),   Учебник 9 класс.

Авторы: Лапицкая Л. М., Демченко Н. В., Волков А. В., видео, смайлы для рефлексии


I.                  Введение в урок и определение целей.

T: Let’s go on speaking about your friends. You explained why your friend is not just an acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns]  . But let’s learn more about the personality of your friend. Maybe we’ll be able to guess what exactly makes your friendship worthwhile and true.


T: Can you guess the aim of our lesson?

Ss: Discover the main secret of a true friendship.

T: Yes. And speak about it (8–10 sentences).

II.               Развитие грамматических навыков

Просмотр видео объясняющее использование Look like: Look like, Be like, Alike - the preposition like



Ex.2 a

T: Read the examples of using LOOK LIKE чтение примеров использования LOOK LIKE

What does he look like? – it is a question about his appearance:

He’s tall and good-looking.

What is he like? – it is a question about his character: He’s

very sociable and easy to deal with.

What does he like? – it is a question about his interests and


like + N – to like a person or thing: He likes sport.

like + Ving – to like smth in general: I like hanging out with

friends every weekend.

like + to V – to think it’s a good idea: I like to help my


T. Correct errors in these sentences.(на доске)

1.Why are you so pale? You like a ghost.

2. I don’t like to eat Italian food. Let’s go to Italian restaurant!

3. I would like when my younger sister enjoys swimming.

4. I want to go to the stadium. There is nothing look like a good physical exercise.

5. I don’t want to be would like my brother. He always grumbles.

III. Физминутка

T. Let's have a dynamic pause to the music!

Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that rose
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again.

IV. Практическая часть.

SB, ex. 2a

T: Read the information about questions with “like”. Answer  the questions

1. Have you got a friend?

1. У тебя есть друг?

2. What does he / she look

like? Does he / she take after

his / her parents?

2. Как он / она выглядит?

Он / Она похож(а) на родите-


3. What does he / she like?

3. Что ему / ей нравится?

4. What is he / she like?

(Does he / she often smile?

Is he / she usually happy?

Is he/she sociable / confident

/ full of beans / intelligent

/ responsible /

re liable / hard-working /

kind-hearted / honest? Is

he / she an optimist or

a pessimist?)

4. Какой(ая) он / она? (Он /

она часто улыбается? Он / она

обычно счастли в(а)? Он / она

общительный(ая) / уве рен-

ный(ая) / энергич ный(ая) / ум-

ный(ая) / ответственный(ая) /

надеж ный(ая) / трудо люби-

вый(ая) / добросердеч ный(ая) /

честный(ая)? Он / она опти-

мист или пессимист?)

5. What can you say about the relationship with your friend? (Do you get on well with your friend? Do you often quarrel? Do you easily make up? Does he/ she offend you? Does he /

she easily compromise?

Can he / she avoid conflicts? Is he / she easy to deal with?)

5. Что ты можешь сказать об отношениях со своим другом? (Ты с ним ладишь? Вы часто ссоритесь? Вы легко

миритесь? Он / Она обижает тебя? Он / Она легко идет на компромисс? Он / Она умеет избегать конфликтов? С ним /ней легко иметь дело?)

6. How do you feel with

your friend? Secure or insecure?

Comfortable or uncomfortable? Safe or unsafe? Supported or unsupported?

6. Как ты себя чувствуешь рядом со своим другом? Надежно или ненадежно? Комфортно или некомфортно?

Безопасно или небезопасно?

Он / Она тебя поддерживает или нет?

7. Is he / she trustworthy?

7. Он / Она заслуживает  доверие?

8. Do you like spending time together?

8. Тебе нравится проводить время вместе?

9. Do you appreciate your friendship?

9. Ты ценишь вашу дружбу?

10. What’s the main secret of your friendship?

10. Какой главный секрет вашей дружбы?

SB, ex. 2b. (работа с карточками)

T. Choose a card with a question and answer the question.


V. Заключительный этап.

Выставление оценок. Домашняя работа

Your marks…

I’m satisfied with your work today. You were active during the lesson.

Домашняя работа: Ex. 3a  p. 4









Приложение разрезные карточки с вопросами:

1. Have you got a friend?

2. What does he / she look like? Does he / she take after his / her parents?

3. What does he / she like?

4. What is he / she like?

(Does he / she often smile?

Is he / she usually happy?

Is he/she sociable / confident / full of beans \intelligent

/ responsible /re liable / hard-working / kind-hearted / honest?

Is he / she an optimist or a pessimist?)

5. What can you say about the relationship with your friend? (Do you get on well with your friend? Do you often quarrel? Do you easily make up? Does he/ she offend you? Does he /she easily compromise?

Can he / she avoid conflicts?

Is he / she easy to deal with?)

6. How do you feel with your friend? Secure or insecure?

Comfortable or uncomfortable? Safe or unsafe? Supported or unsupported?

7. Is he / she trustworthy?

8. Do you like spending time together?

9. Do you appreciate your friendship?

10. What’s the main secret of your friendship?





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Lesson 5. Урок в 9 классе

Lesson 5. Урок в 9 классе

He’s tall and good-looking.

He’s tall and good-looking.

What can you say about the relationship with your friend? (Do you get on well with your friend?

What can you say about the relationship with your friend? (Do you get on well with your friend?

Приложение разрезные карточки с вопросами: 1

Приложение разрезные карточки с вопросами: 1

Урок в 9 классе "The main secret of true friendship"

Урок в 9 классе "The main secret of true friendship"
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