Урок английского языка на тему "Моя одежда" разработан для учащихся 1 класса. Учащиеся повторяют лексический материал по данной теме, развивают умения и навыки говорения, письма, аудирования. Урок проходит в игровой форме. План урока составлен на основе УМК "Family and Friends".
1grade 22.02.docx
LESSON: My clothes
School: # 81 Astana English School Gymnasium
CLASS: 1 «В»
that this
lesson is
Teacher name: Bakhtiyarova A.Zh.
Number present:
1. L1 recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly
and distinctly
1. R1 recognise initial letters in names of clothes
1. S1 make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects.
All learners will be able to:
pronounce the names of clothes
recognize Teacher’s instructions
5 minutes
Most learners will be able to:
recognise and name clothes
answer in the given structure
Some learners will be able to:
Read and write the names of clothes
My clothes
Planned activities (replace the notes below with
your planned activities)
“Hello” Song
Good afternoon, boys and girls!
How are you today?
Sing “Hello” Song
Can you clap your hands!
Hello, hello,
Can you clap your hands!
Can you stretch your arms!
Can you touch your toes!
Can you turn around!
Can you say Hello!
Can you stamp your feet!
Hello, hello,
Can you stamp your feet!
Can you stretch your arms!Can you touch your toes!
Can you turn around!
Can you say Hello!
Warm up activity
Teacher asks: How the weather today?
It’s sunny.(It’s cold. It’s windy...)
To revise the days of the week. What day is it
today? It’s Wednesday. Let’s revise all the days of
the week. Students name the days of the week.
T asks students Whose bag is this? Is it
yours? No. It’s interesting who forgot this
bag. Let’s look! What is there in the bag?
What are these? These are trousers. What is
this? This is… What do you think about the
theme of our lesson? Students say
“Clothes” Yes, today we are going to revise
the clothes.
Let’s revise the words.There are flashcards
on the board and the teacher asks: What’s
this? What are these? This is… These are…
The flashcards are upside down, the
students come to the board, choose one of
the card and name the word, then spell the
Group work
Teacher asks students Get Dressed! The class is
divided into 2 teams. On the board write teams 1, 2
plus the names of the team members.
1.Each team needs to designate who they are going
to dress (a boy or a girl).
2.Write items of clothing (between 4 and 6 items)
under each group.
Tell the children that the first team to dress their
person is the winner. Tell them to 'get ready', count
down .The speaker from the team will describe the
poster. His/her name is… This is his/her … These
are his/her …
The song “Put on your shoes”
Now children we are going to play another game.
Your task is to make up the clothes words as many
as possible. I’ll give you cards with letters. For this
work 5 minutes. Which team has more words than
the other will be the winner.
Physical exercise “Arms up, arms down”
Each student takes a card with the task “Read and
colour” Colour the skirt red. Colour the shirt blue.
Flashcards clothes
Children’s clothes, bag
Cards with the ABC letters
Physical exercise
“Arms up, arms
down”Colour the shoes brown. Colour the hats pink.
Colour the trousers yellow.
What have you learned from today’s lesson? If
you like the lesson you’ll stick on smiles.
Stickers, smiles
2 minutes
Checked by the viceprincipal of English department _______ K.T.Kozhanova
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