Урок английского языка по теме «Ты любишь телевикторины?» в 8 классе

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  • 07.03.2018
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Тема урока «Ты любишь телевикторины?» 8 класс Цели: введение и тренировка новой лексики по теме «Телевидение»; развитие навыков аудирования. Оборудование: компьютер, диск с аудиозаписью к уроку, записи на доске Тип урока: комбинированный Ход урока 1. Организационный момент - We need to learn some more new words to speak about the media. Then you will learn to differentiate the words that sound similar and to make own dictionaries.
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Организационный момент Фонетическая разминка Речевая разминка 3 четверть 8 класс 53 урок Дата: Тема урока «Ты любишь телевикторины?» Цели: введение и тренировка новой лексики по теме «Телевидение»; развитие навыков аудирования. Оборудование: компьютер, диск с аудиозаписью к уроку, записи на доске Тип урока: комбинированный Ход урока 1. - We need to learn some more new words to speak about the media. Then you will learn to differentiate the words that sound simslar and to make own dictionaries. 2. - Learn to pronounce the new words. Open your textbooks at p. 68, see ex. 22. Repeat the words after speaker. TT͢ Ps Read yourselves. P1, P2, P3 3. - Learn to use the new words. Do ex. 23, p.68 in writing Keys: 1. 2. 3. 4. successfully. 5. 6. 7. My mom is always at home. She quitted working last year. - 4. - See ex. 26 on p.68. Read the conversations. Translate them into Russian. Choose one of the dialogues and act it out. Do you think she’ll manage to pass her Maths exam? Sir, I’ve finished writing my tests. Can I quit? During the World War II Russians proved their courage many times. Teenagers are hard to manage. But our teacher does it quite Radio proved to be the most common mass media. Can you prove that you are right? Read your answer. Обучение диалогической речи- Last lesson we began with the pronunciation of words that sound alike. Can you name any of them? - Now try yourselves. Open ex. 24, p.68. Listen and read the words. Do the task under the letter b). check your answers in groups of four. Keys: [hu:z] – who’s – whose [its] – it’s – its [mi:t] – meat – meet [ǝ’rest] – arrest – a rest [si:] – sea – see [ǝ’dres] – address – a dress [ðeǝ] – their – there [nǝu] – no – know [pi:s] – peace – piece [rait] – right – write [wɔ:] – war – wore [tu:] – two – to [t⨜ek] – check – cheque [hiǝ] – hear – here [ǝ”laud] – aloud – allowed [nj:] – new – knew [w˄n] – one – won - 5. Физкультминутка Stand up! Stand straight! Hands up! Hands down! Hands to the sides! Hands forward! Hands backward! Hands on your hips! Turn to the left! Turn to the right! Bend left! Bend right! Bend down, your hands touching your toes. Hands up! Grow as tall as a tall tree! Nod your head! I see that you are tired. Have a rest, please/Обучение лексике – Now listen to the sentences. Tick the words which you have heard in Turn your head to the left, to the right! Stretch yourselves! Move your fingers! 6. 7. the sentences. See ex. 25 on p. 68. First look through the words. Keys: 1. Учитель вразброс записывает на доске слова Whether , it’s right , it’s here, address - Who says the last sentence is the winner. it’s 2. Whether 3. Its 4. Address 5. Right 6. Here Make up your own sentences with these words. Do it in a turn. The Internet is a set of information which can be used with the help of A music programme is a programme which gives us information about Примерный словарь: An advert – is a short film or a short article which gives us information - We continue talking about television. You need to know different words connected with television. Learn to arrange them in alphabetic order. Read the task of ex. 27, p. 69. Work in groups. Write your own mass media mini- dictionary. - - about an object and makes us buy it. - a computer. - the modern trends of music and lets us listen to it. - - about love usually w3ith a happy end. - information about sports competitions. - problems expressing their opinions. - information about weather for the next day - 8. A quiz is a set of questions on different subjects to be asked. A soap opera is a serial about relationships between people especially At home write about your favourite TV programme. Подведение итогов урока Sports news is a TV or radio programme or an article giving A talk show is a TV programme where people discuss different A weather forecast is a TV or radio programme or an article giving9. - what new words have you learnt at the lesson? Name the pairs of words that sound similar. That’s all for today. Thank you very much. Your marks for today… The bell has gone, you may be free. Good-bye. 10. Домашнее задание – уч. стр. 22 упр. 68 выучить¸упр. 16 стр. 87