Урок-путешествие по теме «Living together»
Тема урока: «An Englishman’s Home is his Castle»
Цель урока: 1. Актуализация лексических единиц по теме «My house»
2. Развитие навыков информативного чтения с полным пониманием текста.
3. Активизация навыков поискового чтения.
4. Знакомство со страноведческим материалом по теме «Здания в Британии»
Оснащение урока: Нетбук, мультимедиа проектор, карточки для работы в группах.
Ход урока:
1. Организация класса и фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Good morning, children!
Children: Good morning!
T: Do you like travelling?
Ch: Yes, of course.
T: We’ll make a voyage by motor boat to Great Britain. Would you like to join me?
Well, we’ll sit into the motor boat. (На доске написано стихотворение «The motor boat»
Read after me. ( учитель читает по строчке, ученики повторяют за ним хором)
Read with me. ( дети читают стихотворение, выполняя движения за учителем)
2. Развитие навыков информативного чтения. Введение новых лексических единиц.
1. Teacher: Now we have arrived. Let’s begin our excursion. We’ll see some interesting buildings today.
( дети смотрят презентацию “Buildings”, рассматривают здания и достопримечательности, читают тексты и переводят незнакомые слова)
2. T: Match the houses and the words, ex. 40, p. 67 (workbook)
3. T: write 5-7 adjectives to describe these houses.
Example: The terraced house is new, high, comfortable and warm.
4. Физкультминутка
T: I think you are a little tired. Let’s jump into the motor boat again and we’ll rest and repeat “The Motor Boat” (дети повторяют стихотворение с движениями)
5. T: Listen to the proverb “An Englishman’s home is his castle”. Give the Russian equivalent for it.
P1: Мой дом – моя крепость.
T: Why do you think Englishmen say so?
P2: Englishmen like their homes.
P3: They like to spend time with their families at home.
P4: English families are very close and English people don’t like to invite guests at their homes.
T: I agree with you here. But now it’s time for the game.
5. T: Look at these houses. Match the houses and the descriptions. Work in groups! The first group finds the description to a semi – detached house, the second – to a terraced house, the third – to a detached house and the fourth – to block of flats.
(Учитель даёт на экране изображения домов и их названия, ученики работают в группе и выбирают из предложенных фраз те, которые подходят для описания различных домов. Затем лидер группы показывает изображение дома, его название и зачитывает описание.)
P1: This is a semi-detached house. This building has two or three storeys; it has a garage at the side of the house, a garden, a fence around the house. It has many rooms upstairs and downstairs: a sitting room, bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a dining room, a playroom for children. There are two houses in one, it is for two families.
T: Do you agree with the members of this group? Is it correctly?
P2: I agree with them. (I don’t agree with the statement…)
P3: And this is a detached house. This building has two or three storeys; it has a garage at the side of the house, a garden, a fence around the house. It has many rooms upstairs and downstairs: a sitting room, bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a dining room, a playroom for children. It is for one family.
P4: This is a terraced house. This building has the ground floor, the first floor, the second floor and the third floor. There’s no lift. There’re many flats here. Each flat has a balcony and a room or two or three rooms. It has central heating system.
P5: This is block of flats. This building is big. It’s a row of houses. There’re bedrooms, kitchens, sitting-rooms, bathrooms for different families.
T: Which group was the best, the second one and the third one?
( учащиеся оценивают работу каждой группы, учитель выставляет оценки )
3. Итог урока и домашнее задание:
T: Our voyage to Great Britain is over. Did you like it?
P1: Of course. It was interesting/
P2: …..
T: Your homework is:
1. Learn new words by heart.
2. Read the interview ex. 44, p. 136 and guess which house does Mr. Phillpot live in.
Write out the description of his house.
1. Презентация “Buildings in Great Britain”
2. Раздаточный материал для работы в группах “The houses and their descriptions”
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