is female home bull (быка). Bred (разводят) for meat, milk and leather (кожи).
The ancestor (предок) of the domestic cows was a wild bull. The cow is a large, massive animal. Teeth cows are
adapted (приспособлены) for chewing (пережевывания) the vegetable food. Canines (клыки) are missing.
Shaggy (шершавый) and movable (подвижный) tongue covered with papillae (сосочками). Muzzle (морда) in
cows large and wide. The head of cows has 2 hollow (полых) horns (рога), although there are polled (безрогие)
cow. In cows short heavy (массивная) neck. The tail is long and thick with a tassel (кисточкой) at the end.
Females in the groin (паховой) area is located udder (вымя) mammary gland (железа). The body is covered with
short hair (шерстью) white, black, red or brown color in different tones. The cows are gregarious (стадные)
animals. The basic (основу) feed cattle (крупного рогатого скота) make up the plant food. Cows eat hay (сено),
branches fodder (корм), straw (солому), silage (силос), grass, beet (свёклу), oil cakes (жмыхи), granulated
fodder (гранулированный корм), grain (зерно). Cows live in a barn (хлеву) or on the farm, in the summer grazing
(пасутся) in the field.
Hamsters are subfamily (подсемейство) rodents (грызунов). This rodents with short limbs (конечностями),
small ears and short tails. Painting (окраска) thick fur (меха) on the back of ash (пепельно) or brownish grey
(буроватосерой) to dark brownochre (коричневоохристой); belly (живот) black, white or grey. Sometimes
along the back (спины) is a black stripe. There are very advanced (развитые) hominids bags (защечные пазухи).
Feed on plant and animal food, mainly seeds (семянами). The house hamsters live in a cage (клетке). Cage
hamster must be spacious (просторной). The cage should be a wheel (колесо) with a solid running surface
(сплошной беговой поверхностью).
Aquarium fish are ornamental (декоративные) fish, which contain (содержат) the aquarium. Aquarium fish
originate (появились) in China. The Chinese began to breed (разводить) fish aquarium still from the year 1500
BC. For aquarium fish is characterized (характерна) by bright decorative painting, bizarre (причудливая) body
shape (форма) and small size (размер). The most popular variation (разновидность) of aquarium fish are the gold
fish. For each fish is required (нужно) about 2 liters of water to 5 cm in body length (длины). In the aquarium
must be equipped (оборудовать) with artificial (искусственным) lighting, light attracts (привлекает) the attention
(внимание) of the fish to feed (еде) on the surface (поверхности) of the water. It is very important that the water
in the aquarium was always clean. Feed the fish should be 12 times a day..
is female home bull (быка). Bred (разводят) for meat, milk and leather (кожи).
The ancestor (предок) of the domestic cows was a wild bull. The cow is a large, massive animal. Teeth cows are
adapted (приспособлены) for chewing (пережевывания) the vegetable food. Canines (клыки) are missing.
Shaggy (шершавый) and movable (подвижный) tongue covered with papillae (сосочками). Muzzle (морда) in
cows large and wide. The head of cows has 2 hollow (полых) horns (рога), although there are polled (безрогие)
cow. In cows short heavy (массивная) neck. The tail is long and thick with a tassel (кисточкой) at the end.
Females in the groin (паховой) area is located udder (вымя) mammary gland (железа). The body is covered with
short hair (шерстью) white, black, red or brown color in different tones. The cows are gregarious (стадные)
animals. The basic (основу) feed cattle (крупного рогатого скота) make up the plant food. Cows eat hay (сено),
branches fodder (корм), straw (солому), silage (силос), grass, beet (свёклу), oil cakes (жмыхи), granulated
fodder (гранулированный корм), grain (зерно). Cows live in a barn (хлеву) or on the farm, in the summer grazing
(пасутся) in the field.
Hamsters are subfamily (подсемейство) rodents (грызунов). This rodents with short limbs (конечностями),
small ears and short tails. Painting (окраска) thick fur (меха) on the back of ash (пепельно) or brownish grey
(буроватосерой) to dark brownochre (коричневоохристой); belly (живот) black, white or grey. Sometimes
along the back (спины) is a black stripe. There are very advanced (развитые) hominids bags (защечные пазухи).
Feed on plant and animal food, mainly seeds (семянами). The house hamsters live in a cage (клетке). Cage
hamster must be spacious (просторной). The cage should be a wheel (колесо) with a solid running surface
(сплошной беговой поверхностью).
Aquarium fish are ornamental (декоративные) fish, which contain (содержат) the aquarium. Aquarium fish
originate (появились) in China. The Chinese began to breed (разводить) fish aquarium still from the year 1500
BC. For aquarium fish is characterized (характерна) by bright decorative painting, bizarre (причудливая) body
shape (форма) and small size (размер). The most popular variation (разновидность) of aquarium fish are the gold
fish. For each fish is required (нужно) about 2 liters of water to 5 cm in body length (длины). In the aquarium must be equipped (оборудовать) with artificial (искусственным) lighting, light attracts (привлекает) the attention
(внимание) of the fish to feed (еде) on the surface (поверхности) of the water. It is very important that the water
in the aquarium was always clean. Feed the fish should be 12 times a day.
Урок английского языка "Животные Архангельской области"
Урок английского языка "Животные Архангельской области"
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