'Пәні: Ағылшын тілі
Сынып: 5 а,v
Сабақтың тақырыбы My favourite subject is PE?
Сабақтың мақсаты
Оқушыларға бір-бірлерінің cүйікті пәндері туралы таныстыру. Диалогтық қарым-қатынасқа түсе отырып, сөздік қорын молайту.
Оқытудың нәтижелері
Ағылшынша санай алады. Қай жерге тұратыны туралы айта алады. Диалогтық қарым-қатынасқа түседі. Сөздік қоры молаяды.
Негізгі дерек-көздер
Жемістердің суреті, плакат, маркер, бағалау парақшасы, стикер.
Модульдің кіріктірілуі
Оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер, Сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету, Оқыту үшін бағалау және оқудағы үшін бағалау, Ақпараттық-коммуникативтік технологияларды оқыту, Дарынды және талантты балаларды оқыту, Оқушыларды жас ерешеліктеріне сәйкес оқыту және оқу, Оқытудағы басару және көшбасшылық.
Сабақтың барысы
Топқа бөлу
Жеміс атауларымен оқушыларды 2 топқа бөлу. «Apple», «Orange»
Жемістердің суреті
2 минут
Ынтымақтастық атмосферасын қалыптастыру.
Жемістерді бір-бірлеріне ұсына отырып, бір-бірлеріне тілек айтқызу арқылы сыныпта ынтымақтастық атмосферасын қалыптастыру.
Жеміс суреттері
5 минут
Үй тапсырмасын тексеру.
«Уақыт шеңбері» әдісімен үй тапсырмасын бекіту.
Жазбаша жазып келген тапсырмаларын оқытып, бағалату.
Берілген сұрақтарға жауап беру арқылы диалогтық қарым-қатынасқа түседі.
Жазбаша жазып келген жаттығу жұмыстарын бағалау критерийлеріне сүйене отырып топ басшысы бағалайды.
Бағалау прақшасы, жеміс-жидек түрлері
Жаңа сабақтың таныстырылымы
5 минут
10 минут
Ex 1p 114 . «Сұрақ-жауап» әдісі
весна- spring [sprɪŋ]
лето- summer ['sʌmə]
осень- autumn ['ɔːtəm]
зима - winter ['wɪntə]
Жаңа сөздермен танысу
August [ɔ'gʌst] август
September[sep'tembə] сентябрь
October[o̷k'təubə] октябрь
November[nəu'vembə] ноябрь
December[dı'sembə] декабрь
Бағалау прақшасы, жеміс-жидек түрлері
Жаңа сабақты қолдану
7 минут
3 минут
«Суреттеу» стратегиясы бойынша жаңа сабақтың тақырыбын ашқызу.
Ex 3p 115 . Суретпен жұмыс жасалады.
Бағалау прақшасы, жеміс-жидек түрлері
Жаңа сабақты қорытындылау
5 минут
Жинақтау. «Суретпен жұмыс» әдісімен жаңа сабақты қорытындылау.
Ex 4, 5p 115
Ағылшын сөздерді суретке қарап табады.
Бағалау прақшасы, жеміс-жидек түрлері
3 минут
Бағалау. Топтық бағалау.
Жеміс-жидектер түрімен формативті бағалау.
Көк алма – толық түсіндім
Құлпынай – жартылай түсіндім
Апельсин – мүлдем түсінбедім.
Бағалау критерийлеріне сүйене отырып топ басшысы топ мүшелерін бағалатады.
Жемс-жидек түрлерімен формативті бағалау.
Сыныптасын критериалды бағалау.
Жеміс-жидек түрлерімен формативті бағалау
Бағалау прақшасы, жеміс-жидек түрлері
2 минут
«КҮН» кері байланысын орнату. Тақтаға күннің сары дөңгелегі ілінеді, сабақ соңында оқушылар күн сәулелерін іледі. Ол үшін оқушыларға сары түсті сәуле-бүгінгі сабақ өте ұнады, өзіме қызықты мәліметтер алдым. Көгілдір түс- сабақ қызық емес, ешқандай пайдалы мәлімет алғаным жоқ.
The theme : step2 "Eating habits”
The aims of the lesson:
1) Educational: Presentation of the lesson about "Eating habits”, to train new words and discussion an English language.
2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to revise Numbers and letters.
3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom.
Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English
The type of the lesson: presentation, integrative
Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction
The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters
The procedure of the lesson
I) Organization moment
a) Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
b) A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk about the weather?
-What date is it today? - What month is it now?
Phonetic drills
1)Let’s find out the theme of our today’s lesson and revise the ABC. Every
number means the letter. You should find out the words.
13. 25 – my
Now repeat after me.
2)[ ei] – cake, grape.
[٨] – butter, much.
[iә] – here, near, idea.
[eә] – hear, there, share.
[ei] – make, say, they.
[oi] – boy, enjoy, voice.
Checking the homework. 5 sentences what subjects you like, what subjects your
friend likes, and what he/ she is good at, and you are good at. Asking the new
words Subject[‘sʌbdʒekt] Пән
P. E.[pi: i:] Денешынықтыру, a gymnasium
[dʒɪmˈneɪzɪəm] спортзал , a
library[ ˈlʌɪbrəri] кіапхана, a
canteen[ kanˈtiːn]
асхана, a
computer room[kəmˈpjuːtə ruːm] информатика кабинеті, a
playground[ˈpleɪɡraʊnd] ойын алаңы, a yard
[jɑːd]аула, a swimming pool
[ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl]бассейн, like [ˈlaɪk]ұнату, a house[ haʊs] үй, a tree [triː]ағаш, dance
[ dɑːns]билеу, play chess[ plei
шахмат ойнау,
football [ ˈfʊtbɔːl]футбол,
tennis[ ˈtɛnɪs]теннис,
volleyball [ˈvɒlɪbɔːl]волейбол.
P1, P2, P3, P4
Work with new words.
Biscuit [ˈbɪskɪt]- печенье, cheese [tʃiːz]- сыр, hamburger
[ ˈhambəːɡə]-гамбургер, potato
[pəˈteɪtəʊ]-картоп, dairy [ˈdеәri]-
сүттен жасалған,
vegetable [ˈvɛdʒtəb(ə)l]-көкеніс, mushroom
саңырауқұлақ, carrot [ˈkarət]- сәбіз, meat [miːt]- ет, chicken
milk [milk]-
tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ]- қызанақ, butter
май ,
strawberry [ˈstrɔːb(ə)ri]- құпынай, juice
sausage [ˈsɒsɪdʒ]- шұжық
Repeat after me.
T => Cl, P1, P2, P3 ….
IV) The new theme. Some, a, an, any
Open your books at page 222.
Listen to me.
There are some apples. Болымды сөйлем.
There aren’t any flowers. Боымсыз сөйлем.
Are there any books? Сұраулы сөйлем.
Some, any зат есімнің алдыңда тұрады.
There are some books.
We have some apple trees in our garden.
There is some milk in the bottle.
I have some cheese in the fridge.
Countable and uncountable nouns.
Uncountable nouns:
- Rain - жаңбыр
- Water - су
- Bread - нан
- Milk - сүт
- Tea - шай
- Sugar - қант
Ex. 1 p. 117 Match the words with the pictures. Listen and repeat the words.
__11__meat __2____milk
__3___hamburger ___5___carrot
__7___biscuit ___8___butter
__10__cheese __6____chip
__4___potato ___9___juice
P1, P2, P3, P4
Ex. 2 p. 118 Talk to your partner.
Which food do you like?
Which food don’t you like?
I like ------.
I like ------.
I don’t like -----.
Ex. 3 p. 118 Listen to me.
A mushroom – some mushrooms
Some cheese – some cheese
Ex. 4 p. 118 Put the words in exercise 1 into the correct column. Can you add some more work?
Hamburger meat
Potato cheese
Strawberry butter
Carrot milk
Biscuit chips
Make up the dialogue
- Do you
like …?
- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t
V) The end of the lesson
- Your homework is Ex.10 p.120. Put the words in the column.
tʃ dʒ ʃ
learn by heart the new words.
- The lesson is over, goodbye!
Сыныбы: 6v
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Keep warm (Жылы жүр)
Сабақтың мақсаты:
1.Білімділік: Ауру атауларының дұрыс айтылуын, жазылуын үйрету.Сұрақты дұрыс түсініп жауап беруге, жаңа сөздермен сөйлем құрастыра білуге үйрету
2. Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың ой – өрісін, белсенділігін, сөздік қорларын, тіл байлықтарын, танымдылықтарын арттыру.
3. Тәрбиелік: Салауатты өмір салтын ұстана отырып, жеке бас гигиенасын ұстану.
Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ
Сабақтың әдісі: көрнекілік, сұрақ – жауап
Сабақтың барысы:
I. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі:
- Good afternoon children
- How are you?
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
- What day and date is it today?
- Are you ready for the lesson?
- Ok let`s begin our lesson…
II. Warm up:
Packet glass tube pacage jar can
a __________ of toothpaste
a __________ of milk
a___________ of juice
a __________ of oil
a___________of water
a____________ of tissues
III. Phonetic drill:
- шаршаған - суық тиген
- ашулы -сырқат
- бақытты -бақытсыз
- мазасыз - көңілсіз
When I`m unhappy,I go to the doctor
When I`m happy , I don`t talk
When I`m tired ,I listen to music
When I`m angry,I drink hot tea
When I`m cold , I sing
When I`m ill , I bite my nails
When I`m worried ,I go to bed
IV. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру:
4- жаттығу
Places |
Weather |
Britain |
France |
Spain |
Africa |
V. Жаңа сабақты меңгерту:
Today we have new theme Keep warm. All together at first look at the board new words:
a headache - бас ауруы
a sore throat - тамақ ауруы
a backache - арқа ауруы
a cough - жөтел
a toothache - тіс ауруы
a fever - қызу, температура
a burn -күйік,күю
the flu - тұмау
Exercise 5. Read Asels diary and answer the questions below
1. When did she begin to feel ill?
2. What was the matter?
3. Did she have a headache in the
4. How long did she sleep?
5. How does she feel today?
6. Why is she staying in bed?
VI. Пысықтау:
Asel: Hello, Carol. How are you?
Carol: I feel terrible!
Asel: Oh,no!What`s wrong?
Carol: I`ve got a cold. A really bad cold. I zneeze all
the time and my temperature is 39 degrees. I
can`t read.I just feel terrible.
Asel: Poor you.Did you take aspirin?
Carol: Yes. I take four aspirins a day.But I still feel terrible.
Asel: I can tell you what to do.Take a lemon, and some honey, and
some hot water.Mix it together.Drink it when it is very hot.Do that six
times a day and you will feel better.And keep warm!
a) Asel is well
b) Carol feels very bad
c)Carol has a high temperature
d)Carol takes pills for her cold
e) Asel thinks Carol should keep warm
f)Honey and lemon is good for a cold
g) Asel thinks Carol should take some
cold water
VII. Бекіту:
Жаттығу 5
VIII. Үй тапсырмасы: Жаттығу 11 99 бет
Сыныбы: 6v
Сабақтың тақырыбы: “Modal
verbs” модальді етістіктер.
Сабақтың мақсаты:
Білімділік: Оқушыларға модальді етістіктің қолданылуын түсіндіру және сөздік қорларын молайту,білімдерін жетілдіру.
Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың оқу, жазу, сөйлеу және тыңдау арқылы түсіну қабілеттерін дамыту, ауызекі сөйлеу қабілеттерін арттыра отырып,түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы оқушылардың ойлау қабілеттерін жетілдіре түсу,есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыта отырып ,оларды көптілділікке баулу;
Тәрбиелік: Оқушылардың бойында адалдық,адамгершілік қасиеттерін қалыптастыру,сыйластыққа, елжандылыққа,отансүйгіштікке және өз сыныптасына құрметпенқарауға тәрбиелеу, мәдениеттілікке үйрету;
Сабақтың типі: жаңа сабақты меңгерту.
Сабақтың түрі: аралас
Оқыту технологиясы: : СТО,түсіндіре-баяндау әдісі, сұрақ-жауап әдісі,миға шабуыл әдісі
Көрнекілігі:грамматикалық таблица,электронды оқулық,карточкалар
Сабақ жоспары
І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
ІІ. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру.
ІІІ. Фонетикалық жаттығу.
ІV. Жаңа сабақты меңгерту.
V. Жаттығулар орындау
VIII. Сабақты бекіту БҮҰ мен жұмыс
XI .Бағалау .
X. Үйге тапсырма беру.
Сабақтың барысы:
. І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
-Good morning, children!
-Who is on duty today?
-What day is it today?
Before beginning our lesson let’s do psychological test.
Circle- you are sociable, kind person. In all places you are welcome, because you always help your friends and avoid conflicts.
Square- you are strong and hardworking person. You can get, rich everything you want.
Triangle- you are leader. You like to reach difficult aims, therefore you use and do everything.
Rectangle- You are very quite. You don’t show your emotions. You always follow other’s rules, points of view.
Zigzag- you are very original person. You have unusual thinking and taste.
Thank you.
II. Home work.
-What was your home task for today?
-Open your copy books, I’ll check your home task.
Ex: 16 Say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) or not given in the text (NG)
III. Phonetic drill.
Did do does
Did do does
Can could shall should
Must may might
Will would did do
Did do does
These are all the special words
IV. New lesson.
.. Модальді етістіктер — сөйлемге қатысатын
негізгі емес
(көмекші есімдіктермен (do, does, did) шатастырмаңыз) етістіктердің тобы. Олардың қатарына
мына етістіктер жатады (жақшада
өткен шақтағы түрі): can (could), could, may (might), might, must (had to),
have to, ought to, should, would, need to.Ағылшын
тілінде қызметіне
қарай етістіктер 3-ке бөлінеді.
Кейбір етістіктер кейде көмекші етістік, кейде мағыналы
етістік, ал кейде модальді етістік қызметін атқарады. Оны қызметіне
қарап білеміз. . Модальді етістікке келетін болсақ, олардың өзінше
ерекшелігі болады.
Модальді етістіктердің де көмекші
етістіктер сияқты 13 түрі бар.
(тақтада көрсетіледі)Олардың модальді етістік аталу себебі және ерекшелігі мыналар:
1) 13 етістіктің 7 –нен кейін яғни ( can, may, must, shall, should, need, dare )-
«to» қолданылмайды.
2) жақтарға байланысты (-S) жалғауы жалғанбайды.
3) сұраулы және болымсыз сөйлемді модальді етістік өзі жасайды яғни көмекші етістік қолданылмайды. Бүгінгі сабақта
модальді етістіктің
үшеуін яғни (саn,
must, might) өтеміз.
Can –істей білу/
алу, қабілеттілік, мүмкіндік, рұқсат , сыпайы түрдегі өтініш
Must- міндет, борыш, аса қажеттілік, міндетті болуы.
V. Doing exercises.
1.They (can/might)—–might——be away for the weekend but I’m not sure.
2. You (may/might)-may——leave now if you wish.
3. Could /May-Could——-you open the window a bit please?
4. He (can/could) Could be French, judging by his accent.
5.May/Can–Can——you play the piano?
6. Listen, please. You (may not/ might not)-may not——–speak during this exam.
7.They (can’t/may not)—Can’t—–still be out !
8. You (couldn’t /might not)—might not——-smoke on the bus.
9.With luck, tomorrow (can, could)—Could——-be a sunny day.
10. You (can/might)–might—–be right but I’m going back to check anyway.
VIII Conclusion
KLW strategy
I know
I Learn
I want to know
IX Giving marks.
I will them marks.
Your marks are…
X . Home work
Ex:19 Read the conversation, choose the right sentences
Make up sentences using the ” modal verbs”
Сыныбы: 7a
The theme: It really works!
1. денсаулығы туралы әңгіме
2. грамматикалық тақырыптарды қайта қарау , диалог студенттерді ынталандыру және өз пікірлерін білдіру , жаңа лексикалық тақырыпқа туралы кейбір ақпарат беруге
3. пән бойынша салауатты өмір салты , махаббат және дамытуға қызығушылық бір-біріне деген құрмет , ойлау , сөйлеу түсіну
Methods: group work, work in pairs, game technology.
Inter-subject connection: Grammar, Phonetics,
Biology, Kazakh, Russian
The equipment of the lesson:
a) visual aids: table with new words, table
with tasks, proverb, pictures, a table with parts of the body, the crossword
b) distributing material: texts, cards
The technical aids: interactive board, slides,
tape recorder, cassettes
The procedure of the lesson
I. The organization moment:
a) - Good morning, children! How are you
- Good morning, teacher! We are fine! And you?
- Oh, I’m fine too, thank you.
b) Dialogue with the pupil on duty.
c) Introducing the theme and objectives: Today
we are going to talk about health, to revise grammar material, to work in
pairs, to express our opinions on the theme.
b) Phonetic drill: reading the proverb, giving
the Kazakh and Russian equivalents
“Health is above wealth”
“Денсаулық бірінші байлық”
“Здоровье превыше всего”
II. Main part:
a) Warming up: Let’s start our lesson. Now,
look at the board, please and guess the words. When you guess all these words
you may know the theme of the lesson.
Vocabulary work: there is a table with new
Arm қол
Now children let’s repeat it together in
2. Pair work(listening dialogue by
A: Aidana, how are you?
B: Oh, I’m not so good
A: What’s the matter?
B: I have a temperature
A: Really! That’s too bad! Have you taken any
B: Oh, not yet
A: Well, do you know what you should do? You
must stay in bed
Now, children, let’s talk about home remedies
3. Group work
1 group- tell us about problems
2 group- tell us about some advices
3 group- tell us about home remedies
Problems Advice Home remedy
I have a toothache See the dentist Take some
That well done.
4. Consolidation of the new material
Children, let’s read the text and find the
true or false sentences:
a) Ice is good for burn F
b) Warm milk helps you to sleep T
6. Comprehension check: What are good things?
Divide into good and bad things
Good things Bad things
to do exercises to smoke
to eat healthy food to use an alcohol
To be healthy
To eat just fruits and vegetables to keep the
7. Conclusion of the lesson:
In Conclusion of the lesson I’d like you to
think about a well-known proverb as.
“The first wealth is health”
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
“He who has health has hope and he who has
hope has everything” Discuss one of them
III. Concluding part:
Home task
a) learn the words
b) Write a composition “My last visit to a
Сыныбы: 7a
The theme (Сабақтың
тақырыбы): talking about Home remedres
The aims (Сабақтың мақсаты). Оқушыларға
жаңа сабақты меңгерту. Сабаққа
деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру. Жаттығулармен
және жаңа сөздермен жұмыс.
Teaching methods (Сабақ әдісі): сұрақ - жауап, әңгіме, СТО тех - қ әдістері
The type of the lesson (Сабақ типі): жаңа
білімді меңгерту
Visual aids (көрнекілігі): тақырыптық
The procedure of the lesson (Сабақ барысы):
I. Org moment (Ұйымдастыру)
Good morning pupils!
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What day is it today?
II. Checking up the home task
What was your home task?
Ex: (үйге берілген тапсырмаларды тексеру)
III New lesson.(Жаңа сабақ)
Today new theme – Home remedy
When people have a cold, a fever or flu, they usually go to the doctor for help
or they get some medicine from theb chemist's.
But many people also use home remedies for common illnesses. Lots of people
drink hot chicken soup when they have a cold. Some people rub oilon the chest
for a cold. Other people drink a mixture of red perpper, hot water, sugar,
lemon juice a and milk. Here are some simple home remedies.
Burns: Put the burn under cold water or put a cold handkerchief on it. But
don't put ice on the burn.
Coughs: Drink warm liquids or take some honey
Insomnia: Drink a large glass of warm milk.
New words
headache - бас ауруы
insomnia - ұйқысыздық
eye - көз
throat - тамақ ауру
lip - губа
ear - құлақ
hand - қол
Ex: 1 Circle true T (true) or F(false).
a. Ice is good for a burn
b. Warm milk helps you to go to sleep
c. Honey helps a cough
d. Hot chicken soup is good for a cold
Ex: 2 Write about an interesting home or folk remedy
this is a home remedy for a sore throat. Cut slices of meat, put pepper on
them, and tie them around your throat with a cloth. It always works.
Сергіту сәті(кірпі қара жорға)
Ex: 3Talk to your partners
Take turns reading your composititions. Which home remedy is the most
Home task: Write essay.
good bye!
Сыныбы: 7a
Сыныбы: 7a
Theme: At the doctor’s
The aims of the lesson:
1.To develop the pupils speaking, reading, thinking abilities.
2.To enrich their vocabulary on the base of a new materiel.
3.To bring up the feeling of responsibility for their health, to lead a healthy
way of life.
The type of the lesson: practical lesson.
The methods: interactive method, critical thinking, pair and group work, question-answer.
The resources: a textbook, pictures
The procedure of the lesson
1.Organisation moment
Greeting pupils
2. Phonetic drill
My head, my shoulders, my knew, my feet,
My head, my shoulders, my knew, my feet,
My head, my shoulders, my knew, my feet,
We’ll all clap our hands together!
3. Presentation aims of the lesson
Our theme is “At the doctor’s.”
a) a bad headache
1)You…..take some aspirin
b)a toothache
2)You….go to the dentist
c) an insomnia
3)You…drink tea or coffee before a sleep
4)You…to put-burns under cold water
e) coughs
5)You…….see the doctor
Work with slides.
Put the words ….
6.Presentation of the new words
From the text “ Treating a patient”
1)patient, n-сырқат адам
2)sick=ill –ауру
3)giddy, adj.-басты айналдыратын
4)to be running a high temperature= to have a high temperature-ыстығы көтерілу
5)to strip to the waist-белге дейін шешіну
6)to examine one’s throat-біреудің(сырқат адамның) тамағын тексеру
7)to feel one’s pulse-біреудің(сырқат адамның)тамыр соғысын тексеру
8) to listen to one’s lungs and chest- біреудің (сырқат адамның)өкпесі мен кеудесін тыңдау
9)to take one’s temperature-біреудің(сырқат адамның) ыстығын өлшеу
10) prescription, n-рецепт
11) pill, n-дәрі
12)to take some pills-дәрі ішу,қабылдау
13)mixture, n- сұйық дәрі
14) to recover-сауығу,аурудан жазылу
7.aReading the text in individually.
b.Asking questions on the text.
1)Who was taken ill?
2)Was Tom running a high temperature?
3)How did he feel?
4)What was the matter?
5) Who phoned the policlinics?
6)What did the doctor do?
7)Did she write a prescription for some pills and mixture for him?
8)His mother got the medicine from the chemist’s, didn’t she?
9)Did Tom follow the doctor’s advice?
c.Work with the chart
Let's do a group of exercises. Listen to the song and mime the actions.
9. A role-play “At the doctor’s
Doctor:Hello,Bolat.What can I do for you?
Bolat:I feel bad.I couldn’t sleep at night.
Doctor:Have you got a temperature? Now,letme take your temperature then I want to examine your throat,feel your pulse,listen to your lungs and chest.
Bolat:Am I seriously ill?
Doctor:Your temperature is 39.I’ll give you some pills for your fever.You must have a check-up.
Bolat:Thank you,doctor.Good bye.
11.Giving marks .Home task:ex.5
cыныбы |
7сынып |
Оқулығы |
Ағылшын тілі 7сынып |
Тақырыбы |
Names of illnesses./35 |
Жалпы мақсаты |
Оқушыларды ағылшын тілінде денсаулық туралы сөйлеуге үйрету. Денсаулық тақырыбына оқушылардың білімін беру. Оқушылардың тақырыпты толық меңгеруі , тілдік ерекшеліктерін ажырата білуі , ағылшын тілінде диалог құра білуі, іс әрекет жайлы баға беріп, және топта дұрыс жұмыс жасай білу Ойлау дағдыларын сын тұрғысынан дамыту. Оқулық мәтінімен жұмыс істеуді қалыптастыру |
Оқытудақолданылатынәдіс-тәсілдер |
Топпен жұмыс,АКТ,сұрақ - жауап, диалог, сұрақ-жауап, сто миға шабуыл |
Күтілетін нәтиже |
Жаңа білімді түсінеді,топта жоба жасайды,қорғайды және бағалайды |
Негізгі дереккөздер, құрал-жабдықтар |
Тірек сызба, топтық тапсырмалар,
суреттер, |
Бағалау критерийлері |
Тапсырмалар Tasks drink hot tea-a cold; a cough- drink milk with honey; have a high temperature-call a doctor; a bad headache-take pills
Vocabulary work: The flu A cold A cough A sore throat Insomnia Stress
2. Тапсырма/task Оқулық мәтіні бойынша жұмыс 1st group-gives advice 2nd group-illnesses drink hot tea-a cold Please divide these words into 3 groups: a bad headache, pills, a doctor, tonsillitis, a dentist, a chemist, tablets, mixture, a toothache, stomachache.
Work with the card. Артық сөзді тап
Use Modal verb should Boysandgirls. Just now I’ll give you the cards. You must write down your advices beginning with the words: “You should…”
3. тапсырма/taskMake up the dialogue -Good morning! -Morning! What’s the problem with you? - I have a bad headache and a temperature. -oh, it is a cold. You should take a mixture. -Thank you, doctor. Good bye. -Good bye. Do you know Proverbs about HEALTH ? Health
is happiness.An apple a day keeps a doctor |
Сергіту сәті |
Yes/No Questions by the theme |
Conclusion |
Не білдім? Не білгім келеді? Рефлексия |
Homework |
Ex 8,new words |
Form: 8
Theme: Schools we get knowledge in
Aims: to talk about education and modern schools.
To introduce pupils with the new words and how to use the words.
To develop the abilities to speak English, creative abilities of pupils.
To teach the pupils to be able to discuss, to find expressions in any situation.
To develop pupil's memory, logical thought, vocabulary.
Type : Getting new information, pair work, group work,
traditional lesson
Visual aids: a textbook, pictures, interactive board, level cards
Procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment:
T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!
P: Good afternoon, dear teacher!
T: How are you, today? Are you ready for lesson?
P: Yes, OK.
T: Well, pupils, at first, let's check the class atmosphere.
Who is on duty today?
Is anybody absent today?
What is the date today?
What is the day today?
What season is it now?
Do you like winter?
What month is it now?
What is the weather like today?
Checking up the home task:
Well, pupils let's begin our lesson. Open your textbooks and copybooks. What was your home task for today? What have you done at home? Let's check up your home task. Your home task was to review grammar rules of using modal verb" should" and real conditional sentences. And Ex.2 p.102 For each situation, write a sentence with should/ shouldn't and the phrases in the box.
When we use the modal verb should?
Give me some examples using should. Give advice to your friend, he has headache.
Give some examples for real conditional sentences.
New theme: Schools we get knowledge in
Let's start our new lesson. Today we will speak about education and the role of knowledge in our life. Every one in our country has the right for education. It is said in our constitution. But it is not only a right, it is a duty, too. Every girl and every boy in our country must go to school to get education. There are thousands of schools in our country where pupils get knowledge in different subject. Nowadays schools have become different. What are modern schools?
Let's study the types of modern schools. Let's study about education. It's our new theme "Schools we get knowledge in".
Write down the today's date and theme. At first, let's learn the new words.
There are new words for you to learn. I'll read and you'll repeat after me.
education -білім
knowledge - білім
timetable - сабақ кестесі
uniform - мектеп формасы
mark - баға
ordinary school - жәй, қарапайым мектеп
primary school - бастауыш мектеп
secondary school - орта мектеп
comprise - құрайды
curriculum - оқу бағдарламасы
compulsory -міндетті
last - созылу, жалғасу
Now, boys and girls look at the interactive board.
The more we learn - the more we know
The more we know - the more we forget
The more we forget - the less we know.
So why study?
So, "Why do you study? Why do you go to school?", "Is education important?"
Pupils: I go to school, because we must get education school;
because secondary education is compulsory;
because it is interesting to study;
because I like to take part in social life;
because knowledge is power;
because I want to get an interesting profession;
because I want to enter a University;
because I want to succeed in life.
Why do you study?
Where do you study?
How many floors has your school got?
Which floor is your classroom located on?
What subjects do you study at your school?
What subjects you like best?
Speak on the proverbs
Now let's remember proverbs about learning. Give the kazakh equivalents. Repeat it after me, please.
How do you understand it? The more a man knows, the more opportunities he has. Knowledge gives a man great power. Everybody must try to increase his knowledge. Knowledge is power, isn't it?
Live and learn.
Knowledge is power.
A little learning is a dangerous .
Let's do the exercises:
Task 1.
Match the words with it's translation.
Primary school ----- орта мектеп
Curriculum -------міндетті
Secondary school----- бастауыш мектеп
Uniform---------оқу бағдарламасы
Timetable--------мектеп формасы
Сompulsary-------сабақ кестесі
Mark----------жәй, қарапайым
Task 2. What school subjects you are ….. .
I am good at ------ .
I am bad at ------ .
I am interested in ---- .
I 'm bored with ----- .
I'm keen on ------ .
Home task: Ex6 p.106 and to write a composition "My school".
Conclusion: Our lesson is over. Everybody was very active today, everybody tried to share his opinion today. So, I think I should give only good and excellent marks today.
Form: 8 а
The theme: Schools in Kazakhstan
Aims: to Kazakhstan.
Educational: to receive topical vocabulary, to compare the facts on the theme.
Developing: to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
Brining up: to interest in learning English, in learning education system in our country Kazakhstan.
The type of the lesson: group work.
Visual aids: pictures, an interactive board.
Procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment
a) The greetings.
Teacher: Good morning dear teachers, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!
b) Conversation with on duty.
Todays our lesson by the theme: Schools in Kazakhstan.
1 |
E |
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D |
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C |
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h |
1. It is a part of solar system goes around the Sun.
2. It is a large sandy piece of land where there is little rain and less plant life than elsewhere.
3. It is the 1-st word in official name of Great Britain.
4. Something that is usually done by people in a particular society.
5. It is the official song of a nation.
6. When we use this word we want to say that we do something in the way it was done for a long time in the past.
7. It is a piece of land surrounded by water.
8. It is the most important resource in the world.
9. It is a part of the world.
Kindergarten is a place for very young children.
Primary school is a school for children from 7 till 10 years old.
Secondary school is a school for children over 11 years old.
Curriculum is a course of study offered in a school, college or university.
Compulsory means put into force by the law, order.
Junior school is a school for children from 7 till 10 years old.
Infant school is a school for children from 5 to 7.
Private school. Parents pay money for the education.
State schools are free of charge.
Uniform is a certain type of clothes which all members of a group wear.
Grammar school is a school where children study languages, sciences and other subjects for the examination, which may lead them to university.
Comprehensive school teaches pupils of all abilities and from social classes.
Education in Kazakhstan.
Every citizen of our country has the right to education. Secondary education is compulsory in Kazakhstan. Before going to school, children attend kindergarten until they are 5 or 6. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 18. The first stage of education is primary school – from 1 to 4 grades. The secondary education comprises 11 years of study. Secondary education includes intermediate school for grades 5 to 9 and senior school for grades 10 to 11. At school pupils study Literature, Biology, a foreign language, Kazakh language and others. Examinations are taken at the end of the 9-th and 11-th forms. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational schools or colleges. Secondary education in our country is free. Among secondary schools there are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums most of them are private. After finishing school, students can get higher education in institutes, universities and academies.
Education in Kazakhstan.
Every ……….. of our country has the right to education. Secondary education is ……………. in Kazakhstan. Before going to school, children attend ……………. until they are 5 or 6. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 18. The first stage of education is …………. – from 1 to 4 grades. The secondary education ……………. 11 years of study. Secondary education includes …………………for grades 5 to 9 and senior school for grades 10 to 11. At school pupils study Literature, Biology, a foreign language, Kazakh language and others. …………… are taken at the end of the 9-th and 11-th forms. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational schools or ………. Secondary education in our country is free. Among secondary schools there are …………….., colleges and lyceums most of them are private. After finishing school, students can get ………………… in institutes, universities and academies.
intermediate school
At school pupils study |
comprises 11 years of study. |
Every citizen of our country |
continue their education at vocational schools or colleges. |
Some children may leave school after the 9-th form |
is free. |
Secondary education in our country |
Literature, Biology, a foreign language, Kazakh language and others. |
The secondary education |
students can get higher education in institutes, universities and academies.
After finishing school, |
from 1 to 4 grades. |
Among secondary schools there are |
has the right to education. |
The first stage of education is primary school |
colleges and lyceums most of them are private. |
kindergarten, senior school, technical school,
primary school, vocational school, university,
intermediate school, institute, academy, college
Home task: Ex8 p.108 and to write a composition "My school".
Conclusion: Our lesson is over. Everybody was very active today, everybody tried to share his opinion today. So, I think I should give only good and excellent marks today.
Күні: Secondary education
сынып 8 a
Сабақтың тақырыбы:
Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушыларды мектеп түрлерімен таныстырып, оларды сипаттауға үйрету.
Күтілетін нәтиже: Өз елінің мектептерін сипаттай алады, Жаңа сөздерді үйрену арқылы сөздік қорын байытады.
Бағалау: Өзі - өзін, бір - бірін, жиынтық.
Деректер: интербелсеңді тақта, флипчарт, маркер, бағалау парағы.
Сабақтың барысы:
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.
Амандасу. Бағалау парағын тарату.
Сұраққа жауап беру арқылы, жаңа тақырыпты анықтау
Бағыт-бағдар береді.
How do you imagine your school? Describe it.
Сұраққа жауап береді, сипаттайды.
Жаңа тақырыпты анықтайды, суреттерді түсіндіреді.
Берілген мәтінді оқып, сұрақтарға жауап беру арқылы өз сөзімен білдіру
Education in Kazakhstan.
We started school at the age of seven. After four years of primary school we went to secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of classes are compulsory in our republic.
Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. It lasted 9 months. On the 1st of September we got acquainted with our teachers and had our first lessons. Every lesson lasted 45 minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6 lessons.
Today the educational system in Kazakhstan is presented by two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Primary education is the most developed of the state's educational system. Pupils receive their primary education in schools of three different levels. Primary 1-4 grades, middle 5-9 grades and junior 10-11 grades. After finishing the 9th grade children continue education in high schools in technical-professional institutes, or in special schools.
Әр оқушы мәтінді оқып, жұппен бірігіп алған мәліметімен бөліседі, топ ішінде талқылайды.
Мәтінді қолдану арқылы, бос орындарды толтыру.
Look at the cards, there are some sentences with the gaps, complete the sentences, then work in pairs and check each other.
a. After four years of ____ school classes we go to ____ school.
b. _____ and _____ schools together comprise eleven years of study.
c. Our school year begins on the first of _____ and ends in ____. It ____ 9 months.
d. On the first of September we _____ with our teachers.
Сөйлемдерді толықтырып, жазады.
Сөйлемдерді аудару, ойын дәлелдеу
Look at the cards, there are some sentences in Kazakh; your task is to translate them. Check each other and correct the mistakes.
Сөйлемдерді аударады, дәлелдейді.
Мен мектепке жеті жасымнан бардым.
1. Ол қарапайым ғана мектеп болатын.
2. 4 жылдық бастауыш мектептен мен орта мектепке өттім.
3. Ол 11 жылдық орта мектеп болатын.
4. Біздің Республикамызда 9 жылдық білім міндетті түрде беріледі.
5. Бастауыш мектепке қазақ тілі, математика, орыс тілі, сурет, дене тәрбиесі, музыка және дүниетану пәндері оқытылады.
6. Бізді оқу қыркүйектің 1-інде басталып, мамыр айында аяқталады.
Оқу мерзімі 9 айға созылады.
Аудару, басқа топқа ұсыну
Look at the card, there are some expressions. Your task is to translate them in English. Then check each other.
1. If you come to our school, you will see a school-yard around it and sports ground.
1. There are several classrooms for the several pupils of the primary school on the ground floor.
2. There are Kazakh, English and Russian classrooms on the second floor.
3. English is the most widespread in the world.
Топ ішінде сөйлемдерді аударады, бір-бірін тексереді.
Сұрақтарға жауап беру арқылы тақырыпты
Жиынтық бағалау
Сұрақтар құрастырып, жауап беріп, бір-бірін бағалайды
1. What subjects does the primary school curriculum include?
2.When does the school year begin and end?
When do you get acquainted with your teacher?
3. How long does every lesson last?
4. How many lessons did you have every day when you studied at primary school?
5. What will you do if you don't know how to do your home work?
6. What age did you start school at?
7. When did you go to secondary school?
8. How many years of study do primary and secondary schools comprise?
9. How many years of study are compulsory in our republic?
Бағалау критерийлері арқылы бағалауды қорыту.
Үй жұмысы
сынып 8 a
Сабақтың тақырыбы: « Schools in our country»
Жалпы мақсаты: to compare educational system in
Great Britain and Kazakhstan.
to receive topical vocabulary, to compare the facts on the theme to practice
the usage of numbers and prepositions.
to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills;
to develop students’ interest in research works.
to interest in learning English, in learning education system in Great Britain and
in our country Kazakhstan.
Оқыту нәтижесі: They can answer the
questions. They are remember the words of new theme. Рupils
learn to work in groups and say their own opinions, free thinking, to say their
own opinions and to respect other opinions.
Түйінді идеялар: Оқушылар сөздік
қорын байыта отырып, ауызекі сөйлеу қабілетін
дамытады. Сұрақтарға жауап беруді үйренеді
және топта жұмыс жасауға дағдыланады.
1. Қалай оқу керектігін үйрену
2. Сын тұрғысынан ойлау
3. Диалогтік оқыту
4. Дарынды және талантты балаларды оқыту
5. Оқушылардың жас ерекшеліктеріне сәйкес оқыту мен
6.Оқыту үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау
7. Оқыту мен оқуда АКТ-ны пайдалану
Жаттығулар: 1. Жаңа сөздермен жұмыс.
2. Суретке қарап отырып мәтін құрастыру.
3. Диалогтық
4. Грамматикалық жаттығулар
Қолданылатын құралдар: интерактивті
тақта, компьютерлер, дидактикалық
материалдар, флипчарт, интернет.
Сабақ кезеңдері:
Activities of teacher Activities of pupils
Organization moment:
Greeting; to ask about pupil's mood.
Good morning, pupils! How are you today?
b) Conversation with on duty.
Pupils greet the pupils and share their minds about their mood.
Checking up the
home tasks
Explanation of the new materials
Work with poster
Teacher:You are welcome to our lesson by the theme: Educational system in Great
Britain and in Kazakhstan. And I’ll divide class into two groups. Group A -
will speak about education in Great Britain. Group B – will speak about
education in Kazakhstan. The aim of our lesson is to compare education into two
countries: Great Britain and Kazakhstan. I hope you’ll find something
interesting and new for yourselves. Let’s start, please. Good Luck!I
Write a report about education in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan.
New words:
1. curriculum - оқу жоспары 2. education – білім 3. head teacher - оқу ісінің меңгерушісі 4. headmaster\headmistress – директор 5.
mark – баға 6. timetable - сабақ кестесі 7. state school - мемлекеттік мектеп 8.
secondary school – орта мектеп 9. comprehensive school
– жалпы білім беретін мектеп 10. private school - ақылы
мектеп 11.Reduction азайту, қысқарту 12.Support қолдау 13.Empower өкіл
ету 14.Access жұмыс жасау мүмкіндігі 15.Destruction зиян келтіру
I will give you posters, you must write education systems in against group’s
countries. Offer students to give marks each other
Pupils take pictures, concerning to the theme and find the group.
Introdusing groups
Group A: Hello! We are glad to see you! Our group is from Great Britain. I’m
Markhabat. I like to read about Great Britain: this is Malika, she is fond of
music and dancing, this is Amanzhol, he is very clever, Kairbek and Nursultan
are brave.
Group B: Salem. How nice to meet you! You are welcome to our country. We want
to know about your country’s education. My name is Symbat. Arna and Ruslan are
handsome. Aishat is nice, Manshuk is hardworking and Serirbai is clever.
Pupils listen and repeat after the teacher
Write down the words in their vocabulary notebooks
Pupils give the marks the group, each other
Practise : Text «SCHOOL UNIFORM»
We are continuing our seminar about education. The next task is about school
uniform in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan.Today a lot of British schools have
uniforms. Usually they differ only in colours but include a blazer, a pullover,
a shirt (a blouse), trousers (a skirt), tights or socks, shoes and boots, a
scarf and gloves of a certain color, a cap or a hat. School badge is on a cap
and on a blazer’s pocket.One of the most important elements of the uniform is a
school tie.
Work in groups.
Ex 7. Checking comprehension of the text.
a). Please read and say if these facts about Kazakhstan true or false:
1. The main law of the state is the Constitution. (true)
2. Kazakhstan is a unitary state with the presidential form of government.
3. The President is elected for a four-year term by voting. (false)
4. The parliament is the highest representative body in Kazakhstan. (true)
5. The voting age is twenty. (false)
6. The head of the government, the Prime Minister, is often given
responsibility over the economy. (true)
Answer the question
1. What kind of schools are there in Kazakhstan? 2. What does a primary school
consist of? 3. How many years do pupil study at secondary school? 4. What kind
of schools are there in Great Britain? 5. What does A level mean? 6. What
school subjects have you got at your school
Giving marks. Saying good – bye! Thank you for your attention. Our lesson is
over. See you the next lesson, good - bye!
Pupils give English equivalents of these sentences. If it is necessary they use
the text.
The theme of the
lesson: Dream vacation
Form: 9
The aim of the lesson:
a) Practice pupils by doing different kinds of games and exercises of the
lesson, enrich pupil’s vocabulary
b) Develop pupil’s skills and habits, making up different conversations
c) Bring up to interest in learning English and pupil’s feeling of international
Visual aids: interactive board, map, picture, card,
The type of the lesson: new lesson
The Outline of the lesson
1. Organization moment
2. Phonetic drill
3. Explaining new material
4. Doing exercises
5. Puzzle time
6. Giving the home work
7. The end of the lesson
I. Organization moment
a) Greeting
- Good morning, children
- Good morning, teacher
b) Check up attendance
- Who is on duty today?
- I’m on duty today
- Who is absent?
… .
Today we’ll travel to all world
I’ll give you cards for your answer.
Cards-3, 4, 5
II. Phonetic drill
Phonetic exercises which will help to the pupil to develop their for English
sounds and to perfect their own speaking skills.
Now, children, let’s read this poem. Please, listen and repeat after me.
Then you will read it in yourself.
You’ll find stories of every kind
You’ll find emotions of every type
You’ll see, you’ll feel
You’ll know secrets and mysteries
III. Explaining new lesson
Find this rebus
Dress, camel, vase, cat, lion
The theme of our new lesson is «Dream vacation», and I hope that from this
lesson we’ll get some information about travelling.
Close your eyes and think of your dream vacation:
What kind of places will you visit?
Who will you take with you?
Pupils will speak about their dreams: Where they want to go and what they want
to see and with whom they want to go.
Before begin the lesson lets memorize new words. First, you will repeat after
Dream---- Арман, қиял
Vacation---- Демалыс
Statue of Liberty---- Бостандық ескерткіш
Tower---- Мұнара
Croissant---- Франсуз тағамы
Special---- Арнаулы
Kangaroo----- Кенгуру
Kimono------ Кимоно
Important---- маңызды
IV. Doing exercise
№ 1 Omar and Asel
№ 2 read
Dream vacation
№3 True or false
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
№ 4 What is the Kuralai to see or to do in these cities?
a. New York – Statue of Liberty
b. Paris –Eiffel Tower
c. Rio-de-Janeiro – learn to dance samba
d. Cairo – Nile River
e. Kyoto –kimono
V. Puzzle time
A) I enjoy meeting different people
I live in Kazakhstan
Astana is the modern city of the XXI century
Kazakhstan is the my Motherland
East or West home is best
B) Proverb about Motherland
VI. Conclusion of the lesson
Compare with my dream vacation and Kuralai’s dream vacation
My dream vacation Kuralai’s dream vacation
I will visit Astana because
We are celebrate our 20 years
Independence of Kazakhstan
VII. Giving the homework
Your homework for next lesson Ex: 4b), and to learn by heart vocabulary.
Essay: My dream vacation
VIII. The end of the lesson
Dear pupils! We have done many kinds of work at our lesson. You were very
active and clever at the lesson. I’ll give good marks for everybody, who
participates for our lesson. I’m very pleased with your English. Good luck. The
lesson is over. Good bye.
Form: 9
The theme: Gerund
The main aim: to introduce and to consolidate their usage
The tasks: to develop pupils’ oral fluency and accuracy
to arouse pupils’ interest to peculiarities of their usage
to widen pupils’ general outlook
Type of the lesson: A demonstration lesson
The equipment: Workbook, Cards
Methods of teaching: Work in chain, oral drill, work with the blackboard, work
with cards
Procedure of the lesson
1. Organization moment:
a) Greeting
b) Talk with the duty
c) Setting the aim
2. Checking up homework:
Work in chain
Ex 3 p 49 Make collocations by matching a word in the first column to an
appropriate word in the second column.
1. High speed
2. Fire alarm
3. Front door
4. Computer game
5. Rocket launch
6. Training programme
7. Medical research
8. Total score
3. Grammar study
1. Revision of the previous lesson:
Oral Drill
Ing forms and Infinitive
1. Name the verbs that are followed by ING forms
2. Name the verbs that are followed by Infinitive
Work with the Blackboard
Ex 1 p 49 Choose the infinitive or Ing to complete these sentences
a. I would love ________(go) into space and avoid ________(do) my exams!
b. Many people enjoy ________(read) about space exploration but seem ________
(think) that too much money is spent on it.
c. John decided ________(train) as an astronaut and throughout his life he
never gave up _______(draem) about walking on the moon.
d. I hope______(visit) my aunt in paris next year even though I can’t really
afford ______(pay) for the airfare.
e. Can you imagine ______(stay) in a hotel in space? If so, start _______(save)
your money as it’ll probablybe very expensive.
f. The scientist refused _______ (give) an interview but agreed ________
(answer) a few questions.
Gerund and Infinitive
Work with the Blackboard
What’s the difference?
Task: Which words form infinitive? To help
Give some more examples: to sleep, to wash, to love
Teacher: Infinitives can be both subjects and objects:
SUBJECT To study hard will increase your chances of getting into college.
OBJECT Kathy wants to study with her friends.
Teacher: When should we use infinitives?
When should we use gerunds?
What’s the difference between infinitives and gerunds?
Let me give you some hints when to use them:
Hint 1: Infinitives are used to answer WHY- questions. Look at the following
Louise: I stopped.
Harry: Why?
Louise: I stopped to smoke.
Gerunds are usually not used to answer why-questions. Gerunds are nouns.
Gerunds directly receive actions just like other nouns.
I stopped the car.
I stopped the thief.
I stopped smoking.
Hint 2: Infinitives are often used for general or habitual actions. Here are
some examples:
To live a happy life is everyone’s deepest desire.
To err is human, to forgive is divine.
When the action happened in the past, a gerund is usually used.
Past action Monika has studied German.
Gerund referring to past action Studying German was easy for her.
Oral Drill
Task: Explain the difference in meaning.
1. Bob forgot to watch that TV show. Bob forgot watching that TV show.
2. Christine quit to teach. Christine quit teaching.
3. Joseph remembered to wash the dishes. Joseph remembered washing the dishes.
4. Lori stopped to exercise. Lori stopped exercising.
Work with cards.
Example: Read the sentence and choose the answer.
Making pizza/to make pizza.
1. I enjoy ________.
2. Yesterday Frank meant _________ but he didn’t have time.
3. My father put off ________ until later.
4. The kids hope ________ for dinner.
5. Do you really intend ________ for breakfast?
6. Please hurry up and finish _______! I am hungry.
7. Sylvia expects _______ tomorrow.
8. Max postponed _______ for the party.
9. Please quit _______ and talk to me!
10. Are you planning _______?
Generalization of the lesson
Comments on marks
Giving homework: Make up sentences to Gerunds and Infinitives.
I. The theme of the lesson: “ Transport in London ”
II. Objects: 1. Introduction of new material:
a)lexic: revision last words
b)grammar: revision:
2. Consolidation of new material: work with book, active board.
1. Developing of pupils skills: in reading, writing, auding, speaking.
2. Up- brining: to teach pupils to respect their friends, to love their Motherland. To be healthy and wealthy. To know other countries.
3. Practical: to use the new words of the lesson in dialogic speech.
III. Form of the lesson: traditional
IV. Type of the lesson: new lesson
V. Methods of the lesson: demonstration, explain, conversation, translation.
VI. Visual aids: pictures, new words, games, active board.
Plan of the lesson:
Beginning of the lesson
Organization moment
Checking – up the home task.
Organization moment.
1. Good-morning, boys and girls!
How are you?
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
2. I` ll check – up your home task. Ex 6 p 68. Make sentences about yourself.
a) I dislike to eat junk food.
b) I enjoy to read books.
c) I often feel like that I` m tired .
d) I would like to give up to eat sweets.
e) I don` t mind to sing a song.
f) I often try to put off money.
g) I don` t like to risk with my life.
Basic part of the lesson.
1. The theme of the lesson is “ Transport in London”. Today we` ll continue our last lesson about GB, London and transport. And I want to check – up new words. Say me please their.
2. New words:
Double – decker bus – двухэтажный автобус
Single – decker bus - одноэтажный автобус
Conductor – кондуктор
Inspector – контралер
Coach – экипаж, автобус
Queue – очередь.
3. Ok, what do you know about London?
1) London is the capital of Great Britain.
2) The Houses of parliament – it is the place where government works.
3) Big Ben - it is the clock.
4) Buckingham Palace is the residence of the Queen.
5) The Tower of London is the historical monument
6) Westminster Abbey is the church.
4. What kind of transports do you know? (a car, a plane, a taxi, a train, a bus, a bicycle, etc). Now look at the blackboard.
Ok, can we see these transports in our village. What kind of transports can we see in our village? What kind of transports can we see in London?
Ok, Let` s read the text about “Transport in London”. Ex 1, p 66.
5. Ok, very good! Let` s compare the system of public transport in London and our village (city). And draw a table of this kind in your notebook.
6. Next, let` s call to remember about Gerund. Gerund is the verb form with + ing. Ok, let` s do exercise. Open your exercise-book and write down Ex1.
Ex 1. You must use these verbs in right form.
1. He tried to avoid answering my question.
2. Could you please stop making so much noise.
3. I enjoy listening to music.
4. Have you finished reading the newspaper yet?
5. My memory is getting worse. I keep forgetting things.
6. I don` t mind your using the phone as long as you for all your calls.
Concluding stage
1. Let` s play game. 1st game is called “Find someone who …” .
I ` ll give you card, you must find peoples.
2. Find
someone who is wearing red today
2. Find someone who did not eat breakfast today
3. Find someone who has more than two brothers and sisters
4. Find someone who can speak at least 4 languages
5. Find someone who has traveled to a different countries
6. Find someone who has met someone famous
7. Find someone who has blond hair
8. Find someone who is an only child
9. Find someone who likes to play sports
10. Find someone who has never traveled outside of Kazakhstan before.
3. 2nd game. You must find word connected with Great Britain.
Answers: car, London, train, ship, airplane, bycicle, Big Ben.
4. “Manchester” and “Hairdresser” you must find as many words as you can.
5. I` ll give you home task. Your home task is Ex 3 p 189.
6. Today … works very well. Your mark is 5
….., and you work very well, your mark is 5 too.
…. Works well, your mark is 4., etc.
Our lesson is over! Good – bye!
Form: 9th
The theme: Trains.
The aims: - to enrich students knowledge about Astana and London;
· To develop students grammar skills and habits of oral speech;
· To develop interest in learning English, to improve their pronunciation skills;
· To develop students skills and habits in dialogue and monologue speech through asking questions;
The method: explanation, group work, question-answer
The types: lesson by travelling
The visual aids: pictures, cards, crosswords, videos of cities.
The procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment
В)Check up the attendance
II. Phonetic drill
1. Checking up the home task: write an essay “Dream vacation”
2. Introduction of the new lesson
Teacher: Today I’d like to speak to you about travelling. We are going to travel beautiful cities and you’ll get some more information about Astana and London. We’ll learn some new words, we’ll read texts, answer the questions and do some exercises.
Warm-up: I think everybody likes travelling. So, during our lesson we’ll talk about travelling, means of transport, share and express opinions, and exchange ideas.
Now I’d like to start our lesson with the quotation written on the board:
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page”
-What does it mean?
Pupil: - If you don’t travel you can not see the beauty of the world;
Pupil: - If you don’t travel you can not discover new things and different ways of life;
Teacher: OK. That’s all. Today’s our new theme is “Trains. Travelling”on page 69. Write down the date and the new theme.
Teacher: Now, let’s check your home task. –What was your home task for today? Ok, your home work: write an essay “Dream vacation” -Are you ready? –Who wants to read? Please….
So, I’d like you to answer the questions:
-Why do people travel?
-What are the reasons for travelling?
P1: People travel to discover new places.
P2: People travel to learn a language.
P3: People travel to see the sights.
P4: People travel to enjoy beautiful places.
P5: People travel to make new friends.
P6: People travel to discover different ways of life.
P7: People travel to see other countries and continents.
· What means of transport do you know?
· What are the most popular ways of travelling?
P1: The most popular ways of travelling are:- by plane
-by bus
-by train
-by bike
-by ship
-by car
-by taxi
-by motorbike
-by boat
-by tram
-on foot
Teacher: Now , students, do you like to travel? – Yes, we do.
· Which of the transport do you prefer?
Our 1 task: Who is fastest?
Now, divide these transports into 2 groups:
I group: Astana Public transport
II group: London Private transport
First, we are going to travel Astana. We’ll see sights of Astana, beautiful places
and we learn some more information about Astana.
-Let’s look the videos about Astana on the board
Answer the questions:
· The residence of President of Kazakhstan?
· What’s the capital of Kazakhstan?
· What is the White House?
· The head of the Kazakhstan?
· What is official language in our country?
Second, we are going to travel London. We’ll see sights of London, beautiful places and we learn some more information about London.
-Let’s look the videos about London on the board
Answer the questions:
· What’s the capital of England?
· Where is London situated?
· How many people live in London?
· What place is the official home of the Queen?
· The London’s residence of Queen Elizabeth II is…..
· The head of the state in United Kingdom is….
Speaking. - What’s city of Astana?
Astana is a beautiful, expensive, crowded, clean, modern and new city.
-What’s city of London?
London is a beautiful, expensive, crowded, old and famous city.
Now, you must find from the sentences adjectives. Adjective is а describing of places, people and things. Answer the questions : What kind? Which one? How many/much?
Look at the board.
Open your books on page 69
1 group –Transport car
2 group- Transport train
Now read the text.
1 group –The Orient Express
2 group- High-Speed trains
Now you must find the adjectives from the text.
Conclusion. 1. Marking
2. Giving home task: Ex 2-4 p.71
Evaluation. Our lesson is over! You were very active today. Good bye! See you soon.
Тақырыбы: Memory
Мақсаты: To memorize the information in need.
Міндеті: 1) лексикалық сөздік қорын молайту, ережені түсіну
2) диалогтық оқыту жүйесін дамыту, сөйлеу тілін қалыптастыру
3) тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру. Сөйлеу тілін дамыту
Сабақ типі: жаңа білім беру- оқу тәжірибесінде пайдалану
Сабақ формасы:
Оқушылардың дамытушылық әрекетін құрамдастырушы формасы: жеке, жұптық, топтық, ұжымдық жұмыс
Сабақ түрі: модульдық оқыту
Күтілетін нәтиже: еске сақтау қабілетін дамытып үйренеді
Сабақ барысы:
ұйымдас-тыру кезеңі
Сәлемдесу, күнді және ауа райын сұрау, оқушыларды түгендеу.
Оқушыларды топқа бөлу. Топ басшысын тағайындау. Топтың хал-ахуалын жақсарту мақсатында тренинг уйымдастыру
Сәлемдеседі, топқа бөлінеді, тренингке жалпы атсалысады.
Үй жұмысын пысықтау (актуализация):
Learn idioms
To learn idioms with translations
Негізгі бөлім: жаңа сабақ Memory
Look at this numbers and objects for 30 second and try to memorize them. Then close the book and write down the numbers and objects you can remember.
Мақсатты тұжырымдау
Before reading the text study the words
Жаңа сабақты пысықтау
Reading with continuing
Read the first part and complete the sentences
Read the second part and correct the sentences
Read the first part and match the brain age and professions
Пысықтау-ды қорыту (тренинг)
Match the words and definitions
Focus on grammar: countable and uncountable nouns
Some u nouns have different meanings when they are used as countable. What is the difference in meaning between the two uses of each noun
Рефлексивті Бағалау кезеңі
Блум таксономиясы бойынша бағалау критерийі арқылы өздерін бағалаттыру Фишкамен топты бағалау
Кері байланыс «мен не үйрендім»
Бағалау парағын толтыру
Блум таксономиясы бойынша бағалау критерийі арқылы өздерін бағалаттыру Фишкамен топты бағалау
Кері байланыс «мен не үйрендім»
Бағалау парағын толтыру]
Үйге; Retell the text on p. 46
cыныбы: 10
Тақырыбы: Countable and uncountable nouns
Aim of the lesson:
Educational: -to teach pupils to use the countable and uncountable nouns
-to bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neatly and correctly
Developing: -to develop the skills of speaking, reading, writing on the theme
Bringing-up: -to enlarge pupils interest in learning English language
Visual aids: cards, tables, pictures
Methods: game technology, literary, self-searching, question-answer
Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, special subjects
The type of the lesson: introduction of the new lesson
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
Good afternoon!
Sit down, please!
How are you?
I hope well!
Checking the absentees.
II. Warm up. Phonetic drill
One, two, how are you?
Three, four, open a door
Five, six, cross the sticks
Nine, ten. Say it again.
Today we have demonstrative lesson, the theme of our lesson is "Countable
and uncountable nouns". The main aim of the lesson is to enlarge your
knowledge about countable and uncountable nouns.
III. The introduction of the new theme: Countable and uncountable nouns.
1. Carrot and pen are both countable nouns because they are things we can
count, there can be more than one of them: a carrot, two carrots; a pen, four
2. Snow and milk are uncountable noun, because are substances which cannot be
counted. These nouns are not usually used in the plural.
Nouns that are both countable and uncountable.
Some nouns, like light and coffee, can be countable in one meaning and
uncountable in another. When they are countable they can become plural; when
they are uncountable they cannot
There is an -s in the end apples
There is no -s in the end sugar
IV. Vocabulary
Give Kazakh equivalents to the following words. Look at this picture, read and
translate the words: oranges, coffee, tea, juice, apple, biscuits, milk, rice,
butter, fish, carrots, bananas, water, potatoes, sugar
V. Digital dictation
{There are words written on the board give the cards with tables}
1.grape 6.butter
2.juice 7.bread
3.pen 8.knife
4. tea 9. meat
5. fish 10. soup
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C + + + +
U + + + + + +
Put the crosses in the corresponding line: if the word is countable {C} in the
first line, if is uncountable {U} in the second.
VI. Complete the tables
Using the words from exercise 1.
Fruit Vegetables Drinks Other foods
............. Carrots
............. Mineral water
................... Meat
VII. Answer the questions.
Exercise 3. {Work in groups}
What do you like ?
What don't you like ?
I like tea, I don't like coffee.
VIII. Playing the game.
I'll give each pupil 2cards with "countable" and
"uncountable" written on them. I'll say the names of the nouns and
pupils will raise the correct answer of the countable and uncountable name. Who
has the most correct answers wins.
Example: an apple pupils rice the cards with the "countable"
milk pupils rise the card with the "uncountable"
IX. Conclusion of the lesson
X. Home task.
Open your diary books and write down your home task: Learn by heart words, read
the dialogue and grammar materials " Countable and uncountable nouns"
XI. Evaluation of pupils' activity.
The lesson is over. Good-bye, children.
The 10 th form
The theme : Keeping fit
The aims of the lesson : Оқушылардың “ Health care and keeping fit” тақырыбы бойынша алған білімдерін қайталау. Герунди және Инфинитив тақырыбы бойынша грамматикалық білімдерін жинақтау
1 Тақырып бойынша меңгерген сөздік қорлрын қолдана отырып, жақсы және жаман әдеттер туралы , денсаулық сақтау жолдары туралы ауызша сөйлесуге , өз ойларын еркін айта білуге үйрету
2 Ойлау , есте сақтау , өзара еркін сөйлесу дағдыларын қалыптастыру, пәнге қызығушылықтарын арттыру , ойларын жеткізе білу іскерліктерін дамыту
3 топтасып жұмыс орындай отырып ұжымдыққа , бір –бірін тыңдай білуге тәрбиелеу, жақсы әдеттерді бойына сіңірген, жан –жақты , денсаулығы зор , салауатты адамзатты қалыптастыру
The visual: суреттер жинағы , мақалдар , проектор
The type ; қайталау
The method : топтастыру , сұрақ –жауап, топтық жұмыс, диаграмма, сөзжұмбақ
The procedure of the lesson
I Organization
Greeting with class Who is on duty today ? Who is absent at the lesson ?
Today we are going to revise the material of previous lesson Before beginning of our lesson you w have to divide in two groups ( Tasks will be shown on monitor )
II Warm up Solving crosswords
What about are you going to speak ? At first let us guess crosswords
Health Fitness
· Now tell me please what about are you going to speak today ?
· Yes , you are right we are going to speak about keeping fit ? What does mean keeping fit ?
II Vocabulary work Odd wrong words (side 1)
Stewed check up sour invite
Running Health care quickly
Number weigh drug medicine boiled meal
freak Flexible dry bridge
IV Quiz Answer the following Questions quickly Slide 2
· 1 Where will you go if you are ill?
· 2 What is the bad food?
· 3 What vegetable has more vitamins ?
· 4 Who is a health freak ?
· 5 What unusual food do you know ?
· 6 What will you drink if you have a terrible cough or flu ?
· 7 What sport can help to be flexible ?
· 8 Why do people grow plants and flowers ?
V The ways of keeping fit Making a diagram
You know there are many ways of keeping fit ? What are they ?
VI Reading ( people read the text , translate , find the teenagers problems)
Let us read the text about “Teenager problem”
A ) What are their problems ?
b) Giving advice Teams write their advice using pictures from the monitor Slide 3
You should You shouldn’t
VII Grammar Gerund or Infinitive ? Slide 4
( move , eat , use , give up , to be , change, buy, stay )
1. Doctor suggested the patient …. in bed in a week
2. My uncle thinks of …. smoking and drinking
3. Don’t forget to …. some medicine from chemist
4. The teenagers avoid of … fat and junk food before night
5. He understood ….. drug is harmful for health
6. My parent dream of … to another city
7. Omar regrets …. rude to the teacher
8. She decided to … her life style
VIII Reflex My life style Writing short ecce
· Are you healthy and fit ?
· How does help sport in your healthy life ?
· What healthy food do you eat ?
Conclusion What about have you spoken today ? What style of life will you follow ?
Giving Home task Speaking about Sport in my Life
Giving marks
Күні:12.01.16. |
Сыныбы: 10«А» |
Тақырыбы: The Gerund |
Мақсаты: |
Оқушыларға грамматикалық The Gerund етістігі туралы түсінік беру,жаттығу жұмыстарын еңгізу, есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту. Оқушыларда The Gerund туралы түсінік қалыптасады. |
Күтілетін нәтиже: |
Сыни тұрғыдан ойлана отырып тақырыпты меңгереді, әр оқушы жеке жұмыс жасай алады. |
Әдіс тәсілдер: |
СТО технологиясы, диалог, бағалау. |
Ресустар: |
Аяпова Т . Алматы «Атамұра»2014.10сынып оқулығы. |
Қолданылатын материалдар: |
А-3 парағы, түрлі түсті қарандаштар, интербелсенді тақта, әртүрлі жапсырмалар. |
Тапсырмалар: |
1 тапсырма. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру. |
2 тапсырма. |
3 тапсырма. Жаттығулар орындау. |
Сергіту сәті |
4 тапсырма. Соңғы сөзді мен айтайын стратегиясы. |
Кейінгі тапсырмалар: |
Жаңа сөздерді жаттау, 9-10жаттығу. |
Жоспар мазмұны |
Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті |
Оқушының іс-әрекеті |
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі |
Мұғалім оқушылармен амандасып, түгелдеп, ынтымақтастық атмосферасын қалыптастырып, сыныпты алфавиттер арқылы топқа бөлу. |
Оқушылар мұғаліммен амандасып, алфавиттер арқылы топқа бөлінеді. |
Үй тапсырмасын тексеру |
What was your homework for today? Жаңа сөздерді жаттау, 12-жаттығу. |
Үй тапсырмасына әр топтан екі оқушы жауап береді. |
Қызығушылығын ояту. Ой қозғау стратегиясы |
Ағылшын тілінде Зат есім деп нені айтмыз?Сын есім дегеніміз не?Артикель қазақ тілінде қандай сөз табына жатады?Дұрыс және бұрыс етістіктерді қай кезде қолданамыз? |
Оқушылар берілген сұраққа жауап бере отырып бүгінгі тақырыпты ашады. |
Мағынаны тану
Герундий етістіктің түбіріне –ing- жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалады. 1.Зат есім ретінде қолданылады.Swimming is healthy for you. 2.Бастауыш және толықтауыш ретінде қолданылады.Painting is one of my hobbies.(subject)He enjoys skiing. (object)
3. Герундий төмендегі етістіктерден кейін қолданылады.
Examples: I try to avoid driving in rush hours. He denied stealing the money. I can’t imagine her driving a car.She advised changing my hairdo. Bob suggested staying at home. Would you mind opening the window ?During the lesson we practised writing a letter. 4. Герундий предлогтан кейін қолданылады. Noun adjective +preposition+ gerund verb
Examples: I don’t approve of him being late. I’m interested in learning foreign languages. The student’s are busy with preparing for the exams. My brother is keen on getting fit. There’s a possibility of buying a new car. She had an excuse for arriving late. I have difficulty in translating from Kazakh into English. 5.Герундий verb+object+preposition құрылымынан кейін қолданылады.Verb+object+preposition
Ex :9.Complete the sentences with suitable gerund: Go dancing, go skiing, go running, go shopping…There are many expressions with go+ ing form (gerund) like: a. I went___ ___yesterday but I didn’t buy anything. b. When we were in Switzerland we went____ every weekend. c. He bought a yacht and went ___in the Mediterranean. d. We had a wonderful rest on the beach. We went ___every day. e. He went ___every morning. It’s useful for heal |
Оқушылар ережені дәптерлеріне түсіріп, мысал келтіреді.
Оқушылар ережеге байланысты жаттығуды орындайды.
Сергіту сәті |
Оқушылар дене қимылын жасап серігіп алады. |
Оқушылар сергіту сәтін жасайды. |
Ой толғаныс Кестені толтыру. |
Соңғы сөзді мен айтайын |
Бір оқушы тақырып туралы түсінік айтады. |
Рефлексия |
Екі жұлдыз, бір тілек. |
Оқушылар жапсырмаларға сабақтан алған әсерлері туралы жазады. |
Бағалау |
Мұғалім топтарды және оқушыларды жеке бағалайды, мадақтайды. |
Оқушылар күнделіктеріне бағаларын қойдырады. |
Үй тапсырмасы |
Ереже жаттау The lesson is over. You are free. Good-bye! |
Оқушылар күнделіктеріне үй жұмысын жазып алады. |
The 10 th form
The theme : The system
of education in Great Britain
The aims of the lesson: to teach pupils to talk about education; to explain new
theme and new words; to develop pupils’ speech and speaking, thinking,
listening habits.
Visual aids: text-books,an interactive board.
The plan of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment
II. Phonetic drill
III. Checking up the home task
IV. Game “Happy hour”
V. Conclusion
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment
II. Phonetic drill
We’ll take a new phonetic drill. Look at the board and listen to me very attentively.
The school has doors that open wide
And friendly teachers wait inside
Hurry, hurry, let’s go in,
For soon the lessons will begin.
III. Checking up the hometask
IV. Presentation. Work with new text.
Our new theme is “The system of Education in Great Britain”
Today we’ll take new words. Listen to me attentively
еducation- білім беру primary-бастауыш
holiday- демалыс secondary- орта
last- .ұзару compulsory- міндетті
get acquainted-танысу curriculum- оқу бағдарламасы
ordinary- қарапайым junior- бастапқы
minority- азшылық nursery class- МАД тобы
state- мемлекеттік comprehensive school- толық
қамтылған мектеп
private- жеке меншік infant school- балабақша
kindergarten- балабақша
Text The system of education in Great Britain
All children in Britain have to receive a full time education from the ages of
5 to 16. Most of them go to state schools. They are free and attendance is
compulsory. Some children attend private schools where parents pay for
educa-tion of their children.
Generally, children attend primary schools from 5 years, at 11 or 12 moving on
to secondary schools.
Before living school pupils may take examinations in several chosen subjects
for the General Certificate of Education which as its name implies, shows that
the holder has received a general education and reached certain standards in
various subjects. The examinationsare two levels : ordinary (O-level) and
Full time education does not end for all young people when they finished the
secondary school. Some of them decide that extra years spent at a university,
polytechnic or college.
After three years study at a university a student may proceed to a Bachelor’s
degree: and later to the degrees of Master and Doctor. Polytechnics and
colleges provide advanced special training for technicians and professional
V. Game “Happy hour”
(The class is divided into two groups)
I tour
Team A
1. What kind of schools are there in England?
2. What does a primary school consist of?
3. How many years do English pupils study at secondary school?
4. What does A level mean?
5. It is compulsory to wear uniform at the school of Great Britain?
Team B
1. What kind of schools are there in Kazakhstan?
2. What school subjects have you got at your school?
3. What can you tell about grammar schools in England?
4. Tell about infant and junior schools in England.
5. What should you do to learn English well?
II tour
Words from the box
1. What something important do you receive from school?
2. How many stages does educational system in Great Britain have?
3. What kind of punishment is there in Great Britain?
4. How many years are compulsory in our Republic?
5. What subjects does the secondary school curriculum include?
III tour- A dark horse
1. Who goes to [private schools?
2. What holidays do you have every year?
3. What is the purpose of education in Britain?
IV tour- you-me, I-you
V tour- A race After the leader.
VI. Conclusion
Game “Brain-ring”
Level III
1. What something important do you receive from school?
2. Name things which you need for school.
Level II
1. How long does a school year last?
2. What can you say about private schools in Great Britain?
Level I
1. Describe your classroom.
2. Describe your school.
Hometask: Retelling about the system of education in Great Britain and in
The 10 th form
The theme: Her
Majesty the Queen.
The Aim: 1. To enrich pupils knowledge about royal family, to develop pupils
abilities in
speaking; to enrich their vocabulary.
2. To develop their reading, writing, listening skills and grammar, lexical
3. To bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neat and correct.
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson
Teaching methods: speaking, reading, writing, completing, comparing.
Visual aids: an interactive board, pictures
The Procedure of the Lesson
I. Organization moment.
Теасher: Good morning, boys and girls. I`m so glad to
see you today.
Good morning, dear colleagues! Welcome to our lesson.
Today we are going to talk about royal family, king and queen.
Today we`re going to read, speak and write about royal family, king and queen.
We will revision last grammar materials and do a lot of tasks.
The class is divided into two groups and will works in groups.
“Boys” and “Girls”
II. Now, first – What was your home task for today? Revision all covered
materials about prepositions.
Prepositions of movement:
Across – out -
Around – over -
Away from – past -
Down – through -
Into – toward –
Off – under -
Onto – up -
Task № 1 Work with cards. Complete the sentences with missing prepositions
1. Kim jumped ….. the pool of water.
2. Peter went …… the bridge.
3. He rode his camel ……. the desert.
4. The ball went …… the net.
5. He drove the truck ……. the hill.
6. Christopher Columbus sailed ….. the Atlantic Ocean.
7. Carol looked ……. the window.
8. They went …… the stairs.
9. Roger ran …….. the wall.
10. We drove ……. the tunnel.
11. Rossana walked ……the street.
12. The airplane flew ……. the city.
Now, share with neighbour answer sheets and check his work.
1. over 5. down 9. to
2. to 6. across 10. through
3. across 7. through 11. across
4. over 8. up 12. over
How many mistake did your neighbour?
III. Now, look at the blackboard. Write down the new theme.
The theme of our lesson is “Her Majesty the Queen”.
I want to show you presentation about Royal family. Presentation.
New words:
Duke – Герцог (атақтың ең жоғары
Duke of York – Йорк герцогы
Heir presumptive – Мұрагер (монархтың
ер баласы болмаған жағдайда, ер баласы өмірге
келгенге дейін монархтың үлкен қызы немесе бауыры бола алады.)
Work with text. Read and translate the text: Her Majesty the Queen.
The Queen was born in London on 21 April 1926, the first child of King George
and Queen Elizabeth. Five weeks later she was christened Elizabeth Alexandra
Mary in the chapel at Buckingam Palace. The Princess`s early years were spent
at 145 Picadilly, in London and the country homes of grandparents, King George
V and Queen Mary. Princesss Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess
Margaret, her younger sister. After her father succeeded to the throne in 1936
and she became heir presumptive, she started to study history and law. She also
studied art and music, learned to ride and enjoyed amateur theatricals and
Prince Phillip - was born on 10 June 1921. He was the only son of Prince Andrew
of Greece.
The Prince came to Britain at an early age to be educated. He attended a
school, in Scotland, and the Royal Naval College. During the second World War
he served at the sea. The Prince plays an active part in national life and acts
as president or patron of some 800 organizations. The Prince is a keen
IV. Physical minute. Stand up – Hands up - Hands down …..
V. Work with posters. Posters “Queen” and “Phillip”. Write down all about the
queen and the king what do you know about them.
The next, you must say 2 stars and 1 wish.
- Work was good, but … to use little information, not enough to work.
- Work is very full, but it would be good if the work was more colourful.
- Please, say me what mark you put …. For example.
VI. Conclusion.
In conclusion of our lesson I would like to show you photopresentation about
Royal Family.
I like you today. – Do you like our lesson? – I do too.
And I hope you `ll be use this information about Royal Family not only at the
lessons and of course in your life.
Your marks are: … Your home task: to prepare retelling of the text “Queen and
Thank you for the lesson. Good - bye.
The 10 th form
The theme: the third conditional
Сабақтың мақсаты
Білімділік : шартты сөйлемдер туралы мәлімет беру, дұрыс пайдалануын меңгерту
Дамытушылық : грамматикалық тапсырмалар орындау,сөздік қорын тереңдңту
Тәрбиелік: тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру
Сабақтың типі: аралас сабақ
Әдіс-тәсілі : топтық жұмыс, сұрақ жауап
Көрнекілігі: грамматикалық таблица,оқулық
Сабақтың барысы.
I. Organization moment
II. Checking homework
III. New theme
a) to know
b) comprehension
c) using
d) analyse
e) fixing
IV. Evaluation
V.Home assignment
VI. Conclusion.
Procedure of the Lesson
I.Org. moment.
Greeting. Dividing into two groups for conducting a competition lesson.
Counters for evaluation and giving points. Good morning boys and girls. Today
we`ll have a lesson in the room of multimedia. At first we’ll divide into two
groups A &B.
home work.Ex.2 p133 completing sentences in the 1st Conditional
a.I`ll be surprised if__________________________________________
b.I`ll be sorry if_____________________________________________
c.I1ll be frightened if_________________________________________
d.I`ll be very happy if________________________________________
e.I`ll be bored if_____________________________________________
III. New theme.
Conditionals express
1. reality 2. unreality 3. regret
Іске асатын іс әрекет Іске аспаған іс әрекет өкініш
І. Conditional reality
If + present tenses will + V
If I study hard I will know English well.
Егер мен жақсы оқысам, ағылшын тілін жақсы білетін боламын.
II. Conditional unreality
If + past tenses would + V
If knew English well I would travel around the
Егер мен ағылшын тілін жақсы білсем, дүниеи жүзілік саяхат жасаған болатын едім
Working on exercises.1.Completing sentences with the correct form of the Verb.
Ex.10 p 119
a.If I______(have) much time,I ________(waste) it.
b.If I________(be) rich, I_________(travel) around the world.
c.If I________(be) a famous sportsman , I______(see) a lot of interesting
d.If I________(have) enoygh money , I__________(buy) a computer.
the text of ex.5p117
Let’s read the text about Bolat`s life and his dream.Describe his dream.(screen
The next exercise is 6 on p118 for asking and answering questions about Bolat.
Example: he/live/in a small flat?
Would he live in a small flat?
No, he wouldn`t. He would live in a big house
a..his mother/stay/at home?
b.he and his sister/ go to/ ordinary school?
c.he and his sister/ wear/ a uniform?
d.his granny /look/ after them?
e.his life / be / boring?
3.Talking about if their father were a millionaire. Ex 8 p 118.
I live in a small flat with my parents a sister.
My father is a teacher. He doesn’t earn much. My mother is a housewife. She
can’t find a job. I have a granny who looks after us. My sister and I go to
ordinary school. We usually get there by bus. At school we wear uniform. At
home we have a small cat "Blacky”. My life is boring.
His dream
If my father were a millionaire we would live in
a house. My father would earn much money. My mother would have an interesting
job. My sister and I wouldn’t go to an ordinary school. We would go to a
private school, where we wouldn’t wear a uniform. We would wear fashionable
clothes. My granny would travel all over the world. We would have "gold
fish” at home. My life would be interesting
The next task is completing sentences of the 2nd Conditional. Let’s think well.
If I______(win) the lottery, I would give you half the money.
If I _______( be) free on Sunday, I would go to the cinema.
It _________( be) a pity if he _________ ( marry ) Susan.
She ________( not be ) late if she ________(have ) a watch.
________ you ________ (buy ) a bicycle if you had much money?
answer some final tasks
1.Auxilliary verb of the main clause.
2.The Tense of the Subordinate clause.
Home assignment.. Ex 11 p 119. making sentences.
Learning Conditional sentences.
The 11 th form
The theme: the System of Government in Great Britain
Сабақтың мақсаты:
Білімділік : Ұлы британя мен Қазақстан мемлекеттерінің заңдары туралы мәлімет беру, дұрыс пайдалануын меңгерту
Дамытушылық : грамматикалық тапсырмалар орындау,сөздік қорын тереңдңту
Тәрбиелік: тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру
Сабақтың типі: аралас сабақ
Әдіс-тәсілі : топтық жұмыс, сұрақ жауап
Көрнекілігі: грамматикалық таблица,оқулық
Сабақтың барысы.
Good morning, dear children! I’m glad to see you today.
II. Today we have an unusual lesson. The Theme of our lesson is “The System of Government in Great Britain”. Today we fly to London. Ladies and gentlemen! I am Captain. And our cruse welcomes you on board of our international plane. Take your seats, please. Do not move before the flying up and down. Fasten your belts, please. Have a nice trip! I wish you a good flight and pleasant journey. Now dear passengers we all live in Kazakhstan and what we know about our republic. Please write a few words about our republic Kazakhstan. (Заполняется диаграмма)
I see you know about Kazakhstan. ( рассказывают о Казахстане)
Now what do you know about Great Britain? (рассказывают о Великобритании)
Slide 5-17- all about Great Britain.
What can you say about the System of Government in Great Britain? (рассказывают о системе правительства Великобритании)
Slide 18 - Name the system of government in Great Brita
III. I give you the text and you must read this text and make a chart of making law.
And find the following words in the text.
IV. Systematization of the students’ knowledge about Great Britain and Kazakhstan.
Slide 19
June 1997
July 1995
August 1995,
Slide 20
Constitutional monarch
Queen Elizabeth II,
20 ministers,
The House of Lords
Prime Ministers
House of Commons
V. Conclusion of the lesson
VI. Home task
Get ready to speak about the System of Government in Great Britain and in our republic Kazakhstan.
The 11 th form
The theme: Her
Majesty's government.
The Aim: 1. To enrich pupils knowledge about royal family, to develop pupils
abilities in
speaking; to enrich their vocabulary.
2. To develop their reading, writing, listening skills and grammar, lexical
3. To bring up pupils to be attentive, to write neat and correct.
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson
Teaching methods: speaking, reading, writing, completing, comparing.
Visual aids: an interactive board, pictures
The Procedure of the Lesson
I. Organization moment.
Теасher: Good morning, boys and girls. I`m so glad to
see you today.
Good morning, dear colleagues! Welcome to our lesson.
Today we are going to talk about royal family, king and queen.
Today we`re going to read, speak and write about royal family, king and queen.
We will revision last grammar materials and do a lot of tasks.
The class is divided into two groups and will works in groups.
“Boys” and “Girls”
II. Now, first – What was your home task for today? Revision all covered
materials about prepositions.
Prepositions of movement:
Across – out -
Around – over -
Away from – past -
Down – through -
Into – toward –
Off – under -
Onto – up -
Task № 1 Work with cards. Complete the sentences with missing prepositions
1. Kim jumped ….. the pool of water.
2. Peter went …… the bridge.
3. He rode his camel ……. the desert.
4. The ball went …… the net.
5. He drove the truck ……. the hill.
6. Christopher Columbus sailed ….. the Atlantic Ocean.
7. Carol looked ……. the window.
8. They went …… the stairs.
9. Roger ran …….. the wall.
10. We drove ……. the tunnel.
11. Rossana walked ……the street.
12. The airplane flew ……. the city.
Now, share with neighbour answer sheets and check his work.
1. over 5. down 9. to
2. to 6. across 10. through
3. across 7. through 11. across
4. over 8. up 12. over
How many mistake did your neighbour?
III. Now, look at the blackboard. Write down the new theme.
The theme of our lesson is “Her Majesty the Queen”.
I want to show you presentation about Royal family. Presentation.
New words:
Duke – Герцог (атақтың ең жоғары
Duke of York – Йорк герцогы
Heir presumptive – Мұрагер (монархтың
ер баласы болмаған жағдайда, ер баласы өмірге
келгенге дейін монархтың үлкен қызы немесе бауыры бола алады.)
Work with text. Read and translate the text: Her Majesty the Queen.
The Queen was born in London on 21 April 1926, the first child of King George
and Queen Elizabeth. Five weeks later she was christened Elizabeth Alexandra
Mary in the chapel at Buckingam Palace. The Princess`s early years were spent
at 145 Picadilly, in London and the country homes of grandparents, King George
V and Queen Mary. Princesss Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess
Margaret, her younger sister. After her father succeeded to the throne in 1936
and she became heir presumptive, she started to study history and law. She also
studied art and music, learned to ride and enjoyed amateur theatricals and
Prince Phillip - was born on 10 June 1921. He was the only son of Prince Andrew
of Greece.
The Prince came to Britain at an early age to be educated. He attended a
school, in Scotland, and the Royal Naval College. During the second World War
he served at the sea. The Prince plays an active part in national life and acts
as president or patron of some 800 organizations. The Prince is a keen
IV. Physical minute. Stand up – Hands up - Hands down …..
V. Work with posters. Posters “Queen” and “Phillip”. Write down all about the
queen and the king what do you know about them.
The next, you must say 2 stars and 1 wish.
- Work was good, but … to use little information, not enough to work.
- Work is very full, but it would be good if the work was more colourful.
- Please, say me what mark you put …. For example.
VI. Conclusion.
In conclusion of our lesson I would like to show you photopresentation about
Royal Family.
I like you today. – Do you like our lesson? – I do too.
And I hope you `ll be use this information about Royal Family not only at the
lessons and of course in your life.
Your marks are: …
Your home task: to prepare retelling of the text “Queen and Prince”
Thank you for the lesson. Good - bye.
Conditional sentences – шартты райлы сөйлемдер
Ағылшын тілінде шартты райлы сөйлемнің төрт түрі болады:
1. Zero Conditional
2. First Conditional
3. Second Conditional
4. Third Conditional
Жеке-жеке қарастыратын болсақ.
1. Zero Conditional –қашанда шындықты білдіретін жағдайды білдіреді.
Басыңқы, бағыныңқы сөйлем де осы шақта тұрады.
Мұндай сөйлемдердің шақ формуласы мынандай:
If + бағыныңқы сөйлем (Present
Indefinite), басыңқы сөйлем (Present
If you heat ice, it melts. – Егер сіз мұзды қыздырсаңыз, ол ериді.
If people work hard, they usually go to bed early. – Егер адамдар қатты жұмыс істесе, олар әдетте ұйқыға ерте жатады.
If you know the subject, you need not be affraid. – Егер сіз пәнді білсеңіз, қорқудың қажеті жоқ.
Мынандай жағдайға көңіл бөлу керек, шартты сөйлемдерде бағыныңқы сөйлем басыңқы сөйлемнен кейін тұруы мүмкін:
You need not be afraid if you know the subject.
Бұл жерде ережені білу керек: бағыныңқы сөйлем басыңқы сөйлемнен кейін тұрса, арасына үтір қойылмайды.
2. First Conditional – болуы мүмкін шартты және оның келер шақтағы нәтижесін білдіреді.
Басыңқы сөйлем келер шақ, бағыныңқы сөйлем осы шақ формаларында болады.
Мұндай сөйлемдердің шақ формуласы мынандай:
If + бағыныңқы сөйлем (Present
Indefinite), басыңқы сөйлем (Future
If it rains, I shall stay at home. – Егер жаңбыр жауса, мен үйде қаламын.
If you study hard, you will pass your examination. – Егер сен қатты дайындалсаң, емтиханды тапсырасың.
If I see Ann, I’ll ask her to call you. – Егер мен Эннді көрсем, саған қоңырау шалуын сұраймын.
3. Second Conditional – шындыққа келмейтін жағдайды және оның мүмкін болатын нәтижесін білдіреді.
Бұл сөйлемде бағыныңқы, басыңқы сөйлем де
Indefinite Tenses тобындағы өткен шақтарда тұрады.
(Sequence of Tenses) тақырыбында қарастырылған шақтардың үйлесуі ережесі сақталуы керек.
Мұндай сөйлемдердің шақ формуласы мынандай:
If + бағыныңқы сөйлем (Past
Indefinite), басыңқы сөйлем (Future-in-the-Past
If we were rich, we would buy a big house. – Егер біз бай болсақ, үлкен үй сатып алар едік.
If people drove more carefully, there would be fewer accidents. – Егер адамдар мұқият машина жүргізгенде, азырақ жол апаты болар еді.
If I had enough time, I would fly to San Francisco. – Егер менде жеткілікті уақыт болса, мен Сан-Францискоға ұшып кетер едім.
4. Third Conditional – өткен уақытта болмай қалған жағдайларды білдіреді.
Бұл сөйлемде бағыныңқы, басыңқы сөйлем де
Perfect Tenses тобындағы өткен шақтарда тұрады.
Тағы да шақтардың үйлесуі ережесі сақталады.
Мұндай сөйлемдердің шақ формуласы мынандай:
If + бағыныңқы сөйлем (Past
Perfect), басыңқы сөйлем (Future-in-the-Past
If I hadn’t fallen ill, I would have gone to the party. – Егер мен ауырып қалмасам, кешке барған болар едім.
If it had not rained last night, we would have visited our friends. – Егер кеше кешке жаңбыр болмаған жағдайда, біз достарымызға барған болар едік.
If you had given me more time, I should have made a better report. – Егер сіз маған көбірек уақыт берген жағдайда, мен баяндаманы жақсырақ жасаған болар едім.
Күні |
25.01.2017 |
Сыныбы |
9 «А.Ә.Б.В» |
Сабақтың тақырыбы |
Ұшудан әсер алу. Enjoy your flight. |
Сабақтың мақсаты |
Оқушылар ұшақпен саяхаттаудың тиімді, тиімсіз жақтары туралы әңгімелеседі, өзі таңдаған саяхат туралы ой бөліседі, пікірталас негізінде ой қорытуға үйренеді. |
Міндеттері |
1. Мәтіндегі жаңа сөздерге сипаттама беру; 2. Алған білімін тұлғалар мен дерексіз заттар сипаттау кезінде қолдана отырып, өзінің болашақта саяхаттауды дұрыс таңдауға ықпал ету; 3. Әділ бағалауға үйрету. |
Күтілетін нәтижелер |
1.Әр оқушы өз ойын ашық айта алады; 2.Бір-бірімен ойларын еркін бөліседі; 3.Ынтымақтастық атмосферасы қалыптасады; 4.Мамандықты дұрыс таңдау жолдарын біледі; 5.Топта,жұптық жұмыста ой алмасады. |
Ресурстар |
Интерактивті тақта, плакаттар, маркерлер, стикерлер, таратпа қағаздар. |
Тапсырма көздері |
Топтық жұмыс, жеке жұмыс, жұппен жұмыс. |
Модульдердің кіріктірілуі |
Оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер. Сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету. Оқыту үшін бағалау және оқу үшін бағалау. Ақпараттық-коммуниациялық технологияларды қолдану. Дарынды және талантты балаларды оқыту. |
Сабақта қолданылатын әдіс-тәсілдер |
«Фотосуреттер», «Стикердегі диалог», «Үшіншісі артық» , «Санадағы кинофильм» , «Тақтадағы граффити» әдістері. |
Сабақтың барысы |
Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті |
Оқушының іс-әрекеті |
Кіріспе |
Сәлемдесу. Шаттық шеңберін кұрып, ынтымақсатық атмосферасын қалыптастыру. Топқа бөлу. (түстер арқылы қызғылт, сары) |
Дөңгелене шаттық шеңберіне тұрып, бір-біріне жылы лебіздерін білдіреді. Топқа бөліну. |
Тұсаукесер |
«Фотосуреттер» әдісі. Суреттке тақырып қояды. |
Тақырыпқа байланысты әр топқа суреттер беріледі. Суретке тақырып қойып неге ол тақырыпты қойғанын дәлелдейді. |
Негізгі бөлім |
1.«Стикердегі диалог». Әр топқа стикерге сұрақтар жазылады. Топтағы оқушылар стикердегі сұрақтарға жауап жазады. 1. Are planes really safer than cars? 2. What are the advantages of travelling by airplane? What are the disadvantages? 3. Have you ever seen a female pilot? Why do you think that most pilots are men? 4. Would you like to be a flight attendant? What are the good and bad sides? 5. Would you like to fly by plane? Why? 2. A Tragedy in the air. Group I reads text A. Group II reads text D. 1. What happened at the beginning of the flight? 2. Why were the passengers nervous and upset then? 3. What was the last news? Was the news tragic? 4. What were all the passengers afraid of? 5. How did the story end? 3. «Үшіншісі артық». Тақырып бойынша сөздер беріледі. Дұрыс немес қате жауаптың болмауы мүмкін, болмаса кез келген сөз артық болуы мүмкін. Drinking, smoking, opening doors and windows, eating, standing up, undoing your seat belt, reading, running, sleeping, walking around. 4. «Санадағы кинофильм». Мұғалім сыныпқа қысқа оқиғаны оқиды.Мұғалім ақпаратты оқуды тоқтатып, оқушылардан оқиғаны тоқтаған жерден жалғастырып, одан әрі дамытуды сұрайды. |
Топтағы оқушылар стикердегі сұрақтарға жауап жазады. Жазған жауаптарын келесі топпен алмасады. Бір-бірлерінің жауаптарын «екі жұлдызы, бір тілек» кері байланыс арқылы бағалайды. Оқушылар мәтінді оқып бірі-біріне сұрақ қойып жауап береді.
Оқушылар жұптаса отырып дұрыс сөзді тауып неге ол сөз артық екенін айтады. Тапсырма соңынан оқушылар өз көңіл күйін смайлик арқылы білдіреді.
Оқушылар көздерін жұмады. Оқушылар мұғалім оқып жатқан ақпаратты көз алдарына келтіру сұралады. Оқушылар топта «санасындағы кинокартинада» не болғандығы туралы әңгімелеп, оқиғаны аяқтайды. |
Қорытынды бөлім |
«Тақтадағы граффити» әдісі. Тақтадағы граффитиде мақал мәтелдер беріледі. 1. Every country has its customs. 2. East or west home is best. 3. There is no place like home. 4. The wider we roam the welcome home.
Сабақты қорытындылау есебінде, мақал-мәтелдердің дұрыс жауабын сәйкестендіреді. |
Үй тапсырмасы |
«Менің ұмытылмас саяхатым» тақырыбында эссе жазу. |
Оқушылар күнделіктеріне жазып алады. |
Әр топ басшылары топтағы оқушыларды бағалайды. Не үшін «3,4,5» баға алғандарын дәлелдейді.
Оқушылардың пікірлерін тыңдау. |
Рефлекция |
Білім ағашы.Не білдім? Не үйрендім? Не білгім келеді? |
Топ мүшелері алма ағашы бейнеленген суретке қызыл алма немесе жасыл алманы жапсырады. Бүгінгі сабақты қаншалықты түсінгендерін көрсетеді. Жасыл толық түсіндім, қызыл алма толық түсінбедім, сұрақтарым бар. |
Form : 5a.b
of the lesson: Sport in our life
The aims:
Training reading and speaking drills doing different tasks.
Talking and asking about the sport in Kazakhstan
To develop the knowledge of pupils reading and speaking skills.
The visual aids: Pictures, books, interactive board
Educational aim: To interesting pupils in sport and to take up good habits
The course of the lesson:
I.Org moment: -Good morning pupils!
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
-What day is it today?
-What’s the weather like today?
-What season is it now?
II. New theme: Today we’ll have new theme. At first we must divete into 2
group.Give stickers please. Look at the interactive board. Look at the video. (видео көрсету). What
about this video? Yes all right this video about sport.What kind of sport do
you know?
Sport is an important part of our life First of all, sport builds character. It
teaches to win. It makes you strong fast besides it teaches you about life and
it is a good you to meet people even from countries. But you must a good
sportsman for that.
III. Work with the new words:
horse racing – ат жарыс}
weight lifing –}
cross country skiing- ойлы қырлы жерлермен шаңғымен жүру}
support – қолдау}
transmit – таратылу (радио немесе теледидардан)}
amateur – әуесқой спортшы}
tournament – турнир, жарыс}
wrestling – күрес}
keeps them fit – форманы сақтау}
professional – кәсіпқой}
sporting societies – спорт қоғамы}
cricket- крикет
rugby - регби
squash - теннистің бір түрі
netball - баскетбол
IV. Work with text Sport in Kazakhstan
Sport helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes
them more organized, better disciplined in their daily activities and
Many sports are popular in Kazakhstan. They are:
football,tennis,hockey,weight-lifting,track and field,basketball, volleyball,
and carate, cross-country skiing, figure skating, climbing mountains,
All these sports have their strong supporters and fans. Thousands of people go
to the stadium to support their favourite team and many thousands more watch
the game on TV. For many people sport is the main form of entertainment. The
people in the Republic of Kazakhstan are not only sports fans. They take an
active part in all sports and sports activities, professional and amateur.}
There are different sporting societies and amateur clubs in the Republic of
Kazakhstan.Some of them constantly take part in different international
tournaments. Football clubs Kairat (Almaty) and Vostok(Oskemen) are well-known
to their fans. Kazakhstani sportsmen have won a great number of world records
in gymnastics, judo, wrestling, athletics.}
International and national matches attract many fans. Some most important games
and sport events are transmitted over the radio.
Sport in Britain
In Britain, forty per cent of the population regulary play a sport. There are
many differences between sport in Britain in and other countries. For example ,
skiing is not very popular in Britain as there are not many mountains. Skiing
can in certain parts of Scotland or they go to Austria, Italy, France or
Switzerland. Basketball and volleyball are not very popular in Britain, bur
many people play rugby. The British play many sports that are unknown in most
other countries, for example: criket, squash and netball.}
Cricket is a typically British sport which foreigners have difficulty in
understanding. There are two teams of eleven players. Matches last from one to
five days. Many people think it is a slow and boring game, but it can be very
exciting and rather dangerous.}
Squash is another British invention. It is form of tennis.There are two players
and they use rackets similar to tennis rackets and a small, black rubber ball.
They play indoors. It is a very fast and tiring sport.}
Netball is similsr to basketball . There are seven players (usually girls or
women ) in each team and the object of the game is the same as in basketball :
to throw the ball throut a net at the top of a three – metre post.}
V. Answer the questions:
1. What does sport help people to do?
2. What sports are popular in Kazakhstan?
3. Where can amateurs go in for sports?
4. What sports are popular in Britain? Cricket, rugby, squash netball
5. How many players have in netball? 7 players
VI. Complete the sentences
1. Many sports are popular in Kazakhstan.
2. Thousands of people go to the stadium.
3. There are many different sporting societies and amateur clubs.
4. Horse raicing is very popular in Kazakhstan.
5. Squash is another British invention.
6. Netball is similar to basketball.
7. Rugby is a popular sport in Britain.
8. Cricket is a typically British sport.
VII. Project work
1. Bekzat – Ilya Ilin
2. Aruna – Serik Sapiev
3. Aida –
4. Ersin –
5. Ademi – Our class’s sportsmen
VIII. Grammar Past Continuous Tense видео
Past Continuous өткен шақтағы аяқталмаған іс әрекетті білдіреді. Бұл өткен шақта белгілі бір уақытта болып жатқан созылмалы іс- әрекет. I was
watching TV at 7 o’clock in the evening.
Todd Morinovich is an American football star. In childhood when all his friends
I _______________(begin) to think it was all a lot of nonsence.}
There ______________(go)to be a school athletics meeting.}
Nick ______________(play) tennis at that moment.}
Steve _______________(play) tennis , when John entered the stadium.}
Yesterday at 4 o’clock we _____________(watch) a football.}
IX. Boxer, gymnasts, wrestling, running, winner, figure-skating
1.Vasily Zhirov from Kazakhstan is the best and strongest boxer in the
2. Seric Eleuov a boxer from Karaganda, became the bronze medal winner.
3. Aliya Yusupova, a 20-year girl from Chimkent was the to get the main price
in gymnasts in the Olimpics.
4.Olga Shishigina is an Olimpic champion in running.
5. Beibit Istibayev was the champion “Kazakhstan Barisi”
on tournament is wrestling.
6. Ten Denis a 17-year old schoolboy was the 1st in figure-skating.
X. Conclusion
XI. Complete the diagramme
XII. Home task: Write down short story about sport
The lesson is over good bye!
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