Данный урок проводится в 7 классе при прохождении темы Спорт по УМК Биболетовой М.З. Enjoy English. Подтема Здоровый образ жизни имеет воспитательное значение . Урок проводится в конкурсной форме, в ходе которого учащиеся показывают свои навыки и умения работы в группе .
План – конспект
Цели урока:
открытого урока по
*практический аспект
совершенствование умений
практического владения учащимися английским языком по
темам «Спорт» и «Здоровый образ жизни»;
английскому языку по
теме “Здоровый образ
*образовательный аспект актуализация и развитие знаний
учащихся о спорте и здоровом образе жизни,
совершенствование неподготовленной речи детей,
закрепление изученных речевых структур, тренировка
навыков лексики и грамматики;
*социокультурный аспект расширение объема знаний
учащихся о странах изучаемого языка, их культуре и
традициях, их особенностях, сходствах и различиях в рамках
диалога культур;
*развивающий аспект развитие способностей использовать
английский язык как средство социальной адаптации
учащихся, формирование навыков самостоятельного анализа
и оценки предлагаемой информации;
*воспитательный аспектвоспитание активной жизненной
позиции, ответственного отношения к своему здоровью,
стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной работе,
развитие творчества, умения работать в коллективе,
ориентации на практически значимый результат.
Задачи урока:
1) Образовательные:
обобщить лексический и
грамматический материал по темам «Спорт » и
«Здоровый образ
коммуникативные (монологические и диалогические)
умения учащихся, к концу урока учащиеся должны
уметь применять грамматические правила на практике
(косвенная речь), а также совершенствовать навыки
аудирования, говорения и письма;
2) Развивающие: повышать мотивацию к изучению
английского языка;
развивать лингвистические
способности (фонематичсекий слух, смысловую
языковую догадку), развивать основные психические
процессы, связанные с речевой деятельностью
(речевое мышление,
способность к общению;
3) Воспитательные:
воспитывать толерантность,
создавать условия
для формирования ясных
представлений учеников о здоровом образе жизни;
способствовать созданию условий для сотрудничества
и работы в команде, а также самостоятельно.
План –
”Вид урока: комбинированный;
Тип урока: урок закрепления и обощения изученного учебного материала
Используемые технологии: обучение в сотрудничестве, интерактивные,
коммуникативные, групповые технологии;
Приемы: соревнование, показ, пример (учителя), наглядность;
Оборудование: наглядные пособия, раздаточный материал конверты с заданиями,
мультимедийная презентация
На доске эпиграф: «Sport as a lifestyle»
На доске таблица для баллов.
Ход урока:
I`m glad to see you.
1 Организационный момент: (Приветствие, рапорт дежурного)
- Good morning, boys and girls.
- Good morning, teacher.
- We are glad to see you, too.
- How are you?
- We are fine, thank you.
Take your seats, please.
- Who is on duty today? ( рапорт дежурного)
(Настрой на работу звучит спокойная музыка)
Do you like the music? What can you say about your spirit? Are you O’K now?
Now boys and girls come up to the blackboard and put a tick on the smile.(на доске
изображения человечков: улыбающийся, грустный и серьезный дети ставят галочки
у изображения соответствующего их настроению и состоянию).
Today, my dear friends, we shall have an unusual lesson. It will be a competition. We have
already divided into three groups. There will be 5 pupils in each team. We shall play different
games, compete, brush up your grammar, share and discuss the ideas about a healthy way of life.
At the end of the game we shall count our scores and find out who is the winner. Don`t forget to
offer to help to each other. Be friendly, attentive, intelligent, creative and hardworking. I suppose
everything will be O’k. First of all choose the name of your team, look at the blackboard.
Look at the blackboard (на доске записан ряд слов): car, gold, family, computer,
school, health, friends, cottage, job.
- Children, what thing is the most important for you? you are right. Because “Health is the
greatest wealth”.
Фонетическая зарядка.Sport is keeping fit.
Sport is fun for boys and girls.
It’s much better than the toys.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
It makes you cool, it makes you strong,
It makes you beautiful, it makes you form.
- Look at the blackboard and listen to me attentively. Отрабатываем чтение стихя хором и
. Warming up
Look at the screen. Guess the topic of our lesson, what are we going to speak about?
Please dicuss it in your groups. you have 15 seconds. Don’t forget to show that you have
finished the discussion.
The topic of our lesson is……
- You are quite right. So we are going to speak about sport. If we want to be healthy, strong
and beautiful you should go in for sports.
It`s time to begin our competition. Let`s start it with the first exercise.
Первый конкурс
Now I want you to look at the screen. You can see some proverbs but they are not
complete, please, combine them.
1. Health is better in a healthy body.
2. Early to bed, early to rise is the best rest.
3. Healthy mind keeps a doctor away.
4. An apple a day than wealth.
5. A change of activity makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
- Nice work. Now let’s translate these proverbs.
Второй конкурс
The next task is for you to guess the game. There is an envelope on each table. Take
them, please. Open the envelopes and take
card №1. Choose only the one person from each team. Come up to me, your task is to
read the description of the sports and your tam should name them.
Card 1
1. This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on
an ice field.
It is a team game. Two teams hit large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is
not allowed to bounce on the ground.3.
It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing figures. They
move the playing figures on a board. The aim of the game is taking your opponent`s king.
4. This game is played by 2 teams. There are 4 players and 4 horses in each team. They play
this game on the big field. The aim of the game is putting the ball into the hole as many
times as you can.
Key: 1hockey; 2volleyball; 3chess; 4 polo
Третий конкурс
The third game is “Find the words”. You can see the parts of the words on the screen.
You will make up the words on the topic “Sport”. Take a sheet of paper, you will have 2
min. to finish your task.
ache lete back ath
near ep ke ly
rts ly high spo
cen thro tre at
rou ball bles foot
Keys: athlete, nearly, sports, keep, highly, backache, throat, centre, football, roubles.
Let’s check up your work. Please, come up to the blackboard in a turn and write down
your words.
Четвертый конкурс
Is it important to…fit?
If you have got a sore…, you should go to the doctor.
We have just read the words on the topic “Sports”. The next task for you is to complete
the sentences using these words. I want you to finish this task in 5 minutes. Take card №2
from your envelope.
Card 2:
1. My friend usually goes to the sports… on Monday.
4. Does your mother like to watch…competitions?
5. He is a very famous….
6. The stadium was…full.
7. My Granny hasn`t got a….
8. They think…of our game.
9. How much money have you got?I`ve got twenty….
10. I like…more than anything.
Keys: 1centre; 2keep; 3throat; 4sports; 5athlete; 6nearly; 7backache; 8highly; 9
roubles; 10football.
And now let’s have a rest. Stand up, please.
Hands up,
Hands down,
Hands on hips,
Sit down.Stand up,
Hands to the sides
Bend left,
Bend right.
Hands on hips,
One, two, three, hop,
One, two, three, stop.
Stand still!
- Do you like tests? Let’s do the medical test. Look at the screen and answer yes/no.
Medical test Yes No
1. Do you often eat vegetables and fruit?.................
2. Do you do sports every day?.................................
3. Do you watch TV for more than an hour?.............
4. Do you eat chocolate, sweets, chips every day?.....
5. Do you sleep 7-8 hours at night?...........................
6. Do you sometimes think about how fit you are? …
Put «1» for each «Yes»
What is your total score?
Now read about yourself:
0-3: Oh dear, forget about sweets and chips. You need fruit and
vegetables & lots more exercises.
3-4: Do more exercises and eat more carefully.
5-6: You keep fit! Well done!
Put your hands if you have 3 “Yes”…. I hope that all of you are healthy.
Пятый конкурс
Now it`s time to practice your vocabulary. The next task is to make up your own
monologue: how to keep fit?
Do you want to be strong, well-build,
disciplined, energetic, slim and slender? Give your
opponents some recommendations. Who will be the first? (подготовленные монологи
дом задание)
Шестой конкурс
Now it`s time to practice your grammar skills. Look at the screen and try to remember Reported
Speech. Let’s remember our changes in tenses, modal verbs and time expressions. (презентация
по косвенной речи).Card 3. Let’s do the exercise in a turn. Say the following statements in reported speech. Fred
said: “I have invented a new computer program”. (Фрэд сказал: «Я изобрел новую
компьютерную программу.»)
Mary said: “I will help my sister.” (Мэри сказала: «Я помогу своей сестре.»)
They told me: “We were really happy.” (Они сказали мне: «Мы были очень счастливы.»)
She said: “I live in a big apartment.” (Она сказала: «Я живу в большой квартире.»)
He told her: “I am going to the fish market.” (Он сказал ей: «Я собираюсь на рыбный рынок.»)
Betty said: “I found my passport.” (Бетти сказала: «Я нашла свой паспорт.»)
Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.” (Мр Форд сказал: «Я не люблю свинину.»)
Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.” (Маленький Тим сказал маме: «Я хочу спать.»)
Итог урока.
Now it`s time to count your scores. If you have 6 and more scores, you will get excellent marks
today. If you have 6 scores, you will get good marks. So you can see that the winner of our
competition is friendship. Everybody will get only excellent marks. Thank you for your work
today. You were so active and creative, intelligent and clever. Especially, I liked that you were
friendly and offered to help to your friends if they needed it. Let`s congratulate each other. Clap
your hands, please.
Your HT is to revise Reported Speech.
At the end of our lesson let’s read our slogan together:
The Slogan of Your Life
If you want to be OK,
Eat an apple every day!
If you want to do a lot
You should go in for sport!
Stand up, children! Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!