Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov
To conceal – скрывать, утаивать
A nobleman – дворянин, аристократ
To be appointed to – быть назначенным на (должность)
To found – основать
To enrich – обогащать
To forestall опережать
Eventually – в конце концов, в конечном итоге
To be memorialized – увековечить память
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on the 19th of
November in 1711 near Kholmogory in the village of Denisovka
in the Archangelsk region. Lomonosov was the first Russian
scientist of world importance. He had encyclopedic knowledge,
interests and abilities. He was a poet, artist and historian.
He began his working life when he was still a boy. He was
the son of a fisherman, so he often went with his father to the
White Sea and to the Arctic Ocean. Misha learnt much about
nature and about the life of his country. At an early age
Lomonosov was eager to study and read every book he could
find. Soon he could read by heart a few books that he had found.
At the age of 19 the young man left his house and went on
foot to Moscow. Lomonosov wanted to have an education , so
he chose to conceal his poor background. He pretended that he
was a son of a nobleman to enter the SlavonicGreekLatin
Academy in Moscow. There he proved to be a brilliant student
and five years later he was sent to the Gymnasium of the
Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. It was in 1735. In 1736,
he was sent to Germany to study mineralogy and chemistry. In
1742, he was appointed to a physics position at the St.
Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The St. Petersburg Academy
of Sciences was highly respected in Europe. At that time foreign
scientists worked there. For example: Lehman. Lomonosov
became the first Russian professor of chemistry at the Academy
in 1745.M. Lomonosv founded the first chemical laboratory in
1748. His discoveries enriched many branches of knowledge.
Lomonosov's ideas forestalled the science of that time.
Lomonosov was also a great physicist, chemist and astronomer.
He formulated the main principles of one of the basic laws of
physics – the law of conservation of matter and motion (закон
сохранения материи и движения). Besides this Lomonosov
wrote poetry (verses) that had a great effect on the development
of the Russian literary language.The first Russian grammar was
written by him as well.
Lomonosov tried, but failed, to found a university in St.
Petersburg. In 1755, he eventually succeeded in founding what
now Moscow State University is. This university, officially
named after Lomonosov, is at the apex of the Russian system of
higher education.
Lomonosov was also made a member of the Swedish
Academy of Science in 1760 and became a member of the
Bologna Academy of Science in 1764. He occupies a central
place in the history of Russian science. Lomonosov is
memorialized in many place names Arctic submarine ridge
(водораздел), Atlantic current (течение), etc. The Russian
Academy of Sciences awarded Lomonosov medals in scientific
achievement one to a Russian and one to a foreign scientist. In
general, Lomonosov improved the quality of Russian science
and education.
In 1765, Lomonosov caught a cold and died at the age of 54.
He is buried in the cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Monastary in
St. Petersburg, Russia.
M. Lomonosov was generally recognized as one of the most
outstanding persons in the world in the 18th century. He was a
great patriot who loved his Motherland and wanted to make it a
prosperous country.ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2
Лексика по теме «Известные люди»
compatriot –соотечественник
contemporary –современник
generation –поколение
contribution –вклад
innovator –новатор
scientist –ученый
historical figure –исторический деятель
designer –конструктор
cosmonaut –космонавт
artist –художник
representative –представитель
military leader –полководец
outstanding выдающийся
essential –существенный
ambitious –честолюбивый
significant –значительный
unpredictable –непредсказуемый
realistic –реалистичный
landscape –пейзаж
title –звание, титул
Nobel prize –Нобелевская премия
politician –политический деятель
unforgettable –незабываемый
marvellous –изумительный
charming –очаровательный
success –успех
successful –успешный
to succeed –добиться успеха
to be proud of –гордиться
to investigate –исследовать
to support –поддерживать
to invent –изобретать
to discover –открыть, исследовать
to dеscribe –описывать
to perform –исполнять, играть
to perfect –совершенствоватьto make an impression –произвестивпечатление
to enter –поступить
to graduate from –окончить
to admire –восхищаться
the Periodic System of Elements –ПериодическаясистемаМенделеева
heritage –наследие
branches of science –области на
2.Read the text again and complete the table:
FACT FILE M.V.Lomonosov
1. Date of birth
2. Place of birth
3. Education
4. Branches of science
6. Additional information
3. Answer the questions to the text. Work in pairs
1.When and where was Lomonosov born?
2.He was always eager to study, wasn’t he?
3.How did Lomonosov manage to enter the Academy in Moscow?
4.When did he become the first Russian professor of chemistry in the
Academy in Moscow?
5.Who was also made a member of the Swedish Academy of Science in
6.At what age did Lomonosov die?
7.Was Lomonosov a great patriot who loved his Motherland and wanted to
make it a prosperous country?
Учитель предлагает подготовить текст о М.В.Ломоносове при помощи
таблицы (сильным ученикам); составить предложения из слов (слабым
ученикам )
Rewrite, put the words in the right order.
1. is, the, of, the, father, Mikhael, Russian, Lomonosov, science.
2. he, on foot, was, when, 19, Lomonosov, went, to Moscow.
3. and, Lomonosov, became, worked, a great, hard, he, scientist.4. Mikhael, made, Lomonosov, a telescope.
5. born, in 1711, Arkhangelsk, Mikhael Lomonosov, was, in, province.
6.He, a little, began, boy, to read, he, himself, was, when.