Урок в 7 классе “Школьная жизнь”
Оценка 4.8

Урок в 7 классе “Школьная жизнь”

Оценка 4.8
Разработки уроков
английский язык
7 кл
Урок в 7 классе “Школьная жизнь”
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Урок в 7 классе “Школьная жизнь”

Учитель: Коршунова Е. В.

Цели урока:

1. Развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся через различные виды речевой деятельности;

2. Повторение и обобщение пройденного материала по теме “Школьная жизнь”;

3. Развитие личностного потенциала ученика.




1)  Развитие монологической и диалогической речи по теме;

2)  Закрепление навыков в чтении текста и развитие умения работы с ним;

3)  Закрепление навыков в аудировании;

      4)  Активизация словарного запаса;

5)  Закрепление правил английской грамматики (Passive Voice, местоимения, модальный глагол);



1) Развитие интереса учащихся к школьным предметам, уважения к учителю, системам образования разных стран.

      2) Повышение интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

      3) Развитие и воспитание у школьников понимания важности изучения АЯ в современном мире и потребности пользоваться им как средством общения, познания, самореализации и социальной адаптации;



1) Развивать межпредметную связь и познавательный интерес учащихся;

2) Развивать умение диалогической и монологической речи;

3) Формирование и развитие умений и навыков работы с наглядностью, способности осуществлять творческий подход к решению коммуникативных задач;

4) Развитие навыков языковой догадки, языковой реакции, памяти, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы.

План урока

I. Объявление темы и цели урока.

 1) Фонетическая зарядка.

 2) Речевая зарядка.

II. Основная часть.

   1. Практика аудирования (задание с использованием интерактивной доски):

   2. Практика говорения (монологическая речь). Проверка домашнего задания

   3. Физкультминутка. (“Крестики и нолики”)

   4. Активизация лексико-грамматического материала.

   5. Физминутка.

   6. Чтение.

   7. Практика говорения (диалогическая речь)

   8. Физминутка.

   9. Итоговый тест по теме “Школьная жизнь ”.

III. Подведение итогов урока.


Оснащение урока.

1. Учебник М. З. Биболетова, Н. Н. Трубанева  “Английский с удовольствием” 7 класс.

2. Плакат по теме: “Образование в Великобритании”

3. Раздаточный материал (карточки для выполнения заданий по чтению, грамматике, лексике, аудированию)

4. компьютер, проектор, презентация слайдов в Power Point по теме: “Школьная жизнь”

Тип урока: комбинированный (урок закрепления и обобщения изученного материала и ознакомления с новыми лингвострановедческими реалиями). Урок-обобщение.


Предполагаемые формы и методы:

1. Монологическая речь;

2. Работа в парах;

3. Фронтальный опрос;

4. Аудирование;

5. Наглядность (лексика, раздаточный материал, презентация)


Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Т: Good morning, dear children. Today we are having a lesson on the topic “School Education”. We’ll speak about schools in Russia and Great Britain, about your school life and teachers. We also shall revise lexical and grammar structures. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson. Besides, there are too many guests today in our class-room, that's why let's show them our language skills.


2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: So dear children as usual we’ll repeat some words and expressions. Look at the blackboard. Let’s read all together and you’ll translate them.

to argue, to work hard, to get marks, free education, boring lessons, a troublemaker, secondary school, study languages, school life, argument, to have tests, private education, strict discipline,  school uniform, punishment.


3. Речевая зарядка.

T: And now let’s answer my questions, please?

1)  What subjects do you have at school this year?

2)  What are your favourite subjects? Why?

3) How many lessons do you have a day?

4)  What lessons do you have today?

5) Is your school big or small?

6)  Do pupils wear a uniform?

7)  Do you have a library at school?

8) Do you like your school?

9) Do your parents pay for your education?


4. Аудирование.

T: Now, children, your task is to listen to the text and then do some exercises.

Russian Education

   In Russia education is compulsory between ages of 6-7 and 15 years. There are different types of secondary schools in the country. Most of them are state school where education is free.

   But some parents want their children to attend private schools which aren’t free.

   In Russia school year begins on the 1st of September. This day children and their parents celebrate The Day of Knowledge. Children are happy to go to school because they meet their teachers and classmates after summer holidays. They bring flowers for their teachers. Russian children have lessons 5 or 6 days a week.

    In some schools they have to wear uniform. In others they are allowed to wear what they want.

   The discipline isn’t very strict. But if a pupil behaves badly the teacher can punish the child. Of course, the punishment isn’t severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out of trouble and always do their best.


1. Choose the right variant.

1) In Russia education is compulsory between ages of …

a) 5-6 and 15 years    b) 6-7 and 15 years    c) 8 and 15 years


2. Education of state school is …

a) free    b) strict    c) paid


3. Some parents want their children to attend ….

a) drama clubs    b) secondary schools    c) private schools


4. Children are happy to go to school because they meet…

a) teachers and classmates    b) relatives    c) friends and relatives


5. Children bring … for their teachers.

a) books and exercise-books   b) flowers    c) pens and pencils


6. If a pupil behaves badly the teacher can…

a) give him a good mark   b) punish him   c) talk to him


2. Complete each sentence with one of the words below.

        trouble          education         celebrate     allowed      have       punish      private     punishment     behaves                        summer holidays

Russian Education

   In Russia education is compulsory between ages of 6-7 and 15 years. There are different types of secondary schools in the country. Most of them are state school where …(1) is free.

   But some parents want their children to attend ….(2) schools which aren’t free.

      In Russia school year begins on the 1st of September. This day children and their parents … (3)The Day of Knowledge. Children are happy to go to school because they meet their teachers and classmates after …(4) . They bring flowers for their teachers. Russian children have lessons 5 or 6 days a week.

   In some schools they … (5)to wear uniform. In others they are … (6) to wear what they want.

   The discipline isn’t very strict. But if a pupil ….(7) badly the teacher can … (8) the child. Of course, the ….(9) isn’t severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out of …(10) and always do their best.


5. Проверка домашнего задания. Монологическая речь.

Teacher: There are many teachers in our school. I know you like them very much. Now I’ll give you 3 photos of your teachers. Children are to describe them without names but you should guess what their names are. (Учащиеся описывают учителей по фотографиям, не называя их имен. Примерные рассказы детей:

She is not tall. She is kind and polite. Her hair is short and fair. She works with children, parents and teachers. She is a director.

She is not tall. Her hair is fair. She teaches us to write dictations and to recite poems. Her hobby is teaching.

Остальные дети угадывают, что это за учителя)


T: I also have a photo. Ask me questions and guess what the name of this teacher is. (Учащиеся задают общие вопросы, например, Is she tall? Is her hair fair? Does she teach us to run? draw? sing? и догадываются фотографию какого педагога держит учитель).


6. Физминутка.

T: And now we are going to play “Crosses and Zeros”. I believe the rules are known for you. Choose the square and try to explain the meaning of the words in English. You, the pupils of Russian Secondary school, are the team of “Crosses” and you, the pupils of English State school, are the team of “Zeros”. Let’s begin.

 (Задача: закрыть клетки одинаковыми значками по диагонали, вертикали или горизонтали. Кто первым выстроит линию, тот и победил).










But now you have many subjects at your timetable. I’ll describe some lessons and you are to name them. Be attentive!

1. It gives us a chance to make friends in many parts of the world.  At this lesson you read texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play games. (English)

2. It helps you to calculate how much money you can ask your parents for. (Maths)

3. It helps you to live many lives without your living home. Russian and foreign writers and poets are studied at the lesson. (Literature)

4. It makes you a participants of lots of events (событий) which happened long ago. (History)

5. You can visit different countries without leaving your own city. (Geography)

6. At this lesson you draw and paint. You have papers and pencils, a brush and an eraser. (Art)

7. At this lesson you don’t read and write. You run, jump in the gym. (PE)

8. A lot of grammatical rules are studied at this lesson. We write many tests and dictations. (Russian)

9. At this lesson plants and animals are studied. (Biology)


7. Активизация и повторение лексико-грамматического материала.

1. Transform the following Active forms into the Passive forms.

Example: My sister bought a new dress yesterday. –A new dress was bought by my sister.


1) The old man punished the naughty boy.

2) Students use computers at their lessons.

3) The teacher explained the rules of the game to the students.

4) Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21st of May.

5) They arranged a nice picnic last month.

6) My elder brother repaired the bike.

7) Our American partner wrote the letters.

8) My mother buys newspaper every morning.


2. Use the verbs in Past Simple Passive, Present Simple Passive or Future Simple Passive.

1) A school … (build) in the village last year.

2) A new bike … (buy) by my brother next week.

3) A cake …( make) for my mother’s birthday every year.

4) These texts … (translate) yesterday.

5) Books … (read) by my sister every evening.

6) Some apples … (buy) tomorrow.


3. Choose the correct pronouns.

1) Whose test is this? – It belongs to …

a) you   b) yours   c) your

2) Whose book is this? – It’s…

a) my    b) mine   c) me

3) Ann’s school is near her house. It takes … 5 minutes to get there.

a) hers   b) she     c) her

4) Have you seen … watch? I can’t find it.

a)  mine   b) me    c) my

5) I don’t like these jeans. …. are much better.

a) You   b) Yours    c) Your


4. Choose the correct pronoun  one/ones.

1. Take my pen.- Thank you. I’ve got …

2. I prefer red roses to white …

3. This pencil is better than that …

4. Here are some books. Which … would you like?

5. I don’t like these flowers. Let me have some pink…

6. I think that her performance will be more interesting than the last …


   5. Complete the sentences with “should/shouldn’t”.

Teacher: Read the list of the rules for teachers and pupils at English School.

               Rules for teachers

1. Teachers … respect and love their pupils.

2. Teachers … know the subject they teach very well.

3. Teachers … use new technologies at the lesson.

4. Teachers … be angry.

5. Teachers … cry at the lesson.


             Rules for pupils

1. Pupils … be polite at school.

2. Pupils … say hello when they see a teacher.

3. Pupils … wear their school uniform.

4. Pupils … be late for your classes.

5. Pupils … run in the corridors.

6. Pupils … stand up when a teacher comes into the class.

7. Pupils … bring mobile phones to class.

8. Pupils … respect their teacher.

9. Pupils … draw or write on the desks.

10. Pupils … work hard at the lesson.


6. Choose the right word.

1. I … (study/learn) many subjects this year.

2. My mother is a … (quite/quiet) person.

3. I can’t … (hear/listen to) a word of what you are saying.

4. Every day we …(study/learn) new words.

5. Our house is … (quite/quiet) new.

6. My sister likes to  … (hear/listen to) the radio.

7. How many new words have you … (studied/learnt) by heart at this lesson?

8. Your school project is … (quite/quiet) good but not perfect.

9. Why don’t you … (hear/listen to) me?

10. How many languages do you … (study/learn) in your college?

11. Their family is … (quite/quiet) and friendly.

12. Do you … (hear/listen to) the rain beating against the window?


Key: 1) study; 2) quiet; 3)hear; 4) learn; 5) quite; 6) listen to; 7) learnt; 8) quite; 9) listen to; 10) study; 11) quiet; 12) hear


8. Физминутка.

T: Every nation has many proverbs about learning and knowledge. English people also have some of them.

Match the English proverbs with Russian ones.

1) Knowledge is power.

2) Better late than never.

3) Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.   

4) It is never too late to learn.

5) Learn to say before you sing.

6) Live and learn.

7) Practice makes perfect.                         


a) Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет.

b) Сначала научись говорить, а петь потом будешь

c) Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

d) Знание – сила.

e) Век живи — век учись.

f) Повторенье — мать ученья.

g) Учиться никогда не поздно.

h) Азбуки не знает, а читать садится.  

Key: 1) d; 2) c; 3) a; 4) g; 5) b; 6) e; 7) f


9. Чтение.


   School gives much knowledge for our future education and work. The school curriculum includes such subjects as: Russia, Literature, Maths, History, Physics, Geography, Biology, Foreign Languages, Art, Music, Physical Education, Handicraft.

   We have six Maths lessons a week. It is important to study Maths because it develops logical thinking.

   Art is an interesting subjects. Students make drawings with coloured pencils and chalk. Art lessons are necessary because they develop a good imaginary, teach us to watch and compare and to understand beauty.

   Biology is another important subject. It teaches us to love nature, to take care of animals and plants, to understand the world around us.

   History tells us how people lived in the past. It broadens our outlook and enlarge our knowledge of the world.

   At English lessons we read, translate and retell texts and recite poems. We discuss different topics. Knowledge of English gives a lot of opportunities. We will be able to understand people all over the world, because English is an international language.

   Our school was built in 1937. It is named after the famous Russian playwright, A. Ostrovsky, who lived nearby. Our school is situated in the centre of Moscow in one of its oldest districts.

   School plays a very important role in my life. It teaches us how to work and get along with other people. It gives me good friends – my classmates and teachers.



knowledge – знание

curriculum – учебный план

include – включает

Handicraft – ремесло, ручная работа

develop – развивает

thinking – мышление

chalk – мел

imaginary – воображение

compare – сравнивать

broadens our outlook – расширять кругозор

enlarge – расширять

opportunity – возможность

named after – названа в честь

nearby – поблизости, около

district – район

get along with – ладить с кем-либо


1. Answer the questions.

1) When was this school built?

2) What does the school give pupils?

3) Why is Maths important to study?

4) What do Art lessons develop?

5) What does Biology teach us?

6) What do pupils do at English lessons?

7) Why is it important to study History?


2. Match the subjects and why is it important to study them.

1) Maths            a) broadens our outlook and enlarges our knowledge of the world

2) Art                  b) helps to understand people all over the world

3) Biology          c) develops logical thinking

4) History          d) teaches us to love nature, to take care of animals and plants

5) English          e) develops a good imaginary


Keys: 1) c; 2) e; 3) d; 4) a; 5) b


 10. Составление собственных диалогов.

T: Now let’s check your hometask. Your homework was to make a dialogue. We are working in pairs now. Ask and answer questions about your school, subjects. Let’s listen to some dialogues. Who is ready to represent your dialogue? (2 диалога)


11. Итоговый тест

1. In several states of Australia there are …

a) private schools   b) schools of the air   c) perfect schools

2. In private schools the education is …

a) paid   b) free   c) strict

3. One of the most famous English private school is …

a) School № 4    b) Oxford   c) Eton

4. Which schools in all countries are attended by most students?

a) private   b) perfect   c) state

5. “Linesmeans

a) линии   b) проводить линии    c) наказание письмом

6. It is a school not for the rich. Parents have to pay money for their children’s education.

a) state   b) private   c) kindergarten

7. On the 1st of September children and their parents celebrate…

a) the Day of Knowledge   b) the Birthday of the School   c)  the Day of Education

8. Choose the right form of Past Simple Passive

a) was/were + V2     b) V2     c) was/were + V3

9. Choose the right variant: The house will be built next year.

a) Present Simple Passive    b) Future Simple Passive    c) Past Simple Passive

10. The topic of our today’s lesson is …

a) School subjects    b) School life    c) Pupils and teachers


III. Заключительный этап урока.

Подведение итогов. Оценка работы учащихся на уроке, выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.

T: Thank you very much. Now let’s answer my question. What have you learnt at our lesson? Finish the sentence:

                                       I have learnt that … .

T: Thank you for your work at the lesson. Thank you for your attention.  You spoke English, write, read and acted the dialogues and your marks for today’s lesson are rather good. And now open your record books and write down your homework. Your homework will be the following –Workbook: p. 67-68, ex. 1, 2


Подведение итогов урока учителем: Our lesson is over. We've made so much today and as a conclusion of our lesson I wish you be always happy. And I extremely agree with Abraham Lincoln, who said "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be". Study foreign languages, not only English, and know a tradition of foreign people because it’s very interesting. Good-bye.





Примерные диалоги учащихся:

 “My favourite lesson”

-      What is your favourite lesson?

-      My favourite lesson is History.

-      Why?

-      Because I like my History teacher.

-      Who is your History teacher?

-      Tatyana Pavlovna. She tells us about historical events and people.

-      I like this lesson, too.

-      Bye.

-      Bye.


“In the gym”

-      Where are you going?

-      To the gym.

-      Oh, let’s go together.

-      OK. What game do you like to play?

-      Volleyball.

-      Do you often play volleyball?

-      Twice a week.

-      Can you play basketball?

-      No, I can’t.


 “In the library”

-      I want to take a book.

-      What book?

-      I don’t know.

-      What books do you like to read?

-      I like to read adventure books.

-      Do you like to read historical books?

-      Oh, no.

-      Take the book “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain.

-      Thank you.

-      Not at all.


“My classroom”

-      Hello. Where are you going?

-      To my classroom.

-      What is the number of your classroom?

-      Seven.

-      What is it?

-      It is large and light.

-      How many desks are there in your classroom ?

-      There are 12 desks in my class.

-      Do you like it?

-      Yes, I do.



T: Now let’s play the game “Put right things into the school bag”. Look at this school bag. It is very nice. On the table you can see different things: balls, books, pens, toys and others. You should take only the things for school, describe them and put into the bag. For example, This is a book. This is an English book. It is orange and white. I need it for my English lesson. (Предметы: учебник английского языка, тетрадь, ручка, собачка, линейка, мяч, карта, краски, фотография). OK. I see that you can choose necessary things.


Примерные рассказы учащихся о школах в России с вопросами:

-      In Russia school begins at the age of 6. Children leave school at the age of 17.  In Russia school year begins on the 1st of September. This day children and their parents celebrate The Day of Knowledge. Children are happy to go to school because they meet their teachers and classmates after summer holidays. They bring flowers for their teachers. Russian children have lessons 5 or 6 days a week. Schools in Russia often have numbers.

-      At the age of 6 children in Russia go to the primary schools where they spend 4 years. Children learn how to write, read and count. They have many lessons: Writing, Reading, Maths, Nature Study, Art, Music, English and P.E. In the first class they spend much time outdoors, play different games, run and jump. Their teachers read them many fairy-tales and tell a lot of stories. Then their classes become more formal and serious. At the age of 10 children go to the secondary school. They have many new subjects: History, Geography and others.

-      I study at school no 8. My school is big. It has 3 floors. In my school there are 50 classrooms. They are large and light. There is a hall, a gym, a canteen, a library and a computer class in my school. Our classes begin at 8.30 and finish at 1.30. Every day we have 6 lessons. Look at our timetable. We have Russian, Literature, History, English, P.E., and Biology. This year we have new subjects:  Computing and Labour Training. Each lesson lasts 40 minutes. Between lessons we have breaks, during them we go to the canteen and eat, play games and talk with our friends. This year we have a school uniform. The headmistress of my school is Gladysheva Natalya Mikhaylovna.      


1.     When does school begin in Russia?

2.     When do children leave school?

3.     What holiday do the people celebrate on the 1st of September?

4.     What lessons do the children have at the primary school?

5.     How much time do the children spend at the secondary school?

6.     What lessons do the children have at the secondary school?

Примерные рассказы учащихся о школах в Великобритании с вопросами:

-      In Great Britain school begins at the age of 5. Many boys and girls usually leave school at the age of 16. In England the school year begins in September, but school never begins on Monday. The English think Monday is not a good day to start school. Schools in England have names not numbers, for example Green Hill School, Cedar Grove School, St.Mary School. English children have classes 5 days a week: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Their lessons begin at 9 and are over at 4.

-      At the age of 5 primary school children go to infant schools where they spend 2 years. They spend much time outdoors. They play different games; run and jump .Children sing songs, dance and play a lot. They look at the pictures, draw pictures. They learn how to get on with other children. Their classes are informal but they learn how to read, count and write a little too. Children often sit on the carpet on the floor and listen to their teacher. They often look after the animals they have at school- hamsters, rabbits or hares.

-      I want to tell you about my St.Mary School. It is a juniour school. When children are 7 they go there where they spend 4 years till they are 11. In juniour classes we sit in rows and follow a regular timetable. Look at our timetable. We have English, Maths, History, Nature Study, Geography, Art, Music, Swimming, P.E. and Religion. Every day we have 5 lessons. At 1 o’clock we have lunch- meat, pudding, juice, an apple or a cake. We spend a lot of time outdoors. We often visit different museums and other famous and interesting places. We don’t have a school uniform. The headmaster of our school is Mr. Smith.


1.     When do British children go to school?

2.     When does the school year begin?

3.     How many years do the children spend at the primary school?

4.     What lessons do the children have at the juniour school?

5.     Do schools in England have names?

6.     What do the children do in the infant schools?

7.     What do the primary children do after classes?


4.             And what kind of problems do teen’s have else?

VI.           Read the texts and be ready to make the tasks (worksheet 3).

Simone: I have a big problem. All my friends smoke, they think it’s really cool but I don’t. They can’t imagine any party without alcohol. I am a merry, sociable girl and I needn’t such things. My friends don’t understand that I really don’t want to. I am fed up with them telling me try. But I am so depressed. I feel very alone myself.

Jim: Who can help me? I like to play computer. But I need more pocket money so I can buy some new computer games. All my friends have Saturday jobs, but my Mum won’t let me get one. She says I’ll be too tired to do my school work. Besides…I have ti take care of my little sister. It’s so boring. I am so angry about it.

Julia: I’m in the 9th form and I have to choose the subjects for the next year. My parents and my teachers want me to continue History because I’ve got good marks, but I really hate History. I want to learn English and French. I want to travel when I leave school. No one listens to me. I’m upset.

Martin: I don’t feel comfortable with my classmates. I like to read the books and to learn much interesting about different things. I like to study and I have good marks. But I don’t like sport. My classmates call me names and say I’m too tall and pale.

1.             Tick: true or false (ex.1)





Simone has a problem with her friends.




She wants to smoke and drink alcohol.




Simone is very independent.




Jim has enough pocket money.




He is allowed to get a Saturday job.




Julia wants to travel around the world.




Martin doesn’t like to study.




Julia wants to learn History.




His classmates call him nicknames.



2.             Make up the sentences:

•              Simone is depressed because…

•              Jim gets angry because…

•              Julia feels upset because…

•              Martin feels uncomfortable because…

Exercise3. Match the words with the same meaning.

A trouble                          express disagreement

Comfortable                     lucky

Happy                               a problem

Argue                               astonished

Surprised                         well


Exercise4. Make up the sentences:

When I

play with my dog











don’t have any friends


get good marks


argue with my Mum


am out of luck


don’t go to the disco


don’t watch TV late


don’t have a pet



На доске эпиграф:

    Happy Thought.

    (by Robert Louis Stevenson)

    The world is so full

    Of the number of things.

    I’m sure we should all

    Be happy as kings.

Идет обсуждение данных слов:

- Are you happy? Why?

- What wonderful things are there in the world?

- Why can we call people kings?

Далее следует вывод, что счастье – это то, что мы живем в этом мире, учимся в школе, получаем знания, можем развиваться и совершенствоваться.

    * We are happy because we live on the Earth, we can thing, dream and study?

   5. Монологическая речь.

Teacher: Let’s speak about our school. (Учащиеся высказываются, используя схему).

    * I go to school

    * My school has … …( library , classroom etc.)

    *  My school is…

    * The English classroom has…

    * Every day we have

    * There are/is  … in the English classroom.

    * I … my school.






Урок в 7 классе “Школьная жизнь”

Урок в 7 классе “Школьная жизнь”

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When I play with my dog
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