Вебквест по английскому языку на тему "Канада"
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Вебквест по английскому языку на тему "Канада"

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Вебквест по английскому языку на тему  "Канада"
Викторина о Канаде
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канада 5.ppt

Вебквест по английскому языку на тему "Канада"

Вебквест по английскому языку на тему  "Канада"
Virtual Canada

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captain in the pay of the British, in 1497. Canada's name comes from an Indian word kanata, which means "village". Canada is located in the northern part of the North American continent. country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic in north. Canada’s only neighbor is the USA. Canada’s total area is about 984,670 The the 9,

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is divided The country into ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, Nunavut Territory).   Edward

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is Mount Logan highest the in mountain Canada and the second-highest peak in North America, after Mount McKinley. The mountain was named after Sir William Edmond Logan, a Canadian geologist and founder of the Geological Survey of Canada Mount the Logan source the Hubbard and Logan Glaciers. is of

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the longest river in Canada. It is more than 4,500 km in length. The river was named after Alexander Mackenzie, who travelled the river trying while to the Pacific reach Ocean in 1789. The river is navigable for five about months of the year. It freezes over in October and the ice on the river breaks up in May. During the winter months, sections the of

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Great Bear Lake is eighth-largest the in the world lake and the largest lying entirely in Canada. The name originated with First Nations who live on the northern shores. They called themselves Chipewyan meaning “grizzly bear water people.” the

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Elizabeth II David Johnston Stephen Harper Canada is a constitutional monarchy. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and Queen Elizabeth II is its official head of state. Although the Queen holds this high position, she doesn't rule. She serves as a symbol of British tradition. Her representative in Canada is the Governor General (David Johnston), whom she appoints on the advice of the Canadian Prime Minister (Stephen Harper). The Governor's duties are limited to symbolic, mostly ceremonial acts.

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The Parliament Building      The Senate Chamber The House of Commons The real power belongs to the Prime Minister of Canada and his Cabinet. The Canadian Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Commons and the Senate.

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The Canadian flag consists of three vertical stripes. The right and left stripe are red and of equal size. The central stripe is white. Red and white are the national colours of Canada. The colour red was taken from the Saint George's Cross and the colour white from the French royal emblem. The maple leaf in the centre of the flag represents the national tree of Canada. The Canadian flag is also known as the Maple Leaf flag.

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The Canadian coat of arms were adopted in 1921. The arms reflect the royal symbols of Britain and France. On the shield there are the three royal lions of England, the royal lion of Scotland, the royal harp of Ireland and the royal lily of France. These symbols reminder of the ancestors of the people of Canada. Red maple leaves represent itself Canada. The stem connecting them show the unity of the peoples of the country. Spears with the flags of France and the UK remind of the historical role of these countries in the past of Canada. At the top of the arms is the imperial crown. .

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"O Canada" was proclaimed Canada's national anthem on July 1, 1980. The music was composed by Calixa Lavallée. French lyrics to accompany the music were written by Adolphe- Basile Routhier. Many English versions have appeared over the years. The version on which the official English lyrics are based was written in 1908 by Robert Stanley Weir. O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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Economy of Canada The economy of Canada is quite advanced and most of the people enjoy high standard of living. Canada is one of the richest countries in the world. It is a leading exporter of gold, nickel, aluminum and lead. Manufacturing, automobiles, aeronautics, aquaculture, and transportation equipments are the major industries. Canada is very rich in forest, minerals and fur-bearing animals. It holds the first place in the world in the amount of forests. Canada grows wheat, barley, flax, potatoes, vegetables and fruit. Fishing is also one of the prosperous industries.

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Population of Canada Canada’s population is around 35 million. It contains a lot of ethnic groups. There are no less than 34 such groups in Canada. The largest ethnic group is Canadian (32%). It consists of English, Irish, Ukrainian, First Nations and Chinese as well. English make up twenty-one percent (%) of the population followed by French, Scottish, Irish, German, Italian, Chinese, Ukrainian and Dutch. French, German, Italian, Canada’s two official languages are English and French. Most of Canadians live in the southern part of the country along the USA border and vast areas of the north are sparsely inhabited.

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The largest cities of Canada are: Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa. Canadian cities are the centers of economic and cultural life, not only in North America, but the whole planet. Ottawa is the capital of Canada and the fourth largest city in the country. Toronto Ottaw a Vancouver Montreal

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Ottawa Ottawa is the capital of Canada and the fourth largest city in the country. The city stands on the south bank of the Ottawa River. Ottawa is the seventh coldest capital in the world. Ottawa has 247 neighbourhood outdoor skating rinks. There are 35 major festivals in Ottawa. The world's largest Canadian Tulip Festival is held every May. Ottawa ranks as the most educated city in the country.

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Toronto Toronto is Canada’s largest city with a population now of almost 5.6 million people. Toronto is the largest financial centre in Canada. Toronto is considered to be one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Toronto is one of the largest cultural centers in North America. There are over 200 public art works and historic monuments in the city. Niagara Falls is just over an hour's drive from Toronto.

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Montreal Montreal is a city in the Canadian province of Quebec. It is the second-largest city in Canada. Montreal has also been the commercial capital of Canada since a very long time. Montreal hosted the Summer Olympics in 1976. Hockey is the favourite sport of Montreal, in fact it is a religion here. The Montreal Tower Observatory is located in the highest inclined tower in the world, which is part of the Olympic Stadium. It has 175-metre elevation and 45-degree angle. You can get the best views of Montreal from here.

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Vancouver Vancouver is the third largest Canadian city. World’s largest environmental organization Greenpeace originated in this city. Vancouver was elected host city of the XXI Olympic Winter Games in 2010. Vancouver has an important place in America’s film industry. It holds the second position in film production centre in North America and the third largest feature film production after Los Angeles and New York. This city is called as Hollywood North!

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Toronto - Capital of Provinc e of Ontario

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Travel Quiz • 1. Which is the capital city of Canada? c) Ottawa • 2. What kind of state is Canada? c) constitutional monarchy • 3. Who is the head of Canada? b) Elizabeth II • 4. Who is the Prime Minister? a) Stephen Harper

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• 5. Which is the population of Canada? a) 35 million people • 6. Which are the official languages in Canada? b) English and French • 7. Which is the floral symbol of Canada? a) maple leaf • 8. When did the song “O Canada” become the official anthem of Canada? c) in 1980

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• 9. Which is the largest city in Canada? c) Toronto • 10. In which city is the highest inclined tower in the world? b) in Ottawa every spring a) Montreal • 11. When were the 21st Olympic Games held in Vancouver? b) in 2010 • 12. Where and when is the world’s greatest Tulip Festival is held?

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Internet resources http://schoolswikipedia.org/wp/c/Canada. htm http://www.canadafacts.org/#navmenu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada http://www.buzzle.com/articles/canada-fun - facts-interesting-facts-about-canada.h tml

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Вебквест по английскому языку на тему  "Канада"
Prepared by 9 year students Bondarevich Lilia, Gulidova Daria, Mazhorova Olga and Tyutyunkova Diana Rechitskaya school 2014

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