Аукцион «По страницам сказок»
Цели: активизация содержания прочитанных сказок; поддержание интереса к чтению сказок на иностранном языке; тренировка навыков устной речи.
Оборудование: игральный кубик; молоточек; «фунты»; карточки с вопросами; призы победителям.
Ход мероприятия
Правила игры: игра проводится между двумя командами по 10-15 человек. Каждая команда выбирает название команды и капитана. Вопросы игры поделены на тематические группы (по тем сказкам, которые были прочитаны). Выбор для ответа определяется при помощи кубика, на гранях которого даны названия Тем. Каждая команда перед игрой получает капитал 100 очков Команды торгуются за право отвечать на вопрос по выпавшей теме. Торги происходят в форме аукциона. Выигравшая команда выбирает вопрос по данной теме и после 30-секундного обсуждения отвечает на вопрос. Если ответ неверный, команда-соперник может ответить на вопрос. После каждого тура жюри подводит промежуточные итоги, а после последнего тура объявляется команда-победитель и проводится награждение. Выигрывает команда, потратившая меньше денег и заработавшая больше очков.
- Good afternoon! We are glad to greet you at our auction! First of all let me introduce our teams and our jury. There are two teams here today. The first one is called... and its captain is ... The 2nd team is called..., and its captain is The members of our jury are: ...
- Now listen to the rules of our auction. It consists of stages, each of them includes 5 questions. These questions deal with the English fairy tales.
- Let's choose the 1st theme. This die will help us to do it.
Ведущий бросает кубик и читает тему.
- Oh, it's "the little Red Hen". Do you like it? You do! So, if you have a question about this fairy tale, you have to buy it. So the 1SI lot is "The Little Red Hen" and the starting price is 10 pounds. Who wants! buy it for 10 pounds? One, two, three - it is sold. So, you've bought the question and you've bought the right to answer it. But if your answer is wrong, the other team could give their variant. Now, please, the captain, come to me and choose one of these cards. So, your question is ... it costs (...) points. You have 30 seconds to discuss it.
- What is your answer? (answer)
- It's right (wrong) ... and you've got your 1st point today.
- The next question will be about (бросает кубик) ... the fairy tale "Why hares have got long ears!" Who wants to have a question about this fairy-tale?
- So. The final score is ... . Let's congratulate the winners. Please, come to the jury to get your prize!
- Thank you for the game. We thank our jury for their work. Good-bye!
Вопросы аукциона:
I. "The Little Red Hen"
1. What friends has the little hen got? (2 points) - A duck, a cat, a dog.
2. What does the Hen and her chickens decide when her friends refuse to plant the seeds? (4 points)
- They plant seeds themselves.
3. Why don't her friends make bread? (3 points) - They want to go to the lake.
4. What do her children say to her? - The chicken said that they helped her to make bread.
5. Why is Jen the Hen very sorry? - Her friends are very lazy.
II. "My Little Cousin Ann"
1. Why is Ann in bed? (2 points) - She is ill.
2. What does Ann want to see? (5 points) - She wants to see different things in doctor's bag.
3. Why does Ann want to see the doctor every day? (4 points) - She wants to see him, because she wonts to see him of his bag.
4. Why is Ann ill? (1 point) - She likes to eat too much ice-cream.
5. What does Ann want to do when she is not ill? (6 points) - She wants to eat ice-cream.
III. "Why hares have got long ears?"
1. What a great wish has hare got? - He wants to become big and clever.
2. Where does he see the bird? (3 points) - On the tree.
3. How does Brother Hare get the bird? (4 points) - He shows her the box with the seeds.
4. What does the Hare do then? (5 points) - He runs to aunt Mammy-Bammy.
5. What is the second task for Brother Hare? (3 points) - To take a snake's tooth.
IV. "Why brother Rabbit and brother Fox are not friends?"
1. What do the animals do one day? (2 points) - They plant corn.
2. What happens to brother Rabbit? (2 points) - He is in the well.
3. What does Rabbit want to do? (3 points) - He wants to jump, to run, and to play.
4. What is Rabbit's answer for Fox? (4 points) - He wants to have fish for dinner.
5. What happens to brother Fox? (3 points) - He is in the well.
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