Вариант 2
Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Великобритания»; совершенствование навыков устной речи; актуализация страноведческого материала.
Оборудование: игральный кубик; молоточек; «фунты»; карточки с вопросами; призы победителям.
Ход мероприятия
Hello, my dear boys and girls! We are glad to greet you at our auction! All children like to play. That’s why we’ll play the game “Auction” today. There are two teams in our classroom and we have three members of our jury today. The first one is called … , and its captain is ... . The 2nd team is called … , and its captain is … . The members of our jury are: … .
Учитель приветствует детей и объясняет им правила игры.
Now listen to the rules of our auction. It consists of several stages, each of them includes 5 questions. These questions deal with the constituent parts of Great Britain. Let’s choose the 1st theme. This die will help us to do it.
Ведущий бросает кубик и читает тему.
Oh, it’s “England”. Do you like it? You do! So, if you have a question on this topic, you have to buy it. So the 1st lot is “England” and the starting price is 10 pounds. Who wants to buy it for 10 pounds? One, two, three – it is sold. So, you’ve bought the question and you’ve bought the right to answer it. But if your answer is wrong, the other team could give its version. Now, please, captain, come to me and choose one of these cards. So, your question is … it costs (...) points. You have 30 seconds to discuss it.
What is your answer? … (answer)
It’s right (wrong)... and you’ve got your 1-st point today.
The next question will be about (бросает кубик) Wales.
Who wants to have a question about it?
So, the final score is ... . Let’s congratulate the winners.
Please, go to the jury to get your prize!
Thank you for the game. Thanks to our jury for their work.
Вопросы аукциона
1. “England”
1) What region is known as the “garden of England”? (2 points) (The County of Kent is known as the “garden of England”.)
2) What is the largest industrial part of England? (4 points) (The largest industrial part of England is the Midlands.)
3) Where is the most westerly point of Great Britain called “Land’s End”? (3 points) (The most westerly point of Great Britain which is called “Land’s End” is in the Southwest.)
4) What are the regions of England? (5 points) (The regions of England are: the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands and the north of England.)
5) What English cities are famous for their universities? (2 points) (Oxford and Cambridge are famous for their universities.)
2. “Scotland”
1) What cities are the two great centres of Scotland? (2 points) (Glasgow and Edinburgh are the two great centres of
2) What show takes place five or six nights a week in August and September every year in Edinburgh? (5 points) (The Edinburgh military tattoo takes place every August and September.)
3) What are the two most interesting parts of Edinburgh? (4 points) (The two most interesting parts of Edinburgh are: the Old Town and the New Town.)
4) What plant is the symbol of Scotland? (1 point) (The symbol of Scotland is a thistle.)
5) What parts is Scotland divided into? (2 points) (Scotland is divided into two parts which are: the Highlands and the Lowlands.)
3. “Wales”
1) What is the capital of Wales? (3 points) (The capital of Wales is Cardiff.)
2) What languages are spoken in Wales? (2 points) (Welsh and English are spoken in Wales.)
3) The second highest mountain in Britain is situated in Wales. What is its name? (4 points) (Its name is the Mount Snowdon.)
4) When do the Welsh people celebrate St. David’s Day? (5 points) (They celebrate St. David’s Day on the 1st of March.)
5) How many people live in Wales? (3 points) (About two and a quarter millions people live in Wales.)
4. “Northern Ireland”
1) What country does Northern Ireland border on? (3 points) (Northern Ireland borders on the Independent Irish Republic.)
2) What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (2 points) (Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.)
3) What is Northern Ireland washed by? (3 points) (Northern Ireland is washed by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.)
4) What is the nationality of people who were born in Northern Ireland? (4 points) (They are Irish.)
5) What island is Northern Ireland situated on? (3 points) (Northern Ireland is situated on the island called Ireland.)
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