Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Инсценировки по произведениям М.Твена

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  • 04.12.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Инсценировки по произведениям М.Твена.docx



1.                  Познакомить учащихся с творчеством Марка Твена.

2.                  Активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся, дать им возможность оценить свой уровень владения английским языком, применить знания и умения в новой ситуации.

3.                  Развить интерес к американской литературе.


1                    этап - выбирается тема для всего класса, определяющая содержа­ние вечера.

2                    этап - учащиеся сами выбирают литературу о творчестве Марка Твена.

3                    этап - обучение высказыванию своего отношения к прочитанно­му, умению объяснять свою позицию; сказать, как они предполагают решить ту или иную проблему.

4                    этап - репетиции инсценировок.


-                     Портрет Марка Твена.

-                     Магнитофон.

-                     Доска.

-                     Декорации к инсценировкам.

Ход мероприятия.

Ведущий: Ladies and gentlemen! Мы все собрались здесь для того, чтобы окунуться в мир юмора Марка Твена и больше уже не покидать его. Прошу вас соблюдать тишину, т. к. мы уже оказались в городе, где живут герои Марка Твена. Может быть, нам уже строит козни Индеец Джо или Принц хочет пригласить нас в свой дворец? А сейчас мы с вами заглянем в витрину книжного магазина.

Сцена № 1

Девочка подходит к прилавку с книгами, где стоит Продавец.

Girl: Hello! Is this a book-shop?

Book-seller: Yes, it is, and I'm a book-seller. What can I do for you?

Girl: Have you got a book by Mark Twain? I'd like to buy it.

Book-seller: I'm sorry, little girl, but I have no Mark Twain today. I have Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev and others.

Girl: But Mummy says that book-sellers always have Mark Twain's books.

Book-seller: I told you that I have no books by Mark Twain today, little girl.

Girl: But Mummy says that book-sellers always have Mark Twain's books. Here is the money for a book by Mark Twain.

Book-seller: Little girl, I have no books by Mark Twain!

Girl: But Mummy says that...

Book-seller: Go away, little girl!

Girl: But Mummy says...

Book-seller: I tell you, go away, little girl!

Девочка убегает.

Ведущий: He плачь, девочка. Конечно, жаль, что тебе не удалось купить книгу Марка Твена. Но, я думаю, тебе будет интересно позна­комиться с его героями наяву и побольше узнать о них.

Девочка садится среди зрителей.

Ведущий: Ladies and gentlemen! Чтобы подготовиться к встрече с героями Марка Твена, вам необходимо ответить на вопросы, их ка­сающиеся. Приготовьтесь, пожалуйста, настройте ваше сознание на волну творчества Марка Твена. (Проводит викторину.)

Ведущий: Итак, мы приблизились к цели нашего путешествия. Сей­час нам предстоит знакомство с населением этого города. Вспомните, пожалуйста, ваши уроки экономики и скажите, кто кормит городское население Америки.

Конечно, фермеры. Давайте вместе с Марком Твеном заглянем на одну из ферм.

Сцена № 2

Story-teller: Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there lived a young farmer (выходит фермер) with his old father and mother (под руку выходят родители) and his wife (выходит жена). They didn't know anything about many things which we have in our houses today. They were veiy poor, so once the young man decided to go and look for work. (Ha плече у фермера рюкзак, родные провожают его.) Не was lucky and after a time he came home with rich presents for everybody. (Входят фермер с сумкой и его родственники. Фермер всех обнимает и вытас­кивает из сумки подарки.)

Young farmer: Here is a present for you, Mother (дает кошелек). And this is for you, Father (дает шапку). This is for you, my dear wife (дает шелковое платье). AU (All in unison.) Thank you, my dear son! Thank you, my dear son! Thank you, my dear husband!

Mother: Now, let's go and have a dinner.

(Все уходят, коробка остается на столе.)

Входит жена.

Wife: I am so happy! And what else is there in this box? My husband says he has some more presents for us.

(Открывает коробку, достает вещи и вдруг отступает в ужасе.)

Oh, good Heavens! My husband has brought a beautiful girl! He does not love me any more!


Входит отец.

Father: Now, now, don't ciy. Perhaps you're wrong. Let me have a look at that girl (смотрит в коробку). But there is no girl here at all! It's a man in the box! Not very young, but quite strong and handsome. Stop crying, my dear!

(Успокаивает её.)

(Входит мать.)

Mother: What has happened here? My daughter, why are your eyes so red? Were you crying?

Father: Yes, she was , but for no reason. Our son has brought a hand­some old man with him, and our daughter thought it was a girl. Ha-ha - ha!

Mother: A man? What man? Where?

Father: Here, in this box.

Mother: Let me see him (смотрит в коробку). Oh, but it isn't a man! It is an old and a rather ugly woman!

Father: Woman? Let me look again! (Смотрит в коробку.) A man, of course, it's a man!

Mother: Let me see! (Смотрит.) A woman! Do you think I can't tell a man from a woman?

Начинают кричать: 'It's a man!'

'It's a woman!' Wife: Let me look now! (Начинает плакать.)

Oh, you are wrong! It's a girl, so young and beautiful! Oh, dear! (Входит фермер.)

Young farmer: What's all this noise about? (Они спорят):

-                     A handsome man!

-                     An ugly old woman!

-                     A pretty young girl!

Young farmer: Oh, I see what it is (вытаскивает зеркало). Oh, you silly people! It's a looking glass.

You each saw yourself in it. It's like a piece of glass But more valuable for us We shall need it now and then For a woman, for a man. Mother: We must have it here and there. Father: When we shave or do our hair. Wife: Man or wife or baby small - Our glass reflects them all! All: Don't you cry, don't make a fuss. Now we have a looking-glass! Ведущий предлагает зрителям придумать название инсценировки, затем дает вариант Марка Твена: 'A present that made her cry'.

А теперь мы с вами посмотрим на жизнь обыкновенных американ­ских горожан глазами великого юмориста.

Сцена № 3


-                     на окне спущены жалюзи; -стул;

- на столе книга на немецком языке и коробка спичек.

Mrs. Мс Williams: Mortimer! Mortimer! (No answer.)

Mortimer! Mortimer! Wake up! Do you hear me? (Suddenly there is a flash of lightning followed by a loud crash of thunder. Mrs. M. is fright­ened, she runs out, quickly disappears behind the screen.) (Mr. M. enters yawing, stretching and rubbing his eyes.) Mr. M.: Where are you, Mary? Mrs. M.: Here.

Mr.: What are you doing? What's the matter? Mrs. : (sobbing). Thunder and lightning! It's so terrible! Mr. : Storm? Oh, dear! There's nothing to be afraid of, my love, I'll go to bed.

(He goes away.)

Mrs.: Oh, that lightning! Where are you, Mortimer? Mr.: In bed.

Mrs.: Do you mean to say you are still in that bed? Mr.: Why, of course!

Mrs.: (reappearing from behind the screen). Get out of it at once. Your bed is a dangerous place in a thunderstorm. You mustn't risk your life. Mr.: But, my love.

Mrs.: Don't talk to me, Mortimer. You know there is no place as dan­gerous as a bed in such a thunderstorm as this - all the books say that. (Mr. Gets up and comes back.) Mrs.: Do you hear me, Mortimer? Mr.: Yes, I do, my darling.

(He takes a match-box off the table and tries to light a match.) Mrs.: What are you doing? Lighting a match at such a time as this! Are you quite mad?

Mr.: But...the place is as dark as ...

Mrs.: (in terror). Put it out. You know nothing attracts lightning more than a light.

(A crash of thunder is heard. Mrs. M. is terrified and disappears behind the screen. Mr. M. goes to the window.) Mrs.: Mortimer, where are you now? Mr.: I'm here, by the window.

Mrs.: Have you lost your mind? Go away from there this moment. Even small children know that it's dangerous to stand near the window in a thunderstorm.

Mr.: Well, I'll get away from it.

(Goes to the door.)

Mrs.: What are you going to do now?

Mr.: Nothing. Just going to the bathroom to turn on the water. This room is so hot. I want to wash my face and hands.

Mrs.: (bursting into tears). Everybody knows that lightning falls on wa­ter more often than on trees or horses. You are mad! You want us to be killed.

Mr.: No, of course I don't, darling.

Mrs.: Please turn off that water. (He does so.) You do such silly things, Mortimer. Come in beside me. We'll be safe here. (He comes and tries to get behind the screen, but there isn't room for 2.)

Mr.: I can't get in and anyway, it's impossible to breathe in there. (He does over to the wall.)

Mrs.: You're a fool, Mortimer. You're risking your life, and ours too, mine and the children's. Give me that German book on the table. It's got some instruction in it.

(He takes it and goes over to the screen and gives it to her. There is a sudden sound as if a cat had jumped on to the floor.)

Mrs.: What was that, Mortimer?

Mr.: Nothing but the cat.

Mrs.: The cat! Oh please, Mortimer, catch it and shut it up. Do be quick, love, cats are full of electricity.

(So he tries to catch the cat, but hurts his knee, sits down on the chair and begins to rub the knee.)

Mrs.: This book seems to say that the safest thing is to stand on a chair in glasses 1-st. (Again a crash of thunder is heard.) Oh, do hurry, Mortimer, before the lighting strikes you.

(Mr. Gets up unwillingly, goes out of the room and comes back with 4 glasses. He manages to set the chair legs in them.)

Mr.: What am I to do next?

Mrs.: I don't quite understand this German, but I think it says it's dan­gerous not to ring the church bell during a thunderstorm. Get the large dinner bell.


(He goes out and returns carrying the dinner bell.)

Quick, Mortimer, dear, I do believe we are going to be saved at last.

(Mrs. stands on the chair and begins to ring the bell. Their neighbour enters.)

Neighbour (greatly surprised): What on earth is the matter here?

Mr.: (jumping down from the chair). There is nothing the matter, only a little discomfort because of the thunderstorm. I'm trying to keep off the lightning.

N.: Thunderstorm? Lightning? Why Mr. M., have you lost your mind? It's a beautiful starry night. There has been no storm.

(Mr. Goes to the window.)

Mrs.: (appearing from behind the screen). No thunderstorm? No light­ning?

Mr.: I don't understand this! We saw the flashes and heard the thunder!

N.: Thunderstorm, you say! What you heard was cannon. What you saw was the flash. You see, the telegraph brought some news: Garfield is nomi­nated president - and what's the matter? The whole town is delighted, and that's how they expressed themselves.

(Mr. and Mrs. can't utter a word. They stand with their mouths open.)

Ведущий благодарит за внимание и вручает призы.


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