Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Конкурс чтецов

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  • 05.12.2022
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Иконка файла материала Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Конкурс чтецов.docx

Конкурс чтецов

Цели: совершенствование навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений; актуализация лексического и грамматического материала; развитие интереса к поэтическим произведениям стран изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: портреты писателей и поэтов; дипломы для поощрения лучших чтецов.

Комментарии для учителя: конкурс чтецов может быть посвящен определенной теме или отдельному виду художественных произведений, творчеству одного или нескольких писателей. Длинные стихотворения могут быть представлены несколькими учащимся. Учитель заранее готовит дипломы для поощрения лучших чтецов. Для оценивания учащихся создается жюри, или учитель и учащиеся сами подводят итоги мероприятия в конце мероприятия.

Ход мероприятия

- Good morning, boys and girls!

Good morning now.

Wake, body, wake, mind!

Work, play, seek, find,

Eat breakfast, dinner too,

Wash, brush, sing, dance, and do!

Good morning now.

- We shall recite English poems and find out who can do it I very well.

- It is time to start. Try to recite the poems artistically and in a I natural manner. We shall clap our hands after each poem. I hope you will enjoy your English.

Примерные стихотворения для конкурса чтецов:

T h e S n o w m a n

Не shines like a candle and melts slowly. He is white and black and gets smaller all the time. He is as white as feathers and white horses and snow He glows in the dark like a glow-worm He stands on a flat place and makes a shadow in the light. He crumples in a circle like a circus tent. He turns to ice and slush like a camel's hump. He runs away like milk and melts like moonlight in sunshine. In the morning he is gone like the moon.

{Gillian Clarke)

C a l e n d a r o f C l o t h e s

January is a time for coats, for caps and fir-lined boots. February  likes hats with flaps and zipped up coloured ski suits. March can do with anoraks and jeans and wooly tops. April needs a change of clothes for sun and wind and raindrops. May brings cotton tee-shirts with jumpers still on hand. By June the skirts are skimpy, shorts are short for playing on sand. July comes along in bathing trunks, and caps with dark green shade gust gets the sunsuits out with balls and buckets and spades.

 (Moira Andrew)

I meant to do my work today -

But a brown bird sang in the apple tree,

And a butterfly flitted across the field,

And the wind went sighing over the land

Tossing the grasses to and fro,

And a rainbow helped out its shining hand -

So what could I do out: laugh and go?

Richard Le Yalleinne

It's high time for Ted to go to bed.

It's time for Tina to have her dinner.

It's time for Lucy to feed her pussy.

It's time for Sue to come to you.

It's time for Ruth to tell the truth.

It's time for Marty to come to the party.

It's time for Bess to press her dress.

It's high time for Steve to say good-bye and leave.

It's high time for Chris to learn about this.

It's high time for us to come to the class.

The Bro o k S o n g

Little brook! Little brook!

You have such a happy look,

Such a very merry manner,

As you swerve and curve and crook.

And you ripple, one and one.

Reach each other's hands and run

Like laughing children in the sun!


I think mice are rather nice. Their tails

are long, their faces are small, They

haven't got any chins at all. Their ears

are pink, their teeth are white. They run

about the house at night. They nibble

things they shouldn't touch

And no one seems to like them much. But

1 think mice are very nice.

(Rose Tyleman)

S h oes

My father has a pair of shoes

So beautiful to see!

I want to wear my father's shoes,

They are too big for me.

My baby's brother has a pair,

As cunning as can be!

My feet won't go into that pair,

They are too small for me.

There's only one thing I can do

Till I get small or grown.

If I want to have a fitting shoe,

I'll have to wear my own.

(Tom Robinson)

The L i t t l e Jumping G i r l s

Jump, jump, jump, jump away From this

town into the next today. Jump, jump,

jump, jump over the moon; Jump all the

morning and all the noon. Jump, jump,

jump, jump all night; Won't our mother's

be in a fight? Jump, jump, jump over the

sea; What wonderful wonders we shall see,

Jump, jump, jump, jump far away; And all

come home some other day.

M y D o g J a c k

I have a dog, His name

is Jack, His coat is

white With spots of

black. I take him'out

Every day, Such fun we

have, We run and play.

Such clever tricks My

dog can do,

I love my dog, He

loves me, too.

- So I can see you can recite the poems very well. What poems do you like? Why do you like this poem? But the best pupil is ... Also we liked the poem of... Thank you for your work. Our contest is over.

Учитель при помощи детей выбирает и поздравляет победителей конкурса чтецов.