Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Конкурс грамматиков

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  • 05.12.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Конкурс грамматиков.docx

Конкурс грамматиков «Времена глагола»

Цели: обобщение материала по теме «Времена английского глагола» (настоящее совершенное время, прошедшее неопределенное время); закрепление грамматических навыков; тренировка монологической и диалогической речи.

Оборудование: мяч; грамматические задания на карточках для двух команд.

Ход мероприятия

I. Организационный момент

- Good morning, boys and girls!

Good morning now.

Wake, body, wake, mind!

Work, play, seek, find, Eat

breakfast, dinner too, Wash, brush,

sing, dance, and do! Good morning


- We shall play the games and do different tasks and find out who knows English grammar very well.

Учитель приветствует детей и сообщает им цель мероприятия. Ученики делятся на 2 команды.

II. Проведение конкурсов

Конкурс 1

- Can you ask the disjunctive questions? We shall work in two teams. Ask the tag-questions to these sentences on the cards. Команды получают карточки с предложениями. Ученики записывают вопросы к предложениям в течение 3 мин и получают по 2 балла за каждый правильный вопрос.

Примерная карточка:

1. We saw the statue of Peter Pen yesterday, ...?

2. My aunt didn't read that poem two hours ago, ...?

3. It was sunny on Monday, ...?

4. Bob has been to Madame Tussaud's museum, ...?

5. I have never been to London, ...?


1. We saw the statue of Peter Pen yesterday, didn't we?

2. My aunt didn't read that poem two hours ago, did she?

3. It was sunny on Monday, wasn't it?

4. Bob has been to Madame Tussaud's museum, hasn't he?

5.1 have never been to London, have I?

Конкурс 2. «Лови и отвечай»

Дети встают в круг. Учитель бросает мяч членам двух команд по очереди и задает вопросы в настоящем совершенном или прошедшем неопределенном времени. Ученики по очереди ловят мяч и отвечают на вопросы.

- Did you play football last week? (No, I did not. I did not play football last week.)

- Have you got a pet? (Yes, I have. I have got a pet.)

- Did you watch TV yesterday? (Yes, I did. I watched TV yesterday.)

~ Have you sung a song yet? (Yes, I have. I have already sung

a song.) ~- Have you answered the question yet? (No, I haven't. I haven't answered the question yet.)

— Did you visit a doctor last month? (Yes, I did. I visited a doctor last month.) Etc.

Конкурс 3

— As I see you can answer the questions very well, it ; interesting to find out if you can ask the questions well. Look at the blackboard, please. Read the sentences and begin уоuг questions with the words in brackets.

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к предложениям, за ранее записанным на доске. Задание для учащихся: прочитать предложение и задать к нему вопрос, начинающийся со слова в скобочках.

Примерные предложения:

1. It often rained last autumn in London. (When?)

2. Nick hasn't read the book yet because he is very busy. (Why?)

3. She has never been to Red Square. (Where?)

4. We have already had dinner. (Who?)

5. He played volleyball with his friends. (With whom?)

6. I bought some cards in the shop. (What?)

7. He has already read the poem. (Has ... or ...?)


1. When did it often rain in London?

2. Why hasn't Nick read the book yet?

3. Where has she never been?

"4. Who has had dinner yet? 5. With whom did he play volleyball?

6. What did I buy in the shop?

7. Has he (or she) already read the poem?

Конкурс 4

Now I want you to open the brackets in the sentences using

Past Indefinite or Present Perfect Tenses.

Команды получают задание на карточках и выполняют его в течение 2-3 мин.

Примерная карточка:

1. Nick already (to become) a teacher.

2. When you (to see) Mary?

3. Yesterday I (to wake up) at 7 o'clock.

4. I (to be) in Moscow last month.

5. They (not to build) their country house yet.

6. You (to be) to London this year?


1. Nick has already become a teacher.

Конкурс чтецов 75

2. When did you see Mary?

3. Yesterday 1 woke up at 7 o'clock.

4. I was in Moscow last month.

5. They have not built their country house yet.

6. Have you been to London this year?

Конкурс 5

- The next task for you is to put the words in the logical order and write them down. You will have four minutes to do the task. Start your work, please.

Каждая команда получает карточку с заданием. Учащиеся выполняют задание в течение 4 мин, а затем учитель организует фронтальную проверку: ученики зачитывают и переводят предложения.

Примерная карточка:

Put the words in the logical order:

1. Mother, visited, her, 1, already, have.

2. We, a letter, not, written, have.

3. Has, he, work, finished, not, his.

4. She, Zoological, joined, has, society, just, that.

5. Drawn, recently, picture, they, have, this.


1. I have already visited her mother.

2. We have not written a letter.

3. He has not finished his work.

4. She has just joined that Zoological society.

5. They have drawn this picture recently.

Ш. Подведение итогов

~ Now it's time to finish our contest. I am very glad to have such clever pupils. You know English grammar very well. But the members of one team are the winners today. Let's congratulate them all together. Clap your hands, please.

Учитель подводит итоги конкурса грамматиков и поздравит команду-победительницу.