Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Конкурсная программа. Времена английского глагола

  • docx
  • 05.12.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Конкурсная программа. Времена английского глагола.docx

Конкурсная программа

«Времена английского глагола»

Цели: обобщение материала по теме «Времена английского глагола» (настоящее совершенное время, прошедшее неопределенное время, настоящее неопределенное время); закрепление грамматических навыков; тренировка монологической и диалогической речи.

Оборудование: мяч; грамматические задания на карточках для трех команд; картинка дракона с 4 головами.

Ход мероприятия

Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. We’ll play the games and do different tasks and find out who knows the English grammar very well.

Учитель приветствует детей и просит их разделиться на 3 команды.

Our topic is the tenses of the verb in the English language. The first task for you is to read the sentences and name the tense. You will have 3 minutes to do the task.

Команды выполняют задание на карточках в течение 3 минут. Проверка задания проводится следующим образом: члены различных команд по очереди читают и называют время предложений.

Задание на карточках:

1. I have never been to Great Britain.

2. We play tennis every day.

3. He usually goes to the shop in the evening.

4. My uncle built his house two years ago.

5. Bob has already done his homework.

6. Nick was at school yesterday.

7. Little children like to sledge in winter.

8. I had five lessons on Monday.

9. They’ve lived in Moscow since Thursday.


1. Present Perfect

2. Present Indefinite

3. Present Indefinite

4. Past Indefinite

5. Present Perfect

6. Past Indefinite

7. Present Indefinite

8. Past Indefinite

9. Present Perfect

So we shall remember the Present Indefinite Tense, the Present Perfect Tense and the Past Indefinite Tense. The next task for you is to answer my questions using these tenses.

Члены команд отвечают на вопросы учителя. Вопросы задаются командам по очереди. Учитель побуждает детей давать полные ответы.

How many lessons do you have every day? (We have six lessons every day.)

You had five lessons yesterday, didn’t you? (Yes, we did. We had five lessons yesterday.)

Have you played tennis this week? (No, we haven’t. We have not played tennis this week.)

When did you go to the shop on Tuesday? (I went to the shop at 7 o’clock on Tuesday.)

Where do you usually play hide-and-seek with your friends? (We usually play hide-and-seek in the park.)

Do you like to collect stamps? (Yes, I do. I like to collect stamps.)

Did you have dinner at two o’clock or at three o’clock yesterday? (I had dinner at two o’clock.) Etc.

Now I want you to look at the blackboard. You can see the sentences and you’ll have to complete them.

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к заданию на доске. Учащиеся читают предложения и на листке бумаги записывают варианты ответов. Учитель проверяет данное задание по ключам.

Задание на доске:

Complete the sentences using the words do / does, did, have /

has, was / were:

… you like to play hockey? Yes, I … .

… your father clean his room three days ago? No, he …


… she gone to school yet? Yes, she … .

They … cleaned their room.

… you in the park yesterday? No, I … not.

Helen … not have breakfast at five o’clock.

Ключи: 1. do, do; 2. did, did; 3. has, has; 4. have / have; 5. were / was; 6. does.

I want you to think of five sentences using Past Indefinite.

Then you will read your sentences and other teams will put

them into the present.

Команды составляют по 5 предложений в прошедшем времени в течение 2 минут. Затем ученики зачитывают составленные предложения, а команда соперников должна использовать эти предложения в настоящем времени.

Примерные предложения:

1. I had dinner at two o’clock yesterday.

2. We did our homework last week.

3. My friend couldn’t play computer games.

4. Were you in Moscow last month?

5. We didn’t watch TV two hours ago.


1. I have dinner at two o’clock every day.

2. We do our homework at home.

3. My friend can’t play computer games.

4. Are you in Moscow now?

4. We don’t watch TV in the evening.

Учитель вывешивает на доске картинку с изображением дракона с 4 головами. На каждой голове дракона написано специальное вопросительное слово на английском языке (Who, What, Where, With whom.)

Учитель вспоминает с учениками порядок слов специального вопроса в английском языке. Затем ученики делятся на 3 группы по 3–5 человек. Каждая  группа способом жеребьевки получает карточку с предложением, к которому дети должны задать специальные вопросы и записать их на карточку.

Карточка 1: I went to the park with my brother yesterday.

Карточка 2: He has been to Africa with his sister this year.

Карточка 3: She works with her mother in the garden every day.


Карточка 1

Who went to the park with my brother yesterday?

What did I do yesterday?

Where did I go with my brother yesterday?

With whom did I go to the park yesterday?

Карточка 2

Who has been to Africa with his sister this year?

What has he done this year?

Where has he been with his sister this year?

With whom has he been to Africa this year?

Карточка 3

Who works with her mother in the garden every day?

What does she do every day?

Where does she work with her mother every day?

With whom does she work in the garden every day?

Thank you very much for the lesson, children. Do you like our lesson today? What do you like to do? It’s time to say


Mind the clock

And keep the rule:

Try to come

In time to school.

Our lesson is over. Good-bye, my dear friends!