Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Праздник тропических фруктов

  • docx
  • 04.12.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Праздник тропических фруктов.docx




Цели мероприятия:

1.                  Тренировать навыки устной речи.

2.                  Тренировать восприятие речи на слух.

3.                  Формировать навыки самостоятельной работы с материалом.

4.                  Формировать умение составлять выступление.

5.                  Узнать больше о тропических странах и островах.


Участники заранее делают костюмы и представляют жителей тро­пических стран, они разбиваются по группам и подготавливают свои собственные игры, предлагают песни и стихи.

'Tropical' music is playing. There are some oranges, bananas, lemons, etc (tropical fruit) on the tables. All children wear special costumes.

Ведущий: We all are on a tropical island. There is nobody on the island except us. What shall we do here? Please help me. (Детям предлагают спеть песни, поиграть.)

Ведущий: We'll do everything today, but now I want you to show your costumes, and then we'll choose the Queen or the King of our Tropical Party.

Парад костюмов; жюри (выбранное заранее) выбирает лучший костюм. Ученика сажают на «трон», надевают «корону».

Ведущий: That's fine and now we're going to congratulate the Queen/King with the song she/he loves most of all. (Поют песню.) And now... I see our Queen/King is feeling bored. Let's play some games to entertain our Queen/King.

1.                  Fruit Salad.

The Children sit in the circle, facing in, with one child in the middle. They are given names around the circle - pineapple, mango, guava, etc. The child in the centre also has a fruit name. The child in the middle calls out names of the fruits, and all those children swap their places racing round and across the circle as they wish. The child in the middle runs to one of the empty spaces in the circle and the girl/boy left without a place goes into the middle.

2.                  Coconut balls.

Children are given only five balls. Set up tin cans as the forget and throw soft balls ('coconuts') or balloons into them. The one who throws more balls then others is the winner and gets the prize.

3.                  I'm thinking of a word.

Cut up plain paper into about 25 slips. On each slip write something that can be mimed fairly easily. For example: free, elephant, banana, melon, etc. Each child picks out a slip of paper and mimes to the others the word on it. The rest have to guess what she/he is miming. This game could also be

played by a child whispering a word to be mimed to her/his neighbour.

Ведущий: Our Queen/King wants us to play the game she/he loves most. Who knows what the game 7s? It's Kim's tropical tasting game. Queen/King, please, choose boys and girls ( 3 + 3 ) to play this game.

Kim's tropical tasting game. Set up a few tropical fruits for the children to taste blindfold.

Ведущий: And now let's dance our limbo dance. The Queen/King is also welcome to dance. Then we'll choose the best dancer. (Дети танцуют.)

Ведущий: The Queen/King has a list of things she/he needs. Let's find them'. There is a list of objects that the children have to find in and around the meeting place, for example, a shell, a book, a palm, a blade of grass, a 'boat', etc. Desert island discs. Children could make their own selection following the format of the radio programme, and could maybe sing their favourite song or tune.

Ведущий: It's a pity but our time's over. Our Queen/King is very much tired. So are we. Let's have our meals - fruit and juice, and then we'll have rest, and while we're eating, let's decide who was the best this evening.

Дети выбирают лучшего ученика в этот вечер, принимая во вни­мание его активность, знание песен, а также результаты игры. Лучший из участников вечера получает приз, а также и корону с головы Королевы/Короля. Ведущий благодарит подготовивших игры и песни, приглашает встретиться вместе в следующий раз.


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