Карлсон в гостях у ребят
Цели: закрепление материала по теме «Времена английского глагола» (настоящее неопределенное время, настоящее продолженное время); закрепление лексических и фонетических навыков; тренировка монологической речи (выражение согласия и несогласия).
Оборудование: плакаты с фонетическим заданием; игрушка или картинка Карлсона; 3 набора карточек для составления 3 предложений.
Ход мероприятия
I. Организационный момент
— Good morning, children! {Goodmorning,!)
—I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)
—We shall play and remember the Present Indefinite Tense and the Present Continuous Tense.
II. Выполнение заданий
Задание 1
— Ребята, к нам в гости до урока приходил какой-то гость. Он увидел, что вас нет, и оставил на моем столе карточки, на которых что-то написал о себе. Но, когда я пришла, все карточки уже сдул ветер, и они перемешались- Вы хотите узнать, что там написано? Тогда разделитесь на три группы. Ваша задача — собрать предложения их этих слов и угадать имя нашего гостя.
1) go, I, school, to, don't {I don't go to school.)
2) a, I, called, friend, have, Malysh (/ have a friend called Malysh.)
3) very, can, I, fly, well {I can fly very well.)
- Now you know his name. You are right. His name is Karison.
После выполнения первого задания учитель демонстрирует детям игрушку Карлсона, который здоровается с детьми и предлагает им поиграть с ним (выполнить задания Карлсона).
Задание 2
— Карлсон запутался! Look at the blackboard, please. Read the words! Help him!
На плакатах, заранее вывешенных на доске, записаны слова в таблицах. Учащимся нужно догадаться, какое слово пропущено.
Примерные задания:
[plei] [hsev] [laik]
[laik] [plei] [haev]
[hasv] [laik] []
Ключевое слово: [plei].
['шип] ['i:tin] ['swimirj]
['i:tirj] ['swimirj] ['ГЛШГ)]
['swimin] ['ШЩ)] []
Ключевое слово: ['i:tirj].
Задание 3
- It is time to remember the Present Indefinite Tense. You will read the questions on the cards and use the suitable verbs: "do" or "does".
Ученики получают карточки с заданием, на выполнение которого дается 2-3 мин. Учитель может усложнить задание, попросив детей не только дополнить, но и перевести предложения.
Примерная карточка: Do or Does?
1. ... your friend like summer?
2. What season ... you like?
3. Where ... you skip in winter?
4. What... his mother do when it is cold?
5. What... they have for breakfast?
6. Why ... he like to draw?
Ключи: 1. does; 2. do; 3. do; 4. does; 5. do; 6. does.
Задание 4
— Now Karlson would like you to play the game "Agree or disagree" with him. You will listen to his statements and agree with him if he is right. Repeat the statement if it is true. Disagree with him and correct the statement if it is false.
Ученикам предлагается выразить согласие или несогласие с утверждениями Карлсона.
— You are swimming now. ([disagree with you. l am not swimming now.)
—Children like to swim very much. (/ agree with you. Children like to swim.)
—Your mother gets up at seven o'clock every day. (/ agree with you. My mother gets up at seven о 'dock.)
—We are standing at the moment. (/ disagree with you. We are not standing at the moment.)
—Kate is sitting now. (/ agree with you, Kate is sitting now.)
—You like to play with a ball. (/ agree with you. I like to play with a ball.)
—Your friend doesn't like to read books. (/ disagree with you. My friend likes to read books.)
—You can speak English. (/ agree with you. I can speak English.)
—You are not sleeping now. (/ agree with you. I am not sleeping now.) Etc.
Задание 5
— The next task is on the blackboard. You will complete the answers. Who is ready to start?
Учитель привлекает внимание детей к заданию на доске Учащиеся читают предложения на доске и дополняют их необходимыми вспомогательными глаголами.
Примерные предложения:
I. Do you like to play hockey? Yes, I ... .
Карлсон в гостях у ребят 131
2. Is your father cleaning his room at the moment? No, he ... not
3. Are they going to school now? Yes, they ... .
4. Can Nick swim very well? Yes, he ... .
5. Does her friend like coffee? No, she ... not.
Ключи: 1. do; 2. is; 3. are; 4. can; 5. does.
Задание 6
- You know many poems. Now it is time to recite the poems and sing songs.
Учитель предлагает детям вспомнить и рассказать заранее разученные стихотворения. Необходимо подобрать стихотворения для отработки изученных грамматических времен.
Примерные стихотворения: 1, 2, 3, 4 -
I am standing on the floor, 1, 2, 3, 4 -
He is going to the door, 1, 2, 3, 4 -
You are washing the floor, 1, 2, 3, 4
— We are opening the door.
Miss Polly has a dolly, Who is
sick, sick, sick. So she phones
to the doctor To be quick,
quick, quick. The doctor is
coming With his bag and his
hat. And he's rapping at the
door With a rat-tat-tat.
I have a dog,
His name is Jack,
His coat is white
With spots of black.
I take him out every day,
Such fun we have,
We run and play.
Everybody says
I look like my mother;
Everybody says
I look like Aunt Bee.
Everybody says
I look like my father,
But I want to look like me.
"Tick", the clock says. "Tick, tick, tick.
What you have to do, do quick!"
Time is gliding fast away, Let
us act and act today. My little
son Jack Never eats with hands
alt black, But he washes them
clean, My little son Jack.
III. Подведение итогов
- Thank you for the lesson. Karlson likes you. He could see that you know English Tenses well. I think he will visit you again .Let's recite a poem and say "Good-bye" to him.
Учитель от имени Карлсона благодарит учащихся за работу и предлагает им рассказать следующее стихотворение, чтобы попрощаться с Карлсоном.
I can ski, I can skate,
I can sing, I can skip,
I can swim, I can't fly
I can read and say "Good-bye".
- Good-bye, boys and girls!
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