Е. П. Морозова Ю. Н, Евсеева Е. М. Еловикова
Е. П. Морозова Ю. Н. Евсеева Е. М. Еловикова АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК типовых
7 класс
Учебное пособие
для общеобразовательных организаций
ББК 81.432.1я721
Серия «Всероссийские проверочные работы.
Типовые варианты» основана в 2019 году
Авторы: Е. П. Морозова, Ю. Н. Евсеева, Е. М. Еловикова
Пособие создано для подготовки семиклассников к участию во Всероссийской проверочной работе по английскому языку. В пособии представлены 10 типовых вариантов, даны ответы и критерии оценивания заданий. Выполнение типовых вариантов поможет семиклассникам подготовиться к ВПР.
Учителя могут использовать пособие для диагностики и устранения пробелов в освоении программы по данному предмету на уроках, во внеурочной деятельности.
Пособие адресовано учащимся, учителям, методистам, репетиторам и родителям семиклассников.
Учебное издание
Серия «Всероссийские проверочные работы.
Типовые варианты»
Морозова Екатерина Павловна Евсеева Юлия Николаевна
Еловикова Елена Михайловна
Всероссийские проверочные работы.
Английский язык.
10 типовых вариантов. 7 класс
Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций
Центр лингвистического образования. Руководитель Центра Ю. А. Смирнов. Зав. редакцией английского языка М. А. Семичев. Ответственный за выпуск М. М. ЧерДакова. Редактор М. М. ЧерДакова. Художественный редактор М. Е. Бахирева. Дизайн А. Г. Бушина.
Техническое редактирование и компьютерная вёрстка О. С. Ивановой.
Корректоры Н. А. Ерохина
Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 26.12.19. Формат 84 Х 1081/1в. Бумага типографская. Гарнитура SchoolBookCSanPin. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 3,47. Тираж 2500 экз. Заказ № 0-10ТАТ.
Акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение».
Российская Федерация, 127473, г. Москва, ул. Краснопроле±арская, д. 16, стр. З, этаж 4, помещение 1.
Отпечатано в России.
Отпечатано по заказу АО «ПолиграфТрейд» в типографии филиала АО «ТАТМЕДИА» ПИК «Идел-Пресс». 420066, г. Казань, ул. Декабристов, 2.
ISBN 978-5-09-069348-6 С) Издательство «Просвещение», 2019 С) Художественное оформление.
Издательство «Просвещение», 2019
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Дорогой друг!
У тебя в руках пособие, которое поможет тебе подготовиться к выполнению заданий Всероссийской проверочной работы (ВПР) по английскому языку. Эта работа предназначена для контроля и оценки уровня владения английским языком, которого ты смог достичь по окончании 7 класса. В данном пособии собраны 10 тестов, каждый из которых содержит задания письменной и устной части.
Письменная часть представляет собой тест, в рамках которого проверяются умения аудирования (прослушивание диалога), чтения (чтение текста с пониманием его основного содержания) и уровень владения лексикой и грамматикой английского языка. В устной части работы тебе нужно будет прочитать вслух отрывок из текста и описать человека на фотографии с опорой на план.
При выполнении заданий следуй инструкции и записывай ответ в отведённом для этого месте. Советуем выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. Для экономии времени пропускай задание, которое не удаётся выполнить сразу, после выполнения всей работы можно будет вернуться к пропущенным заданиям.
В конце пособия помещены ключи ко всем заданиям и даны скрипты аудиотекстов.
i Аудиокурс к учебному пособию размещён в электронном каталоге издательства «Просвещение» на интернет-ресурсе www.prosv.ru.
Желаем тебе успеха в подготовке к ВПР и получения высоких результатов!
YCTaHOBVITe COOTBeTCTBL/le Tetvl 1—6 Tel<CTaM A—E. 3aHecl,1Te CBOVI OTBeTbl B Ta6nvquy. L'1cn0flb3yÿlTe Kaxayeo 41/10py TOTIbKO OAVIH pa3. B OAHa TeMa JIL.•ILUHBB,
Listen to an interesting story
2. Enjoy a beautiful view
3. Visit a legendary tower
4. Stay healthy
5. Don't be afraid of height
6. Try delicious food
A. Far East is a dream destination for many Russians, and Vladivostok is the heart of it. The city dates back to the 19th century. The best place for views is the Eagle's Nest Hill. It is the highest point in the city centre. Vladivostok is situated very close to the Russian-Chinese borders. That is why it's almost the only place in Russia where good Chinese food is widely served.
Altai is known as the 'golden
mountains'. Ecotourism has become very popular here. Many agencies offer tours
of the nearby areas. Tourists can go on a hike along the ways from local
legends, they are told to visitors as they go. Sailing, kayaking and fishing
are among other activities. Altai is also famous for its honey and herbs.
C. Yessentuki is a name you can see on the shelves of grocery stores around the world: this historical resort town gave its name to a brand of salty mineral water. Since the 19th century the town has been popular with people who care about their health.
D. In the north-west of the Sayan Mountains, there is Stolby National Park. It is one of the most popular tourist spots in Siberia. The most attractive things to see in the park are its rocks and cliffs called with a Russian word 'stolby' because of their shape. The smallest cliffs are 55 metres high, while the highest go up to 600 metres. Rock-climbing has become very popular here.
E. Karelia, a republic in the north-west of Russia, is known as one of the country's most beautiful places. The nature here is fabulous and looks more Finnish than Russian, with lakes, waterfalls and trees growing on huge rocks. The most interesting spot here is Ruskeala Mountain Park with a marble canyon. The canyon is now a lake with crystal clear water, and there is also another lake which is underground. In summer there are light shows on the lake.
[IpoHL,1TaVITe rlPVlBeaëHHblÿ1 HVIXe TeKCT VI BCTaBbTe BMeCTO Kaxaoro nponycKa 7—11 HYXHYIO cþopwy, Bb16PaB eë 1,13 cnvacKa. 3anv•11LlVITe B none OTBeTa LIL/lQpy 1, 2, 3 4, COOTBeTCTBYOU.1Y}O Bb16PaHl-lOMY BaMVl BapvqaHTY OTBeTa.
Nowadays we can see more and more people along the streets of Moscow.
Cycling in the centre of Moscow is still a dangerous prospect because of the hustle and bustle of a big city. The traffic too heavy and the exhaust fumes are nasty.
The Moscow city bike network to develop rapidly a few years ago. Before that, stationary bike rentals were only found in some large parks and fewer people to ride bicycles on the roads.
Not so long ago the city started a campaign to make the city for cyclists. In 2016 there were some 250 kilometres of bike lanes. And the city is going to paint additional 500 kilometres in coming years. If you plan to explore the streets of Moscow on two wheels on your own, you will find many different bike routes for pleasure riding, including Gorky Park, Vorobyovy Gory Nature Preserve, Sokolniki and VDNKh.
7 |
1. cycles OTBerr: |
2. cycled |
3. cycling |
4. cycle |
8 |
1. are OTBerr: |
2. IS |
3. was |
4. were |
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1. begined OTBerr: |
2. has begun |
3. begin |
4. began |
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1. were used OTBerr: |
2. uses |
3. used |
4. use |
11 |
1. more safe 2. more safer 3. safest 4. safer
12—16 rlOAXOLIRLUV'lML'1 CTlOBaML'1 noa KOTOPblMV1 3HaqaTCR Bb16PaHHble JIVILUHne. |
FIPOHl/lTaVITe TQ<CT VI 3an0JIHL'lTe cruz1CKa 1—7. B OTBeTe 14VICþPbl, BatvlL,1 cnoBa. ABa cr10Ba B 3TOM cnucKe
Christmas in Australia |
In Australia, Christmas comes at the |
1. takes |
of summer holidays! Children have their summer |
2. beginning |
holidays from mid-December to early February, so |
3. gives |
some people might even be camping at Christmas. |
4. competitions |
Australians wreaths on their front |
5. snow |
doors and sometimes go out carolling on Christmas |
6. hang |
Eve. People also decorate their houses and gardens with Christmas trees and Christmas lights. Neighbours sometimes have little to see who has got the best light display. |
7. end |
As it is the middle of summer in Australia at Christmas time, the words in the carols about and cold winter are sometimes changed to special Australian words! When he gets to Australia, Santa his reindeer a rest and uses kangaroos. He also
changes his clothes to less warm ones!
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nonroT0BKY VI |
FIPOHVlTaVlTe Tel<CT Bcnyx. Y Bac eCTb nonTOPbl MVIHYTbl Ha nOflTOPbl MVlHYTbl, HT06bl rlPOHVITaTb TeKCT Bcnyx.
Electric cars have not been popular among Russian drivers because of extreme climate, high price, and limited distance on a single charge.
However, this summer a Russian company has presented its prototype for a new model of electric cars. There are many people in Russia who believe that Russia needs electric cars. They say that it's hard to breathe in Moscow, and an electric car is environmentally friendly. For large cities it's a way to solve environmental problems.
Pbl |
Bb16ePl/1Te cþ0TorpacþL/110 VI HenOBeKa Ha I-åeýl. Y Bac eCTb nOflTOMV4HYTbl Ha noar0TOBKY VI He 60nee ML,IHYT OTBeTa. Y Bac rlOflYHVITbCR CBfi3Hbll,71 paccKa3 (7—8 rlPeAJIOXeHVlÿl).
Photo 1 Photo 2
TIJ1aH 0TBerra 110Moyerr Baru:
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do you like the photo or not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: chosen photo ENè In the photo there is ..."
Photo 3
TaTe- |
YCTaHOBl,1Te COOTBeTCTBV'le Tervl 1—6 TeKCTaM A—E. 3al-leCVITe CBOVI OTBeTbl B 6JIV114Y. L,'lcr10J1b3yÿ1Te uvacþpy TOJ1bKO OAVIH pa3. B 3aaaHL•1V1 OAHa Ma JIV•ILUHBB.
Enjoy mountain hiking
2. Activity holidays
3. Discover earlier cultures
4. Wildlife holidays
5. Feed wild animals
6. Polar expeditions
A. Our agency offers different activities for everyone, people who love danger or who just like sports. We have a huge variety of water, snow or • desert holidays. Enjoy scuba diving in the Red Sea or kayaking and whitewater rafting in Canada. Prefer snow? You can try skiing or snowboarding in the Alps or even igloo-building. For those who like warmer weather, we also have sandboarding (the desert version of skateboarding) or camel safaris.
C. Our cultural journeys will give you an opportunity to touch ancient civilisations: India, Thailand, Egypt and many more. Visit temples, palaces and ancient ruins just remember to bring your camera! Learn about local ways of life by exploring markets, trying exotic foods and meeting local people. See it with your own eyes!
D. We have trekking holidays to famous places such as Machu Picchu or the Everest Base Camp Trek, as well as some the Highlands of Scotland. You don't need to be very sporty, just fairly fit. You'll have a great time enjoying nature with a group of new friends. Some of the holidays include camping, but we'll transport the tents for you!
E. We organise small group tours to get closer to nature in Africa, Asia or South America. Go on safari in Africa and watch lions and giraffes. Meet the famous turtles of the Galapagos Islands.
Look for tigers in India, or take an elephant safari in Sri Lanka. We use local guides and stay in different accommodation, from tents to tree houses.
npoqv•1Taÿ1Te rlPVlBeAëHHblV1 HVIXe TeKCT BCTaBbTe BMeCTO Kaxaoro nponycKa 7—11 HYXHYIO rParvlMaTVIHeCKWO cþopMY, Bb16PaB eë 1/13 criVICKa. 3arlVlLLlVlTe B none OTBeTa 14V@py 1, 2, 3 4, COOTBeTCTBY}Ol-UYhO Bb16PaHHOMY BatvlV1 BaPV1al-lTY OTBeTa.
In the regions of Russia you'll see every type of modern transport. But during the winter months the Sakha Republic (or Yakutia) becomes one of the coldest parts of the world. Temperatures fall as low 8 —50 oc. Car engines can freeze and even if your car 9 the snow and ice on the road can make it impossible to travel. When the weather is like this, the best way to travel js with a team of dogs pulling you. Popularity of dog sledding with the arrival of Russian traders to the Arctic. Yakutian Laikas might not be as fast as a modern snowmobile but they are better for the environment. The journey is also much quieter than by a snowmobile.
Everyone that kids love sledding. They also love dogs. If you combine the two with a dose of clear blue sky, you will have the perfect family winter adventure.
7 1. most northernest 3. northernest
2. northerner 4. most northern
8 1. so OTBerr: |
2. as |
3. to |
4. than |
9 1. starts |
2. start |
3. started |
4. is starting |
10 |
1. has appeared 3. appeared 2. had appeared 4. was appeared
11 |
1. know 2. knows 3. is knowing 4. are knowing
flPOHVITaVlTe TeKCT 1/1 3an0JIHv•1Te nponycKL,1 12—16 rlOAXOAfiU41/lMVl CJIOBaMVl 1/13 criVICKa 1—7. B OTBeTe YlGXVlTe LIVIÇPbl, noa KOTOPblMV1 3HaqaTCfi Bb16PaHHble BaMV1 cnoaa. ABa cnoBa B 'TOM cnv•tcKe nnu.JHL,1e.
There are seventeen different kinds of penguins that live in the and oceans south of equator. Most people think that penguins live in very climates like the icy continent of Antarctica, but they also live in warmer areas like the Galapagos Islands, Australia, and South Africa. They are birds that cannot fly, but love to ! The Galapagos penguin lives in the waters of the Galapagos Islands near South America. It is very small. It is about 45 centimetres tall, and about 2.5 kilograms. Its body is black and white. On its black head there is a thin white line, |
1. hot 2. weighs 3. cold 4. seas 5. fish 6. meat 7. swim |
which runs from its throat up to its eyes. The pinguin's legs are very short.
Galapagos penguins eat small They live up to twenty years.
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17 np0HL/1Taÿ1Te Tel<CT Bcnyx. Y Bac eCTb nOJITOPbl MVIHYTbl Ha noarOTOBKY VI nonTOPbl MVIHYTbl, HT06bl rlPOHVlTaTb TeKCT BCTIYX.
Greenpeace is an international organisation, it has been working for the protection of the environment since 1971. Now it has
regional and national offices in 46 countries. One of the longest banners they've ever made is the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money'. A Greenpeace office in Russia was established in 1989 later they were given the name of Greenpeace Russia. In 2001 a branch was opened in Saint Petersburg. Together we can save our planet for future generations!
Bb16epv1Te cþ0TorpacþL/10 0111/111JVITe HeflOBeKa Ha Heÿl. Y Bac eCTb nonTOPbl MVlHYTbl Ha rlOarOTOBKY He 60nee MVIHYT OTBeTa. Y Bac AOJI>KQ-I rlOJIYHVlTbCfi CBB3HblV1 pacclG3 (7—8 npeanoxep-ll/lÿl).
Photo 1 Photo 2
IIJ1aH 0TBerra 110MŒKerr BaM:
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do you like the photo or not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: "I've chosen photo In the photo there is ..."
Photo 3
YCTaHOBl/1Te COOTBeTCTBVle TeM 1—6 TeKCTaM A—E. 3aHeCl/lTe CBOVI OTBeTbl B Ta6J11,114Y. VIC110fib3YlhTe IGXAYIO UVlCþPY TOJ1bKO OAUH pa3. B 3anaHL'1L•1 OAHa TeMa JIVIU.IHBB.
Understandable books
2. New objects discovered
3. The Milky Way is not the only one
4. Exciting mathematics
5. An inspiring fruit
6. The honourable prize
A. American astronomer Edwin Hubble is famous for discovering the existence of other galaxies, as well as his important work on astrophysics and his invention of the most powerful Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble had a great influence on astronomy, and science in general, by showing that other galaxies besides our own Milky Way existed. People used to think that there was only the Milky Way galaxy, Hubble's discoveries which were announced in 1925 changed our view of the universe. An asteroid and a moon crater were also named after him.
Sir Isaac Newton is
one of the most influential scientists of all time. He came up with numerous
theories and ideas in many different fields such as physics, mathematics and
philosophy. In 1687, Newton published the book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica. In it he describes universal gravitation and the three laws of
movement. Newton was known to have said that his work on developing a theory of
gravitation was inspired by watching an apple fall from a tree. A story is
well-known to this very day.
C. Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous scientists of modern times. He gave the world of science a lot of new ideas and theories. He helped to make science popular with general public by writing easy-to-read books such as A Brief History of Time. Hawking worked a lot on the subject of black holes, providing theories for their behaviour, including the idea that they emit radiation.
D. Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist who helped open the eyes of the world to a new way of thinking about our solar system and astronomy in general. Among his inventions were telescopes, a compass and a thermometer. With his telescopes
Galileo could observe the sky in absolutely new ways. He discovered Jupiter's four largest satellite moons. The discovery of these moons was against scientific ideas of that time and it was difficult for Galileo to explain to some people that he had indeed discovered such objects.
E. Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous scientist of all time. Both his image and brilliant work on theoretical physics live on today and he is an inspiration to young scientists around the world. Even when he was very young, Einstein showed great ability in both math and science. He was naturally curious and had a brilliant analytical mind. He is also well known for his theory of relativity. Einstein won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on theoretical physics.
np0H1,1TaVlTe rlPVIBeAëHHblVl I-IL•1Xe TQ<CT VI BCTaBbTe BMeCTO Kaxaoro nponycKa 7—11 HYXHYIO rPaMMaTVIHeCKWO 4)opMY, Bb16PaB eë 1/13 cnvq«a. 3anVlUJVlTe B none OTBeTa 141/1Cþpy 1, 2, 3 4, COOTBeTCTBYlOL14YlO Bb16PaHHOMY BatvlVl BapL/laHTY 0TBeTa. |
Tigers are the members of the cat family. They are the national animals of many countries but some kinds of tigers are endangered because of human activity. Tigers reach a length of up to 3.3 metres and as much as 300 kilograms. Tiger cubs leave mother when they are around 2 years of age. Everybody knows that tigers are good swimming and can swim up to 6 kilometres. Tigers usually hunt alone at night time. Tigers are also known to reach speeds up to 65 kph.
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1. largest 2. larger 3. most large 4. large
OTBer. |
must |
2. could |
3. can |
4. should |
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1. weighes 2. weigh 3. are weighing 4. weighed
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1. they 2. their 3. them 4. theirs
11 |
1. at 2. in 3. of 4. on
FIPOHl/lTaÿlTe TQ<CT 1/1 3anOJIHVlTe nponycKl/1 12—16 rlOAXOAfiU4VIML/1 CJIOBaMl/1 1,13 cnvacl<a 1—7. B OTBeTe YlGXVITe 41,1CþPbl, non KOTOPblML,1 31-1aqaTCR Bb16PaHHble BarvlL.4 cnoBa. ABa cnoBa B 3TOM cnncl<e nnu.JHne.
How much do you know about weather and climate? |
1. Earth |
If we put it very simply, weather is the state of the |
2. looked |
at any given period of time. The |
3. ground |
atmosphere is made up of different gasses, like |
4. atmosphere |
oxygen, that surround the What is |
5. tell |
happening in the atmosphere is the weather. Have |
6. watched |
you ever the weather forecast |
7. warmer |
on the news or , online? What kind of things do they tell us? Most weather forecasts will us what the temperature will be, if it's going to rain or snow, and if it will be cloudy or sunny. The fact that the Earth is round influences the weather. The Sun heats up the atmosphere and the Earth, but as the Earth is round, areas around the equator get more direct sunlight and are Areas around the poles get indirect sunlight, so, they are colder.
17 |
npoqmaÿ1Te TQ<CT BCflYX. Y Bac eCTb nonTopbl MVIHYTbl Ha nonroT0BKY VI nOJITOPbl MVIHYTbl, HT06bl rlPOHL/lTaTb TeKCT BCJIYX.
Modern cell phones can do much more things than just sending and receiving phone calls. With mobile phones we can send and receive text messages, emails, photos and videos as well as surf the Net, play games, listen to music and more. There are also some negative side effects of using mobile phone. For example, it is very dangerous to use a cell phone while driving, or students can cheat on tests by using their cell phones to get information. Pupils shouldn't use cell phones in classrooms or other school locations due to the distractions they can make.
nomoY Bac |
Bb16ePVITe Pbl MVIHYTbl Ha aonxeH rlOflYHL'lTbCfi |
cþ0Torpa01/l}0 VI 0711/11.1JVITe HenoBeKa Ha HeV1. Y Bac eCTb nonrOTOBKY 1/1 He 60nee MVIHYT OTBeTa. CBfi3HblVl pacŒG3 (7—8 npeanoxeHVlh).
Photo 1 Photo 2
TIJ1aH 0TBerra r10Moyerr BaM.•
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do you like the photo or not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: "I've chosen photo In the photo there is
Photo 3
B TaTe- |
YCTaHOBVITe COOTBeTCTBL/le Tervl 1—6 TeKCTaM A—E. Bal-lecL/1Te CBOV'I OTBeTbl 6J11,114Y. V'1cn0flb3YlhTe KaXAYlO uvqcþpy Tom,KO OAVIH pa3. B 3aaaHVIV1 OAHa Ma JIL.•IWHBR.
So far away
2. A charmig beauty
3. Potential place to visit
4. A big ocean
5. A hot neighbour
6. First seen
A. Mars, or the 'Red Planet' as it is sometimes known, has a dusty, rocky surface and a thin atmosphere. Its rather calm conditions and short distance to Earth make it the most likely destination for future planet exploration by humans. It has already been visited by a number of Mars robots in successful (and unsuccessful) missions. These highly advanced robots take samples and record important scientific data for scientists back on Earth to study.
B. Venus is similar in size to Earth but a lot hotter! Venus is like an oven thanks to its thick clouds which keep the heat in. Venus is the hottest and the brightest planet with around 500 degrees above zero. Its size is slightly smaller than Earth's. The surface of Venus is often described as a 'stormy desert' full of many craters and very active volcanoes.
C. Saturn is a gas giant which is perhaps the most beautiful planet in our solar system (other than Earth of course). It has spectacular ring system. Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system. The rings are made up of millions of ice crystals, some as big as houses and others as small as water drop. Like Jupiter, Saturn has many moons which surround it.
D. Uranus likes to be a bit different. It is blue-green in colour and rolls like a barrel rather than spinning like Earth and the other planets in our solar system. Uranus turns lying on its side. It was the first planet discovered by telescope. Since Uranus takes 84 Earth years to go around the Sun, this means that each of its poles is in daylight for 42 years and in darkness for the next 42.
E. Don't forget Pluto! It may not be officially recognised as a planet anymore but it's still there and has a lot of interesting facts and cool information. Pluto was the smallest and furthest planet from the Sun in our solar system, now it is not even officially seen as a planet because it is so far away from the Sun. Pluto is very cold with temperatures ranging from 235 degrees to 210 degrees below zero. Pluto consists of rock with a very thick ice cover.
FIPOHl/1TalhTe rlPVlBeAëHHbll,ï1 HL,1Xe Tel<CT VI BCTaBbTe BMeCTO IGXAOrO nponycKa 7—11 HYXHYIO rpaMMaTl,1HecKyo d)optvay, Bb16PaB eë 1/13 CFIl/lCKa. 3anVlLLlVlTe B none OTBeTa UVICþPY 1, 2, 3 4, COOTBeTCTBY}OU4YlO Bb16PaHHOMY BatvlL,1 BaPV1aHTY OTBeTa.
There lived an astronomer who was very much interested in his observations. He [n to look up at the sky at night and to observe the stars.
Once, as he was walking and looking up at the stars at the same time, his leg slipped and he into a canal. He started shouting.
A passer-by, who his shouts, helped him out of the canal and asked, 'How did you fall into this canal?' The astronomer replied,
'I was so busy my observations that I did not notice
The passer-by asked, 'How you expect to discover things when you don't take notice of things under your nose?' The astronomer walked away with a sad face.
7 |
1. uses 2. used 3. is using 4. use
8 |
1. fell 2. fall 3. felt 4. falled
9 |
1. is hearing 2. has heard 3. heard 4. hear
10 |
1. with 2. In 3. of 4. to
11 |
1. is 2. does 3. did 4. do
np0Hl/1TaVlTe TeKCT 1/1 3an0TIHL,1Te nponycKl/1 12—16 rlOAXOAfiL4VIMVl cri0BaMV1 V13 cril,ncKa 1—7. B OTBere YKaXVlTe 141/1CþPbl, noa KOTOPblMV1 31-1aqaTCfi Bb16PaHHble BaMl/l cnoBa. ABa cnoBa B 3TOM nnLUHVte.
Do you know where you live? With the hustle and |
1. little |
of everyday life, it is easy to forget |
2. familiar |
that the human family lives on a small blue planet |
3. bustle |
named the Earth. All around us we see trees, animals, |
4. enough |
cars, buildings, farms, factories, stores, and other |
5. under |
and man-made structures. |
6. natural |
With all of these, every day objects around us and with the vast sky us, and the deep oceans beneath us, our home planet often |
7. above |
feels quite large. Compared to us, it is very large. There is space for each of us, our families and friends, our pets, as well as trillions of other life forms to live and enjoy the various experiences of life.
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 np0Hv•lTaÿlTe TeKCT Bcnyx. Y Bac eCTb nonTOPbl MVIHYTbl Ha [IOArOTOBl<Y VI 110TlTOPbl MVlHYTbl, HT06bl rlPOHl/1TaTb TeKCT BCf1YX.
When you think of a desert, what do you think of? Perhaps you think of the Desert in California or the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. Maybe you think of the Sahara Desert in Africa. All of these deserts are hot and they stay warm year-round. But not all deserts are hot. Antarctica is the largest desert on the Earth and the coldest temperature recorded here was 80 degrees below zero. A desert is any place that seldom gets rainfall. These areas usually have cloudless skies. Even hot deserts get cold at night as the cloudless skies allow heat to escape.
Ha I-Ielh. Y Bac eCTb nonT0ABYX MVIHYT OTBeTa. Y Bac npeanoxeHV1ÿ1). |
Bb16ePL'lTe Pbl |
cþ0Torpa4)L/110 1/1 OllVIU-lL/1Te qeflOBel<a
Ml/1HYTbl Ha noar0TOBKY He 60nee
AOJI>IQH nOJIYHl,1TbCR CBR3HblVÏ1 pacclG3 (7—8
Photo 1 Photo 2
IIJ1aH 0TBerra r10M09Rerr BaM•.
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do you like the photo or not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: "I've chosen photo .Nè In the photo there is ..."
Photo 3
YCTaHOBVlTe COOTBeTCTBV•1e TeM 1—6 Tel<CTatv1 A—E. 3aHeCVlTe CBOVI OTBeTbl B Ta6nuuy. l/'lcn0T1b3yÿlTe Kaxayo LIVICþpy TOnbKO OAVIH pa3. B 3aaaHVIV1 OAHa TeMa JIV•IU.JHRR.
Check your spelling
2. Remove unwanted results
3. Several keywords give better results
4. Exact references can help
5. Special software for correct results
6. Avoid unnecessary words
A. Search engines don't read sentences the way people do: instead, they look for the keywords on the websites they search. Use more than one keyword when you are doing a search. If you want to find information about pigeons, for example, it is better to type 'bird pigeon' in the search for 'bird pigeon' and not just 'pigeon' because 'pigeon' also may be the name of a hotel or a café.
B. If you are looking for an exact sentence or phrase, for example 'pigeons are very clever', type it within the quotation marks " and only these phrases will be shown. This is useful if you want to find some information which you have forgotten and remember only a part of it.
C. When searching on the Internet you can find that you have got the results that aren't what you're looking for. In this case you can use a minus symbol to avoid the information you don't need. For example 'pigeon -hotel -café' would leave out all links to hotels and cafés.
D. Make sure that you spell every word in the search box correctly. Even if you've made a mistake in spelling, the search engine can suggest the right variant. However, it is a pity when a small typing mistake brings unwanted results.
E. Common terms like a and the are called stop words and are usually unnecessary. Punctuation is also typically ignored. But there are exceptions. Common words and punctuation marks should be used when searching for a specific phrase. Sometimes common words like the are important. For example, Raven and The Raven bring entirely different results.
FIPOHVlTaVlTe rlPL,1BeAëHHbILh 1-11/1>Ke Tel<CT VI BCTaBbTe BMeCTO Kaxaoro npony«a 7—11 HYXHYIO rPaMMaTVlqeCKYlO cþopMY, Bb16PaB eë cnŽ1cKa. B none OTBeTa 14L'lCþpy 1, 2, 3 1/1f1V•1 4, COOTBeTCTBYlOL14YK) Bb16PaHHOMY Barv1V'l BapuaHTY OTBeTa.
Detective novels
1. started OTBerr:
1. must OTBerr:
1. first OTBerr: i. of OTBerr•. |
2. are starting 2. can 2. one 2. with |
3. start 3. should 3. oneth 3. at |
4. starts 4. cans 4. ones 4. by 27 |
The mystery genre is a type of fiction tin which a detective, or other professional, solves a crime or series of crimes. It can take the form of a novel or short story. This genre detective novels. Most detective novels with a crime. It often seems to be the perfect crime. While working on the case the detective seem like he or she is making mistakes. Eventually, the detective finds the guilty person. The detective story The Murders in Rue Morgue was written Edgar Allan Poe in 1841. In this story, two women are murdered, and the police have a hard time solving the case.
7 |
1. calls 2. is called 3.
called 4. call
1/13 |
np01-ll,4TaÿlTe Tel<CT VI 3ar10flHL,1Te nponycKL'1 12—16 rlOAXOA9LUVlMV'l CJIOBaML.'1 cru,1CKa 1—7. B OTBeTe YKaXVlTe 14VICþPbl, non KOTOPblMV1 3HaqaTCfi Bb16PaHHble Barvll,l CflOBa. ABa cnoBa B 9TOM cnncKe JIVILUHL,1e.
12 |
depends on your everyday menu. Doctors say that |
3. contain |
school years are critical for brain |
4. fast |
and what they eat affects focus and cognitive skills. |
5. full |
There are some foods that can help kids stay sharp |
6. changing |
and affect how their brains develop. Eggs protein and nutrients that help kids concentrate. So, an egg is a good source of energy in the morning. |
7. receiving |
The children's food is very important. Brain activity 1. development is as as you can imagine and 2. slow
Fat is also very important to brain health. A full-fat Greek yogurt (which has more protein that other yogurts) can help keep brain cells in good form for sending and information.
16 |
I Greens are of vitamins. Spinach, for example, is a superfood, packed with antioxidants and other things that help new brain cells grow.
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14 |
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16 |
17 |
flpoqmaÿ1Te TeKCT Bcnyx. Y Bac eCTb nOJITOPbl MV41-lYTbl Ha nonroT0BKY nonTOPbl Ml,1HYTbl, HT06bl rlPOHVlTaTb TQ<CT Bcnyx.
Many cultures see the rainbow as a road between earth and heaven. Legends say that it goes below the end of earth and then comes back up again. In some myths the rainbow is like a staircase connecting earth to heaven. We all believe that the rainbow is a half-circle. The funny thing is that it's actually a circle. The reason why we don't see the other half of the rainbow is because we cannot see below the horizon. However, the higher we are above the ground, the more of the rainbow's circle we can see.
29 |
Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7—8 предложений).
Photo 1 Photo 2
План ответа поможет вам:
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
What is happening?
• Do уои like the photo от not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: chosen photo ЛР2 In the photo there is .
Вы услышите диалог. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или З, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
1 |
The Ьоу is late because he was watching
1. а reality show 2. news З. а documentary
2 |
The TV programme he was watching is about
1. pets Ответ: |
2. police |
З. cooking |
З |
The boy's elder brothers 1s а
1. policeman 2. fireman З. mechanic
4 |
The girl's favourite programrne is оп channel
1. опе 2. three З. four
5 |
The girl loves watching
1. soap operas 2. documentaries З. reality shows
Установите соответствие тем 1—6 текстам А—Е. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
Mountain trips
2. Sea travel
3. City trips
4. How to save money
5. Beach vacations
6. Adventure travel
A. These trips take place in a big city, for example, Moscow, New York, London, or Paris. The main point of these trips is usually to do some sightseeing. You can visit a few museums or do a boat or bus tour. These trips are great because there are so many different cities out there that have so many different cultures and unique things to offer. It may be faster than some would like for a vacation, but the great thing 1 about it is that there are always endless possibilities of things to do, see and taste.
E. |
you take cruises all over the world. It's a great way to see a lot of new places, without much of the hassle of travelling from place to place. Some cruise liners are known as being 'party boats' for college kids. And others, like Disney Cruise Liners, are great for families. It's really a great way to get a taste of many different places. Backpacking is really a form of budget travel (as opposed to luxury travel). Backpacking is also generally a longer-term type of travel than the typical vacation. Many backpackers 31 |
B. This is what a lot of people consider a 'real' vacation. It may be a way to escape from cold weather and to get some sun. You can sit in the shade with a cold drink in your hand. This type of holidays varies from the all-inclusive resort trip to the romantic getaway. But no matter what you are going to do there it requires sun, nice weather, and a change of pace from the daily routine.
C. For this, you need some type of outdoor activity. Camping, hiking and whitewater rafting all fall under this category. But you don't need to be terribly adventurous to enjoy the outdoors. Even those who like a warm comfortable bed and no dangerous activities can explore nature. State and national parks can be great destinations for all types of travellers.
D. There is a whole subculture of people 'who love living aboard a big passenger cruise liner. It's a huge part of the travel industry, and now can
are young, but that's not always true. They carry what they need with them and usually travel from place to place as cheaply as possible, sometimes booking overnight trains to save money on accommodations, or staying at hostels.
np0HL'1TaVlTe rlPVlBeAëHHblVl HVIXe TeKCT VI BCTaBbTe BMeCTO Kaxaoro npony«a 7—11 HYXHYIO cþopMY, Bb16PaB eë V'13 3arlVILlJVITe B none OTBeTa 141/1Cþpy 1, 2, 3 1,1flVl 4, COOTBeTCTBYOU4YO Bb16PaHHOMY BatvlV1 BaPVlaHTY OTBeTa.
7 |
'The Waiting One' is a monument to women whose husbands and relatives often at sea. It is located in a beautiful place the north of Murmansk. Splendid views of the city and Kola Bay can be enjoyed here as well. The monument, in 2012, shows a young woman waiting for her husband to come home from the sea. This period of waiting often to be a difficult one due to the turbulent and unpredictable Arctic waters nearby. A sailor's wife to go through different hard issues when her husband is at sea. Loneliness, household duties, parenting are among
7 |
1. is 2. are 3. will be 4. to be
8 |
1. at 2. on 3. by 4. in
9 |
1. created 2. creating 3. creat 4. creates
10 |
1. use 2. used 3. is used 4. was used
12—16 IIOAXOARLUVIMI/I CJIOBaML/1 L/13 non KOTOPblMVl 3HaqaTCfi Bb16PaHHble |
11 |
1. does 2. have 3. has 4. had
VI 3an0JIHl,1Te nponycKl/1
np0Hl/1TaL71Te TeKCT cnvacl<a 1—7. B Barv1Vl CT10Ba. ABa |
OTBeTe YKaXl/lTe UV1(þPbl, cnoBa B 3TOM cnncl<e
It is noticeable that the speed of sound is around 1,230 kilometres per hour. When travelling through water, sound moves four times than when it travels through air.
17 Robots for children have come a long way to become as cool as they are today. Back in the days we could only dream about robots that modern kids like so much. Luckily, for kids of our time, they have all the chances to step into that world of robots and computers without leaving their rooms. One could even say that they have numberless choices when it comes to toys that both entertain and educate. 33 |
There are some interesting about sound that you might not have known. Sound comes from vibrations. These vibrations create sound waves which move through mediums such as air and before reaching our ears. Our ears vibrate in a similar way to the original source of vibration, allowing us to hear many different Dogs can hear sound at a higher frequency than humans, allowing them to hear noises
1. water
2. louder
3. can't
4. faster
5. facts
6. can
7. sounds
that we
человека на ней. У вас есть полтодвух минут для ответа. У вас (7—8 предложений). |
Выберите фотографию ры минуты на должен получиться |
и опишите и не более связный рассказ
Photo 1 Photo 2
План ответа поможет вам:
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do уои like the photo or not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: chosen photo In the photo there is ...”
Photo З
Sally was reading а letter 2. а book З. а magazine Ответ:
Sally's friend lives in Russia 2. France З. England Ответ:
Conny's flight arrives at ten 2. ten past eleven З. eleven Ответ: Conny's plane arrives оп Thursday 2. Friday З. Tuesday |
6 |
I. Plants
2. Animals
3. Location
4. Interesting facts
5. Weather
6. Origin of the name
A. The taiga is a type of forest. It is the largest ecosystem on the Earth. The largest taiga forest covers much of northern Russia and Siberia. Other major taiga forests include North America (Canada and Alaska) and Scandinavia. The taiga is the driest and coldest type of forests.
B. Long, cold winters, and short, mild, wet summers are typical of this region. In winter, chilly winds from the Arctic bring bitterly cold weather in the taiga. The length of a day also varies with the seasons. Winter days are short, while summer days are long. Fires are also usual here in summer.
C. Compared to other ecosystems, the taiga has less variety in plant life. The most common type of trees in the taiga is the pine. There may also occasionally be oaks and birches. The ground in the taiga is thin and not very rich. It is also rocky. With long winters and short summers, plants don't have a lot of time to grow in the taiga. The growing season only lasts for around three months.
D. The cold climate of the taiga makes it a difficult place for many animals to live. The animals of the taiga must be able to survive cold winters. Many have thick fur to keep them warm. Others migrate to warmer areas in chilly winters. Animal populations are mainly seed-eating like squirrels and larger animals such as deer, elk, and snowshoe hare. They have large feet to allow them to walk on snow without sinking.
E. Taiga is a Russian word meaning forest. It is interesting that many years ago the taiga was covered with ice. The occasional fire is good for the taiga as it opens up area for new growth. This area is endangered and becoming smaller due to deforestation.
[IpoHl/lTaVlTe rlPVIBeAël-lHblV1 HVIXe TeKCT 1/1 BCTaBbTe BMeCTO Kaxaoro nponycKa 7—11 HYXHYEO rPaMMaTl,1qeCKWO cþopMY, Bb16PaB eë L'13 cnvq«a. 3arlVIU-ll/lTe B none OTBeTa 14VICþpy 1, 2, 3 VIJIVI 4, COOTBeTCTBY}OL14YhO Bb16Pal-lHOMY Bapl,1aHTY 0TBeTa. |
Christopher Columbus is the explorer who is known for discovering
America. Of course, there were already people in America at the time he arrived. We call them Native Americans. However, it was Columbus' voyage that started the exploration and colonisation of the Americas.
Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He later lived in Lisbon where he worked [E] a trader. He learned how to make maps and navigate a ship.
Columbus and his brother, Bartholomew, knew that there great wealth in China and East Asia. However, travelling overland by the Silk Road was dangerous and a sea route around Africa seemed much too long. Columbus looked a shorter way to China by crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
Later it turned out that Columbus was wrong. The Earth was much than he thought and there was another land, the
Americas, between Europe and Asia.
7 |
1. lives 2. live 3. lived 4. living
8 |
1. so 2. as 3. like 4. such
2. was 3. were 4. are
10 |
1. for 2. up 3. after 4. forward to
11 |
1. more larger 2. large 3. larger 4. largest
FIPOHl/1TaVlTe TQ<CT VI 3an0JIHVlTe nponycKl/1 12—16 rlOAXOAfiLUVIMV1 CJIOBaMVl 1/13
1—7. B OTBeTe Yl<aXVlTe UI/lCþPbl, noa KOTOPblMVl 31-1aqaTCR Bb16PaHHble BaMv•l cnoBa. ABa cnoBa B 3TOM cru,1cKe nnu-1Hne.
The Liar
(by Leo Tolstoy)
A boy was watching the sheep and, pretending that he |
1. after |
a wolf, he began to cry: |
2. it |
'Help! A wolf! A wolf!' |
3. afraid |
People came running up and saw that |
4. saw |
was not so• u] doing so for the second and |
5. he |
then the third time, it happened that a wolf came |
6. money |
indeed. The boy began to cry: 'Come, come, quickly, a wolf!' People thought that he was lying again as usual, and paid no to him. The wolf saw there was no reason to be he easily killed |
7. attention |
the whole flock.
VI |
17 |
np0Hl,1Taÿ1Te Tel<CT Bcnyx. Y Bac eCTb noriTOPbl MVIHYTbl Ha nonroTOBKY nOflTOPbl MVIHYTbl, HT06bl rlPOHL,1TaTb TQ<CT Bcnyx.
The simplest definition of energy is 'the ability to do work'. Energy is how things change and move. It's everywhere around us and takes all sorts of forms. It takes energy to cook food, to drive to school, and to jump in the air. Energy can take a number of different forms. For example, chemical energy comes from atoms, electrical energy is generated by the movement of electrons. Large objects such as the Earth and the Sun create gravity which is also a form of energy.
Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7—8 предложений).
Photo 1 Photo 2
План ответа поможет вам:
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do уои like the photo or not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: ”I've chosen photo ЛЕ . In the photo there is
Photo З
The annual themes
2. Why do we encourage bilingualism?
3. A multilingual community
4. What is a bilingual child?
5. International Mother Language Day
B. C. D. E. |
In this case it is logical that with an English mother and French father children should be able to speak both languages to communicate, not only with parents but also with other family members. Learning two or more languages helps children to accept cultures other than their own. If speaking their mother language or languages at home and at school is encouraged, they are more likely to enjoy their difference and see difference in general as a positive thing. The first Mother Language Day was celebrated internationally on 21 February 2000. This date originated in Bangladesh where in 1952 a few students were killed in demonstrations protecting their mother language, Bangla. UNESCO has been celebrating International Mother Language Day for nearly 20 years now with the aim of encouraging cultural difference and worldwide tolerance. Each year the celebration presents a different aspect of language from how children improve their grammar skills at school to how to save some of the 6,000 languages that exist worldwide. One year was about developing the teaching of mother languages, and in 2002 the celebration helped raise linguistic and cultural traditions around the world. By speaking other languages as well as your own, or having two or more mother languages, you can help to create global community. Our support to this multilingual community is to get our children acquainted with varied cultures and languages and to try and learn a language of people around us. 41 |
6. Learning foreign language is important for future
A. Being bilingual means being able
to speak two languages well and also knowing something about both cultures.
It's about being able to understand when someone is speaking another language
and being able to switch into speaking it with them. A bilingual child at two
and a half can understand that 'Daddy speaks French and Mummy speaks English.
FIPOHVlTaVlTe rlPVIBeAëHHblV1 HVIXe TQ<CT BCTaBbTe BMeCTO IGXAOrO npony«a 7—11 HY>KHYO OOPMY, Bb16PaB eë L,13 cnv•lCKa. B none OTBeTa uv@py 1, 2, 3 4, Bb16PaHHOMY Batv1V1 BapvaaHTY OTBeTa.
Hi! I'm Kenta Suzuki. I'm 15 and I'm I've got short brown hair and dark brown eyes. I like sports, karate and
I go soccer twice a week and I've got my karate lessons weekends.
Last Friday I visited my grandma in Osaka. It's a big city but not than my own Tokyo. We were in the Samurai Castle and saw beautiful cherry and plum trees around it.
7 |
1. Japanese 2. Japaneese 3, Yaponese 4. Japan
8 |
1. especial 2. especially 3. usually 4. as usual
9 |
1. for playing 2. playing 3. for a playing 4. play
10 |
1. in the 2. at the 3. at 4. in
11 |
1. bigger 2. smaller 3. smallest 4. the biggest
Photo 1 Photo 2
IIJ1aH 0TBerra 110M0YeT Barvr:
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do you like the photo or not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: "I've chosen photo In the photo there is ..
Photo 3
Хап 1. bad Ответ:
Alan's 1. dance Ответ:
Alan's 1. science Ответ:
Хап 1. ballet Ответ:
thinks prefers Используйте |
6 |
1. Life lessons
2. Theatrical professions
3. Theatre educates
4. Ancient theatres
5. Develop patience
6. Watch TV
A. Theatrical performance is the result of the work of many people. It might seem that the playwright creates the play, the director stages it, the actors make the audience believe in the reality of what is happening on the stage and that is all. But the magic is also created by artists, decorators, costumers, make-up artists, lighting technicians, stagehands and many others whom the audience does not see.
B. Many plays are based on famous books or moments from history. Watching a performance that focuses on history or literature is a great way to bring important events or ideas to life. Theatre can be a great way to introduce children to classic fairy tales, short stories, and even poetry.
D. Theatre is a safe way to expose kids to difficult situations and show them first-hand how to handle these situations. A play can teach lessons about staying true to who you are, as well as lessons of friendship. Some plays look at family life and show how to cope with troubles between sisters and brothers.
E. We know that the first people who created plays were the ancient Greeks. It was about the year 500 BC. They divided plays into two kinds: tragedy and comedy. This division is still used today. These ancient Greek plays were performed outdoors in large amphitheatres, so that many people could see them. There were contests among the playwrights and the winner got a prize. The actors wore masks covering the entire face and head, with holes for their eyes and mouth.
npou-lL,1TaÿlTe rlPV•lBeaëHHbllh HVIXe Tel<CT VI BCTaBbTe BMeCTO Kaxaoro npony«a 7—11 HY>KHY0 rpaMMaTl/1qecKY10 cþopMY, Bb16PaB eë 1,13 cnn«a. B none OTBeTa 141/14)py 1, 2, 3 4, COOTBeTCTBYOl-14W0 Bb16PaHHOMY Batv1V1 Bapv•1aHTY OTBeTa. |
footsteps died off.
The clock struck twelve. He tried to sleep, but was too frightened. Some time later he finally fell asleep. The following day the lion was caught zookeepers. 1. was seen 2. saw 3. was seeing seed OTBer•.
1. felt 2. fell 3. fall 4. feel OTBerr:
1. more loud 2. loudest 3. louder 4. more louder OTBerr:
1. could 2. couldn't 3. didn't can 4. can't OTBerr: 47 |
It was a dark and stormy night. A boy was alone at home and about to go to bed, when he a scary shadow figure at the window. 'NMho's there?' he shouted.
Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder.
It seemed to him that he saw a lion's face and heard a scary roar at the window. It looked like the lion from the local circus that had been announced missing on the television news channel. He very scared. He ran to his bed and pulled the blanket over his head. The boy started to shout for his parents but there was no reply. They were at a late night party.
Then he heard footsteps. They were
getting Soon the
11 |
np0Hl/1TaVITe TQ<CT 1/1 3anOfll-lL/lTe nponycKL,1 12—16 rlOAXOARLLIVIML/l CJIOBaMV'l V13
1—7. B OTBeTe YKaXV•1Te uvacþPbl, non KOTOPblML'1 3HaqaTCB Bbl 6Pa H H ble Batvll/l CJ10Ba. ABa cnoBa B 3TOM cnncKe JIMINHne.
Mobile phones
It might seem that most of us feel like we couldn't |
1. popular |
without our mobile phones. They've |
2. old |
not really been in existence for very long. |
3. live |
In fact, so mobile phones have only |
4. drivers |
been around in the last 20 years. Smartphones that |
5. walk |
have become our friends are quite |
6. new |
However, the history of mobile phones started in 1908. The very first mobile phones were not really mobile phones at all. They were two-way radios which were used by people like taxi and the emergency services for communicating. Motorola was the first company to make the first hand-held mobile phone. In 1992 the world's first ever SMS message was sent in the UK. It was a message 'Merry Christmas' to Richard Jarvis, a director at Vodafone, who was his office Christmas party. |
7. enjoying |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 FIPOHVITaÿlTe Tet<CT Bcnyx. Y Bac eCTb rlOJITOPbl MVIHYTSI Ha noAr0TOBKY VI rlOJITOPbl MV(HYTbl, HT06bl rlPOHl/lTaTb Tel<CT BCflYX.
Everybody knows that the human race appeared about two million years ago. Archeology is a science that allows us to have a general idea of the way primitive people lived. Two million years ago there
was no Internet, smartphones, transport, factories, clothes, and many other things, which we are accustomed to nowadays. How did the ancient people manage to survive? They had to hunt to feed themselves, to build shelters from rain and cold, to defend themselves from wild animals.
• What does he/she look like? • What is happening? • Do you like the photo or not? • Why? Begin your answer with: chosen photo .Nè In the photo there is |
Photo 3 49 |
Bb16ePl/lTe Pbl ML'lHYTbl aonxep-l |
4)0Torpacþl/lK) VI 0111/1LLJL,1Te HerlOBeKa Ha I-Ieýl. Y Bac eCTb nomoHa rlCWOTOBKY VI He 60nee MV•II-IYT OTBeTa. Y Bac nonYHVITbCfi CBR3HblL,öl paccl<a3 (7—8 rlPeAJIO>KeHL/llh).
Photo 1 Photo 2
IIJ1aH 0TBerra r10Mcxerr Baryr:
• Who
is in the photo?
6 |
1. An outdoor hobby
2. How to motivate
3. An active hobby
4. Importance of hobbies
5. Create anything
6. A young scientist
independent. Having a hobby also strengthens the thinking skills of kids. A hobby not only develops qualities like team spirit, compassion, and patience but also teaches various life skills. C. Arts and crafts hobbies can be a wonderful way of feeding a child's imagination and giving a healthy channel to his creativity through fun activities. Some of the arts and crafts hobbies include origami, woodwork, knitting, drawing and many others. D. Kids may enjoy taking up gardening as a hobby. Together with the chance to dirty their hands while working with mud children can watch an absolute magic. A small seed gives birth to a flower or a bush or even a big tree. E. Meteorology is the study of weather. It can be a great hobby for kids and can also make an interesting career choice. Adults can give a child illustrated books about climate and weather or he can browse online as well. He may also try to learn facts from TV programmes. OTBerr: • 51 |
A hobby can help
children become confident, self-reliant, and
1<aXAOrO nponycl<a 3ar1L'lu-lL/lTe B noBatvlV1 Bapvaal-l- |
npoqv•1TaÿlTe rlPVlBeAël-lHblÿ1 HVIXe TQ<CT 7—11 HYXHYIO rPaMMaTVIHeCKWO OopMY, ne OTBeTa uv•1Qpy 1, 2, 3 4, TY OTBeTa. |
Bb16PaB eë L,13 CllL,1CKa.
The Great Wall of China is a series of walls. They using I wood, stone, metal, and earth. The wall was made to protect the country enemies, and also to control immigration between the nations around China. The part of the Great Wall was created under the rule of Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin dynasty. It around 20 years to complete the original wall. The wall is 13,171 miles long and was constructed by several emperors, during time. But most of the wall was built during the rule of the Ming dynasty.
It took several empires over 2000 years to complete the wall including building and rebuilding it.
7 |
1. have built 2. were built 3. built 4. was built
8 |
1. against 2. to 3. from 4. of
9 |
1. first 2. oneth 3. only 4. one
10 |
1. taken 2. took 3. didn't take 4. takes
11 |
1. her 2. them 3. h1S 4. their
npoqv•1Taÿ1Te Tel<CT VI 3ar10TIHL/lTe nponycKl/1 12—16 nOAXOAfiLLIVIMl,1 CflOBaMV1 1/13 cruact<a 1—7. B OTBeTe YiGXl/1Te UV@Pbl, non KOTOPblMl/1 3HaqaTCfi Bb16PaHHble Batvll,l CJIOBa. ABa cnoBa B 3TOM cnncKe JIL,1LLIHne.
Vasily Kandinsky is a Russian painter. |
1. piano |
He was born in Moscow, Russia on December 16, 1866. |
2. famous |
He grew up in the of Odessa where he |
3. became |
enjoyed music and learned to play the |
4. country |
and the cello. Kandinsky said that |
5. city |
even when he was a child, the colours of nature excited |
6. begin |
him. |
7. triangle |
Kandinsky studied at college and then became a teacher. However, when he was thirty, he decided to change his career and a painter. He èwent to the art school at Munich, Germany.
Kandinsky felt that he could express feelings and music through colours and shapes in his pictures. The shapes he liked most of all were the circle, and the square.
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13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
The solar system is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. In addition to planets, the solar system also consists of moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, dust and gas. Everything in the solar system turns around the Sun. The Sun is so large that its power pulls all the other objects in the solar system towards it. At the same time, these objects, which are moving very quickly, try to fly away from the Sun into the space.
Bb16ePL,1Te VI onvawv•1Te qef10BeKa Ha HeV1. Y Bac eCTb nonT0Pbl MVIHYTbl Ha nonroT0BKY VI He 60nee MVIHYT OTBeTa. Y Bac AOJ1>KeH nonYHl/1Tbcq CBB3HblVÏ1 paccKa3 (7—8 rlPeATlOXeHl/llh).
Photo 1 Photo 2
IIJ1aH 0TBerra 110MOYverr BaM:
• Who is in the photo?
• What does he/she look like?
• What is happening?
• Do you like the photo or not?
• Why?
Begin your answer with: "I've chosen photo In the photo there is ..."
Photo 3
Задание 17 (осмысленное чтение текста вслух) — максимум 2 балла
2 балла Речь воспринимается легко: необоснованные паузы отсутствуют; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры, произношение слов практически без нарушений нормы; допускается не более пяти фонетических ошибок, в том числе одна-две ошибки, искажающие смысл
1 балл Речь воспринимается достаточно легко, однако присутствуют необоснованные паузы; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры практически без нарушений нормы; допускается не более семи фонетических ошибок, в том числе три ошибки, искажающие смысл
О баллов Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за значительного числа неестественных пауз, запинок, неверной расстановки ударений и ошибок в произношении слов, ИЛИ допущено более семи фонетических ошибок, ИЛИ сделано четыре и более фонетические ошибки, искажающие смысл
Задание 18 (монологическое высказывание с опорой на картинку и пункты плана) — максимум 8 баллов
Критерии |
Оценка |
2 балла |
1 балл |
О баллов |
1. Решение |
Выполнена |
Выполнена частич- |
Не выпол- |
коммуникатив- |
полностью: |
но: |
нена: |
ной задачи |
все пункты |
1 пункт плана |
2 пун- |
(содержание)* |
плана раскры- |
не раскрыт; |
кта плана |
ты; |
— дано 6 развёр- |
не раскры- |
— дано |
нутых предложе- |
ты; |
не менее 7 |
ний; либо есть 7 |
— дано |
развёрнутых |
предложений, НО |
менее 5 |
предложений |
они не развёрну- |
предложе- |
ты, либо не все они (1—2 предложения) соответствуют указанным в задании пунктам плана |
ний |
Критерии |
Оценка |
2 балла |
1 балл |
О баллов |
2. Организация текста |
Высказывание связно и логично; средства логической связи присутствуют |
Высказывание не вполне связно и логично, ИЛИ средства логической связи отсутствуют (неправильно используются) |
Высказывание несвязно и нелогично, щили средства логической связи отсутствуют (неправильно используются) |
З. Лексикограмматическая сторона речи |
Ошибки практически отсутствуют (не 60лее 2 ошибок, не препятствуюпдих коммуникации) |
Отдельные ошибки, не препятствуЮЩИе коммуникации (не более 4 в сумме, в том числе не более 2 ошибок, препятствующих коммуникации) |
Более 4 ошибок ИЛИ более 2 ошибок, препятствующих коммуникации |
4. Произносительная сторона речи |
1—2 фонетические ошибки, не препятсТВУЮЩИе коммуникации |
Отдельные ошибки, не препятствуЮЩИе коммуникации (не более 4 в сумме, в том числе не более 2 ошибок, препятствующих коммуникации) |
Более 4 ошибок ИЛИ более 2-х ошибок, препятствующих ком- |
* При получении учащимся О баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)» всё задание 18 оценивается в О баллов.
Reporter: Good evening, Mr Sanders! I'm from The Sun. Can you tell what happened to you when you were driving home last week?
Reporter: Wow! What was it? Mr Sanders: You won't believe. It was a cat. A big grey cat! Reporter: Oh, my God! Mr Sanders: I stopped the car and got out. The cat was sitting on the ground looking at me. Then two people appeared. They looked very worried. Reporter: Who were the people? Mr Sanders: The cat's owners. It turned out that the woman had left the balcony door of their eighth floor apartment open. Everybody knows that cats are curious animals. So it was walking on the balcony parapet when it fell off onto my car. Reporter: Oh, dear! That's terrible. How was the cat ... and your car? Mr Sanders: That's unbelievable but after such a dangerous fall the cat was fine! As for my car it was damaged, there is a noticeable scratch. Reporter: How do you feel know, Mr Sanders? Mr Sanders: You know, I'm still a bit shocked as I couldn't understand what it was at the first moment. Reporter: It's not surprising! What a story! Thank you for sharing it with us.
57 |
Mr Sanders: well . It all happened at about six thirty in the evening when I was returning home from work as usual .
Reporter: Go on .
Mr Sanders: All of a sudden something flew down right from the sky and hit the roof of my car. I was surprised!
Sam: Hi, Rachel! What are you doing here?
Rachel: Hi! I've been to my dad's office. My mother asked me to give him some papers. And now I'm walking home.
Sam: What does your dad do?
Rachel: He is an accountant.
Sam: Mine is a musician, a violinist.
Rachel: Wow! It must be very exciting.
Sam: Yes, it certainly is. Dad loves music. He enjoys playing his violin. Sometimes he plays from early morning till evening when preparing for a concert.
Rachel: Goodness me! Does he have any time for hobbies?
Sam: Not a lot really. We play football every weekend though if he. doesn't perform. And what is your dad's hobby?
Rachel: He likes fishing.
Sam: Fishing! For me it is a bit boring to sit there and wait for so long doing nothing.
Actually he doesn't seem to think so. It gives him relief from stress. Even it
he catches no fish at all, it is much better than the time spent at home doing
Sam: Sounds interesting! Maybe you are right.
3anaHH51 |
OTBerr |
3aaaHHfl |
OTBerr |
.Nè aaJxaHHS1 |
OTBerr |
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26314 |
even golden tan. Mike: Tan? Where is he from, I wonder? Jane: I've heard he is from Spain, he is a participant of that school exchange programme.
AYAÞIOTEKCT 3AÃAHk110 1 Steve: Hi, Lisa. Lisa: Hi, Steve. Steve: You'll never guess what happened to me. Lisa: What is it? You look excited! Steve: It was very funny! Lisa: Really! Why? Steve: My friend Tim and me were at the zoo when we heard people shouting and laughing. Lisa: What on earth was it? Steve: There was a crowd around the monkey house and they all looked very amused. Lisa: What was going on? Steve: It turned out that one monkey had run away when a zookeeper entered the cage to feed them. Lisa: Oh God! Was it a big monkey? Steve: No, luckily it was a macaque. Lisa: What was it doing? Steve: When we approached, it was running from one person to another, playing tricks and teasing children. The monkey stole different small things such as a pack of potato chips from a boy and a doll from a girl. Lisa: Wow! Are you all right? Steve: Yes, we were far from it. To be honest, it looked happy. It seems to me the monkey was delighted to be the star of this little performance. Lisa: How did it end? Steve: Zookeepers soon managed to catch it. 59 |
.Nè aaaaHHfl |
OTBerr |
.Nè 3anaHHH |
OTBerr |
.Nè aaAaHH¶ |
OTBerr |
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35261 |
Man: Hello! My name's George. I live one floor above you, on the third floor. I'm in apartment 2. Welcome to the building!
Woman: Hello! My name is Kate.
Man: I like to help newcomers in the building. Can I do anything for you?
Woman: Thank you so much! Actually I have got a problem.
Man: What is it?
Woman: Well, I can find a way to the post office and supermarket, but I don't know where the bank is.
Man: Oh, that's easy! I'll give you directions. Don't worry. The supermarket is on Apple Avenue and the bank is on the opposite side, on Linden Street.
Woman: Thanks! I've got 2 little kids and they like walking. Is there any park near here?
Man: I've got three sons. Well, there is a pretty park not far from our building, on Oak Road.
Woman: Wow! That's great! I have to take my girls from school at 2:15.
It's almost 2 0'clock.
Man: What about going to the park together?
Woman: Sounds great!
Man: Ok, I'll call you back at 2:30 and we will go to the park together.
.Nè 3aAaHMH |
3aaaHHH |
OTBerr |
3anaHMH |
OTBerr |
12 |
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34216 |
AJYA¼OTEI£CT 3A4ÄHÞ1fO 1 Girl: Hi, Mark! How are you? Is everything ok?
Boy: Hi! I am pretty well. And why?
Girl: You are running late. What were you doing?
Boy: Oh, am I? I am so sorry for being late. To be honest, I was watching my favourite TV programme.
Girl: And what is it?
Boy: "Police Force".
Girl: It must be rather thrilling. I've never seen it. What is it about? Boy: It is a documentary series following the work of police forces across Australia.
Girl: And what strikes you most about this programme?
Boy: Well, I've always been interested in this profession. You know my elder brother is a policeman.
Girl: Yes, everybody at school knows it.
Boy: So, I am curious how they deal with different situations from robbery to murder investigations. And do you watch any programme on TV?
Girl: Sure, I really like wildlife documentaries.
Boy: What channel is it on?
Girl: It is on Channel 4. It starts at 5:15 p.m. everyday apart from weekends. Have you seen it?
Boy: I don't think I have.
Girl: I strongly recommend you to watch it. It is a film about animals, plants and other non-human creatures. They are often taken in their natural habitat.
Boy: Sounds interesting!
Girl: It is very educational. It sometimes helps me with my homework. Boy: I'll definitely watch it tomorrow!
.Nè 3aaaHHH OTBerr 3aaaHHfl OTBerr 3aAaHHfl OTBerr
1 3 7 2 12 5
2 2 8 4 13 1
3 1 9 1 14 7
4 3 10 2 15 3
5 2 11 3 16 4
6 35624
AVAÞIOTEICCT 3ÄÃÄHÞ110 1 Sam: Sally, what are you reading so attentively?
Sally: Hi, Sam. It's a letter from my friend Conny. She lives in France, remember? I told you about her.
Sam: Oh, yes. I remember, but isn't her name Coco?
Sally: That's her nickname. Her real name is Conny. She is going to visit England and stay with us for a couple of weeks.
Sam: Wow! Good news! When is she coming?
Sally: Her plane arrives at ten past eleven on the fifteenth. That's next Tuesday. I think I'll ask my dad to pick her up at the airport.
Sam: Tuesday is a working day. Are you sure that he can do it?
Sally: He is not working on Tuesday, so I suppose he can meet her.
Sam: How can he recognise her? What does she look like?
Sally: Oh, she looks
so French. It'll be easy to find her there. She's quite tall and slim. She's
got short brown hair and brown eyes. I've got a photo of her somewhere. Have a
Tim: If I am not mistaken, he is Sam. And why are you asking?
Paula: The thing is I have already met him. We saw each other yesterday in the supermarket. He helped me with my heavy bags. He was so sweet!
Tim: You are right. He is a good chap.
Paula: So, he is a member of the reading club. It means that he is not just a kind person but also a clever one.
AYA¼OTEI£CT If 3AÃAHÞ110 Alan: What a fantastic performance! Elena, thank you for inviting me to the musical. Elena: You are welcome. I'm happy you enjoyed the show. Alan, I was sure you would like it! Alan: Right you are! The choreography of the dancers was incredible. It reminds me of the time when my mother used to dance. Elena: I know! Your mother was such a talented ballerina. Does she miss dancing? Alan: Well, it is difficult to say. But she is a fan of the arts. We have always seen a lot of performances. Elena: What do you like most? Alan: I love going to musicals because it's the perfect combination of song, dance and theatre. So, thank you again for the invitation. Elena: No thanks at all. It's a pleasure!
63 |
Tim: Paula, do you want me to introduce you to him? Paula: It would be great!
.Nè 3aaaHHS1 |
.Nè 3aAaHHfl |
OTBerr |
aaaaHHH |
OTBerr |
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42513 |
AYAÞIOTEICCT K 344ÄHk1fO 1 Shop assistant: May I help you?
Customer: Yes, I'm looking for some nice trousers. f Shop assistant: What size are you?
Customer: I'm a medium.
Shop assistant: Would you like blue trousers?
Customer: I'm looking for black trousers.
Shop assistant: Great! We have some very nice wool trousers over here.
Would you like to take a look?
Customer: They're nice, but I'd prefer cotton trousers if you have them.
Shop assistant: What do you think about these?
Customer: Yes, they are nice. Could I try them on?
Shop assistant: Certainly, the changing rooms are over there.
Customer: Thank you.
Shop assistant: How do they fit?
Customer: They are too large. Do you have a small?
Shop assistant: Yes, here you are. Would you like to try them on to see if they fit?
Customer: No, that's ok. Thank you. I'll take them.
Shop assistant: Ok, how would you like to pay?
Customer: Do you accept credit cards?
Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card, and American Express. Customer: Ok, here's my Visa.
3aaaHHfl |
OTBerr |
.Nè 3aAaHHfl |
OTBerr |
.Nè aaAaHHH |
OTBerr |
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24516 |
Пособие «Всероссийские проверочные работы. Английский язык. 10 типовых вариантов. 7 класс» предназначено для эффективной многократной отработки вариантов, включающих все типы заданий, которые проверяются в рамках ВПР
Пособие даёт представление о структуре Всероссийской проверочной работы, количестве и форме заданий, уровне их сложности и может быть использовано учителем в качестве дополнительного материала для закрепления и обобщающего повторения.
Критерии оценивания, скрипты текстов аудирования и ключи к вариантам заданий позволяют оценить сформированность достижения планируемых результатов выпускника средней школы.
Эффективная подготовка с пособием «Всероссийские проверочные работы. Английский язык. 10 типовых вариантов. 7 класс» гарантирует получение максимального индивидуального результата.
6 |
9 785090 693486 |
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© ООО «Знанио»
С вами с 2009 года.