"Weather" 4 grade
Оценка 4.8

"Weather" 4 grade

Оценка 4.8
Разработки уроков
английский язык
"Weather" 4 grade
"Weather" 4 grade

Lesson plan


LESSON:  Module 5  Lesson 2 Weather 1

School:  Bumakol EKS


Date: 14.01.2020

Teacher name: Mubinov Zh.Zh.



Number present:



Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

4.L9 recognise  words that are spelt out from a limited rung of general and  curricular topics

4.S1 make basic statements which provide information on an increasing  range of   general and some curricular  topics

4.R5 understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues

4.W5 link with some support sentences  using basic coordinating connectors

4.W7   spell most  familiar high-frequency words accurately when  writing independently

4.UE10   use common present continuous forms, including short answers and contractions, to talk about what is happening now and future arrangements on a limited range of personal and familiar topics/ using –ing forms swimming, spelling as nouns to describe familiar and classroom activities

4.UE16  use conjunctions and, or, but, because  to link words and phrases


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:


recognise and use some target language correctly and show comprehension of some written and spoken  familiar words in simple sentences to  talk about camping and camping safety


Most learners will be able to:


recognise and use most target language correctly and show comprehension of most written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences to  talk about camping and camping safety


Some learners will be able to:







recognise and use target language correctly with clear pronunciation and good comprehension of written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences to  talk about camping and camping safety


Previous learning

Learners will need to be familiar with/Structures: present continuous; -ing form; conjunctions.  Swimming is usually a summer activity but skiing is a winter activity. What am I doing? You're swimming. It's summer!Target vocabulary Weather


Cross-curricular links

Citizenship (Ex. 7)


ICT skills

Using videos & pictures, working with URLs




Planned timings

Planned activities


Beginning the lesson


10 min

(An activity to revise the language of the previous lesson.)

Invite a pupil to come to the front of the classroom. Ask him/her to think of a weather condition and mime it. The rest of the class has to guess the weather condition.The pupil that guesses correctly first, comes to the front of the classroom and the game continues. e.g. Pupil 1: (mimes sweating)Pupil 2: It's hot! Etc



Presentation and practice

20 min














Step 1 Complete. Then choose the right picture. Ex 6

Read and find the words.

Explain the activity. Allow the pupils enough time to complete the activity. Check their answers.

Check their answers.

Descriptor: A learner • answers the questions according to the talk; • correctly pronounciation


Watch video about Weather

Pupils book p 66


Step 2 Complete the questions. Then answer them. Ex 8

Explain the activity. The pupils complete the questions. Then they answer the questions about themselves. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Then ask individual pupils to report back to the class.

Descriptor: A learner • answers the questions according to the talk; .


Pupils book p 67

Ending the lesson


10 min



Topic Weather

Learning objectives Recognise words that are spelt out from a limited range of general and curriculum topics Spell most familiar high-frequency words accurately when writing independently

Assessment criteria · Recognise spelling of words from limited range of topics · Write high-frequency words accurately

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension Application Task.

Listen to the teacher spelling the word and write the word you hear under the picture. Teacher reads: cold hot warm cloudy foggy sunny rainy snowy windy stormy

Descriptor: A learner · recognises the spelt words; · spells the words accurately.




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Lesson plan LESSON:

Lesson plan LESSON:

Pupil 1: (mimes sweating) Pupil 2:

Pupil 1: (mimes sweating) Pupil 2:
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