Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) 7. L.2 understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on limited range of general and curricular topics.
7.S.7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics and some curricular topics
7.R.2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of general and curricular topics.
7.W.2write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics
Level of thinking skills Knowledge Understanding Application
Lesson title
Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure
Presenting a table of information and statistics about young people in Kazakhstan (This relates to
Learning objectives(s) that
this lesson is contributing
Levels of thinking skills
Lesson objectives
Assessment criteria
Language objectives
Values links
Crosscurricular links
Previous learning:
Planned timings
4 mins
6 mins
7.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general
and curricular topics;
7.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics
and some curricular topics;
7.UE12 use comparative degree of adjective structures with regular and irregular
adjectives on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
separate the specific information about hobbies;
explain the formation of degrees of adjectives
Most learners will be able to:
ask and answer the questions about hobbies;
choose the correct degrees of adjectives
Some learners will be able to:
compare the details given in the text;
prove usage of degrees of adjectives
specific topical vocabulary
Maths (common and decimal fractions )
Geography (regions and cities)
use degrees of regular and irregular adjectives
talk about hobbies
identify the key information about hobbies
discuss the text, ask and share opinions with other groups
form and compare the degrees of adjectives
explain the main details of the topic with some support
create a table of information about hobbies
to spend and organize free time effectively
to take care about healthy way of life
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned
Organization moment
Greeting with students.
A brief talk with students.
T: Q1. What does your friend do for fun in his/her free time?
Q2. Why do you think so?
Q3. What useful sides of your hobby can you say?
Increasing students` psychological motivation.
T: Stand in a circle. The first student says the phrase «I believe you
can….. » to the second student and the second student says, «Yes, I
can» and this continues in the chain circle.
S1: I believe you can do the best in this lesson.
S2: Yes, I can! I believe you can answer all the teacher`s questions.
Dividing into groups «Picture sort»
T: Look at the pictures and say about them.
S1: I can see the pictures of hobbies.
S2: They are types of hobbies.
T: Take and name the hobby in the picture and divide them into two
groups: winter and summer time hobbies.
Pictures of
BallWarm up «Catch the Ball»
T: I give you the soft foam ball. The first person takes the ball and must
tell short information about his/her hobby and throw the ball to the
second person. The second person does the same and throws it on to the
next person.
F. ex: S1: My hobby is playing chess. Because it will help me to think
widely and solve the problems easily.
Identifying the objectives
T: Do you have any ideas about today`s objectives.
S1: Objectives are connected with hobbies.
S2: Types of hobbies.
Students are introduced with the objectives and learning outcomes.
10 mins
New lesson.
(I, P, G) Brainstorming Think, Pair, Share
T: Skim the text about hobby statistics and identify the key
information. Choose the main details and compare them with the
partner. Then express the opinions in the group and discuss them.
Groups share the conclusion with the other groups.
T: Answer the questions.
1. What information can you find?
2. How do you identify them?
3. What facts do surprise you and your partner?
4. What contrast ideas do you name?
(I, G) The Group of Stickers
T: Read the text and find out the information about hobbies. Then
write them on stickers. Each group separates the ideas into three
categories. And stick them on the board. You chart the table of hobbies
providing the detailed information in a group. Describe the statistic
information about hobbies among Kazakhstani young people. The
groups explain the ideas.
A students – name types of hobbies
B students – reasons of choosing hobbies
C students – detailed information
8 mins
5 mins
(I) Fill in the gaps
T: Fill in the gaps with degrees of comparison of adjectives.
The first task is a test; students choose the right degree of adjectives
from the given answers.
In the second task, students should form the right degree from the
adjectives in brackets on their own.
In the third task there are no given adjectives; students should find the
suitable adjectives by themselves.
A students – choose the right degree
B students – form the necessary degree of adjectives
C students – put the suitable adjectives
three types of
4 min
2 mins
3 mins
3 mins
Concluding the lesson « 60 seconds
Choose a few students and give each 60 seconds to summarize
important concepts that they have covered during the lesson.
Giving smile stickers at the every stages of the lesson.
Selfassessment chart.
Giving the home task.
Students collect information about their family`s hobbies and make a
Plus/Minus/Delta (+//∆)
A leaner
finds out the necessary information and speak about it.
answers the questions.
expresses own opinions.
chooses the suitable adjectives.
forms the degrees of adjectives correctly.
Smile stickers
Student`s book
Slips of paper
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more
support? How do you plan to challenge the more able
More support
Explain the definitions of some hobbies
Some questions and tasks are difficult for less able
wait time
reformulate the questions
giving clues for tasks
support of more able students
Moreable students
ask summarizing opinions
give more difficult exercises
Assessment – how are
you planning to check
learners’ learning?
Health and safety check
Selfassessment chart
to lead a healthy way of life
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