11/01/2021г Тема: « Sport History» 8 б кл
Задачи урока:
· ознакомить учащихся с грамматической конструкцией Present Perfect Passive;
· формировать грамматические навыки говорения учащихся;
· активизировать лексические единицы по теме;
· практиковать учащихся в употреблении новой грамматической конструкции в речи;
· практиковать учащихся в чтении с целью извлечения конкретной информации (reading for specific information);
· использовать логико-синтаксическую схему на этапе совершенствования речевых навыков и развития речевого умения учащихся;
· ознакомить с особенностями британских видов спорта;
· практиковать учащихся в аудировании.
Оборудование: таблица «Present Perfect Passive»;
таблица наиболее употребляемых разговорных речевых единиц, выражающих мнение, предположение, согласие, непонимание.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент
– Good morning! Glad to see you!
– Good morning! Glad to see you, too!
2. Проверка домашнего задания
– My dear friends, I want you to tell me about popular sports in the UK.
Who knows what are the most popular sports in Great Britain?
P1: I know. They are cricket, football and rugby.
P2: And tennis, horse racing and darts.
– That's right. And now tell me please, what sports were invented in the UK?
P3: Football, cricket and tennis...
P4: And rugby.
–Can you tell me what are the most popular teenagers' sports in the UK?
P5: They are cycling, pony tracking and gymnastics.
Р6: And I think, that football and hiking are the most popular teenagers' sports.
–OK. You know that there are many interesting and unusual competitions which attract a lot of people. Among them...
P7: ...Olympic Games.
P8: ...the Highland Games.
–That's right. Well, can you give me some facts about these games?
P9: With pleasure. Highland Games are a traditional festival of Scottish sports and music.
The first games were organized by Malcolm in the XI century at Braemar.
P10:Thev are famous for caber tossing. The Braemar caber is 19 feet long and weights 120 pounds.
–What else do you know about these games?
P11:They are held in different towns in the Highlands. And they are very popular.
— Thank you. I see that your homework is well done. And what about our country?What competitions were popular in Russia in the past?
P1: To my mind, fisticuffs might be popular.
P12: And I think they may be tug of war and pole-climbing.
P2: Sack running was popular in the past.
–That's right! Thank you for this information. You are good boys and girls! And now, let's deal with the other problem. It's a sport history.
3. Упражнение 1(2) с. 120 (чтение с целью извлечения конкретной информации).
–Children, open your textbooks and read ex. 1(2) on p. 120. P3: May I start?
–Please, begin reading. P3: (reads the text)
–What interesting facts have you got to know? How many years has football been played?
P5: Football has been played for hundred of years.
–Right. When were the rules for football set?
P4: Football has been played with proper rules since 1863.
–That's right. What are the main football competitions?
P7: The FA Cup Competitions. The FA Cup Competitions have been held since the middle of the 19th century.
–Well, and what new grammar structure have you met reading the text?
P5: «has been played»
Р6: «have been held»
– That's right! This grammar structure is called Present Perfect Passive.
4. Ввод нового грамматического материала. Конструкция Present Perfect Passive (настоящее совершенное в страдательном залоге)
been V3
–The Present Perfect Passive is formed with auxiliary verb«have (has)», auxiliary verb «been» and Past Participle.
It is used instead of the Present Perfect to express the action that began some time ago and still is going on when the doer of action is unknown or unimportant.
Example: Running competitions have been held since ancient times.
Football has been played for hundred of years.
Формальные признаки употребления данного времени —слова for (в течение) и since (с, с тех пор).
Into Russian this grammar structure is translated with the help of the verbs answering guestion «что делают?».
Dear friends, translate, please, these two sentences according to the rule.
P9: Соревнования по бету проводятся с древних времен.
P10: В футбол играют в течение сотен лет.
Beta competitions have been held since ancient times.
Football has been played for hundreds of years.
–That's right. And now, let's have practice in using this construction. Open your books, please. Page 123, ex.4.
5. Выполнение лексико-грамматического упражнения. (письменно)
Ученики, прочитав задание и ознакомившись с образцом выполнения данного упражнения, переделывают предложения и переводят их на русский язык.
Раскройте скобки в Present Perfect Passive (настоящее совершенное в страдательном залоге) ,перевести и выбрать правильный предлог since/ for ,чтобы указать когда действие началось
1.Running competitions (hоld) since/ for ancient times.
2.The Tour de France cycling race (hоld ) since/ for 1926.
3.Goodwill Games (take ) place every four years since/ for 1984.
4.Tennis ( play ) since/ for a thousand years.
1.Modem Olympic Games ( hоld) since/ for a century.
2.The popular London Marathon (hоld ) since/ for 1981.
3.The most popular game Rugby (play) since/ for the 19th century
4.The Ryder Cup - professional golf contest – ( hоld) since/ for 1927.
Running competitions have been held since ancient times.
Соревнования по бегу проводятся с давних времен.
The Tour de France cycling race has been held since 1926.
Велосипедная гонка Тур де Франс проводится с 1926 года.
Goodwill Games has been taken place every four years since 1984.
Игры Доброй воли проводятся каждые четыре года с 1984 года.
Tennis has been played for a thousand years.
В теннис играют в течении тысячи лет.
Modem Olympic Games has been held for a century.
Современные Олимпийские игры проводятся в течении века.
The Ryder Cup - professional golf contest - has been held since 1927.
Кубок Райдера – профессиональные соревнования по гольфу – проходят с 1927 года.
The most popular game Rugby has been played since the 19th century.
В самую популярную игру регби играют с 19 века.
The popular London Marathon has been held since 1981.
Популярный Лондонский марафон проходит с 1981 года.
6. Аудирование текста «The History of Rugby», p.246 (текст читается дважды)
To handle - брать руками
slightly [slaitli] - слегка, немного
a) Rugby is a form of football which was started in 1823. Then the pupil of Rugby School William Webb Ellis handled a ball and ran with it during a game of football. The first set of rules was set out in 1845. Since that time rugby has been played all over Britain. The standard game (Rugby Union) has been played by teams of 15. Rugby League is a different form of game. There are 13 players and slightly different rules.
b) выполнение тестовых заданий по тексту. Ех.3.2) р. 122.Match the columns in correct way:
In 1823 a pupil of Rugby School picked up a ball and ran with it during a game of football.
Since 1845 rugby has been played all over Britain.
Since 1845 rugby has been played with its own rules.
c) What new facts about rugby have you learned?
(выполнение текстового задания) текст записан на доске.
7. Обобщение пройденного на уроке
· грамматическая конструкция Present Perfect Passive (образование, употребление, перевод, использование);
· практика использования лексики и нового грамматического материала в устной речи;
· знакомство с историей футбола и рэгби;
· практика выполнения тестовых заданий;
· активизация лексических единиц.
8. Домашнее задание и инструктаж по его выполнению ex.6, р.107
9. Подведение итогов работы учеников на уроке (комментарии и выставление оценок в дневник).
— Now, the lesson is over. Thank you for your time!
P-s: -Thank you for your lesson
— Bye!
P-s: - Bye-bye!
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