Проектная работа ученика, который увлекается физикой и мы сделали интегрированный проект, в котором он подробно рассказывает о своем хобби. Работа содержит как теоретический так и практический материал, а также фотографии.Надеемся, что кому-то этот проект поможет и бу дет полезен. СпасибоПроект по аэромоделированию на английском языке
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.. 4. Setting up of model aircraft (difficulties).................... 5. Test of
engine............................................. 6. My
flights..................................................... 7. Designing new
Conclusion...................................................... ...Introduction
The urgency of the problem. Aircraft modeling represents a design, build and run
the flying models. Why exactly am I doing aircraft modeling? How relevant is the
theme of aircraft modeling in our time? My father graduated from flight school and
had been flying for a long time on thefighter aircraft L29 "Albatros". He told me
a lot about flying and aircraft equipment, I watched videos with airplane flights.
So I became interested in aircraft modeling and wanted to build my own model
aircraft airplane. Inspired by aircraft modeling, I found out the device kite,
balloon, navigational conditions of bodies in the air, learned the basic concepts
of aerodynamics, comprehended the impact of weather phenomena on aircraft flights.
Aircraft modeling is a massive technical sport, improvement of finished models,
design and construction of aircraft (Generally in a smallscale) in technical or
sports applications.Unfortunately, in our town there are no special grounds and
stadiums to run models of aircraft, so training flights are problematic: three
dimensional model to be transported to the open space. But the emotional
satisfaction of flight "covers" all the difficulties.The object of the study. RC
model Trainer Calmato 40 with dimensions 1m60sm wing, wing chord 27cm, length of
the fuselage 1m30sm. Objective: To launch, flight, aerobatics and landing Cantata
Trainer 40. Objectives: 1.To know about history of aircraft modeling. 2. Analysis
device model aircraft Trainer Calmato 40. 3. Design and construct a model airplane
landing gear aircraft with new features. 4. Do launching, flying, aerobatics and
landing aircraft model Trainer Calmato 401.In 1898 in Egypt have been excavated in
the III BC. Among the various objects found there was a small figure of sycamore
(solid wood, like the hornbeam), which weighed 32 grams and it was like a bird.It's
not a bird; it was a miniature model of a glider!In the eighteenth century, in 1754
his first flying model aircraft has created Mikhail Lomonosov.The founder of
astronautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in order to study the behavior of aircraft and
their interaction with all levels of the atmosphere using a #k#i#t#e# #w#i#t#h#
#s#m#a#l#l#e#r# #s#i#z#e#s#.# #H#e# #a#l#s#o# #u#s#e#d# #a# #t#h#e#r#m#a#l#
#b#a#l#l#o#o#n# #w#i#t#h# #a# #s#h#e#l#l# #m#a#d#e# ## # o#f# #p#a#p#e#r#
#g#l#u#e#d# #t#o#g#e#t#h#e#r#.# ##T#h#e# # #b#i#r#t#h#d#a#y# #o#f# #f#l#y#i#n#g#
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#f#o#r#m#e#r# #S#o#v#i#e#t# #U#n#i#o#n# #i#s# #J#a#n#u#a#r#y# #2#,# #1#9#1#0#.#
#T#h#a#t# # #d#a#y#,# #l#e#d# #t#o# #t#h#e# #f#i#r#s#t# #c#o#m#p#e#t#i#t#i#o#n#s#
#o#f# #f#l#y#i#n#g# #m#o#dels. The farthest flight of 17 meters was the made by
Zhukovskii, "the father of Russian aviation".In August of 1926 Moscow was first
raised the flag of the first championship for the sport of aircraft modeling and
model airplane flying.In 1952, the model aircraft sport was included in the Unified�
4 standard servos;
Propeller 11h6 mm;
Radio system (4 channels);
Starting equipment;Fuel.3. My father advised to train the first
Sports Classification, which certainly had an influence on its development.In March
1941during the Moscow competition a model aircraftmen M. Zyurin set a union
record duration 2 minutes 33 seconds.The absolute speed record 301 km / h set
in international competitions in Brussels I. Ivannikov. This speed has developed
its cord model with a jet engine.Currently in our country there are following
classes of models.1. Free Flight: gliders, with rubber engines, timer, indoor model
airplanes and helicopters.2. Cord: highspeed, aerobatic, racing models, the air
"battle", models of the original aircraft.3. Radio controlled model airplanes and
gliders.2.Model Aircraft Trainer Calmato 40 (I have already had 2) is a model of
aircraft simulator, which can be assembled according to the drawings, improve some
parts of it, to expand the functions of adding their own parts, upgrade of nodes.
The model is designed for novice pilots.Technical Data Model: Motor Kyosho GX40
2stroke 0.40 (cubic inches). Wingspan 1600 mm. Length 1300 mm. Gross weight
about 2400 g Airfoil the original doubly convex. The completely model
includes: assembled fuselage of balsa (wood ultra light) 2 Wings, Stabilizer,
Landing gear, Wheels, The fuel tank, The installed engine mounts.For flights
additionally required:
The engine of internal combustion engines 4046;
Cook 5057 mm;
flight. I bought a plane from foam (virtually "unkillable" material) with an
electric motor. The first attempts to launch the aircraft were very unlucky. I
realized that without the help of an experienced assistant, learning to fly is
almost impossible. So I found a flying club, regularly had been there for 8 months
and learned to fly. At first I learned to fly in a simulator (I broke it more than
50 aircrafts), and then on real models. My first goal in learning is not to break
the plane, but save the model of the whole. I learned to keep aircraft in straight
flight and to land the plane without serious damage. At first I did not set the
task of performing various maneuvers.4.I collected the model independently in
accordance with the instructions for assembly and it was not very difficult. It was
hard to connect the left and right wings: they connectspar element that is
inserted into special slots. For permanent connection console lubricated epoxy
glue. The connecting element is Vshaped and need to break it was strictly between
the consoles.5.First, you need to start the engine. It is separate from the on
board power plane. Servos are powered by electricity from onboard battery; the
engine starts on the ground. Cranking out few times with your fingers bleed screw
counterclockwise, without using the starter. After the fuel comes into the engine,
doing twothree turns propeller. Placed on the glow plugs, spark is heated inside
the cylinder, fuel is supplied to the carburetor, and then to the crank chamber and
the combustion chamber. We start again cranking the propeller as long as no engine
fires. Then, the gas supplies from the remote control to increase engine RPM,
thereby warming the engine. Remove from the heat of the candles, remove the engine
speed. The first trial run takes about seven hours. Running the engine will
continue as long as neither exhausted the entire stock of fuel. Before the flight
after the engine warms up (in working order), I flip the model several times in
different directions to see if it does not stall when flying.According to the
experience with the launch of the starter to start the engine goes from 1 to 5
seconds. Once the engine is started and warmed up, you need to make final
adjustments. This process is described in the instructions.The first flight lasted
about 2 minutes and was not easy as a result of the plane still landed badly.The
second and next flights were successful. Now I can not just pick up the plane in
the air, I gently put him no harm, but also to perform various aerobatics,
"corkscrew", "barrel", loop Nesterov "," return flight "," fly on the knife. " 6.
The new chassisAfter many flights, I realized that t#h#e# #l#a#n#d#i#n#g# #g#e#a#r#
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#a#l#m#o#s#t# #2# #c#m#,# #a#n#d# #i#t# #i#s# #p#o#s#s#ible to reduce the takeoff
distance of 8 to 5 pm.ConclusionThis is my hobby, I'm interested in it. And I'm
sure my class aircraft modeling today will grow into the future in my profession,
the profession of a pilot. Aircraft modeling is my road to aviation.
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