Algorithms for graphs 1
Оценка 5

Algorithms for graphs 1

Оценка 5
Algorithms for graphs  1
Algorithms for graphs 1.docx

Long term plan unit:



Teacher’s name:


The number of attendees:


Lesson theme

Algorithms on graphs 

Learning objectives that are achieved in this lesson (Subject Programme ref)

Implementation of search algorithms on graphs to solve the practical tasks

Lesson objectives

Into to graphs

Evaluation criteria


·     Know what is a graph



·     Understand the structure of graphs

·         Describe the application of different types of graphs



Language objectives


Learners able to

·         State what is graph 


·         Describe the purpose of graphs and its application in Computer Science

Vocabulary and terminology specific to the subject:

Undirected graph, directed graph, nodes, path, root, vertex

Useful expressions for dialogs and letters:

Well, in directed graph there are … .

For example, every vertex has its own position and could be connected   … .

Obviously, the path between graphs’  … .


Cultivating values



collaboration, mutual respect, academic honesty, perseverance, responsibility, lifelong learning

Cross curricular links

English, Math

Prior knowledge


Array, 2D-array

During the classes

Planned stages of the lesson

Planned activities in the classroom




5 min





1.      Teacher presents the images for guess of topic

2.      Teacher introduces topic and learning objectives

3.      Students make their own evaluation criteria

4.      Vocabulary Matching (English-Russian). One student arranges English words and their Russian counterparts. Whole group can help.

5.      Useful language pieces



Slides 1-3


15 min



18  min





Teacher demonstrates new content using text and images. Students make notes.



Students in investigate the types of graphs according to following criteria:


Evaluation criteria


Know what is a graph


·       States what the graph

Understand the structure of graphs

·      Draws the graph

Describe the application of different types of graphs.

·         Describes the use of  one graph type



Peer Assessment

While a pair of students present others assess them according to given criteria.  Then students give feedback for their pairs





What is the graph in Computer Science?

State kinds of graph


Slides 5-17







Slides 18-19



2 min


At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:

-           What knows?

-           What remained unclear

-           What is necessary to work on



Slide 20

Differentiation - how do you plan to provide more support? What tasks do you plan to put before more able learners?

Evaluation - how do you plan to check the level of mastering the material by learners?

Health and safety practices

Дифференциация может быть выражена в подборе заданий, в ожидаемом результате от конкретного ученика, в оказании индивидуальной поддержки учащемуся, в подборе учебного материала и ресурсов с учетом индивидуальных способностей учащихся (Теория множественного интеллекта по Гарднеру).

Дифференциация может быть использована на любом этапе урока с учетом рационального использования времени.

Use this section to record the methods that you will use to assess what students have learned during the lesson.

Health-saving technologies.

Used body and physical exercises.

Points applied from the Safety Rules in this lesson.

Reflection on the lesson


Were the goals of lesson/ learning objectives realistic?

Have all the students reached the LO?

If not, why?

Is the differentiation done correctly in the lesson?

Were the time stages of the lesson sustained?

What were the deviations from the lesson plan and why?

Use this section to reflect on the lesson. Answer the most important questions about your lesson from the left column.


Overall assessment



What two aspects of the lesson went well (think about both teaching and learning)?





What could help improve the lesson (think about both teaching and learning)?





What I found during the lesson related to the class or the achievements / difficulties of individual students, what should I look for in subsequent lessons?



Скачано с

Long term plan unit : School :

Long term plan unit : School :

Prior knowledge Array, 2D-array

Prior knowledge Array, 2D-array

End 2 min Reflections

End 2 min Reflections

Were the goals of lesson/ learning objectives realistic?

Were the goals of lesson/ learning objectives realistic?
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