Amino is a new social network
Оценка 5

Amino is a new social network

Оценка 5
Исследовательские работы
английский язык
7 кл—11 кл
Amino is a new social network
Данную презентацию подготовила студентка 3 БВ курса, СККиИ Тетюева Анастасия , Руководитель – преподаватель английского языка Порозова Т.В. Презентация предназначена для сдачи зачёта по теме «Средства массовой информации в жизни людей» Данная презентация была представлена студенткой 3 БВ, СКИ и К к зачёту по теме " Социальные сети в жизни людей"
Тетюева Анастасия 3БВ (1).pptx

Amino is a new social network

Amino is a new social network

Amino is a web application of the

Amino is a web application of the

Amino is a web application of the American company Narvii, Inc., an online service for communication on various topics, the most popular topic is anime. The app was created by Yin Wang and Ben Anderson in 2014

Functionality The main feature of

Functionality The main feature of

The main feature of Amino is communities dedicated to a specific topic that users can join. Users can communicate with other members of the community in three ways: in text, voice chat, or in the "cinema hall" — in a chat that allows users to watch videos together during a voice chat[2].Other features include picture posts, blogs, stories, wiki entries, polls, and quizzes.

Administration Each community has three types of administrators: "Agent", "Leader" and "Curator"

Administration Each community has three types of administrators: "Agent", "Leader" and "Curator"

Each community has three types of administrators: "Agent", "Leader" and "Curator".
"Agents" have the highest rank and have access to all community functions, such as the ability to edit topics, ban members and much more. Leaders are the same agents, but they cannot select a leader, unlike an agent. Curators have much less privileges, and are mainly focused on managing the community when Leaders or Agents are not around. Curators, as a rule, hide shared chats and posts, and also add entries to a collection of entries. Despite the fact that the highest-ranking administrator in the community is an "Agent", for violating the basic rules of Amino, this administrator could be removed by users from the Amino Team.

History In 2012, while attending an anime convention in

History In 2012, while attending an anime convention in

In 2012, while attending an anime convention in Boston (Massachusetts), Wang and Anderson came up with the idea of creating a convention community. Later that year, they released two apps dedicated to K-pop and photography, which will allow fans of these topics to communicate freely.In 2014, Amino was officially released, and previously released applications about K-pop and photography became the first communities on this platform. In July 2014, Anderson and Wang founded Amino Apps, Navi, and received initial funding of $1.7 million

Development The Amino application developed rapidly, 47 communities were launched in the first year

Development The Amino application developed rapidly, 47 communities were launched in the first year

The Amino application developed rapidly, 47 communities were launched in the first year. Fandoms have moved from websites like Facebook and Reddit to Amino, partly because of the mobile app.Until 2016, when a user wanted to join a new community, he had to install a separate application for Amino, which he would like to join. In 2016, Amino Apps launched a centralized portal where all the Amino communities are hosted in one application, consequently, users no longer needed to install multiple applications at once.In the same year, the ACM (Amino Community Manager) application was launched, allowing users to create their own communities. This has led to the fact that the number of Amino communities has grown dramatically to 2.5 million

Financing The developers of Amino received $1

Financing The developers of Amino received $1

The developers of Amino received $1.7 million in seed funding in July 2014. In September 2015, they received $ 6.5 million in Series A funding.

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