Magna Charta Libertatum(1).
When John Lackland (2) came to the power, he did not have the political talent
of his father, Henry II. He often betrayed his supporters (3) and made new
enemies .On wanted to subjugate (4) the barons to his power and quickly gained the
fame of tyrant. Without any reason he drove out (5) unwanted barons from their
lands, and deprived (6) them of their lands. The barons rebelled (7). They were
supported by the knights, citizens and clergy.(8)
In 1215 the barons won and forced the king to sign the Magna Charta. The
Magna Charta defended free people of England of the royal officials' tyranny (9).
The council of twentyfive barons watched the compliance of Magna Charta
Libertatum which limited royal power.
1. Magna Charta Libertatum [magna ka:ta libetatam]–– Великая Хартия
2. John Lackland — Иоанн Безземельный
3. betrayed his supporters – предавал своих сторонников
4. to subjugate подчинять
5. drove out — изгонял
6. deprived — лишал
7. rebelled — подняли восстание
8. the knights, citizens and clergy — рыцари, горожане и духовенство
9. the royal officials' tyranny – произвол королевских чиновников
10. compliance of Magna Charta Libertatum — исполнение условий Великой
хартии вольностей.
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