a / ei / state fable dame plate tape basin plane name babe blame game late skate lake make cake fate sate mate table
a / əe / can tap rag fad stand cat hand hat cap flag plan gas man tram back bag rank black flat bank camp glad that cab mat thank sand band flax map tax has sat am as and dad bad ant has sad hat cat |
ay ey / ei / play they sway grey away prey day drey tray fey say obey gay hey may pay dray |
ar / a:/ star bar park charm barn start part car tart carpet arm garden farm far dark mark
e / e / pen send test melt tent ten tell spell red best bell belt get desk spend wet west egg bed leg end let net hen rest dress well men nest left fresh shelf chess bench then them neck hey grey yet yes chest fell vest fest |
e / i: / me eve begin she we he be pretty
ee / i: / see week deed steel sleep sweep bee tree feet deep green feel meet sweet greet fee street cheese teeth three
ea / i: / meal clean beat peak leaf meat speak seat mean eat read lead weak dream tea leap deal pea team peace |
ead / ed / bread head ready spread tread dead |
ir, er, ur, yr / ɜ: / skirt term bird stern girl turn first burn shirt burst third return fir turkey sir nurse dirty spur verb myrtle her prefer person |
ire / aiə / fire mire wire tired satire |
ie / i: / field piece niece brief chief |
u / ʌ / run must bust stub bud sum cup jump dub bun pun pub pup duck brush much lunch trunk plus under uncle luck cut club bus but bun fun gun hut hunt drum dust plum sun up us |
u / ju: / u / u: / ure/ juə / tube blue pure lute glue cure tume true sure dune lure duke curious pupil during student secure use tulip union human
o / ɒ / dog hot spot cross box crop plot slot shop dop top cod cot dock doll tog hot not frost long song strong gong stop from stock fox got god clock fond problem dot pot nod job cock frog on |
o / əu / stone smoke close bone home no go sofa note spoke hope so nose rose |
or, ore / ɔ: / sport ore form shore lord store more explore orbit corn for fork born storm short horn strong or nor floor |
i / ɑɪ / nine fine five time like side wide dine dive bite mine pie lie die tie I Hi |
i / ɪ / pin simp kid big sit in milk six pick ill film trip hill twig lip kiss still him it ring bring sing spring till brick stick trick fish dish pig silk chin rich chick ship wish drink with thick this thin kick |
ch / ʈʃ / / k / chat chemist chop technical each school bench character lunch architect chin anarchy chess much c / s / rich ice chick face cheese city child pencil children place such nice chest chill |
ck / k / c / k / wreck music rack public deck patriotic brick polemic stock electric duck metric clock sock rock cap block car dock cold mock cube black can knock catch sick neck check |
sh / ʃ / flesh shake shelf fish sheep shine shot dash wish bush rush push mush ash shell brush dish fresh shop ship she short
tch / ʈʃ / catch pitch botch Dutch kitchen witch |
y / ɑɪ / fly sky pry my by try fry spy type cry dry buy |
y / ɪ / безударный pity system party symbol baby hymn funny gym army gypsy lorry glory puppy duty family rainy foggy
y / j / yes yard yarn year yet yell yelp yoke |
s / z / is his has close rose pens bags days yours cheese please |
oo / u: / spoon moon too cool food foot broom wood |
ook / u / cook look book took brook hook |
ph / f / phone photo elephant phrase physics |
gh / f / после au,ou enough laugh rough tough cough
igh / ai / right high night fight eight bright light sigh sight flight |
wh / h / which when while white wheel whale where what whisper |
who / hu / who whom whose whole whoop |
old / əuld / old hold cold sold gold told
ou, ow / au / в середине house town out down count towel about flower round brown stout power sound powder cloud clown ground shout blouse could trousers should found would mouth mouse |
wa, war / wɔ / was war want warm wash award swan warn water warm watch what |
aw / ɔ: / law saw paw pawl draw crawl straw |
wor / wɜ:/ word world work worse worst worth
ew / ju: / new drew flew mew steward few knew news |
oa / əu / coat boat loan road broach soap toast
ng / ʖ / bring ring sing thing spring bang strong long song English angry language |
ear, eer, ere / iə / smear deer here dear sneer mere near steer sere tear peer sphere clear engineer ear fear hear rear / ɜ: / learn earth earn early |
are, air / ɛə / care hair bare fair parents air dare chair fare pair share stair rare compare prepare hare stare |
ai / ei / pain gain rain paid daily train paint aim main nail |
au / ɔ: / pause cause fault author autumn August |
ought, aught / ɔ: / bought brought thought fought caught daughter |
ex+гласная / gz / exam exact exist example exult exotic
x / ks / six mix text next box fox tax taxi excuse exercise |
qu / kw / всегда в паре quick square queen squeak question quote quite queue / k / unique technique |
ture / ʈʃə / picture culture lecture future nature feature furniture |
oi, oy / ɔi / coin coy voice joy noise soy point hoy oil boy toil toy choice roy soil ploy
ov / ʌv / love above dove glove cover govern government / uv / prove move movement |
on / ʌn / among come front some monkey done month son money won wonder wonderful
nk / ʖk / rink drink bank tank brink flunk wink thank ink pink trunk |
kn / n / в начале слова knot knap knee knock knife know
wr / r / в начале слова wrong wrest wretch wrist write wrap wrest wreak
th / Ɵ, ð / three with smith the north than thin thick those father teeth without think weather third brother thank other tooth another path
ild, ind / ai / child wild mild find blind mind kind
wind, window
ie, ei / i: / field piece receive deceive seize
ow / ou / в конце слова window fellow hollow morrow borrow yellow follow pillow shallow narrow elbow slow snow grow
g / dʒ / перед e, i, y page cage gym gin age edge sledge large bridge stage change
all, alk, alt, als / ɔ: / stall chalk salt call talk halt small walk malt tall balk bald wall stalk almost hall calk always fall false ball all
alf, alv, alm / a: / half calm balm palm
as, an +согласная / a: / class plant pass dance last answer past branch basket slant hasp France grass glass fast task
ath, aff, aft / a: / path father staff after raff craft
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