Crossword "Saying and proverbs"
Оценка 4.7

Crossword "Saying and proverbs"

Оценка 4.7
Crossword "Saying and proverbs"
пословицы и поговорки кроссворд.docx

Proverbs and sayings




1. What comes during a meal?

3. Without which you will not catch a fish from the pond

4. Where is the free cheese?

9. Will they not be born from aspen

11. Who dies last?

12. Don't they wave their fists after her?

14. One in the field is not ....

16. ...... - mother of learning .

17. Who is knee-deep in the sea?

19. For a big ship, a big one.....

20. What is burning on the thief?

21. How can you not help grief?

24. How to pay a miser?

25. Who is talking about what!? Is everything about her lousy?

28. One.... is better than two.

2. She is usually compared to a wolf that can escape into the forest

4. What is more complicated than the evening?

5. Where do they not go with their charter?

6. Does it sharpen the stone?

7. Where is a friend known?

8. What is served near the apple tree?

10. How do you sleep if you know less?

13. Who has big eyes?

15. In a healthy body, a healthy ...

18. My tongue is my ..... ?

22. If there is power, it is not necessary. What?

23. Do not do ......, you will not get evil.

26. If she is put at the table, she will put her feet on the table.

27. Seven are not waiting ......

29. The first one.... a lump of



Proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings
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