Developing Interest of Future Teachers to
Job Skills Through the Integration of Science
Nigina Bahodirovna Ismatova[1]
Abstract – the main direction of the strategic tasks in the field of education in our country is characterized by the training of specialists who are able to think independently, clearly define the development prospects necessary for the interests of society and the individual. This creates the need to modernize the training of teachers and develop its innovative pedagogical framework.
One of the most important tasks of higher education institutions is to form the professional training of future professionals.
Keywords - pedagogical-psychological aspects, motives, motives for choosing a profession, professional orientation, pedagogical activity, professional knowledge, skills and competencies, competence.
Vocational training is defined as a specific manifestation of a person's social competence, which arises on the basis of the acquisition of the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities.
Vocational training does not happen by itself but involves specific stages that are planned based on specific goals.
The formation of professional training in a person is initially determined by the composition of professional vision, concepts, and then explained by the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the specialty, the determination of professional qualities and the degree of professional adaptation.
Vocational adaptation is the level of professional competence of the future specialist in the conditions of objective and subjective education, mastering the requirements of future professional activity, adaptation to the process of activity.
Changes in society, modern requirements for professional knowledge and personal qualities of specialists have created the need to update the content of education in pedagogical universities, innovative forms and methods of teaching, the widespread introduction of modern information technology in practice. On this basis, a number of measures are being taken to improve the material and technical support of pedagogical universities, to expand the range of educational and methodological opportunities.
However, the current content of professional training of future teachers has not been improved in accordance with modern requirements for pedagogical specialists, the results of research in this area are not fully implemented in practice, the possibilities of training specialists in pedagogical universities and the diagnosis of the current situation. The incomplete introduction of innovative technologies into the educational system of educational institutions requires a conceptual approach to the research problem.
Socio-historical foundations of professional education were laid by Eastern thinkers, including Musa Khorezmi, Ahmad al-Fargani, Abu Nasr Farobi, Abu Ali ibn, who worked at the Khorezm Scientific Center (IX-XII centuries) called “Ma'mun Academy”. In the works of Sino, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Zamakhshari, Burhaniddin Margilani, the connection of vocational education of young people with the interests of the individual, the requirements of society and genetic factors is scientifically and theoretically substantiated. Career guidance, career choice, and professional training have been extensively studied by educators and psychologists, who have developed their own approaches. Including V.A. Slastenin, N.N. Azizxodjaeva, J.G ’. Yuldashev formation of professional training through innovative technologies; SH.E. Qurbanov, E.A. Seytkhalilov, F.Yuzlikaev, N.Muslimov, SH.Sharipov,
N.Egamberdieva studied the problems of vocational education on the basis of integration between the individual, society and industry. It is known that the issues of career choice, career guidance, professional education are combined with mysticism in the pedagogy of the East, which has been an important source in the formation of the spirituality of our people for thousands of years, is reflected in the scientific heritage of the great thinkers Muhammad Ismail al-Bukhari, Muhammad Isa al-Termizi, Mahmud Kashgari, Abu Nasr Farobi, Yusuf Khas Hajib,
Hussein Vaiz Kashifi, Amir Temur, Alisher Navoi as rare ideas. Evidence of this can be seen in Abu Rayhan Beruni's commentary on teaching. Beruni believed that choosing a teacher to teach young people was the first and foremost task of parents. This requires the teacher to be polite, honest, well versed in their subject and teaching rules, clean, and exemplary in walking and standing. If, says Beruni, the educator is not an example, if he does not follow what he says, his demands and upbringing will be ineffective. In the works of Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Abdulla Avloni, Abdurauf Fitrat, one of the founders of pedagogy of the new period, the role and services of education and the teacher in this process are interpreted in a unique way based on the socio-political life of the period.
The concept of a profession is a profession that requires special training, which a person constantly experiences and serves as a source of livelihood. A profession brings together people who are engaged in the same activity, and within this activity, certain relationships and ethical norms are established. E.A. According to Klimov's research, “Profession is a necessary and valuable field for society, which requires physical and mental strength.” V.G. Makushin argues that a profession is an activity in which a person participates in the life of society and serves as the main source of material means for his survival. Summarizing the existing definitions, it can be concluded: “Occupation is the main form of labor activity, in order to perform it, a person must have certain knowledge, skills and abilities, special abilities and developed important professional qualities”.
Specialization is a set of special knowledge, skills and abilities in the work process, acquired through vocational training, preparation, which are necessary for a particular type of activity in a particular profession. Thus, specialization is a type of professional activity within the profession, which is focused on personal achievements or the achievement of general results through specific situations. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of professional activity is the professional training of the specialist. The famous Russian psychologist According to I.K. Platonov, “vocational training is a subjective condition of a person who considers himself capable and prepared to perform the required professional activity and strives to perform it”. E. Seytkhalilov, B. Rakhimov and N. Azizkhodjaeva explain that “vocational training is the process of acquiring theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities that allow a person to engage in a specific type of professional activity.” R. Ishmuhamedov, A. Abdukodirov and A. Pardaev state that on the basis of professional training “psychological, psychophysiological, physical, scientific-theoretical and practical training of the future specialist” should be reflected. Based on the views of the authors, the concept of “professional training” can be defined as follows:
Vocational training is the level of physiological, psychological and physical preparation of a person for professional activity on the basis of special theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, as well as the acquisition of spiritual and moral qualities.
It is known that one of the important tasks of any higher education institution is to ensure that first-year students are positively adapted to the new system of education, new social relations, successfully master the status of students. In adapting students to the conditions of the institution of higher education, the following aspects should be emphasized:
1) the process of adaptation in students has a complex dynamic and requires the harmonization of valuable perceptions of social and personal significance;
2) the first and in some cases the second year of study for students is accompanied by difficult situations; 3) in the process of studying at a higher education institution, students develop a sense of self-awareness, the development of a system of value relations between the environment and existence continues;
4) basic educational institutions are formed in students;
5) the student years have an organizational, methodological and psychological character and are the most important stage of professional and personal adaptation of the person.
Indeed, professional adaptation is a complex and multifaceted process, based on which the opportunities to successfully work in a particular profession, personal orientation, professional knowledge, skills, qualifications and professional qualities.
We know that the individual is an active object and subject of the educational process, and his activity in the process of professional adaptation of future teachers is determined by his direction.
While researching the problem of person orientation, S.L. Rubinstein expresses it in needs, interests, ideals, beliefs, priorities of activity and behavior, and worldviews.
Psychologists L.I. Bojovic and R.S. Nemov interprets personality orientation as a system and a set of motives. Professional orientation is a kind of personal orientation, which is reflected in the influence of motives and needs. In the literature on pedagogy and vocational education, attention is drawn to the fact that the term “professional orientation” means:
1) “Professional orientation” - a person's ability, interests, needs and firm belief in a particular type of activity (AB Seyteshev);
2) “Professional orientation” - the relationship between the choice of profession, interests, beliefs and motives for choosing a profession is led by personal qualities (NK Stepankova).
Some researchers have tried to explain the essence of the concept of “pedagogical orientation”, given the direct orientation of the individual to a specific professional activity. Including:
1) “Pedagogical orientation” - a person's “interest in the pedagogical profession and the desire to engage in this type of activity” (N.V. Kuzmina);
2) “Pedagogical orientation” - attitude to children, passion for pedagogical work, the ability to observe. Terminological analysis shows that the concept of “pedagogical profession orientation” mainly reflects the fact that the choice of profession affects the professional formation of an individual under the active influence of motives.
The concept of motive is interpreted in the psychological literature (lat. Movere - to move) - as a motivating factor for the activity associated with the satisfaction of certain needs. Career choice is a complex and motivating process, and the right choice of profession leads to a person's satisfaction with life, a clear definition of social status. Researcher E.S. Chugunova develops a classification of motives for choosing a job and a profession, and defines the motives for choosing a profession, which reflects the reasons for any professional activity:
- dominant (predominance of interest in the profession);
- situation-related (always fulfilling the conditions of human interest);
- conformist;
- other professional motivations (with the advice of relatives, friends and acquaintances).
A.K. Baymetov, on the other hand, studies the motives of striving for pedagogical activity and combines the main ones:
a) the motive of inevitability (duty);
b) interest and attention to the subjects taught;
c) communicate with children.
According to the sources studied, the types of motivation affect the direction and character of professional training of future teachers. In this regard, N.V. Kuzmina points out that a person's motivation for a pedagogical career can be in three different ways:
1) real pedagogical;
2) officially pedagogical;
3) false pedagogical orientation.
The first condition in the organization of pedagogical activity, that is, a real pedagogical orientation, acquires a positive character and contributes to the acquisition of an acmeological level in pedagogical activity. Only the first pedagogical training in the organization of pedagogical activity helps to achieve high results. The main motive of true pedagogical orientation is the interest in pedagogical activity. In the course of our pedagogical observation and the study of the main reasons why prospective teachers “chose the teaching profession”, 33% of respondentsstudents chose the teaching profession voluntarily, 31.2% in a particular subject. It was found that 35.4% chose this educational institution in order to continue their education in pedagogical higher education institutions, based on the interest and recommendations of their parents. However, the high level of financial security of the teaching profession compared to other professions shows that the stereotypes formed among parents do not go unnoticed by young people.
We believe that in this case, the motives for choosing a profession, professional orientation and the manifestation of life goals in different directions, in turn, affect the low level of professional adaptation or prolong it in the long run. Although career motivation is more pronounced in career guidance, it should be noted that they alone cannot play a leading role in the formation of vocational training. This is because a person's current physical, mental and spiritual capabilities are commensurate with the level of requirements of the chosen profession for the individual, which helps students to adapt to the environment of professional activity and the formation of reflection.
Professional opportunities - reflect the objective conditions of a particular activity related to the will of the individual. It is usually advisable to approach prospective teachers based on their objective capabilities and to identify the capabilities of the individual to the requirements of the chosen profession and activity. For example, in choosing a teaching profession, not only love of the profession, the desire to communicate with children, but also the fact that the physical, psychological and social requirements of the profession to the individual are within its capabilities to acquire professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, in the professional adaptation of future teachers, special attention should be paid to the theoretical substantiation of these aspects of the issue and the development of the professional potential of future professionals. The initial potential preparation of future teachers for professional activity is the basis of their current practical training. Therefore, in the process of formation of vocational training in educational institutions, it is necessary to form in students the professional knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient for the implementation of professional activities.
Vocational knowledge is a combination of information and acquired theoretical knowledge necessary for the work to be performed in a specific work activity. An important criterion for determining the effectiveness of the process of professional adaptation is that the professional knowledge to be acquired by future teachers is determined on the basis of the content of the qualification requirements for the quality of the individual.
The Classifier, which embodies the quality requirements for future teachers, allows future teachers to work in secondary schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges and to train them in their field of specialization. organization of the process, students must have the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities to fairly assess and control the level of knowledge.
Therefore, in the description of future teachers specializing in professional adaptation, it is advisable to pay attention to the fact that the content of professional knowledge is determined in relation to the following aspects, based on the qualification requirements for their professional training:
- Theoretical;
- Knowledge of the purpose, principles, laws, teachings of the educational process, forms, methods and tools of organization of the educational process;
- Methodical;
- Knowledge related to the design, planning and selection of educational process, the correct choice of forms, methods and didactic tools of teaching, the formation of students' learning motivation;
- Knowledge related to the solution of pedagogical tasks, situations in the technological-specific educational environment, the effective implementation of the planned educational process;
- Prognostic;
- Knowledge related to the ability to predict the development of the learner's personality, to predict the means of influencing the upbringing of a highly spiritual, intellectually gifted, independent-minded and creative person; - Practical knowledge related to the effective organization of creative and innovative pedagogical activities, the creation of new forms, methods and tools of teaching and education.
The results of pedagogical observation and research show that the integrated structure between the acquisition of professional knowledge by students and the formation of professional pedagogical abilities, skills and competencies in the educational process in higher education institutions has not been sufficiently established. This has been found to lead to some difficulties, conflicts or professional failure in the first five years of a young professional’s career. Another important aspect of the issue is that its insufficient attention also leads to some negative aspects in the process of formation of vocational training.
It should be noted that the product of educational activity in higher education institutions is the process of acquiring professional knowledge. But sometimes there are situations where a well-prepared professional may not be ready for the right job at the right time. In this case, pedagogical activity cannot be successful or ineffective.
It is obvious that the professional training of a specialist requires not only the required level of professional knowledge, but also psychological to be able to direct training, self-management and necessary activities, to manage the educational process, to direct professional, spiritual and physical capabilities to the solution of the problem in the necessary conditions formation of related professional skills and competencies, adaptation to the process. Because these skills and competencies are considered to be necessary phenomena in the process of professional adaptation of future teachers.
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[1] A teacher of Pedagogy department Bukhara State University
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