ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
Оценка 4.9
Разработки курсов
английский язык
10 кл
Элективный курс “Orenburg Region” состоит из 12 разделов, имеющих одинаковую структуру. в кадре курса изучается географическое положение области, природные и климатические условия региона, экономика области,природа Урала, города, традиции и культуры народов,населяющих это край.
Каждый раздел включает активную лексику, тексты для чтения, послетекстовые задания. Заканчивается элективный курс ролевой игрой под условным названием „Пресс-конференция“ в разделе „Мой родной край“.файл включает в себя тексты,фото и иллюстрации к текстам,а также задания.Тексты дополнены новыми совами с переводом
Orenburg oblast facts.docx
Элективный курс «Orenburg Region»
Цели и задачи спецкурса:
• Развитие и образование учащихся средствами иностранного языка через
осознание ими роли родного языка и родной культуры в сравнении с
культурой других народов и привитие уважения и любви к родной культуре.
• Формирование понимания важности изучения иностранного языка как
средства достижения взаимопонимания между людьми.
• Формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся.
Курс строится в русле задач развития и воспитания коммуникативной
культуры школьников, расширения и обогащения их коммуникативного и
жизненного опыта в новом контексте общения, расширение кругозора
учащихся по знакомой теме „Родной край“. Курс имеет современное звучание,
ориентированное на развитие у учащихся взаимопонимания, толерантности к
различиям между людьми, стремления решать проблемы через
сотрудничество, путем взаимодействия.
Обучение на основе данного курса носит проблемный характер, сочетая
различные формы работы (групповую, индивидуальную, парную), создавая
коммуникативную атмосферу в классе, стимулируя общение на
предложенную учащимся тему.
Курс обеспечивает возможность формирования умений самостоятельной
работы и самоконтроля учащихся.
Структура курса
Элективный курс “Orenburg Region” состоит из 12 разделов, имеющих
идентичную структуру:
1. Начало освоения региона.
2.Географическое положение региона.
3. Природные и климатические условия региона.
4. Экологическая обстановка.
5. Экономическое положение.
6. Природа Урала.
7. Областной центр и основные города (история возникновения и интересные
исторические события).
8. Достопримечательности (музеи, памятники, храмы).
9. Новотроицк и его достопримечательности.
10. Люди, прославившие регион: ученые, писатели, поэты, музыканты,
художники, актёры и др.
11. Особенности местных праздников: спортивных, культурно-
12. Народный промысел – пуховый платок.
Каждый раздел включает:
• активную лексику;
• текст для чтения;
• послетекстовые задания:
а) на проверку понимания основного содержания прочитанного, выделение
основных фактов, определение темы и идеи текста;
б) на проверку понимания деталей, усвоение новой лексики;
в) творческие задания, побуждающие учащихся к устному и письменному
Заканчивается элективный курс ролевой игрой под условным названием
„Пресс-конференция“ в разделе „Мой родной край“. Учащимся
предлагается ответить на вопросы зарубежных гостей, посетивших их регион.
Класс предварительно делится на „гостей“ и „хозяев“. Роли для гостей и хозяев самые разнообразные: мэр города, губернатор, депутат думы,
политический обозреватель местной газеты, журналист местного
телевидения, ученые, преподаватели школ, бизнесмены, руководители
государственных предприятий, заводов, фермеры и т. д.
Принципы построения элективного курса
1. сознательность в изучении языковых и речевых особенностей иностранного
языка с опорой на родной язык;
2. посильность учебного материала, что проявляется в строгом дозировании и
поэтапности формирования навыков и умений;
3. активность учащихся в процессе выполнения учебных (проблемных и
проектных) заданий, инициатива учащихся в поиске правильного решения;
4. достоверность содержания обучения, а также его наглядность за счет
использования местной прессы, региональных и личных фотоматериалов,
архивов и библиотечных фондов;
5. образовательная и воспитательная ценность содержания предлагаемых
упражнений и заданий;
6. междисциплинарность (интегрированность) в отборе учебного материала.
1. Unit 1. Orenburg region. How does it measure up?
2. Unit 2. The climate
3. Unit 3. Geographical position
4. Unit 4. Ecology
5. Unit 5. The pearl of the Orenburg region
6. Unit 6. The beauty of the nature
7. Unit 7. Around Orenburg
8. Unit 8. Cities and sights
9. Unit 9. Novotroitsk. The town and the people
10. Unit 10. Gallery of names
11. Unit 11. Traditions and celebrations
12. Unit 12. Orenburg shawl UNIT I ORENBURG REGION. HOW DOES IT
1. Nowadays Orenburg oblast attracts lots of foreigners though the
distance from Orenburg to Moscow is about 1,500 kilometers.
.Do you want to know why?
.Do you want to know anything about this part of Russia? Why? Why not?
2. Read Aksakov’s words and say if he is right:
A wonderful and blessing land, Чудесный край,
A depository of earthly wealth. Хранилище
земных богатств.
S. T. Aksakov
boundary- граница
endless – бесконечный
to stretch – протянуться
to preserve – сохранить
grave –могила, захоронение
jewelers – ювелиры
trade links – торговые связи
merchants – торговцы, купцы
pipe-line -газопровод
non-ferrous –цветной (метал)
deposit – залежи
3. Geographical and proper names
The Great Steppe – великая степь
Middle Asia – средняя Азия
Volga Federal District – приволжский федеральный округ
The Ilek – Илек
Sharlyk – Шарлык 4. You are going to read a text about Orenburg oblast. Tick (v) the things
you think this text will tell you about. List the topics in order of
importance from the point of view of a foreigner:
o Local nature
o Mineral resources
o Mineral springs and health resorts
o Tourism and eco-tourism
5. Read the text and find the key sentences.
About 4,000 years ago, the endless Great Steppe
stretched in this area. Nomad tribes of the Sarmats and
Scythes lived there. They grew wheat and raised cattle.
Numerous hills - huge grave mounds - are the
monuments of their many hundred years history. Some
hills are preserved till nowadays.
Archeologists found hundreds of hills near the cities
Orsk, in Ilek and Sharlyk districts. A lot of golden decorations are hidden in Scythian
graves. Nomads were skillful jewelers. In 1911 in the hill near the village
Prokhorovka of Sharlyk district archeologists found a silver plate dated to early
3,000 B.C. and some other items telling about trade links development. The
ornaments of animals and birds are found on Scythian weapons. The ancient items
found by archeologists in the hills are kept in regional museums of local study.
From the 30s of 18th century when the Khazakh tribes of neighboring Younger
Zhooz voluntarily joined the Russian state, the territory of modern Orenburg oblast
was rapidly assimilated by migrants from central regions of Russia. In 1743 the
frontier fortress Orenburg was founded, it became the
administrative center of Orenburg gubernia. The
gubernia united a part of modern Kazakhstan,
Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Chelyabinsk and Samara
Favorable location of the gubernia, its “privileges” and
business activity of merchants influenced development
of trade, economic and cultural links with Middle Asia
and eastern countries. The historical role of Orenburg
region was defined as a link between East and West.
On December 7th, 1934, Orenburg oblast was formed.
After it the industrial development rapidly grew.
Kaspiysk-Orsk oil pipeline was constructed; large plants
of non-ferrous metallurgy, heavy machine building and
chemical industry were built. The 1960s and 1970s were
a special period in developing of industrial Orenburg
region, especially of heavy industry, light and food
industries. In 1967 a unique Orenburg gas condensate
deposit was found. The territory of Orenburg oblast is
rich in mineral resources: over 2,500 deposits of 75
different raw materials have been discovered and developed. Oil, charcoal, ferrous
and non-ferrous metals are the key deposits. Orenburg oblast (other spelling Orenburgskaya) is situated in the boundary of
Europe and Asia in the basin of the middle current of the Urals (Volga Federal
District). It has boundaries with Kazakhstan state.
Administrative center of the region is Orenburg city.
6. Tick the statements as true or false:
The first tribes lived in the endless Great Steppe about
2,000 years ago.
Orenburg was founded in the 18th century.
Favourable location influenced development of trade
with Europe and western countries.
Orenburg oblast is famous for its metallurgy and
chemical industry.
Our region is situated on the frontier of China.
moderate – умеренный
ranges – цепь
to elongate – растягивать,
to absorb – поглощать
to increase – увеличить
slopes – косогоры, откосы
rainfall – осадки
precipitation – выпадение
arable lands – пашни
forage lands – кормовые угодья
forest steppe zone – лесостепная
Geographical and proper
The Caspian Steppe – степи
The Kazakh Steppe - степи
The Ural Mountains – уральские
Western Siberia – западная Сибирь
The Trans-Volga Steppe – степи Заволжья
The Turgay Steppe – степи Тургая
The Southern Ural – Южный Урал
1. Look through the following text and find the words and expressions
describing the climate of the region.
The Orenburg region is situated far from seas and oceans on the one hand, and it is
not far from the Caspian and Kazakh steppes on the other hand.
The climate of the region is of extreme continental type, which is seen in high
amplitude of temperatures in winter and summer. The warmest month in Orenburg
oblast is July, the coldest is January. In summer the air can be hot up to 40-43
degrees C, in winter 43-45 degrees C below zero. The ranges of the Ural Mountains are elongated from north to south; they effectively
absorb sunlight thereby increasing the temperature. The areas west to the Ural
Mountains are 1–2 °C warmer in winter than the eastern regions because the former
are warmed by the Atlantic winds whereas the eastern slopes are chilled by the
Siberian air masses. The
western areas also received
more rainfall than the eastern
ones by 150–300 mm per year.
The highest precipitation (1000
mm) is in the Northern Ural that
causes the average height of
snow up to 90 cm.
The climate of the Orenburg region is favorable for the development of many
branches of plant growing, gardening. The period favorable for tourism in the
Orenburg region, lasts more than 120 days, the swimming season makes about 70
The relief is very diverse. Remarkable are its plains and mountains, rivers and lakes,
green valleys and pine forests. The landscape is also presented by the forest-steppe
zone of Russia, the Trans-Volga and Turgay steppes, forested lowlands of the
Southern Urals, pine and birch forest steppe of Western Siberia. Our steppe lands
are famous all over the country for their natural wealth. Half of the region is
occupied by arable lands, 38% - forage lands, 5% - forests, 7% - other lands. The
Orenburg region is one of the main granaries of Russia.
2. Answer the questions given below:
1. Where is Orenburg oblast located?
2. What is the coldest month in the year?
3. What influences the increasing of temperature in the region?
4. What is special about the landscape of the region?
3. Follow –up
Find some information from magazines and newspapers about the climate in
your town.
Write down what you know about the landscape of your region. UNIT 3
frontier – граница
length – длина
approximately – почти, около
to inhabit – населять cooperation – содружество
mutual – взаимный
respect – уважение
Geographical names
The East European Plain – восточно-европейская равнина
The River Ick – река Ик
The Ural River – река Урал
1. Read the text and ask questions about it.
Use: 1) What…? 2Are…? 3)…or…? 4) …, isn’t it? 5) How many…?
The area of Orenburg oblast is 123 700 sq.km, and it occupies the 32nd place in
Russia. Its territory is spread to the south-eastern frontier of the East European plain
and the southern edge of the Urals.
The region stretches 755 km east-west and 425 km north-south. Total border length
is 3,700 km.
Orenburg oblast borders the Samara region to the west, the Tatarstan Republic to
the north-west, the Bashkortostan Republic to the north from the river Ick to the
Ural river, the Chelyabinsk region to the north - east. The rest of the region, in the
west and south, borders on Kazakhstan. Our region is the link between Europe and
The Orenburg region is divided into 35 districts, 12 towns, and
1768 settlements. The population of our oblast totals
approximately 2,112,000 million people. It is inhabited by
various ethnic groups: the Russians - about 72%, the Tatars -
about 7%, the Kazakhs - about 5%, the Ukrainians, the Jews,
and the Germans. Experience of co-operation and mutual
assistance created a special situation based on friendship and
mutual respect.
2. Read the text and find the
Russian equivalents to the following expressions: The surface water of the river systems form a basin of the Ural (63% of the
territory), the Volga (31%), the Tobol (2%) and an area of Svetlinski lakes in the
eastern part of the region. The most important rivers are the Ural, stretching 2,428
km), the Sakmara (798 km), the Ilek (623 km), the Samara (594 km).
Lake Shalkar-Ega- Kara is the largest natural reservoir with an area of 9,600 ha.
Zhetykol Lake has an area of more than 5000 ha. An integral part of the water
resources of Orenburg oblast are artificial reservoirs. According to their water
supplies the largest artificial reservoirs are: the Iriklinskaya (3257 million m ³), the
Krasnochabanskoe (54.6 million m ³), the Chernovskoye (52.7 million m ³), the
Kumakskoe (48.0 million m ³), the Elshanskoe (23.6 million m ³) and the
Ushkottinskoe (10, 0 mln. m ³)
Sol’-Iletsk is a small town 75 kilometers from Orenburg, in the very center of the
Orenburg region. The vast deposits of excellent rock salt gave the name to the
place as the word “sol” (соль) in the town's name means salt in Russian. One of the
most popular attractions is the salt lake Razval with salt concentration equal to that
in the Dead Sea. The place is also known as a
balneological resort for its mineral waters,
salt, mud, and brine baths, and its koumiss
(mare’s milk) cures.
Find the Russian equivalents to the
following expressions:
1. natural reservoir A. курорт
2. artificial reservoir B.
естественный водоём
3. deposit C. грязь
4. salt lake D. искусственный водоём 5. resort
E. хранилище
6. mud F. соленое озеро How much do you know?
1. Make a word web to summarize the information about the Orenburg
borders on
2. Compose a page-long leaflet presenting your native place. Illustrate it
with maps and pictures. UNIT 4 ECOLOGY
1. Read the poem below
Hug the Earth
The Earth is a garden. Helping
Mother Earth
It’s a beautiful place We can
peacefully roam,
For all living creatures, We all
deserve a place,
For all the human race. We can call
our home.
Lorraine Bayes
• What does this poem speak about?
2. Can you call your region a beautiful garden? Explain your opinion.
3. Read the texts about the ecology of Orenburg Oblast and describe the
photos. Find the main idea in each text.
to affect – воздействовать
environment – окружающая среда
to cause – быть причиной
cancer – рак
smokestacks – большие трубы
clay – глина
enterprise – предприятие
chimney – труба
admissible – допустимый
A. The people of our region as well as the whole
population of the country are worried about the
local environmental problems. Our towns and
villages suffer from air pollution which affects
human health and the environment. Polluted air
causes cancer, bronchitis, emphysema,
pneumonia and other serious health problems.
The sources of air pollution are industrial
smokestacks, trucks, cars and buses, burning
The exploitation of the deposits of coal, clay and
construction materials made it possible to create
first enterprises. A great number of plants and
factories appeared. Everybody can see smoke
coming out of the chimneys. Everybody has to
breathe in tons of harmful substances emitted by
these chimneys. Besides enterprises, which
pollute the air with by-products of their activity,
thousands of automobiles add tons of poison to
the atmosphere every day. In fact, transport is
one of the main offenders in poisoning the environment. The local newspapers write
that the concentration of harmful substances in the air in our towns is over ten
times the admissible level. Vocabulary
waste – отходы
purification – очистка
sewage – сточные воды
shortage – нехватка, недостаток
B. But the problem doesn’t stop there. The pollution of
water is a very acute problem, too. We have two big
rivers in Orenburg — the Ural River and the Sakmara, and
the unique lake of Zhetykol. They are filled with industrial
and communal waste. Many years ago people could catch
lots of fish in these waters. They could swim in fresh and
clean water. But everything is different now. The
purification of sewage is difficult because of the shortage
of money. Besides, people throw tins and paper into it.
Nothing can live or grow in the polluted water now. The
water is not blue but brown with rubbish floating in it. The
soil is polluted as far as 70 m deep with sewage; the drinking water in such places
contains zinc, copper, manganese, iron.
rubbish – мусор
litter – мелкий мусор
dump – свалка
pavement – тротуар
natural reserve – заповедник
C. And one more problem of our towns in recent years has been rubbish and
litter. For many
years we have
been throwing
things away. Now
people have to
face facts. 98 %
of the rubbish
goes into the
ground. There are
about 500 dumps
on the territory of
the region now.
The reason is the
shortage of petrol
or money. Very
often people leave cans and tins on the pavements.
The Earth’s forests are often called “the lungs of the planet”. We are proud of our
forests but they are in danger. They are becoming smaller and smaller and the
situation is growing worse every day. Many companies are cutting down trees in the
region to make profits; big areas of forests are burnt. Everybody knows about the necessity to protect nature. Two state national parks —
Buzuluk and Dauria (1987) and 18 natural reserves (Ivano-Arakhley is international)
have been founded in the region.
4. Complete the sentences. Circle the letter of
your answer:
1. Text 1 doesn’t explain:
a) what measures should be taken to reduce air
b) what serious health problems are caused by air
c) why forests are often called “ the lungs of the planet”?
2. Text 2 proves that:
a) water in Orenburg is fresh and clean
b) the problem of water pollution is acute
c) there is a lot of fish in our waters
3. Text 3 is about:
a) forests
b) animals
c) garbage
5. Which of the statements according to
Text 3 is true?
a) our forests are in danger
b) companies take care of our forests
c) there are no national parks or reserves in
PRACTICE YOUR GRAMMAR: Present Simple Passive (страдательный залог
настоящего времени) be + V3 чтобы сказать о предмете (явлении), над
которым совершается действие. При переводе используются безличные
и неопределенно-личные предложения:
e.g. Air is polluted.— Воздух загрязнен.
Forests are cut down. — Деревья вырубаются. Towns
is (not)
are (not)
(not) polluted
cut down
put into water / air /
6. Speak about the results of people’s influence on the environment using
the model. Model: People pollute the air. → The air is polluted.
1. Polluted air causes health problems.
2. We see smoke coming out of chimneys.
3. People breathe in tons of harmful substances.
4. Plants and automobiles add tons of poison to the
5. The Russian government disclosed ghastly facts
about Busuluk pine wood.
6. People throw tins and cans into rivers.
7. Many companies cut down trees.
7. Children of our region learn a lot about
three R’s — reuse, reduce, recycle:
To reuse — to use again
To reduce — to make smaller or less
To recycle — to use after the second remake
What do we usually reuse, reduce, and recycle
in our region? Make the phrases with the
words given below.
cardboard boxes
8. Organize your own campaign to save the
environment. Use newspapers and posters to
draw attention to the ecological problem. Write
your own essay.
9. Look through the text and complete the
1. Can you say that our region has a highly developed economy? Give your
pearl – жемчужина
to extract – добывать
mining branch –
добывающая отрасль
coal – уголь
iron ore – железная
pearl – жемчужина
deposit – залежи
oil field –
месторождение нефти
stock – запас
bowel – недра
limestone – известняк
clay – глина
raw materials – сырьё
supply – запас
2. Read the text and
find the most
important mineral
resources in the
Orenburg region.
Why are they
The Ural Mountains are a magnificent museum of geology created by nature: almost
all the elements from Mendeleev’s classification table can be found there.
Coal, iron, copper and even gold have been found and extracted on the territory of
the Orenburg gubernia since the XVIII-th century, but the mining branch has been
concentrated in the Northern Ural. In 1930 not far from the present Orsk-Halilov
district minerals in such variety and scales
have been opened that the known geologist
academician Alexander Fersman named the
Orenburg edge” the pearl of the Urals”. In
1932 the Bljavinsk deposit of copper was
opened. Later Buguruslan oil and gas fields
were added to the stocks of bowels ores of
the eastern Orenburzhye.
In the north of the central zone of the
Orenburg region some deposits of brown coal
were opened in Tjulgan pool. All in all stocks
of eight deposits of Orenburg make about
740 million tons, and 67 % from them are
concentrated in Tjulgan. In the autumn of 1929 geologist I.L.Rudnitsky opens the Halilov deposit of hematite.
Halilov ore has appeared rare on the structure: it contained chrome, nickel, the
titan, manganese. Industrial tests have confirmed its quality.
For the Eastern part of area leading minerals are iron ores and non-ferrous metals;
gold; asbestos; facing and building stones; high-quality limestone, dolomite,
quartzite for iron and steel industry; mineral
paints; ceramic and brick clay; cement raw
The unique, created by the nature, the Iletsk
deposit of excellent salt is the main supplier of
salt in the country. According to the researches
of 1851 the deposit of Iletsk comprises salts
more than 1 billion tons. Iletsk could supply all
Russia with the salt within several millennia. A
known German scientist Alexander Humboldt
calculated that Iletsk salt can supply all Europe
during 10 thousand years.
All these resources are on the territory with the developed power network, the
transport communications, and the provided labor.
Western part
Eastern part
Northern part
3. Match the columns:
Iron ores and non-ferrous
Deposits of copper
Oil and gas fields
Supplies of excellent salt
Brown coal
4. Prove that:
1. Orenburg is the pearl of the Urals.
2. Russian geologists were interested in the
minerals of Orenburg and made a lot of
5. Work in small groups and:
a) prove to a Russian or a foreign company that it is possible to invest in
b) give suggestions to local authorities about the development of your
1. Read the text and find out information about our unique Buzuluk pine
pine- сосна
elk - лось
roe- косуля
boar - кабан
badger - барсук
marten - куница
beaver – бобр
The nature of the Orenburg region is various enough. In
the region the grassy vegetation dominates. Woods
occupy only about 4 % of the total area. The Orenburg
region is rich in resources of fodder plants: these are
cereals, beans and a considerable quantity of different
grass plants.
The vegetation has been exposing for a long time to the
influence of the people who negatively used the riches
of the earth, cut down vast territories of forests, worked
out minerals. Intensive farming uses a lot of chemicals
such as pesticides and fertilizers that damage
ecosystems and destroy wildlife. Some kinds of plants
have disappeared. In the Red book of the Orenburg
region we can find about 145 kinds of the plants.
The Buzuluk pine wood is located north-east from
Buzuluk town at the boundary of the Orenburg and
Samara regions. It started to grow on sand dunes and ridges in the basin of the river
Borovka about 6—7 thousand years ago. At that time pine and birch forests
emerged in the area of the current
pine wood. Nowadays some of the
trees are more than 300 years old.
The wood is a national park with 39
species of mammals, 144 species of
birds, 8 species of creepers and 800
kinds of insects. One can meet here
elks, roes, wild boars, badgers,
martens, beavers.
2. Give the English equivalents
to: травянистые растения
кормовые растения
разработка полезных ископаемых
3. Give 2 reasons why we need to protect Buzuluk pine wood.
4. The Orenburg region is an agricultural region. Read the following text
and say what made people
cultivate the unique down goats.
down goat –пуховая коза
sheep breeding – овцеводство
breed – порода
to deduce – выводить
ancestors – предки
blizzards – буран, метель
thinness –тонкость
to rear – выращивать
The Orenburg region occupies one of the leading places in the Ural economic region
on agricultural production. Therefore this region has become a zone of intensive
agricultural development - 88 % of all its area is occupied by agricultural grounds,
while in Russia - only 13 %.
The traditional, historically developed branch
of animal industries of Orenburzhye is sheep
breeding. Its production is, first of all, wool,
and also meat and sheepskin. Orenburzhye is
one of the main areas of Russia where one of
the best breeds of the down goat was
deduced. Kashmir goats from the north of
India were its ancestors. The down hair of
Orenburg goats is the thinnest in the world –
16-18 micro millimeter, and that of Angora
goats (mohair) is 22-24 micro millimeter. That’s why products made of Orenburg
down hair, shawls and kerchiefs - pautinkas, are especially soft and tender. Severe
winters with a lot of snow and snow storms and blizzards along with particular
qualities of feed, natural growth of the Urals mountain steppes, - these are the basic
reasons of the thinness of the down hair of the Orenburg goats breed. The goats are
brushed each spring to collect the fiber. Each goat gives off about a pound of fiber.
At the same time this down hair is very durable, more durable
than wool. Most surprising is the fact that Orenburg goat breed
can be reared only in the Orenburg Region. The efforts of the
French in the 19th century to import Orenburg goat were not
successful: goats need their thin down hair to keep warm and the
warm climate of France was not favourable for it. Orenburg goats
in France degenerated and turned into ordinary goats with rough thick down hair. In the 18th – 19th centuries France imported tens of thousands of
pounds of Orenburg goats down hair which was valued more than the Kashmirian
5. Find the answers in the information you have just read.
1. How large is the area for agriculture?
2. What made people deduce the best breed of the down goats?
3. Who showed interest in rearing Orenburg goats?
4 Why did the French failed?
5. What trade is developed in many districts of Orenburzhye?
6. Write an article to a local newspaper about the
development of the regional economy.
Answer the questions:
1. Have you ever been to Orenburg?
2. Is it interesting to know when Orenburg turned to be the centrel
of the Orenburg region.
The coat of arms of
Orenburg was confirmed
on June 8th, 1782.
According to the decree of
Peter the Great, every
town must have its own
coat of arms.
"A gold field cut by a
blue wavy belt, showing
the Ural river. Above the
stripe there is a two-
headed eagle, on the
bottom- a blue cross, as
a sign of fidelity of this
city". It was designed by
prince Schherbatov in
1. Read the text and learn the history of Orenburg.
Orenburg is a city on the Ural River and the administrative center
of Orenburg Oblast in the Volga Federal District of Russia. It lies
1,478 km southeast of Moscow, very close to the border with
Kazakhstan. Population: 542,700. Highest point: 154.4 m.
The Russian Empire began plans for the construction of an eastern
frontier fortress town in the southern Ural region to be named
Orenburg in 1734. The colonists originally founded a settlement in
1735 at the confluence of the Ural River with the Or River. The
town's name meant "fortress near the Or," as Burg is German for
fortress. This settlement changed its name in 1739 to Orsk. An
attempt was made to found
another Orenburg about
175 km west at a location
called Krasnogor, or "Red
Hill," in 1741, but this
settlement failed. A third
Orenburg was successfully
established by Ivan
Neplyuyev at its present
location approximately 250
km west down the Ural from Orsk in 1743. This third Orenburg functioned as an
important military outpost on the frontier with the nomadic Kazakhs. It became the
center for the Orenburg Cossacks. Orenburg played a major role in the rebellion of Pugachev (1773–1774). At the time,
it was the capital of a vast district and the seat of the governor. Pugachev besieged
the city and its fortress from nearby Berda from October 1773 - March 26, 1774.
General Golytsin defeated Pugachev at Berda, and later again at Kargala (north of
Orenburg). Most of the city was left in ruins, and thousands of inhabitants had died
in the siege.
The city and the Orenburg region
were the places which constantly
attracted lots of scientists and
travelers, art and culture workers.
Leo Tolstoy, Dahl, Mayakovsky,
Humboldt, Vasnetsov visited these
places. And in their many works of
art there are Orenburg pages.The
famous Russian writer Alexander
Pushkin visited Orenburg in 1833
during a research trip for his books
"The History of Pugachev" and his famous novel "The Captain's Daughter". He met
his friend Vladimir Dahl here, who would later write the first serious dictionary of the
Russian language.
Orenburg became a trading station and, since the completion of the Trans-Aral
Railway, a prominent railway junction on route to the new Central Asian possessions
and to Siberia. Orenburg functioned as the capital of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Soviet
Socialist Republic within Russia from 1920–1925. When that republic was renamed
Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1925, Orenburg joined Russia .From
1938 to 1957, the city bore the name Chkalov.
During the Great Patriotic War Orenburg was one of the main centers where a lot of
enterprises and industrial equipment has been evacuated from the western areas of
the USSR .It has formed a basis for the development of new factories in the city. 2. Tick off the right sentences.
a) Orenburg is situated not far from Moscow.
b) Orenburg was founded on the river Or.
c) E.Pugachev was one of the governors of the city.
d) A. Pushkin visited Orenburg to research some facts about Pugachev’s rebellion.
e) Orenburg was renamed several times.
3. Say what events in the history of
Orenburg the following dates are connected
1734 1773 1833 1925
1. Find the coat of arms of the place you live
Speak about one of the regional towns. You can make a leaflet or a poster devoted
to the towns of the Orenburg region. Prove that people should know as much as
possible about small towns and villages of Russia because it is the history of the
whole country.
Kurmanaevsk 2. Read the articles describing places that can be found in newspapers,
magazines or on websites. Say what makes these places special to the
Holy Trinity- святая троица
nun – монахиня
revolt – бунт
tutor – инструктор
The town is situated in a very beautiful place and attracts its visitors by some
special sights. The Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral of Mercy was founded in 1989
after long years of a godless power. Then the school of catechism, the House of
Mercy for lonely sick aged people was opened at the church. Children from
children's homes were accepted in the family
of the Priest Nikolai Stremsky who adopted
more than 70 children. There are the House
of Mercy, the Orthodox Gymnasium, the
School of Theology, the Sisters’ community,
the Community of nuns now. There is also a
sewing workshop, a bakery, a small farm
In 1999 Saraktash was chosen
for shooting a feature film
about the Pugachev’s revolt
because historically the
location of the town is the
place where the events of 17th
century took place. The film
“Russian revolt” was shot after
Alexander Pushkin’s novel
“The Captain’s Daughter”. A
natural wooden fortress was
built to reconstruct the epoch.
Another thing to be proud of is the local
tradition to knit downy shawl. The
knitters are one of the best in the whole
Kuvandik This city has a mountain ski resort center which is situated in the valley of the
Sakmara river, the main tributary of the Ural river. It is 200—210 km. above the sea
level. From both sides the resort is surrounded by the mountain chains the highest
of which are 475 meters above the sea level. This place is popular for family
holidays as well as for mountain skiing competitions. The town is 190 km. from
There are several alpine skiing tracks that you can choose – for beginners,
advanced, professional skiers. The track’s length varies from 250 to 2500 m., the
width is 1000 km. There is also a zone for snowboarding. Experienced tutors are at
your disposal (one hour of training
with a tutor costs 5$).
The village of Aksakovo (in the past -
Znamensky) Buguruslan district is
one of the oldest in Orenburzhye. It
was so named in honor of the
founders and the former owners of
the village - Aksakov. The village was
founded in the second half of the
XVIIIth century by the grandfather of
the writer Sergey Timofeevich
Aksakov, Stepan Mihajlovich.The
decision on creation of a memorial
complex which would include the patrimonial house, a water-mill, a chapel and a
park, was accepted in 1989.
In 1990 Orsk has received the status of a
historical city — 62 monuments of
architecture, 28 monuments of history. In
their number are included: historical city
center (construction of 1870-1917); a
town-planning complex "Sotsgorod" («the
New city»). This part of the city has been
conceived as a system of industrially-
housing estates on the basis of
innovative town-planning ideas, as the
future garden city, by a group of German
architects under the direction of Hans
Schmidt. The planning structure of Orsk
has no analogs in the Ural region.
One of the features of the industrial Orsk
is the presence on its territory of more
than 40 archeological monuments: settlements, burial grounds, single barrows.
They are already investigated and widely known in the scientific world. Vocabulary
owner – владелец
chapel – часовня
water mill – водяная мельница
to conceive – задумать
barrow – курган
estate – поместье
One of sights of a city is the well-known Orsk
multicolored jasper. The deposit (mountain the Colonel)
is in the city boundaries. The Orsk jasper is allocated
with the greatest variety of drawing and coloring. All
colors, except for is pure-dark blue,
are presented in it. Especially
interesting among multicolored
jaspers are the landscape pictures.
The big man-made sea — the
Iriklinsky water basin — is in immediate proximity from Orsk, in
the West the spurs of the Ural mountains are ideally suited for
ski tourism rise. It is possible to observe wild-growing tulips in
the spring. Here there are more cloudless days in a year than at
the Black Sea coast.
jasper – яшма
spurs – отроги
3. Write your article in a travel magazine with the following title: “My
Favourite Place”. Remember to describe your chosen place, telling what
you can see and do there and saying why you like it so much. UNIT 9 NOVOTROITSK: THE TOWN AND
Warm – up
1. You are welcome
to explore
Novotroitsk. Have
you ever visited it or
do you live in it?
What sights would
you like to see?
2. Read the text and
decide what place of
interest you would
like to go and why.
Describe it.
to tower – возвышаться
torch – факел
crossroad –
unveiled – открыть
countrymen – соотечественники
Novotroitsk is located on the right bank of the Ural River,
in 315 km from Orenburg, on border with Kazakhstan. It
is surrounded by the Ural Mountains. Novotroitsk is the
second city after Mednogorsk in the Orenburg region,
born on the basis of the discoveries of the Soviet
geologists. The building of the town began in the years
when geologist Joseph Leontevich Rudnitsky has found
out to the north from station Halilovo a deposit of
hematite. On April, 13th, 1945 the working settlement
Novotroitsk became a town.
Sovetskaya Street is the main city street. The main transport of the town- tram has
been driving every day since 1956. This street begins with the railway station which
has been opened on December 8th, 1955. Before its building
you can see the monument to V.Lenin – a tribute to the history
of the Soviet period.
1957 was full of events. In spring the strong high water flooded
Sovetskaya Street and the inhabitants reached their place of
work by boats. The building of technical school towered above
the waters like a palace from Venice. Tram railways were under
the water too. In 1957 the Metallurg stadium was opened.
And in 1963 the doors of the Palace of Culture “Metallurg”
were opened too.
In 60s the main street continued to grow, new houses
were built, new squares were put. In the evening on
November 7th, 1967 in the central square the monument "Eternally live" was solemnly opened by many veterans and young people. A torch
procession has taken place. The fire was lit by the honorable citizens of Novotroitsk:
the founder of the town - J.Rudnitsky, the Hero of the USSR - A.Zinin, the Hero of
Labour –
F. Tolkachyov.
At the crossroads of Sovietskaya and Komarov
Streets a new building of metallurgical
technical school appeared. Now in front of it
there is a monument to the geologist
J.Rudnitsky. Opposite the square are the Town
Administration Building and our local museum.
The next building on the left houses the
swimming pool "Wave" and further is the
town market. Along the street wonderful
nine-storied houses were built. Among them
the monument to the soldiers-
internationalists was unveiled. At last the
street finishes on an open hill with the
temple of Peter and Paul erected in the 90s.
More than 100 streets are there in our city.
Some of them were given the names of our
remarkable countrymen. But Sovietskaya Street was and remains the main street of
our native town. It looks very beautiful, especially in spring and summer when the
flowers and trees are in blossom.
3. Underline the right variant:
a) The town is situated on the right/left bank of the Ural river.
b) Before/opposite the building of the railway station there is a monument to
c) Opposite / next to the square you can seethe Town Administrative Building.
d) Further to the right/left is the town market.
4. Read the text and do the task below:
gravestone – надгробная плита
seagull –чайка
regiment – полк
armored car - броневик
The monument
“Eternally Live” consists of three parts: the fire, the
Unknown Soldier with a column on the pedestal and some
memorial gravestones, where one can read the names of the
citizens of our town who died defending our Motherland during
Great Patriotic War. It reminds us of those who didn’t come back
from the battle fields. The Monument to F.Podsorov is on the way
a hill. It is an obelisk with a seagull on the top and a
cap at its foot. In 1918 the young commander of the Ural
was burnt in his armored car by the white Cossacks.
to Orsk on
erected in
monument to F.Podsorov and his comrades is
the square near the cement factory.
The Monument to Maria
Koretskaya. On the way to Khabarnoye
there is a
ten-meter monument with a torch on its top. It reminds about the hero
of the Civil War M.Koretskaya. She informed the defenders of the city
about the approach of the Dutov’s regiment. But later she was caught
and killed. Now people honor her name and her dead.
The Monument to the
First Builders
It is located in the western district of the city
in Cheremnyh Street. It was opened on June
20th 1970. K.Ponomarev was the author of the
monument. It honors the first builders who
have built the metallurgical industrial
complex Orsk-Halilov and the town of
Novotroitsk. The monument was erected on the means earned during communist
subbotnics. On a beautifully issued pedestal in a vertically-inclined plane you can
see a metal model of a brick of the silver-white color. And ahead the names of the
first builders of the town are cut in marble. The composition is 6, 5 meters high.
The Monument to V.Lenin
In Novotroitsk a new monument to Lenin was opened. Eventually it has
drawn attention of all communists of Russia. The decision of replacing
the old plaster monument on a bronze five-meter statue of the leader
has, of course, demanded courage from the city authorities, but the
statue of Lenin organically entered the area near the railway station.
The Monument to the Soldiers of Local Wars
withdrawal – вывод
tetrahedral –
bullet - пуля
outlines - очертания
marble tile – мраморная плитка
On February 14th, 1989, on the sixth anniversary of the
withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan, in
Novotroitsk the monument to the Soldiers- internationalists
was opened. It is located in the square of Soldiers-internationalists. The author of
the project is the Orenburg architect V.I.Romanov. This youngest city monument was
built on the means of the labor collectives and city administration. The monument is executed in the form of a snow-white tetrahedral prism with the arches symbolizing
a bullet and simultaneously reminding outlines of the east buildings. The top crowns
a metal model of globe in diameter of 2 meters. It has been established in 2004 as
a symbol of the world which is preserved by soldiers-defenders. In 2007 before the
monument on a pedestal it was established an infantry fighting vehicle (БМП). The
pedestal is framed by a black marble tile with the names of the victims of the local
Guess the monument:
a) It was opened in 1970.
b) I t replaced the old monument.
c) It represents an unknown soldier.
d) It is situated on a hill.
e) It reminds about a hero of the Civil War.
Describe one of the monuments. Find the specific features of the others.
The monument “Eternally Live”
The monument to F.Podsorov
The monument to M.Koretskaya
The monument to the First Builders
The monument to V.Lenin
The monument to the Soldiers of the
Local Wars
4. Work in pairs or small groups. Imagine that a group of young people are
coming on a 3-4 day visit to your native town.
a) Make a plan of their tour in Novotroitsk.
b) Display the plans and vote for the best one.
Song about Novotroitsk
Music V. Afanaseva
Lyrics A. Teplyashin
Cities are born, as people,
And they change their shape
every day.
How to know, what it will be
The city where we live today?
Here once the steppe was in
And the winds walked here and there. Won't forget our heart the day of yesterday,
That presented to people this garden city.
Города рождаются, как
И меняют облик с каждым
Как узнать, каким он завтра
Город, где сегодня мы
Здесь когда-то степь цвела
И ветра гуляли без преград.
Не забудет сердце день
Подаривший людям город-
Ludmila Bolotskaya My city is buildings and metal.
My city is schools and students.
Yesterday it was a desert, today some blocks up.
Yesterday it was weeds, today is tapes of roads.
So every day brings something new.
Мой город — это
стройки и металл.
Мой город — это школы и студенты.
Вчера — пустырь, сегодня ввысь квартал.
Вчера — бурьян, дорог сегодня ленты.
Так каждый день приносит что-то новое
5. Read the
text and
tell how
much you know about your town
Novotroitsk is a typical, middle-sized Russian
town. It is located on the right bank of the Ural
River in 300 km from Orenburg, on border with
Kazakhstan. It’s surrounded by the picturesque
Ural Mountains. On April 13th, 1945 the working
settlement became a town.
Novotroitsk has become one of the most important towns in the south-
eastern part of the Orenburg region. It is close to Orsk, Gay and Mednogorsk
and other minor towns and villages. For many years it has become the centre
of steel and building materials industry. Our steel is used to produce high-
technological equipment and even the spaceships that are sent to the Moon.
Novotroitsk used to be famous for its beer. There was a great brewery in the
town “PIT” that provided many regions with its products. But after the crisis
the production of beer has decreased.
Our town also has a wonderful House of Culture and a
great Museum Complex full of changing exhibitions, two
very large stadiums and a well-known football team
“NOSTA”, some original monuments and a range of
hotels and other accommodation for tourists.
The surrounding countryside is very attractive and unique. A
lot of tourists both in summer and winter can relax and spend
their time walking in the mountains, swimming in the clear
waters of the rivers and sunbathing, or skiing on a wonderful winter day. Moreover,
they can spend a day on horseback enjoying the landscape of the steppes.
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
ЭЭлективный курс по краеведению "Оренбургский край" на английском языке (информационный материал)
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