Грамматический марафон по английскому языку
Оценка 4.9

Грамматический марафон по английскому языку

Оценка 4.9
Грамматический марафон по английскому языку
Грам.марафон8 класс.doc

Викторина «Грамматический марафон»



Task 1. Complete the sentences. Be careful with grammar tenses (the past perfect and the past simple) (4 points).

  1. When Mary arrived at the airport, she saw that the plane … already (take off).
  2. Yesterday he … (come) home at nine in the evening.
  3. Nick … (play) golf yesterday, he … (never/ play) golf before.

Task 2. Choose the correct answer (4 points).

  1. She … TV when my sister came home after work. (watched/ was watching/ had watched)
  2. Where … you … this book? (did … buy/was … buying/ had … bought)
  3. I … my homework by 7 o’clock. (did/ was doing/ had done)
  4. We … very pleased to see Alice again at the party last Sunday. (were/ were being/ had been)

Task 3. Find and correct the mistakes. Fill in the definite article “the” if needed (8 points).

I live in Russian Federation. Russia is largest country in world. There are many mountains there: Alps, Everest, Pamirs, Elbrus, Urals. My town Balakhna is small. I want to visit United Kingdom and USA.


Task 4. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant (5 points).

  1. The (new/ news) is shocking.
  2. The (new/ news) film is shocking.
  3. I have some (money/ moneys) in my pocket.
  4. We have much (snow/ snows) in winter.
  5. Her (hair/ hairs) is beautiful.

Task 5. Complete the sentences (5 points).

  1. He agreed (to help/ helping) us with Physics.
  2. We are fond of (to fish/ fishing).
  3. His Dictionary was proved (to be/ being) useful.
  4. He finished (written/ writing) the letter.
  5. Children decided (to buy/ buying) the present for their teacher.


Task 6. Complete the sentences. Fill in “do” or “make” in an appropriate form (5 points).

  1. Yesterday I … a lot of mistakes in my English dictation, and now I must … my homework hard.
  2. Mary … the best to win next competition.
  3. My brother often … the shopping, but he … a bed.

Task 7. Complete the sentences. Fill in “to” if necessary (5 points).

  1. We want you … phone Mr. Jones.
  2. Our mother made us … clean the room, and our father asked me … help him to wash the car.
  3. Many parents expect their children … study well, they don’t want them … go to the disco in the evening.

Максимум – 36 баллов

Викторина «Грамматический марафон»

Викторина «Грамматический марафон»
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