Тема : «Причастие»
Учитель: Ходжаян Гаянэ Ивановна
Цели: обобщение материала по теме «Причастие»; закрепление лексических навыков и навыков перевода; тренировка монологической и диалогической речи.
Оборудование: грамматические задания на карточках для четырёх команд; жетоны; карточки со словосочетаниями (причастные обороты) на русском языке.
Ход мероприятия
I.Организационный момент.
-Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Today
we’ll remember the English Participle.
We’ll play different games, recite poems and sing songs. You will divide into
four teams. There will be three teams and four – five pupils in each team.
It’s time to begin our competition. The first task for the teams is the
test.We’ll find out if you know English irregular verbs well. We need the third
form of the irregular verb when we use Participle II.
Примерные глаголы:
build- built
III. Task 2.
It’s time to translate some word combinations from Russian into English. Each
team will take the card from my table and translate some word combinations.
Примерные словосочетания
Опавшие листья
( fallen leaves)
Сыгранный матч
( played match)
Смеющиеся дети
( laughing children)
разговаривающая с учителем
(the girl talking to the teacher)
Летящий в небе самолёт
(the plane flying in the sky)
Законсервированные фрукты
(canned fruits)
Отравленная рыба
( poisoned fish)
говорящие на английском языке
(people speaking English)
Выученное наизусть стихотворение
( the poem learnt by heart)
расположенные на побережье
(towns situated at the seaside)
Плачущий ребёнок
( crying child)
Спетая песня
( sung song)
поющая на дереве
(the bird singing in the tree)
Сделанная домашняя работа
( done homework)
Построенный музей
( built museum)
Изготовленная кукла
( made doll)
Написанное письмо
( written letter)
Принесённое письмо
(brought letter)
IV. Task 3.
The next task is to use participle in the correct form. Be careful and quick.
Примерное задание на карточках
1.Can you see the ( laughed, laughing) girl?
2.This house (built, building) in the 18th century looks very
3.Nowadays every country has factories (polluted, polluting) water and air.
4.Are there any lands ( covered, covering) with forests in your native country?
5.Do you like the match (played, playing) yesterday?
6.The zoo ( situated, situating) in the park, is very famous.
7.-Where is Mary? – I saw her (cooked, cooking) a cake a minute ago.
8.Last week I read a book (written, writing) by a famous writer.
9.The two rivers (run, running) in the valley join together at the foot of the
10.Tha lands ( discovered, discovering) by Columbus were rich in gold.
V. Task 4.
Now I want you to look at the blackboard. You will put the sentences in the
order and write them down on the sheets of paper.
Put the words in the logical order.
1.Laughed, girls, the,the,news,excited,shouted,by,and.
2.Yellow,hedges,the,getting,were,the diving,yards.
3.Wearing,the, new,beach,Kate,hat,the,walked,along.
VI. Task 5.
Now I want you to translate some sentences from English into Russian. I’ll
read the sentences and you will translate them one by one.
Примерные предложения
1.A teacher seeing a mistake in a pupil’s dictation always corrects it.
2 .A telegram sent from Moscow today will be in Vladivostok tomorrow.
3.Children speaking English good can help their classmates.
4.The woman taking the book from the bookcase is our new teacher.
5.The speaking doll interested the child very much.
6.Nobody saw the things kept in that box.
7.The man playing the piano is Ann’s uncle.
8.She looked out of the window and saw her sister watering the flowers.
9.The coat bought last year is too small for me now.
VII. Подведение
That’s all for today. You have worked during the
lesson very well. Now you can have a rest.
The lesson is over. Goodbye,children.
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