Химия 2020
Оценка 4.6

Химия 2020

Оценка 4.6
Химия 2020

Variant 3

Choose one correct answer and write a number in the answer form to the right of the number of the corresponding assignment. For corrections, use the following cell on the right


1.  The number of electrons in an argon atom is equal to the number of electrons in the ion

                  1) S2-                              2) Al3+                             3) Na+                               4) F-

2.  In which series are simple substances arranged in order of strengthening their metallic properties

         1) Ве→В→С                  2) Al→Si→H                3) Ca→Mg→Be              4) Na→K→Rb

3.  The degree of oxidation of +5 phosphorus is manifested in the compound, the formula of which

                1) РCl3                           2) Са3Р2

4. The compound with an ionic bond is

3) Р2О5

4) Р4

                 1) KСl                              2) H2

3) H2O

4) СS2

5.  The substance Cа (НCО)3 belongs to the following class of inorganic substances

1)  acid salt             3) middle salt

2)  basic salt           4) hydroxide

6.  Copper reacts with a dilute solution of each of the two substances

1)  hydrochloric acid and nitric acid         3) sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid

2)  nitric acid and silver nitrate     4) hydrochloric acid and silver nitrate

7.  Barium oxide can react

1)  Р2О5     2) FeO             3) N2О            4) СО

8.  The precipitate is formed when the solutions are drained off

1)  sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid    3) sodium hydroxide and barium nitrate

2)  sodium bromide and potassium hydroxide          4) strontium chloride and sulfuric acid

9.      The transformation of Cu (OH)2 → CuSO3 corresponds to the interaction of Cu(OH)2 with

1)  H2SO3         2) SO3 3) Na2SO3       4) K2SO3

10.  In the reaction equation NO2 + SO2 → SO3 + NO, the oxidant is

1)  NO2             2) SO2 3) SO3 4) NO

11.  The reduced ionic equation Cu2+ + S2- = CuS corresponds to the interaction

1)  copper sulphate and ammonium sulphide          3) copper carbonate and ammonium sulphide

2)  copper hydroxide and hydrogen sulphide          4) copper nitrate and hydrogen sulphide

12.  Alkines include a substance of composition

                1) С6Н6                           2) С6Н12                          3) С6Н14                          4) С6Н10



13.  Isomers are

         1) n-butane and 2-methylbutane

3) 3-ethylpentane and 2,2-dimethylhexane

2) 2,3-dimethylbutane and n-hexane

14. Propine can not react with

     4) n-pentane and 2-methylpropane

1) hydrobromic acid                 2) chlorine

15. Ethanol can interact with

            3) bromine                       4) helium

              1) copper                        2) sodium

           3) hydrogen                       4) ethane

16.  In the transformation scheme "C2H4 → X → CH3CH2OH" with the substance "X" is

           1) acetylene                     2) methanal                  3) chloroethane                  4) methanol

17.  The reaction product of butyne-1 with 1 mole of chlorine is

1)  2-chlorobutene-1    3) 1,1-dichlorobutane

2)  1,2-dichlorobutane                4) 1,2-dichlorobutene-1

18.  The organic product of the reaction C2H5OH + HBr → is

1)  ethane         2) bromoethane          3) ethenes       4) diethyl ether

19.  Type of chemical reaction of interaction of potassium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid                   1) compound reaction     3) substitution reaction

                       2) decomposition reaction                                          4) exchange reaction

20.  To increase the reaction speed 3 H2 + N2 = 2 NH3 is necessary

1)reduce the concentration Н2                      3) increase pressure

2)reduce the concentration N2 4) introduce an inhibitor 21. Neutral medium has an aqueous solution

1)  potassium chloride              3) ferric chloride (II)

2)  potassium carbonate            4) zinc sulfate

22.  The chemical equilibrium in the system CO2 (г) + C (тв) ↔ 2CO (г)Q will shift to the right if

1)   lower temperatures   3) increase the concentration of CO

2)   increase the concentration of CO2             4) introduce a catalyst

23.  In 180 g of 15% sodium hydroxide solution, another 20 g of water was added. The mass fraction of the dissolved substance in the resulting solution is

1)   17,5%            2) 26,1%         3) 23,5%         4) 13,5%

24.  According to the thermochemical equation of glucose oxidation

С6Н12О6 (solid) +  6 О2(gas)  =  6 СО2  (gas)    + 6 Н2О (liquid)  + 2800 kJ upon oxidation of 0,05 mole of glucose

                      1) absorbed 200 kJ of heat                                     3) 200 kJ of heat is released

2)  140 kJ of heat is released         4) 280 kJ of heat is released

25. What is the mass in g of sodium carbonate required to interact with 20.8 barium chloride?

                  1) 106                               2) 53                              3) 10,6                            4) 0,106


Variant 3 Choose one correct answer and write a number in the answer form to the right of the number of the corresponding assignment

Variant 3 Choose one correct answer and write a number in the answer form to the right of the number of the corresponding assignment

Propine can not react with 4) n-pentane and 2-methylpropane 1) hydrobromic acid 2) chlorine 15

Propine can not react with 4) n-pentane and 2-methylpropane 1) hydrobromic acid 2) chlorine 15
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