Внеклассное мероприятие
по английскому языку
для 6 «а» класса.
“Holidays and Festivals in Britain”
ФИО учителя: Оганнисян Н.Г
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 6
Дата: 22.12.2023
УМК: “RainbowEnglish” (6 класс) Авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева
Тема: “Holidays and Festivals in Britain”
План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку.
Тема мероприятия: Holidays in Great Britain.
Класс. 6 а класс
Цели мероприятия:
- развитие коммуникативной компетенции:
- развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи в рамках темы мероприятия;
- развитие умений восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух (речь учителя и учащихся);
- Актуализация страноведческого материала.
- расширение фоновых знаний учащихся (знакомство с праздниками в Великобритании);
- расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся;
- учить логическому высказыванию по теме, активизация лексики в речи учащихся по теме “Традиционные праздники”.
- воспитывать уважение к другим народам, их обычаям;
- прививать любовь к изучаемому языку;
- стимулировать познавательный интерес;
Задачи :
- совершенствование интонационно-произносительных навыков;
- систематизация страноведческого материала и расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся.
Оборудование: проектор, компьютер, магнитофон, презентация, карточки с заданием.
Ход мероприятия:
Teacher: Good- afternoon boys and girls. Today we shall speak about holidays in Great Britain.
So, every country and nation has their own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people, especially if we want to know their language. We can't say: " We know English", if we do not know English traditions.
• What holidays do people celebrate in our country?
• Tell me what is your favorite holiday?
• P1 New Year.
• P2 Christmas.
• P3 Birthday.
• What British holidays do you know?
• The British have got many celebrations ?
• What British celebrations do you know? (Учащиеся называют праздники в Британии):
- New Year - Easter
- Christmas - Halloween
- St Valentine’s Day - Guy Fawkes Night
Teacher: There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter,. St Valentine’s Day, Halloween.
And, now, the first game. Look at the blackboard, please, and find the right date for every holiday in our country:
December, 31 |
Easter |
April – May |
New Year |
May, 9 |
Women's Day |
January, 7 |
the Day of Knowledge |
March, 8 |
Victory Day |
The 1st of September |
Christmas |
Teacher: The British have got many celebrations. The most popular holiday is Christmas.
Учитель включает звук звона часов Биг Бена. Дети слушают.
Now our children want to recite poems
This is the season
When children ski.
And Father Frost brings
The bright New Year Tree. (Гнусков)
I wish I were a snowman
So tall and big and white
I’d never have to clean my teeth
Or go to bed at night.(Дайнеко)
December is the best of all,
Snow-flakes dance, snow-flakes fall.
People see the New Year in,
When December ends, it will begin.(Зюзькова)
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Dear, John? Dear, John?
Christmas bells are ringing,
Christmas bells are ringing:
Ding! Ding! Dong!
Ding! Ding! Dong!(Старикова)
New Year Day!
New Year Day!
Let us sing!
Let us play!
Father Frost,
Bring many toys
For little girls
And little boys.(Мельников)
friends and dear teachers I wish you beautiful moments, treasured memories,
and all the blessings a heart can know. Happy New Year! arina
Ведущий 1. Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear guests! There are many
Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear guests! There are many holidays in our country and English-speaking countries. Our party is devoted to the
most beautiful holiday – Christmas and New Year , which is loved by children and adults! Today we shall speak about holidays in Great Britain.
So, every country and nation has their own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people, especially if we want to know their language. We can't say: " We know English", if we do not know English traditions.
Ведущий 2.Christmas days are white with snow,
The winds are laughing as they blow.
Across the ponds and lakes we glide,
And over the drifting snow we ride
And down the hills we gaily slide
And shout with all our might:
• What holidays do people celebrate in our country?
• Tell me what is your favorite holiday?
“Merry Christmas
Look at the blackboard, please, and find the right date for every holiday in our country:
December, 31 |
Easter |
April – May |
New Year |
May, 9 |
Women's Day |
January, 7 |
the Day of Knowledge |
March, 8 |
Victory Day |
The 1st of September |
Christmas |
Now our children want to recite poems
This is the season
When children ski.
And Father Frost brings
The bright New Year Tree. (Гнусков)
I wish I were a snowman
So tall and big and white
I’d never have to clean my teeth
Or go to bed at night.(Дайнеко)
December is the best of all,
Snow-flakes dance, snow-flakes fall.
People see the New Year in,
When December ends, it will begin.(Зюзькова)
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Dear, John? Dear, John?
Christmas bells are ringing,
Christmas bells are ringing:
Ding! Ding! Dong!
Ding! Ding! Dong!(Старикова)
New Year Day!
New Year Day!
Let us sing!
Let us play!
Father Frost,
Bring many toys
For little girls
And little boys.(Мельников)
Dear friends and dear teachers I wish you beautiful moments, treasured memories, and all the blessings a heart can know. Happy New Year! Arina
Teacher: I would like that you are writing a wish each other///////
Let’s listen to a famous sing////
Teacher: I would like that you are writing a wish each other///////
The new year begins on January 1, but my best wishes remain with you throughout the year. Let"s say goodbye to the old great and greet the New Year with optimism and hope. Hope you start the New Year with happiness and end it with more happiness. Wish you a very happy new year.We wish you a happy New Year. Wishing you all the blessings of the New Year...the warmth of home, the love of family and the company of good friends. Happy New Year to all.
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