I Will never forget this year because... 0 00 vk.com/teachers treasure chest |
O |
0 00 |
What was the nicest thing that someone did for you this year? |
O |
What ate you |
O |
If YOU could change one |
o |
most proud of |
thing that |
00 |
accomplishing z |
happened this |
this year? 0 00 |
year, what would it be? Why? |
vk.com/teachers treasure chest
O |
What was the o |
Where is your |
most |
favoufite |
challenging |
place in our |
part of this z |
classroom? |
school year |
Why? |
for you? Why? |
0 00 vk.com/teachers treasure chest |
0 00 |
O |
What is O |
What ate three |
something |
YOU did 0 |
that was had o 00 |
to help your 00 |
for you at the |
classmates this year? |
beginning of the year, but |
is easy now?
0 00
What is O
something that you taught 0 00 your teacher e
Of your classmates this year?
00 0 0
vk.com/teachers_treasure chest
O If you could change one thing about 00 out classroom, what WOUld
you change?
0 0 0 0
O In what areas do you think 0 00 you made your 0 biggest improvements this year?
00 0 0
What are O three Of the
most 800
important e things you learned this year?
vk.com/teachers_treasure che
What advice would you give to students who will be in this class next year?
vk.com/teachets tteasure chest
What has O changed in you since the beginning of the school year?
What do you think your
teacher next year should know about YOU? |
00 |
What is the |
o |
strangest I most 00
embarrassing thing that happened this year?
What ate you 000 most thankful z for this year?
vk.com/teachers treasure chest
What is the word I phrase 00 of this school year?
O What ate you looking 00 forward to e doing this summer?
O What do you hope to do 00 (of not to do) c next school year?
What was the most exciting activity / task / project / topic you have had this year? 0 00 vk.com/teachers treasure chest |
O |
0 00 |
Which month was the most difficult for you this year? Why? |
O |
Is this school |
O |
What advice WOUld you |
O |
year better than the |
00 |
give to your ÇUtUte self Gof |
00 |
previous one? |
the next |
Why? |
school year? |
0 00 0 00
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