Конспект учебного занятия по дисциплине Иностранный язык "Мы выбираем здоровый образ жизни"
Оценка 4.7

Конспект учебного занятия по дисциплине Иностранный язык "Мы выбираем здоровый образ жизни"

Оценка 4.7
Конспект учебного занятия по дисциплине Иностранный язык "Мы выбираем здоровый образ жизни"
1648988866961_здоровье олимп движ.doc

Конспект учебного занятия по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Тема: «Здоровый образ жизни. Олимпийское движение».

                                                                 преподаватель Каменева Е.Н.

Курс 1, группа Г-21-1 специальность 08.02.08 Монтаж и эксплуатация оборудования и систем газоснабжения по программе базовой подготовки

Вид занятия: комбинированный учебное занятие.

Тип занятия: систематизирующее повторение.

Цель: активизация, систематизация знаний по темам раздела.



-  расширить кругозор по теме « История олимпийского движения»;

-  совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической речи;

-  добиться прочного усвоения знаний по темам раздела;

-  обобщить знания, полученные студентами при изучении тем раздела;

- формировать коммуникативную культуру, развивать культуру устных выступлений.


 - способствовать развитию интереса к истории зарождения Олимпийских    игр;

- повысить мотивацию к изучению происхождения истории Олимпийских игр;

- формировать и развивать отношение к людям через гуманность, чувство долга, ответственности перед собой и другими;

- воспитать желание достичь наивысших результатов в своём развитии;

- осуществить эстетическое воспитание студентов;

- воспитать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение.


- активизировать внимание студентов на занятии, создавать благоприятный психологический климат;

- способствовать развитию творческой деятельности студентов;

- развивать умение сравнивать, обобщать, абстрагироваться;

- развивать критическое мышление через чтение информационного текста;

- развивать умение работать в группе (компетентности: интеллектуальная, социальная).

Формы организации работы на занятии:

индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

Межпредметные связи: русский язык, история.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение урока:

Дидактический материал – карточки с заданиями, тесты.

ТСО: компьютеры, экран.



I.      Организационный момент. Приветствие, сообщение преподавателем темы и характера работы на данном занятии.


Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you at our lesson. Our topic today is «History of the Olympic Movement». We are going to speak about the history of the Olympic movement, about the symbols of Olympics (mascots, rings, flame), different kinds of sports, answer the questions, work in pairs, do different exercises. Your homework was to prepare the topics about the history of some kinds of sports. I hope you have done it very well. I think you will like our lesson.

The motto of our lesson is "A sound mind in a sound body." If your body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers with it, and we are unfit to perform the duties, which are required of us in social life. That's why every country pays much attention to developing sports.

The aim of our lesson is to find out is the sport important for people?

And the tasks are:

1.      How great is the Olympic movement.

2.     History of the Olympic symbols.

3.     History of some popular kinds of sports. 

II.  Актуализация знаний, мотивации целеполагания. Активизация и систематизация изученных лексических единиц по темам раздела.  

1.     Студенты повторяют за преподавателем ранее изученную лексику по темам раздела.

  Warming up

  Summer Sports

Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketbal, Boxing, Cycling, Diving, Equestrian, Fencing, Football, Gymnastics, Handball, Judo, Modern pentathlon, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting, Swimming, Tennis, Triathlon, Weightlifting Wrestling.

Winter sports

Bobsleigh, Cross country skiing, Curling, Figure skating, Ice hockey, Ski jumping, Speed skating, Biathlon, Freestyle skiing, Luge, Skeleton, Snowboarding.

2.     Обзор домашнего задания.

Dear students! Let’s revise your homework.Your first task was to translate the English idioms.

1)    Translate the idioms:

-         a will of iron (железная воля);

-         a hard nut to crack (крепкий орешек);

-         to work like a horse (пахать как вол);

-         God helps those who help themselves. (На бога надейся, а сам не плошай).

-         Ready? Steady? Go? (На старт! Внимание! Марш!)

-         Cheer up! (Не унывай!)

-         Keep it up! (Так держать!)

2)    The second task was to translate English sport proverbs.

         English proverbs about sport:

1.     Health is better than wealth. (Доброе здоровье дороже богатства).

2.     In sports and journeys men are known. (Люди познаются в спорте и путешествиях).

3.     Little strokes fell great oakes. (Терпенье и труд всё перетрут).

4.     Where there is a will there is a way. (Где хотенье,там и уменье).

5.     There are no gain without pain. (Без усилий нет достижений).

6.     Never say die. (Никогда не отчаивайся).

7.     Nothing succeeds like success. (Успех сопутствует успеху).

Далее студенты предоставляют свои мини-презентации по темам раздела (история Олимпийского движения, олимпийские символы, история происхождения наиболее известных видов спорта, паралимпийское движение, Олимпиада в Сочи).

Студент 1 The original Olympic Games

The world’s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games. The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the biggest sporting event in the world. The Games take place every 4 years. The Olympic idea means friendship and cooperation among the people of the world. The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C.

The ruler of a small state Elis wanted to live in peace. He organized athletic games. These games were part of a festival held every 4 year in honour of God Zeus at the place Olympia. Athletes came from Asia, Syria, Egypt to celebrate the Olympics. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in throwing of discus, wrestling, foot racing, chariot racing and others. Greek women were forbidden to participate and to watch the Olympics.When the Games took place, all wars were stopped. The ancient Greeks had no winter sport. Winners were called ‘olympionics’, they were awarded olive wreaths and cups of olive oil, palm branches. The Olympic Games were held about 11 hundred years, until the emperor Theodosius banned them for religious reasons in 394 A.D.

Студент 2 Olympic symbols

The Olympic Flame (Torch) is a symbol of the Olympic Games, its origins is in ancient Greece. The Olympic Torch today is lighted several months before the Olympic Games  in Olympia, Greece. The first modern Olympic flame was at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, Holland. 

The Olympic motto

The Olympic motto is "Faster, Higher, Stronger". The motto was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin  in 1894 and was introduced in 1924 at the Olympic Games in Paris.

           The Olympic rings

The Olympic rings represent the union of 5 continents and the meeting of athletes of the world at the Olympic Games. The symbol of the Olympic Games is 5 rings, blue, yellow, black, green, and red. Any national flag contains one of these colours. This was designed in 1912 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

Mascots in the Olympic History

The first Olympic mascot appeared in Tokyo 1964. Dog Waldi - first official mascot for the Summer Olympics 1972 Munich, Germany. Polar Bear, Hare, Leopard were the mascots for 2014 Winter Olympics. Ray of Light and Snowfl  (“Luchik” and “Snezhinka”) were the mascots for 2014 Winter Paralympic

  Студент 3 History of the modern Olympics

Much Wenlock, is a small town in England. It is the birthplace of William Penny Brookes, founding father of the Modern Olympic Games.

William Penny Brookes was born in 1809. He worked for many years as the local doctor in Much Wenlock. He wanted to improve the moral, physical well being of the inhabitants of Wenlock by the award of prizes annually at public meetings for skills in athletic exercises.

In 1850 William Penny Brookes set up the ‘Olympian Class’ in Much Wenlock. This annual sports festival is still held here in July. It was here in 1850 that the first Olympian Games were held, organized by William Penny Brooke.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin visited Dr Brookes in 1890, saw the Wenlock Olympian Games. De Courbertin was impressed by Brookes’s ideas, he decided to develop the Olympics on an international level. Dr Brookes died in December 1895, never saw the realisation of his dream. The baron founded the International Olympic Congress and in 1896, the first summer Olympics took place in Athens, from 6 to 15 April 1896. Nations participating 14, athletes participating 241.

The opening ceremony of the First Olympiad in the stadium  built in 330 B.C. More than 60,000 people attended opening day.

 French and English are the official languages of the Olympic Movement. The other language used at Olympic Games is the language of the host country.

   Студент 4  1924  Winter Olympic Games

The first Winter Olympic Games were in 1924 in Chamonix, France.  Nations participating 16, athletes participating 258, opening ceremony January 25, closing ceremony February 4. The sports competitions are: bobsleigh, cross country skiing, curling, figure skating, ice hockey, Nordic combined, ski jumping, speed skating.

Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. The Summer Olympics, Helsinki, Finland.

1980 Summer Olympics

The 1980 Summer Olympics, the Games of the XXII Olympiad, were in Moscow in the Soviet Union.  Nations participating 80, athletes participating 5179, opening ceremony 19 July, closing ceremony August 3. The 1980 Games were the first in Eastern Europe. The United States and a number of countries boycotted the games.

Студент 5  The history of football

Part of the Summer Olympic program from 1900 to 1928. Returned to Summer Olympic program in 1936 to today. Millions of people in 140 countries play football. Games similar to football were played in China in 400 BC. Egyptians played a kind of football too.

Ebenezer Cobb Morley (1831–1924), an English sportsman, became the Football Association’s first secretary and its second president, ‘the father’ of the Football Association and modern Football. He drafted the first Laws of the Game.

 The World Cup and European Championship competition are played every 4 years.

Football is the most popular sport in the United Kingdom. England, Wales, Scotland, Nothern Ireland have their own Football League and National teams.

Студент 6   The history of cycling

The first prototype of  bicycle appeared in 1791 in France. First bicycles were made of iron and  called ‘boneshakers’. 1817 – The Running Machine. Invented by German Baron Karl von Drais, had no pedals, chains, but 2 wheels, speed 10 miles per hour. 1860s -  Frenchman Pierre Michaux put pedals and introduced the velocipede, which looks like the modern bicycle. The Penny Farthing was faster due to the larger diameter of the front wheel. But dangerous because of height. The first cycle races were on these machines. The first ‘safety’ bicycle was designed by the English engineer, racing cyclist, motor industry pioneer Harry John Lawson in 1876. Lawson formed The Daimler Motor Company Limited in London in 1896. Cycling competition are divided into road and track events, they are in the Olympic programme.

Студент 7  The history of tennis

Tennis originated from 12th century French game. It was a court game where the ball was struck with the hand. After rackets were used. The game spread in Europe. The modern game of tennis originated in England in the late 19th century. Tennis is an Olympic sport.

Tennis was officially invented and patented by Major Walter Clopton Wingfield in 1873. The first Wimbledon championship was organized by the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in 1877. The most famous British championship is Wimbledon, played every year the last week of June and the first week of July.

Студент 8   The history of basketball

Basketball was invented 21st of December 1891. The inventor of the game was a Canadian clergyman James Naismith. Basketball was first played in the USA at a training school, now Springfield College. The first ball was a soccer ball until 1894 when an actual ‘basketball’ was invented. In 1893 the backboard was invented. At that time there was no name for the game. By 1906 the peach baskets were replaced by metal baskets with holes. In 1913 a hoop with a net was invented. In 1921 one man named the game «basketball» and it has been called basketball ever since.

 The National Basketball League was formed in 1898 in the USA and the professional basketball was played. By 1932 basketball got international status. In 1949 the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League joined together. They changed their name to the National Basketball Association. Now basketball is played by 176 nations.

Студент 9  The history of Ice hockey

First played in 19th century Canada. The origins of ice hockey are unclear, but it is accepted that the British soldiers in Canada played the earliest games.

The first ice hockey club was founded in 1877. The National Hockey Association (1909-1917) was a professional ice hockey organization in Canada. It was from this league the National Hockey League (NHL) has it's roots. National Hockey League  founded November 26, 1917, Montreal, Canada. The first Olympic Ice hockey tournament (Summer Olympics, Antwerp, Belgium 1920).

Russia  started the hockey history December 22, 1946 when the first National Championship of USSR started. First Olympics, first hockey gold for the USSR (1956). On December 22nd, 2011 our National Hockey celebrated its 65th Anniversary.

Студент 10 The Paralympic Summer Games

Ludwig Guttmann, the “Father of Sport for People with Disabilities”was born in  Poland in 1899. In 1948 Sir Ludwig Guttmann organized the first multi-sport event between several hospitals for disabled athletes -  British World War II veteran patients. A German doctor gathered his disabled patients at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, England  and organized the first unofficial Paralympic Games in history - 1948 International Wheelchair Games. Guttmann's event, known as the Stoke Mandeville Games, became an annual sports festival.

The first Summer Paralympic Games were in Rome in 1960. The First Winter Paralympic Games. Sweden, 1976. Since then, the Paralympics have been held in every Olympic year. Russia first competed as part of the Soviet Union at the 1988 Summer and Winter Games (Seoul, South Korea). The nation competed for a first time as Russia at the 1994 Winter Paralympics (Lillehammer, Norway). The 2014 Winter Paralympics was the first time that Russia hosted the Paralympic Games.

Студент 11 The Sochi 2014 Games

 Sochi is the Russia's largest resort city. It attracts more than 4 million visitors annually.  Sochi is a new Russian sport capital.  The 2014 Winter Olympics were the first Winter Olympics for the Russian Federation.

The 2014 Winter Olympics motto – Gateway to the future. Our mission was:

-         To host an innovative Games

-         To show the spirit of modern Russia

-         To leave a positive legacy.

Sochi 2014 was the 12th Olympics to outlaw smoking.

Sochi hosted the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014.

The Sochi 2014 Legacy

   The Games brought positive social and economic changes and popularized the Olympic values. At the end of the Games, the city of Sochi became one of the main business and economic centers of the world.            

The Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi were a highlight in the history of the Paralympic Movement and promoted the active integration of people with disabilities into the life in Russian society. One of the main legacies of the Games was the change of attitude towards people with disabilities.


In our opinion people should go in for sports. It helps us to be healthy and strong. It makes us more organized and better disciplined. And it's a good way to meet people and to make new friends. Those who go in for sports regularly are cheerful, active people, full of energy. All our students have regular training at PE lessons. From time to time different kinds of competitions are organized at our college. Students attend a lot of sports sections after classes. So if you think that physical fitness and health are important you are to go in for sports.

Далее преподаватель проводит вопросно-ответную работу по карточкам с заданиями.

1. Give a brief description of your favourite sport:  

- name;

- kind (team, individual, winter, summer);

- place where it can be played ;


         - what age groups can do this sport?

2. Match the major British sporting events with their place.

        Match the following major British sporting events:

1.     Wembley Stadium                                a. Golf              

2.     Wimbledon                                           b. Marathon

3.     Derby                                                    c. Tennis

4.     Open Championship                             d. Rugby

5.     Five Nations Union Tournament          e. Horse race 

6.     London City Streets                              f. Football  


   Answers: 1. f; 2. c; 3. e; 4. a; 5. d; 6. b.

3.     Which description fits which game? Match the description of the game.

1.     sport of fighting in gloves.

2.     The sport of sliding on a small board with wheels.

3.     A very popular game, played on a court with rackets in which the ball must pass over a net.

4.     A slow run for exercise.

5.     A sport in which 2 people fight, each trying to throw the other to   the ground.

6.      Climbing a mountain.

7.     Dropping from the aircraft using a parachute.

   Answer: 1. Boxing. 2. Skateboarding. 3. Lawn tennis. 4. Jogging. 5. Wrestling. 6. Mountaineering.7. Parachuting.

         III. Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание:


Teacher: Your homework for the next lesson is:

1.     Translate the following expressions.

1.     You and your opponent want the same thing. The only thing that matters  is who works the hardest for it.

2.     The best athletes in the world are those who are willing to push harder then anyone else, and go through more pain then anyone else.

3.     Some people dream of success...others stay awake to achieve it.

4.     Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else.

5.     Pain is only temporary but victory is forever.

6.     Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision. (Muhammad Ali)



Список используемой литературы:

1.     И.П. Агабекян Английский язык для ССУЗОВ, ООО «Проспект», 2012г.

2.     Г.Т. Безкоровайная Planet of English, Учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО.

3.     Википедия  —  http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 

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Конспект учебного занятия по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Конспект учебного занятия по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Формы организации работы на занятии: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая

Формы организации работы на занятии: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая

I. Актуализация знаний, мотивации целеполагания

I. Актуализация знаний, мотивации целеполагания

Where there is a will there is a way

Where there is a will there is a way

The Olympic motto is "Faster,

The Olympic motto is "Faster,

The opening ceremony of the First

The opening ceremony of the First

Football is the most popular sport in the

Football is the most popular sport in the

In 1913 a hoop with a net was invented

In 1913 a hoop with a net was invented

Olympic year. Russia first competed as part of the

Olympic year. Russia first competed as part of the

Students attend a lot of sports sections after classes

Students attend a lot of sports sections after classes

Answer: 1. Boxing. 2. Skateboarding

Answer: 1. Boxing. 2. Skateboarding
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