Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку 6 класс
Оценка 4.9

Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку 6 класс

Оценка 4.9
Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку 6 класс
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Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку

6 класс

Входная административная диагностическая работа

1.                  Изучи расписание уроков Саши на понедельник. Соотнеси вопрос с ответом.












1.What time is the Russian lesson?


a)                  At a quarter past twelve

2.What time is the Maths lesson?


b)                 At twenty five minutes past ten

3.What time is the IT lesson?


c)                  At twenty five minutes past nine

4.What time is the PE lesson?


d)                 At half past eight

5.What time is the English  lesson?


e)                  At twenty minutes past eleven


2. Составь вопросы.

1. you/what/are/doing

2. cooking/are/you/what

3. tonight/where/you/going/are

4. playing/we/tennis/what time/are

5. crying/girl/why/is/this


3. Выбери верный предлог.

I can see a boy … (in/on/at) the picture. The boy is sitting … (on/at/in front of) the table. His feet are … (in/on/at) the floor … (at/under/beside) the table. He is sitting … (in/on/at) the chair. There is another chair … (under/opposite/above) the boy. The bookcase is … (in/on/at) the right. The boy is holding a pen … (on/at/in) his hand. There is a laptop, a phone and a book … (between/on/at) the table.


4. Заполни пропуски верной формой притяжательного местоимения.

1. This is (he) case.

2. (We) table is there.

3. That is (they) house.

4. This isn’t (I) book. It is (she) book.

5. Where is (you) blue ballon?

6. Ann is (I) sister.

7. Open (you) textbooks and put down these words, please.

8. (They) parents are at the theatre.


5. Исправь ошибки по образцу.

Is that Tom’s and Peter umbrellas. Tom and Peter’s

1. The black hat is Toms’.

2. The roof’s house is grey.

3. When is your mothers birthday?

4. The bags are those women’.

5. Carols father lives in the countryside.


6. напиши ациональность.

1. Russia –

2. France –

3. The USA –

4. Australia –

5. China –

6. Scotland-

7. Britain –

8. England –

9. Japan

10. Italia -


7. Открой скобки, используя верное грамматическое время.


It ___ (be) Sunday morning. Mark and Sophie ___ (be) happy to go to the Zoo. ___(one) they go to the lions’ cage, they want to see the new lioness. She is very beautiful; she __ (have got)  a long tail and big brown eyes.  When the lioness __ (see) them she opens her huge mouth and shows her teeth. Then Sophie asks Mark to go to the monkey’s area; she has got some bananas and ___ (feed) them slowly. She wants to see how they eat. The monkeys ___ (be) very funny; they throw the bananas peel on each other and jump from branch to branch.

When they come to the snakes aquarium Sophie ___ (have) a bad feeling. She ___ (hate) snakes and she ___ (do not) want to be there much longer. Mark finds the snakes dangerous but interesting. On the way back Mark and Sophie ___ (talk) about the animals in the Zoo. They remember a cute little monkey. It ___ (be) the best!


8. Прочитай текст и отметь утверждения T (True), F (False), or NT (Not stated).

1. Mark and Sophie go to the Zoo at the weekend.   ___

2. First they go to the aquarium to see the snakes.    ___

3. The weather is fine.                                               ___

4. Sophie wants to see how monkeys eat bread.       ___

5. Sophie hates the snakes.                                        ___





Контроль по теме "Взаимоотношения в семье и с друзьями. Семейные праздники"

1. Translate from Russian unto English.

1. У меня очень много родственников.
     2. У него есть дядя и две тёти.
     3. На столе лежат вилки, ножи и ложки.
     4. Моя тётя любит есть пудинги и пироги.
     5. Мама и папа – мои родители.

2. Write each phrase as in the example:
the doll of her niece – her niece’s doll

     the father of my mother
     the daughter of his granny
     the letter of my sister
     the dog of her cousin
     the name of your aunt
     the families of their nieces

3. Open the brackets (Past Simple or Present Perfect).

     1. We already (read) all the exercises.
     2. Yesterday my aunt (go) shopping.
     3. He just (join) us.
     4. I (visit) my uncle last Saturday.
     5. I never (be) to Moscow.
     6. They already (read) the poems.
     7. They (go) to the theatre last week.
     8. She just (see) her teacher.  




Контроль по теме "Внешность и характер человека (литературного персонажа)"

1. Выбери и подчеркни правильный вариант, чтобы получился рассказ. Little Red Riding Hood was a very pretty/original  little girl. All people of the village loved her because she was rude/polite and caring/careless. The girl helped much about the house and her mother was very proud/pity of her daughter. The girl was also friendly/ambitious and practical/sociable, she liked to talk to strangers.

2. Составь выражения.

1. As busy as           a) a lion

2. As hungry as       b) a snail

3. As slow as           c) an owl

4. As wise as           d) a bee

5. As brave as          e) a wolf

3. Открой скобки, используя Простое прошедшее время.

Mary Stuart … (become) Queen of Scotland in 1542 when she … (be) six days old. When she … (be) a girl of five, Mary … (go) to live in France. She … (marry) the King of France’s son, Francis, when she … (be) fifteen and … (become) Queen of France the next year. When she … (be) eighteen, Francis … (die) and in 1561 Mary Stuart … (sail) back to Scotland.

In 1568 Mary … (escape) to England. She … (ask) her cousin, Elizabeth, for help but Elizabeth … (put) Mary in prison because she … (be) dangerous for her. Some people … (want) the Catholic Mary to be Queen of England. In 1587, Elizabeth … (order) the execution of her cousin, Mary.

4. Закончи предложения.

1. Kate can give new and original ideas. She is _____________.

2. Mike likes to be in a company and to talk to other people. He is _____________

3. Tom is a ______________ friend. I can tell him my secrets.

4. Jill is clever and smart. She is an ________________ girl.

5. Jim wants to be successful, rich and powerful. He is ______________


Контроль по теме "Досуг и увлечения (хобби) современного подростка (чтение, кино, театр, спорт)"

1. Напиши название вида спорта


    1 ____________________                                  2 _________________________


3 ___________________            4 ____________________                           5 _________________



2. Используй суффиксы  -ist, -or, -er для образования существительных
e.g. playplayer
direct - _____________                              4) art - _______________
write - ______________                             5) paint - _____________
cycle - ______________                             6) football - ______________













 3. Соотнеси, чтобы получились сложные существительные.. запиши ответы в таблицу. e.g. basket                    a) brush
1) home                       b) ball
2) news                        c) day
3) wind                  d) surfing
4) birth                          e) paper
5) tooth                         f) work

4. Выбери правильный вариант.
My sister meets/is meeting her friends every afternoon.
1) Meitan is learning/laerns fishing these days
2) Dad is playing/
play at the moment;
3) go/am going to see my grandparents every Saturday morning;
4) She is not having/doesn’t have
 eat pizza right now.

5. Открой скобки, используя Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
e.g. Peter …….likes………… (like) playing board games.
1) Lola…….…… (love) eating. It’s her favourite activity.
2) Dima …………….. (run) around in the park at the moment.
3) “What are you doing? “I ……..……. (look) at my hands in the mirror.”
4) Ken …………… (have) a shower right now.
5) Bob …….……….(Play) chess on

6. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

My friend Fill is a very busy person. When he's not doing his homework or studying, he is out having fun.

On Mondays, he plays football after school. He practices a lot because he's in the school team. Then, on Tuesday, she goes to computer club. On Thursdays, he plays chess and then on Fridays he meets his relatives in town.

At the weekend, John always spends time with your friends. He usually goes fishing with Kirill and helps Yulia with shopping.

1) What team is Nicolas in?   _______________________
2) What does he do on Tuesdays?   ________________________
3) When does  Nicolas meet his friends?  ________________________
4) What board game does John like playing?
What does Nicolas help Yulia do?  _________________________



Контроль по теме "Здоровый образ жизни: режим труда и отдыха, фитнес,

сбалансированное питание"


1. Чтение.

Francesco came to hospital with his parents.

Что произошло в больнице?


     Francesco said goodbye to his mother and father, and then they left. Bill, one of the other boys in his room, said, pointing to a boy on a bed, “That’s Rubin. He had an operation this morning, and so he’s sleeping a lot today.” “Have you ever had an operation?” he asked Francesco. “I will have my tonsils out (удалят гланды) tomorrow,” said Francesco. Bill had his appendix taken out.

     When Rubin woke up, the three boys talked for a while. Bill remembered something and pushed his button to call the nurse.

     “Have you forgotten my tablet?” asked Bill when Mrs Bloom came to the doorway.

     “The doctor said you shouldn’t have one tonight,” she answered. “Does your stomach hurt?”

     “No,” said Bill.

     In a few minutes, Bill was asleep. Francesco missed his parents. But it was good to know that all the hospital workers were there to help his doctor help him. He was glad that Rubin and Bill were sharing his room with him.

     “And tomorrow I’ll meet some more new friends,” he thought, and then he fell asleep.

(from “The Young Children’s Encyclopedia”)

1. The information is false. Correct it.

    a) Mrs Bloom had appendicitis.                                   c) Rubin will have the operation on his tonsils.

    b) Francesco works in the hospital.                              d) Bill had an operation

2. Грамматика

1. If you don’t want to have the flu you should follow some advice.

Fill in the gaps with MUST, MUSTN’T and SHOULDN’T.

1 You ___ eat  ice cream.

2 You ___ do exercises.

2 You ___ drink fruit juice.

3 You ___ go without a warm sweater.

4 You ___ swim in a cold river.

5 You ___ ride a bike.



3. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Progressive)

1.                  I (know)  _______ her for six years.

2.                   I  (go) ______  to Paris in 2003.

3.                   I  (change) ______ my job three times this year.

4.                   I  (change) ______  my job three times last year.

5.                   We __________________(watch TV) all evening yesterday .

6.                    Long ago, they (build) ______  most houses out of wood.

7.                   Sean (eat, never) ______  Chinese food before.

8.                   Ann __________________(play) when her father ___(come) home .

9.                   We first (meet) ______ in 2001.

10.               We (know) _______  each other for 8 years.

4. Подчеркни нужное слово.

0 Nick doesn’t feel bad/  well    and he has gone to the doctor’s.

1 I have eaten much jam. Now I have headache/earache/stomachache.

2 Ruth has got toothache. She should go to the pediatrician/dentist/surgeon.

3 I didn’t go to school because I had cold/a cold.

4 Jack has a sore throat. He must use a plaster/put ice/put a warm compress.

5 Joe’s cat has broken its leg. Joe should take him to the surgeon/vet/pediatrician.



Контроль по теме "Покупки: одежда, обувь и продукты питания"

1.                  Read the text. Going shopping

Mrs Smith is going shopping with her son. They are looking for a present for Mr Smith's birthday. Mrs Smith wants to buy him a new camera and Tom wants to buy him a jumper.
They drive to the department store on the high street. Mrs Smith uses the escalator to go to the Electrical Department on the third floor and Tom takes the stairs up to the Men's Clothing Department on the first floor.
When she gets to the Electrical Department she finds that cameras are sold in the Photography Department on the ground floor. She takes the elevator down and asks the sales assistant there for some help. She doesn't know much about cameras and needs some advice. He recommends an automatic camera by Olympus, but it is too expensive. She asks him if he has anything a little cheaper and he tells her about a special offer (спец. предложение) on the Pentax range. It still seems expensive so she thanks the assistant and decides to shop around first.
Meanwhile, Tom is looking at the jumpers. He only has £10 to spend so he can't afford most of them. He sees his mother and they decide to go to the smaller shops round the corner.

2.                   True, false or unstated. 


1.                  Mrs Smith and her son Tom are looking for a present for Mr. Smith.

2.                  They come to the department shop by bus.

3.                  Mrs. Smith goes to the Electrical Department on the second floor.

4.                  Cameras are sold in the Photography Department .

5.                  There are a lot of cameras in the department.

6.                  She knows a lot about cameras.

7.                  There are only expensive cameras there.

8.                  She buys the Pentax camera and Tom buys a jumper.

9.                  They go home with presents.


3.                  Use Past Simple or Past Continuous.


1.                  I (play) computer games yesterday.

2.                  She (do) homework the whole evening yesterday.

3.                  When I (go) to school I (meet) my friend.

4.                  I visited my grandparents last summer.

5.                  We (play) football from 3 to 5 p.m.

6.                  When we (go) to school we (see) a very beautiful car.

7.                  I (go) to school yesterday.

8.                  I (not read) the book at 5 p.m. yesterday I (watch) TV.




4.                  Match goods and shops.



1 bank

A  milk

2  baker’s

B  books

3  chemist’s

C  oranges

4  greengrocer’s

D  lemon cake

5  library

E  money

6  dairy

F  dolls

7  toy shop

G  medicine




5.                  Choose the correct variant.


1.                  I’d like to buy a jar of (bread/jam)

2.                  Ask a (salesperson/customer) how much this carton of juice cost.

3.                  We have got (few/little) bread for lunch.

4.                  How (much/many) carrots have you got?

5.                  At the grocer’s you can buy (fruit/tea)

6.                  I want a (bar/jar) of chocolate.

7.                  She needs (a few/a little) sugar for the cake.


Контроль по теме "Школа, школьная жизнь, школьная форма, изучаемые предметы, любимый предмет, правила поведения в школе. Переписка с иностранными сверстниками"

1. Расставь предложения по порядку.

- When did you come back?

- I am fine, too. Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for ages!

- Hi, how are you?

- Last Monday.

- Oh! I travelled about Russia in summer.

- Hello, I am fine, thanks. And you?

2. Напиши, что люди собираются делать.

Dance, visit, fly, give, see, take, plant

1. Mike is taking part in sports competition on Wednesday.

2. Liza_____ a museum on Monday.

3. Nick and Willy _______ to Berlin on Friday.

4. The children ______ young trees in the park on Thursday.

5. The musicians ______ a concert on Saturday.

3. Заполни пропуски.

Bagpipes, kilt, kilts, tartan, Highland Games, to hold, to refuse, good at

1. Many Scots play the… and wear a …. Are made of … . The pattern of… is very important. It is a family symbol. The Scots are very friendly people. They like to dance and play… . People come to a … and dance to folk music. You cannot… anyone a dance. At the end of the… the Scots always … hands together and sing “Auld Lang Syne”. The Scots are… dancing and playing.

4. Закончи предложения.

1. The tradition Scottish dish is…

2. The family in Scotland is called…

3. The Scots wear…

4. Kilts protect men from…

5. Loch Ness is famous for its…

6. The Scottish dancing party is called…

7. The capital of  Scotland is..

8. The symbol of Scotland is…

9. The highest mountain is…


5. Заполни таблицу.









Great Britain












New Zealand







































Контроль по теме "Каникулы в различное время года. Виды отдыха"

1.                  Выбери правильный вариант.


1) She is wearing her swimsuit. She __________ in the sea.

will swim

is going to swim

is going to swimming

2) I stopped to buy ___________ souvenirs.




3) I’d like to _____________ sightseeing around the city.




4) He will read a book before he ____________ to bed.

will go

is going to go


5) Let’s go trekking in the _____________ next year.




6) Do you need a taxi? Kate _____________ one for you.

is going to call

will call

will going to call

7) My mother said: “I’m going to sunbathe _________ the beach the whole day”.




8) Don’t do this or I ______________ angry.

will be

will going to be

am going to be

9) Ann will visit us as soon as she ____________ back.


will come


11) I promise, I ____________ write every day.

will write

am going to write

will writing

12) ________ weather was very nice last week.




13) Sally doesn’t like ______________ holiday.




14) We __________ beach holiday. We prefer to go trekking.

doesn’t likes

doesn’t like

don’t like

15) Yesterday at that restaurant I got food ______________.




16) Did you ___________  souvenirs in Moscow?




17) We _________ trekking last Sunday.




18) I _________ a letter to Pete two hours ago.




19) I ___________ this film last week.







Контроль по темам "Природа: дикие и домашние животные. Климат, погода" и "Жизнь в городе и сельской местности. Описание родного города (села). Транспорт"

The  Hare


The  Hare  lives  in  warm  and  cold  countries. It  is a  small 

animal. Its  fur  is  thick,  its  tail  is  very  short,  but  its  ears  are  very long.

The  hare   is  very  timid  and  is  afraid  of  everything.  It  makes  its  home  in  the  grass.  In  the  daytime  the  hare  is  there. At  night  it  goes  to  the  field  to  look  for  food. Its  food  is  corn, vegetables  and  grass.

In  the  morning  the  hare  comes  back  to  its  home.

At  the  first  signal  of  danger  the  hare  runs  away.  When  people  hunt  the  hare,  it  goes  to  water  as  it  swims  very  well.


I. Задания по тексту:

1.Answer  the  questions

1.Where  does  the  hare  live?

2.Where  does  the  hare  make  its  home?

3.Is  it  a  timid  or  a  bold  animal?

4.What  does  it  do  in  the  daytime  and  at  night?

5.What  food  does  it  eat?

6.What  does  it  do  at  the  first  signal  of danger?

7.What  does  the  hare  do  when  people  hunt  it?

8.Why  is  it  not  afraid  of  water?


2.True or false

1.The  Hare  lives  only in  cold  countries.

2.It  is a big  animal.

3. It has  short  tail,  and long  ears.

4. It  makes  its  home  in  the forest.

5. The Hare goes  to  the  field  to  look  for  food at night.

6. Its food  is  meet.

7. It  can swim  very  well.


1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную Past Simple.

1. I (to do) morning exercises.
2. He (to work) at a factory.
3. She (to sleep) after dinner.
4. We (to work) part-time.
5. They (to drink) tea every day.


2. Translate from Russian into English using have/has got.

У слона есть бивни. У льва есть грива.У медведя есть лапы.У крокодила есть длинный хвост .У павлина есть перья

A lion has got a mane

A peacock has got feathers

A bear has got paws

An elephant has got tusks

A crocodile has got a long tail

We ___ (go/went) to the beach on Saturday.

  1. He ___ (play/played) soccer with his friends on Sunday.
  2. She ___ (read/readed) a book before going to bed.
  3. They ___ (take/took) a trip to Europe last summer.
  4. We ___ (visit/visited) our grandparents over the weekend.
  5. She ___ (dance/danced) at the party last night.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple:

Once upon a time, Jack ________ (travel) to Egypt. He ________ (visit) the pyramids and ________ (take) a lot of photos. One day, he ________ (get) lost in the desert and ________ (have) to find his way back to the city. He ________ (meet) some Bedouins who ________ (show) him the way. Later, Jack ________ (tell) his friends about his adventure and they ________ (listen) to him in amazement.



3. Вставьте глагол to be в требуемой форме Past Simple.

1. I ... a student. 
2. ... your brothers at school? - Yes, they ... . 
3. ... this her watch? - Yes, it ... . 
4. Max ... an office-worker. 
5. We ... late, sorry!




Итоговая административная диагностическая работа.

Часть А

1.Вставьте в слова пропущенные буквы:

1) a tea__her            2) a m__na__er         3)  a pa__nter             4) a dr__ver       5) a law__er


2.Составьте из букв слова:

chamecin – __________________      wihuosefe – ___________________

degisren – ___________________      tev – _______________        gersin – __________________

3.Соотнесите слово с его переводом:

1. Hard                           a) интересный

2. Interesting                  b) опасный

3. Easy                           c) тяжёлый

4. Dangerous                  d) легкий

5. Useful                         e) полезный


4. Выберите правильный вариант.

1) It is hot today. The weather is ______________.                    a) sunny b) wet c) frosty

2) Mary always tells the truth. She is very __________.            a) honest b) talkative c) sociable

3) I’d like to buy a bar of ________.                                           a) eggs b) chocolate c) bread

4) I’m going to the _________to buy some bread.                     a) dairy b) baker’s c) butcher’s

5) Little Mary had flu and she had to ________ in bed.             a) stay b) take c) sleep

6) Mr Lee is a _______. He repairs cars and engines.            a) a journalist b) а driver c) a mechanic

Часть В


5. Прочитайте статью из детского журнала.

1) Выберите лучшее заглавие.

a) Clothes in Britain.

b) British people don’t care for clothes.

c) Formal clothes in Britain.

These days most people in Britain do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing. Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. They like being comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At the theatres, cinemas and concerts they can wear what they like – from jeans and sweaters to T-shirts and shorts. Anything is OK as long as you look clean and neat (аккуратный).

But men in offices usually wear suits and ties (галстук) and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers (юристы) and businessmen wear formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men wear ties and women wear smart dresses. Jeans and open shirts are sometimes not allowed (не разрешаются). It is difficult to say exactly (точно) what people wear in Britain because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and do the same (то же самое). Or ask the advice of a friend. You’ll be more comfortable if you don’t look different from everyone else.

2. Согласно тексту отметьте утверждения T – правда,  F – неправда (ложь).

a) Many British people think about their clothes very much.____

b) When they go out they don’t wear something special.____

c) Women in offices usually wear trousers.____

d) You can say exactly what people wear in Britain.____

e) It is OK to ask your friends for advice if you don't know what to wear.____



Контроль по теме "Родная страна и страна (страны) изучаемого языка. Их географическое положение, столицы, население, официальные языки, достопримечательности, культурные особенности (национальные праздники, традиции, обычаи)"


1.                  Перепиши предложения по образцу.

0.It`s not interesting to play with action toys.

0. Action toys are not interesting to play.


1.It`s nice to watch national holiday celebrations on TV.

2.It`s exciting to watch the Victory Day military parade in Red Square in Moscow.

3.It`s interesting to talk to veterans of the Second World War.

4.It`s impossible to listen to veterans` stories without tears.

5.It`s not easy for the people of Russia to forget the events of the Second World War.

6.It` s not easy to get along with her daughter.

7.It`s lovely to see this couple.

8.It`s is easy to use the map.

9.It`s not always safe to travel on The Tube.

10.It is very interesting to talk about the weather because it is always changing.

 2.  заполни пропуски, используя сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения.

1. Which is (large): the United States or Canada?

2.What is the name of the (big) port in the United States?

3.Moscow is the (large) city in Russia.

4. The London underground is the (old) in the world.

5. There is a (great) number of cars in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia.

6. St. Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) cities in the world.

7. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England.

8. The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.

9. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia? 
10. The English Channel is (wide) than the straits of Gibraltar.


  3.переведите с русского на английский.

1. Московское метро признается как самый красивый подземный метрополитен в мире.

2. Библиотека Британского музея заполнена миллионами предметами.
3. Многие люди голосуют за футбол, потому что им нравится эта игра.
4. Эта книга – значительная часть Британской культуры.
5. Московское метрополитен существует уже 70 лет.



  4. Переведите с английского на русский.

1. The Tower is recognized as British all over the world.

2. I am proud of my country.

3. Matreshka is considered to be the icon of Russia by many people.

4. There is a big collection of pictures in this museum.

5. Harry Potter is a character of story written by J. Rolling.


Контроль по теме "Выдающиеся люди родной страны и страны (стран) изучаемого языка: писатели, поэты, учёные"Аудио : https://rosuchebnik.ru/kompleks/rainbow/audio/uchebnik5-1/









  City and Country Life)

Ben lives in Oxford, a famous town in England. He thinks life in the city is fantastic. There are always places to visit and lots of thins to do. Ben likes visiting musuems and going to the cinema or to the theatre. He loves eating out too. He is crazy about Mexicam food and often goes to a Mexican restaurant with his parents.  One thing he dosn’t like about the city is the traffic. There lots of cars and buses in Oxford and it is sometimes difficult to move around in the streets.

Ben’s best friend Susan lives in a village near Oxford. She likes living in the country because there is no traffic and people can work outdoors. There air is healthy because there are a lot of trees around. Susan likes to go to the forest and to the river, which is not far from her place. She likes swimming and bathing in the river.

When they visit each other, they talk about things they did and share their opinions about city and country life. It is always fun.

Life in a village

Many city people dream of spending their holidays in the village. I live in a small village; it is located in a very nice area. There are many wide fields, shallow lakes, small rivers and thick forests around our village. There are a lot of animals and pure air; there is no smoke from the cars.

We live in a new  wood house. There is a large garden near our house. Vegetables and fruits grow in the garden. We have many apple trees, raspberries, and strawberries.

Life in a village is different from life in the noisy city. Everything is very simple here. We have no public transport; everyone walks on foot or rides a bike. And nobody complains about it. It seems that time is slower here than in the city. Nobody is in a hurry. There is not a great number of people here, everyone knows each other, greets and smiles.

At the weekend, my dad, sister and I go to the town and buy everything we need for the next week. We usually buy beef, chicken, pork, fish, sausage, butter, oil, pasta, flour, sugar and cheese. We rarely buy fruits and vegetables because we have a lot of them in our garden. They are very delicious. In the village there are three small stores where you can go shopping. During the week my sister or I go out and buy necessary goods there.

There is a wonderful world in the village, where you can relax and enjoy the nature. Life in the countryside appeals to me and all members of my family very well.



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