Материал на тему "Символы Победы" с заданиями
Оценка 4.6

Материал на тему "Символы Победы" с заданиями

Оценка 4.6
Материал на тему "Символы Победы" с заданиями

Скругленный прямоугольник: There are many good books, but this book is sure to touch the strings of your soul.Надпись: Symbols of VictoryСкругленный прямоугольник: •	
•	Spotlight on Russia will take you to the book- a real symbol of victory and motivation for a person.







There are books that everyone should read. The book of the Russian writer, Boris Polevoy, "The story of a real man" is one of these. This book was created on real events. It tells the story of a truly strong-minded man. The main character's name is Alexei Meresyev. He was a military pilot. In late March 1942, during a dogfight in the black forest area of the Demyansk ring, his fighter and vehicle crashed in the forest. The lying pilot was sniffed by a bear, but the pilot, keeping calm and cool, quietly pulled a gun from the flight jacket’s pocket and shot the beast, then lost consciousness. When he woke up, he understood that his legs were badly damaged. Once alone in the winter forest 50 km from the location of the Red Army, Alexei Meresyev decided to make his way to his own. When his legs finally refuse to serve, he crawls on all fours. 18 days Meresyev sneaks through the snow-covered forest, until accidentally falls to the guerrillas, who ferried him to the Mainland. In the hospital, Meresyev's feet were amputated. As a very young man, he became disabled. Showing amazing strength of character, Meresyev firmly decides to sit down again at the helm of the plane. Every day Alexey does a set of exercises for the legs developed by him. Despite the severe pain, he increases the charging time every day. Finally, he learns to walk again on specially made prostheses for him.On treatment in sanatorium where it directed after hospital, the man began not only to walk and run, but also to dance. At the medical examination, the young pilot surprises with his dance not only his colleagues but also the military Commission. So he gets the approval of the doctors and returns to the front. During one of the subsequent battles, Meresyev shoots down 2 aircraft operated by German aces from the famous division "Richthofen" and rescues a younger comrade.

Надпись: ACTIVITYНадпись: DISCUSS The life story of this great man should be familiar to everyone. It, on the example of this strong man, shows that you can never give up. Our life is unpredictable and difficult, but from every situation you can find a way out, the main thing is not to lose heart.  

Надпись: •	Is it worth reading such books?
•	Can a book change a person's life?
Надпись: Find literary works about the heroes of the great Patriotic War and prepare a project or a small brochure about them, which will display illustrations, a summary of the works. Make a conclusion at the end of the work.



There are books that everyone should read

There are books that everyone should read
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