Методическая разработка занятия предметного кружка по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса. Тема занятия "The Romans Attack Britain, 55 BC".

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  • 02.02.2020
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Иконка файла материала Методическая разработка занятия предметного кружка по английскому языку для 9 класса..docx

                          Методическая разработка

                       занятия предметного кружка

        по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 класса.

        Тема занятия «The Romans Attack Britain, 55 BC».

    Цель: познакомить с основными историческими фактами завоевания Британии римлянами.

    Задачи: формировать умение читать текст с извлечением необходимой информации, употреблять новую лексику при чтении/пересказе текста, подготовить учащихся к написанию эссе.

     Обеспечение: карта, иллюстрации, ксерокопии текста, компьютер.

                                        Ход занятия.

I.Организационный момент.

II.Фонетическая зарядка.


Teacher. The next group of invaders, the Romans, had a military technology superior to Celtic defenders-just as the discipline of the Roman legionaries was more effective than the dash of the Celtic warriors.

    Today you will know how the Romans conquered Britain and how the life of the indigenous population changed. Some interesting texts will be given to you, after that you will do some tasks to check how well you have understood and remembered the facts.

V. Работа с тематическими текстами.

1. Текст «Основные исторические факты завоевания Британии римлянами».

    Введение новой лексики (pre-reading).

    The Romans – римляне

    Fleet – флот

    Dover – Дувр

    Consul – консул

   Julius Caesar – Юлий Цезарь

   Desperately – отчаянно

   Flee (fled, fled) – бежать, спасаться бегством

   Conquest – завоевание, захват

   Emperor – император

   Claudius – Клавдий

   Armour – доспехи

   Capture – захват, брать в плен

   Chief enemy – главный враг

   Alliance – союз

   Teacher. Read the text and pick out main facts (while reading).


     On a late summer morning in 55 BC, a Roman fleet appeared off the British coast near Dover. Consul Julius Caesar had brought an army of 10, 000 men to see if Britain was worth invading. He also wanted to punish those British tribes who had been helping  the Celts in Europe in their fight against the Romans.

    The Britons fought desperately, but they were no match for well trained Romans, and soon fled.

     After his victory, Caesar left Britain. He returned with another army in the following year but left shortly after. The Romans did not return to Britain for 97 years.

    In AD 43, the Roman Emperor, Claudius, decided to make Britain part of the Roman Empire. An army of 40, 000 Roman soldiers swam across the water in their armour and landed at Richborough in Kent. This time the Romans had come to stay.

   The chief enemy of Rome, King Caratacus, fought the Romans in Wales. But he was betrayed by the Queen of the Brigantes, captured and send to Rome as a slave.

   The Roman army swept the Britons aside and marched deep into the countryside. They made alliances with tribes and conquered others, one by one. Slowly, they drove their enemies into the mountains of Wales and Scotland.

    Демонстрируется карта с обозначением основных направлений продвижения римлян.

Teacher. Give short information about the attack of the Romans (post-reading).

2.Тексты «The Roman army», «British hill forts».

Teacher. Let’s match the Romans and the British warriors.

Учащиеся делятся на две группы, каждая работает с заданным текстом.

Teacher. Read your text, translate it and then read it for another group.

    Use the words:

    Legion – легион

    Legionary – легионер

    March – маршировать, марш

    Advantage – преимущество

    Trumpet – труба, трубный звук

    Stronghold – крепость, твердыня

    Ditch – ров, траншея

    Maze – лабиринт

    Hut – хижина, лачуга


                                     The Roman Army.

    The Roman soldiers who invaded Britain were part of the best army in the world. They were better trained and armed than the wild Britons.

    The Roman army was divided into legions, each one containing5,000 legionaries. They were taught to fight in different formations. This usually gave them an advantage over their enemies who were not so well organized. In battle the whole army could fight as one man or split into smaller groups. Trumpets were used to give the signals.



                                    British Hill Forts.

    The British tribes had built many hill forts. The Romans could not conquer Britain until they had captured these strongholds.

    There were different kinds of hill fords. Many had several ditches and walls round the hill top. A maze sometimes hid the main gate. The tribe lived in huts built inside the walls. They brought their animals into the enclosure for safety when the fort was attacked.

    В процессе чтения текстов демонстрируются фотографии и рисунки воинов, их снаряжение и военные укрепления.

  После прочтения текстов каждая группа сообщает содержание своего текста (чтение или пересказ).

 VI. Подведение итогов занятия.

  Teacher. The fighting continued for almost 20 years after the Roman invasion. The Roman won many victories. By AD 49 most of lowland England was conquered by them.

    Then, in AD 60, the Iceni tribe led by their queen, Boudicca, revolved. They burnt the Roman cities of Colchester, St. Albans, London. Soon Boudicca had a huge army of 100, 000 soldiers. Hearing news of her army, the Roman Governor of Britain marched with two legions to meet the Iceni.

   A great battle took place in the Midlands. Most of the British were killed and Boudicca herself took poison. The rebellion was over.

    Домашнее задание (по желанию): короткое эссе на тему «Why did the Roman army manage to conquer Britain