Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
Оценка 5
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английский язык
Данная методическая разработка представляет собой конспект аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate? (Цели Экономики. Являетесь ли вы экономически грамотными?) Данный урок можно проводить в ссузе в группах специальности Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям) на 3 курсе для отработки специальной лексики и формирования навыков устной и письменной речи, чтения текстов профессиональной направленности.
урок Economic goalsДокумент Microsoft Office Word (6).docx
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Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия
по теме: “Economic goals. Are you economically literate ”
Учебная дисциплина: иностранный язык
Специальность: 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)
Курс: 3
Автор: Болдырева Юлия Сергеевна, преподаватель первой квалификационной
1 Тема
Учебная дисциплина
/Профессиональный модуль
2018 г.
“Economic goals”
Болдырева Ю.С.
Английский язык
38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет
(по отраслям)
закрепить лексику по теме «Economic goals,
умения и навыки практического владения
английским языком по данной теме
способствовать развитию воображения,
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поставленную проблему с опорой на
имеющиеся знания; память и внимание
воспитывать уважительное отношение к
иноязычной культуре,
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личностноориентированный подход
технология развивающего обучения
технология развития критического
мышления через чтение и письмо
гипертекстовая технология
раздаточный материал:
карточки с
комплекты практических
Список литературы
Основные источники:
Агабекян И.П. Английский язык для ссузов,
2 Требуемое время
2012. Л. А. Халилова Учебник английского
языка для студентов экономических
специальностей, 2014
2 академических часа
Ход занятия
Организационный момент:
Good afternoon everybody. I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Let's start our work.
Just now I want we to speak about Economic goals and then check how you are
economically literate.
Вступительное слово учителя, работа с текстом Economic goals.
All economic systems, no matter of what kind they are, are supposed to have some
goals. If economic policies are designed to achieve certain economic goals, then we need to
recognize a number of goals which are widely accepted in many countries. Let’s read the text
«Economic goals» and try to guess the main idea.
Economic goals
Economic goals include:
Economic growth. Produce more and better goods and services, or, more simply,
develop a higher standard of living.
to work.
Full employment. Provide suitable jobs for all citizens who are willing and able
Economic efficiency. Achieve the maximum fulfillment of wants using the
available productive resources.
Pricelevel stability. Avoid large upswings and downswings in the general price
level: that is, avoid inflation and deflation.
Economic freedom. Guarantee that businesses, workers, and consumers have a
high degree of freedom in their economic activities.
Equitable distribution of income. Ensure that no group of citizens faces stark
poverty while others enjoy extreme luxury.
Economic security. Provide for those who are chronically ill, disabled,
handicapped, aged, or otherwise unable to earn minimal levels of income.
Balance of trade. Seek a reasonable overall balance with the rest of the world in
international trade and financial transactions.
Although most of us might accept these goals as generally stated, we might also
disagree substantially on their specific meanings. What are large changes in the price level?
What is a high degree of economic freedom? What is an equitable distribution of income?
How can we measure precisely such abstract goals as economic freedom? These objectives
are often the subject of spirited public debate.
Also, some of these goals are complementary; when one is achieved, some other one
will also be realized. For example, achieving full employment means eliminating
unemployment, which is a basic cause of inequitable income distribution. But other goals
3 may conflict or even be mutually exclusive. They may entail tradeoffs, meaning that to
achieve one we must sacrifice another. For example, efforts to equalize the distribution of
income may weaken incentives to work, invest, innovate, and take business risks, all of
which promote economic growth. Taxing highincome people heavily and transferring the
tax revenues to lowincome people is one way to equalize the distribution of income. But
then the incentives to highincome individuals may diminish because higher taxes reduce
their rewards for working. Similarly, lowincome individuals may be less motivated to work
when government stands ready to subsidize them.
When goals conflict, society must develop a system of priorities for the
objectives it seeks. If more economic freedom is accompanied by less economic security and
more economic security allows less economic freedom, society must assess the tradeoffs
and decide on the optimal (best) balance between them.
So, answer to my questions, please.
1) What is Economic growth?
2) What is Full employment?
3) What is Economic efficiency?
4) What is Pricelevel stability?
5) What is Economic freedom?
6) What is Equitable distribution of income?
7) What is Economic security?
8) What is Balance of trade?
We have already learnt some fundamental questions of economics and I want you to
check if you are economically literate. Read the questions and choose the right answer, than
explain your choice.
Are these goals complementary or exclusive? Give your arguments.
Устное тестирование Are you economically literate?
1. Which of the following occurs when one country trades wheat to another country in
exchange for oil?
a. Both countries gain.
b. Both countries lose.
c. The country that trades wheat gains, the country that that trades oil loses.
d. The country that trades oil gains, the country that trades wheat loses.
2. What is the most important task of all economies?
a. To balance imports and exports.
b. To balance the government's budget.
c. To make the best use of scarce resources.
d. To save money to reduce the national debt.
3. When industries or countries specialize in producing goods and services, what does
this result in?
a. Increased price inflation.
b. Less output per hour worked.
c. Greater economic interdependence.
4 d. More equal distribution of income.
4. What is the most essential characteristic of a market economy?
a. Effective labour unions.
b. Good government regulation.
c. Responsible action by business leaders.
d. Active competition in the market place.
5. In a market economy, individuals pursue their own selfinterest. Does this serve the
public interest because of the ...?
a. Operation of competitive markets.
b. Social responsibility of business leaders.
c. Careful planning and coordination of market activity.
d. Individuals understand what is in the public interest.
6. Why do professional sports players generally earn more than farmers and
a. Team owners are monopolists.
b. Sports players are really entertainers rather than producers.
c. There are fewer professional sports players than farmers or steelworkers.
d. Good sports players are scarcer, relative to the demand for their services.
7. Which of the following approaches to pollution control makes the best use of a
country's economic resources?
a. Abolishing the use of toxic chemicals.
b. Using resources to reduce all pollution damage.
c. Controlling pollution as long as the extra benefits are greater than the extra costs.
d. Prohibiting economic activities that cause pollution or harm the environment.
8. Which of the following limits an economy's potential output?
a. The quantity and quality of labour, capital, and natural resources.
b. Government regulations and spending.
c. The amount of money in circulation.
9. If your annual income rises by five per cent while prices of the things you buy rise
by ten per cent ...
a. You are better off.
b. You are worse off.
c. You are unaffected.
10. What must the government do to reduce high inflation?
a. Increase both spending and the money supply.
b. Decrease both spending and the money supply.
c. Decrease spending and increase the money supply.
d. Increase spending and decrease the money supply.
Answer Key (Примерные ответы студентов на вопросы теста)
Студенты самостоятельно прочитывают вопросы тестирования, выбирают
правильный вариант ответа из предложенных ниже, объясняют свой выбор, давая
разъяснение на английском языке.
5 1. Answer a. Both countries gain because both nations benefit from specialization and
exchange. If continuing exchanges of wheat for oil take place, all other answers are ruled out,
for if one country did not benefit, there would be no incentive for it to participate in
additional exchanges.
2. Answer c. The economic wants of people in any society are virtually limitless.
Resources are scarce: thus, every economic system must choose how to make the most
efficient use of its scarce resources to produce those goods and services it desires or needs
the most.
3. Answer c. Specialization of labour means those workers in a certain industry or
given locations tend to produce only those products that they can make most efficiently.
Therefore, they must buy other products that workers elsewhere make most efficiently. These
circumstances tend to increase trade between regions or nations and promote greater
economic interdependence.
4. Answer d. Active competition in the marketplace is essential for the effective
operation of a market economy. Competitive markets force business firms to produce the
products that consumers demand at the lowest prices that will cover costs. Although the other
answers might help a market economy to work well, a market economy could function
without any of them.
5. Answer a. In a market economy, the desire of business owners to make profits and
the desire of workers to obtain higher wages lead to the production of those goods and
services consumers want most. A market economy relies on competition to assure that if
consumer demand goes up, increased output is supplied at the lowest prices that will cover
all costs of production and still leave a reasonable profit. Thus, competitive markets play a
stronger role than any of the forces proposed in the other answers.
6. Answer d. Salaries or wages earned by most individuals depend basically on the
demand for their services relative to the supply of such services. Since excellent baseball
players are very scarce relative to the strong demand for their services from major league
clubs, the salaries they receive are higher than those received by most other individuals.
7. Answer c. The most efficient approach to pollution control is to increase controls as
long as the extra benefits exceed the extra costs. The other solutions mentioned would reduce
pollution, but the costs of these policies are likely to far outweigh the extra benefits.
8. Answer a. While all the items listed may influence the amount of an economy’s real
output at any specific time, the upper limit is set by the quantity and quality of its real
resources – labour, capital and natural resources. Business demand, the amount of money in
circulation, or government spending may help to increase real output but the real resources
set the ceiling on output available for production.
9. Answer b. If the prices of the goods and services a person buys rise more than the
increase in that person’s income, that individual’s purchasing power, that is, the ability to
buy a given quantity of goods and services, has declined.
10. Answer b. The combined policy of a decrease in government spending and the
money supply would be most likely to reduce inflation.
4) Выполнение заданий.
6 Read the following article and say if individuals and firms have the same economic
goals as do societies. Speak about the areas of your own life that could be helped by
achieving one or several of the economic goals.
Individuals and firms have the same economic goals as do societies. Individuals seek
to maximize their own welfare by making the best use of their resources. Businesses strive to
increase their profitability. In all cases, achieving these goals involves tradeoffs. Individuals
and firms (and societies) must make hard decisions about the compromises they are willing
to make to achieve their goals.
In this small passage the storyteller speaks about five major goals of the US economy.
Do you think this is true of all economies? Exchange views with your groupmates. (работа в
Every economic system seeks to achieve a variety of goals, not all of which are
compatible with each other or with other goals in the society. Every decision involves
opportunity cost, and priorities often differ among economists, who vary in their political
philosophies. Four major goals however drive all economies. They are stability, efficiency,
fairness, and growth. We should add a fifth goal for the US economy – control of the public
5) Объявление домашнего задания, подведение итогов занятия.
Your homework will be to write 812 sentences about one of the Economic goals
(economic growth, full employment, economic efficiency, pricelevel stability, economic
freedom, etc.) I think your work was good. So, what were we speaking about? What new
information have you learnt? What was difficult for you? So, our lesson is over. Thank you
for your work. Goodbye!
7 8
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
Методическая разработка аудиторного занятия по теме: Economic goals. Are you economically literate?
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