МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
Оценка 4.7
Исследовательские работы
английский язык
«Путешествие. Монологическая и диалогическая речь» («Travelling»).На данном уроке неотъемлемой частью проектной методики являлась ролевая игра. Игра - универсальное средство, помогающее преподавателю иностранного языка превратить достаточно сложный, а иногда и монотонный процесс обучения в увлекательное и любимое обучающимися занятие. Развитие речевых умений, умения проводить исследовательскую работу, самостоятельность, творческие способности.
метод разр.doc
Пояснительная записка
Тема самообразования, над которой я работаю « Использование метода
проектов на уроках английского языка для развития творческих способностей
обучающихся». На мой взгляд, она актуальна тем, что каждый преподаватель
иностранного языка мечтает приобщить своих обучающихся к изучению
своего предмета, хочет видеть их более развитыми, любознательными. Все
хорошо знают, как непросто воспитать у обучающегося потребность изучать
иностранный язык, убедить каждого в том, что ему нужно знать этот предмет
и поддерживать интерес к нему. Особенно это необходимо сейчас, когда в
связи с расширением международных контактов в наше окружение проникает
все больше элементов иностранной речи, особенно английской. Становление
рыночных отношений, появление в широкой продаже иностранных товаров,
образование совместных предприятий требует знания предмета на высоком
уровне, знания традиций, обычаев, культуры страны изучаемого языка.
Достижению этого способствует метод проектов, он позволяет создавать на
уроке исследовательскую атмосферу, где каждый обучающийся вовлечен в
активный творческий познавательный процесс на основе методики
Тема урока: «Путешествие. Монологическая и диалогическая речь»
План урока
Цели урока:
обучающая: обобщение, систематизация и контроль знаний;
развивающая: продолжить развитие речевых умений, умения
проводить исследовательскую работу, самостоятельность, творческие
способности. воспитательная: продолжить воспитание уважения к культуре других
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.
Вид урока: урок – путешествие.
Оборудование: географическая карта мира, практикоориентированные
проекты учащихся, компьютер, экран.
И.П. Агабекян «Английский язык» Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2011.
И.Ю. Баканова и др. «Английский язык. 600 устных тем для
школьников и поступающих в вузы» М.: Дрофа, 2010.
В.П. Кузовлев «Английский язык» – М.: Просвещение, 2010.
Г.В. Рогова «Английский язык за два года» М.: Просвещение, 2013.
I. Структура урока:
Организационный этап – 5 минут;
Этап подготовки обучающихся к активному, сознательному усвоению
знаний – 10 минут;
Этап обобщения и систематизации изученного – 20 минут;
Этап информации обучающихся о домашнем задании и инструктаж по
его выполнению – 10 минут.
II. Ход урока:
I. Teacher (T): Today we have an unusual lesson. It can be called «Tour
around Englishspeaking countries». We’ll share our opinions about travelling,
we’ll review the active vocabulary and you’ll be able to present your projects about
tours around the USA, the UK and Australia. Your works will help us to plan our
trip. But it is later and now, please, answer my questions:
1) Do you like to travel?
2) How do you like to travel?
3) Whom do you like to travel with? 4) When do you prefer to travel?
5) How long do you like to travel?
6) Do you prefer to travel by sea or by plane?
7) Do you have an opportunity to travel?
8) Does learning a foreign language help us when travelling?
Students (Ss):
1) I like to travel very much.
2) I like to travel by car or by train.
3) I like to travel with my friends and sometimes with my relatives.
4) I prefer to travel in summer.
5) I like to travel for about two weeks.
6) I prefer to travel plane.
7) I have no opportunity to travel as I am a student yet.
8) I think it helps greatly. When travelling abroad we learn culture and
history of different countries. We meet interesting people. It helps us understand
those mystifying foreigners. This way we learn to respect their customs and
traditions. Learning foreign languages helps us greatly.
T: Russians are not known to be a nation of great travelers. Are they? Let’s
share our opinions about it.
S I: I can’t agree. Of course, travelling is a very useful thing and many
people in Russia like to travel but very few have an opportunity to go anywhere
abroad because it is too expensive.
S II: I completely agree with you. Let’s remember the greatest names of
the past : P. Semenov who researched the Middle East, V. Bering who sailed
to Kamchatka and Alaska, F. Bellingshausen who reached Antarctica and many
II. T: This lesson is the last one on the theme «Travelling» and I would like
to check your active vocabulary. Your task is to read a word or a word
combination and translate it. Let’s begin: •
to travel by car (train, plane, ship, bus) путешествовать на
автомобиле (поезде, самолёте, корабле, автобусе)
to go on foot ходить пешком
railway station железнодорожный вокзал
railway carriage железнодорожный вагон
airport аэропорт
to see somebody off провожать коголибо
to see the sights осматривать достопримечательности
to buy a ticket (beforehand) покупать билет (заранее)
the fastest way of travelling самый быстрый способ путешествия
countryside загородная местность
seaside морской курорт
expensive – дорогой
T: The other task is to put the word combinations into the right order. There
are six of them:
to sit into the carriage
to arrive
to depart
to buy a ticket beforehand
to come to the railway station
to look at passing forests and fields through windows
S III: the right order is:
to buy a ticket beforehand
to come to the railway station
to sit into the carriage
to depart
to look at passing forests and fields through windows
to arrive III. T: You have learned a lot about such Englishspeaking countries as the
USA, the UK, and Australia. You have done great research work and have created
lovely projects about these countries. We shall do a roleplay “Meeting with tour
agents from Englishspeaking countries”.
The task of “tour agents” is to present their native countries the best way in
order to attract the “tourists” (our students). With the help of “tour projects” and
photos “tour agents” will tell about the history of the country, its population, sights
and traditions. The task of “tourists” is to get some interesting information, to find
out some facts of the future travelling. Tour projects will be discussed and we shall
choose the best ones, which will be bought by “tourists” who decided to visit this
country in a month during their winter holidays. Meet our guests from English
speaking countries: Mr. Brown from the UK, Mr. Black from the USA and
Ms. White from Australia.
Презентация творческих работ происходит у экрана с фотографиями в
форме рассказа о каждой стране. По ходу путешествия туристы задают
вопросы, уточняя заинтересовавшую их информацию. Игра проходит в
участники адекватно
соответствующем эмоциональном настроении,
реагируют на ситуацию, употребляют различные речевые клише, междометия,
выражают своё отношение к услышанному и увиденному.
S IV: I am very glad to invite you to the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland. It is situated in the northwest coast of Europe between the
Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It is a country with a great long history. It is
more than two thousand years.
The UK includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
You can use a bus, a train, a ship or a plane to get to our country.
The climate of Great Britain is mild. It is not too hot in summer or too cold
in winter. That’s why you needn’t take warm clothes. But don’t forget about your
umbrellas because it often rains in England.
You can see many parts of the country have beautiful villages. Among the cities I suggest you to visit are:
London, the capital of the country,
Cardiff, the capital of Wales,
Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland,
Liverpool, the native city of the Beatles,
StratforduponAvon, the town where Shakespeare was born.
Thousands of visitors come to Great Britain every year. Some come on
business, others simply as tourists, but none misses the opportunity to see the
capital of Great Britain.
London is grand and attractive. It is certainly very old and full of historic
associations. We invite you to visit
Trafalgar Square with the Nelson column, the British Museum, one of the
biggest museums in the world, the Tower of London, a museum of amour and the
place where the Crown Jewels are kept, Buckingham Palace, the official residence
of the Queen Elizabeth II.
The other interesting place is Westminster Abbey, which was founded in
Not far away is the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British
Government. The building is very beautiful with its two towers and a big clock
called Big Ben.
One of the greatest English churches is St Paul’s Cathedral. It was designed
and built by an outstanding English architect Christopher Wren in 1710. It is the
second large church in Europe.
In London you can use such means of communication as the underground,
Londoners call it the “the tube”, doubledecked buses and taxi.
England is also the country of great mysteries. You will have a chance to
visit two of them: Stonehenge and the White horse hill.
Would you like to see the oldest and most famous universities in the world?
They are also here. They are Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Are you interested? Then welcome to the UK.
S V: We are happy to suggest you to go to one of the biggest countries in
the world. It covers 4,500 kilometers from one ocean on the east to another one on
the west. It’s a land of physical contrasts. It is the USA.
Practically every climate in the world is represented here.
The land varies from heavy forests to extensive deserts, from high
mountains to deep canyons.
If you travel across the country you would go over mountain ranges, cross
hundreds of rivers, spend days on the vast, flat prairie lands. You would drive past
hundreds of lakes.
There are many big cities in the USA. Every city is a unique one.
New York makes a great impression on all visitors because of its
skyscrapers, theatres, museums, hotels, beautiful bridges and expensive shops with
their fabulous prices. Have you heard much about the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn
Bridge, Broadway and Times Square? Now you have a chance to see them.
Washington is the capital of the country. It has many beautiful parks and
gardens. It is interesting to see the famous cherry trees which are the gift from
Japan. They were brought in 1912. There are many libraries, museums, monuments
and art galleries in the city. The NASA Museum is devoted to the US
achievements in the exploration of space. You will be impressed by the highest
building of the city. I mean the Capitol, the seat of Congress.
Boston is the educational centre of the country. There are three universities
in it. Among them is the world famous Harvard University.
Detroit is one of the biggest industrial cities in the USA. The first cheap car
famous Ford was made here.
Los Angeles and Hollywood are the centers of film business.
You will also have an opportunity to visit the best known natural wonder in
the USA Niagara Falls. It is visited by a great number of people from America
and abroad. There are only two ways to get to the USA. As you understand you can do it
by ship or by plain. Many people like to travel by air as it is the fastest way of
travelling. And what about you?
The USA is waiting for you.
S VI: Australia is the only nation that occupies a whole continent. It also
occupies a number of islands, the main one of which is Tasmania. It is the sixth
largest country in area. It is located to the south of Asia, between the Pacific and
Indian oceans. Australia is the flattest continent after Antarctica. It is also the
world’s driest continent. Our country is situated in the southern hemisphere. That’s
why it has summer when you have winter. January is the hottest month in
Australia. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year.
Australia has a population of about 18 million people. It is very small for
such a huge country. The aborigines, the Australian natives, represent about 1.5
percent of the population.
Canberra is the capital of Australia. There are many sights in it. They are the
building of the Australian Academy of Sciences, the Australian National
University and others. It is not the biggest city.
Sydney and Melbourne are much bigger. They are the industrial centers of
the country.
Australia is separated from many countries. That’s why its wildlife is so
unique today. Australia’s bestknown animals are the kangaroo, koala, the emu and
the dingo (a wild dog). Welcome to Australia.
Примерные вопросы гостей: What is the best way of travelling to the UK,
by plane or by ship? How much is the ticket to the USA? How many days does the
tour to Australia last? What currency do people in the UK use? What other cities
except London shall we visit during our trip to the UK? Does your tour to the USA
contain visiting the White House? What season is it now in Australia? What is the
most common food at restaurants of Australia? T: Thank you very much. It was very interesting to listen to you. Your
countries are great and it would be nice to visit every one. All tourists will make
their choice and visit your countries. And now I have one more task for you. Let’s
check how attentive our students were. Look at the blackboard, you can see the
sights from different countries at it. Please, put the sights into 3 columns: The UK,
The USA and Australia.
Trafalgar Square Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey the Statue of Liberty
Brooklyn Bridge Times Square
Opera House Harbor Bridge
Taranga Zoo St Paul’s Cathedral
S VII: Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral and
Westminster Abbey belong to the UK.
S VIII: Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square and the Statue of Liberty belong to
the USA.
S I: Opera House, Taranga Zoo and Harbor Bridge belong to Australia.
T: I wonder what “tour projects” do you like most of all? Make your choice
and raise a sheet of paper with the name of the country.
Студенты голосуют за понравившийся проект.
T: I am happy to tell you that during our winter holydays we’ll go to
Australia. And what a travelling without a song?
Звучит песня “Lemon tree” by Fools Garden.
IV. T: Thank you for your work at the lesson. I’ll give you two marks for
your research work: one for the story and other for the design of your projects.
Your home task is to write a letter to your friend about the travelling to
Australia. Don’t forget about the active vocabulary. Your letter must include one
hundred words. You should use positive, negative and interrogative sentences.
Защита учебноисследовательского проекта была использована
преподавателем в данном случае в качестве итогового занятия по теме
«Путешествие». Защите проекта предшествовала творческая внеаудиторная
работа внутри подгрупп, т.е. задание на опережение.
На данном уроке неотъемлемой частью проектной методики являлась
ролевая игра. Педагоги, постоянно использующие игру на своих уроках,
знают, что с её помощью можно решить многие психологические и
педагогические проблемы группы, помочь её участникам преодолеть
трудности и барьеры.
Игра способствует выявлению творческих
способностей, поднимает самооценку, развивает умение принимать
самостоятельные решения. С помощью игры можно развивать память,
внимание, восприятие, регулировать психофизическое состояние группы,
снимать агрессию и эмоциональное напряжение, осваивать новые умения и
развивать навыки.
Игра универсальное средство,
помогающее преподавателю
иностранного языка превратить достаточно сложный, а иногда и монотонный
процесс обучения в увлекательное и любимое обучающимися занятие. Игра
также помогает обучающимся преодолеть стеснительность, мешающую
свободно употреблять в речи слова чужого языка, избавляет от страха
допустить ошибку и благотворно сказывается на результатах обучения.
Lemon tree
I'm sitting here in a boring room,
Приложение it's just another rainy Sunday afternoon.
I'm wasting my time, I've got nothing to do,
I'm hanging around and I'm waiting for you,
but nothing ever happens and I wonder.
I'm driving around, in my car,
I'm driving too fast and I'm driving too far.
I'd like to change my point of view,
I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you,
but nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about the blue blue sky,
and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
I'm turning my head, up and down,
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around,
and all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
da, da da da da, die da da,
da da da da, die da da,
da die die da
I'm sitting here, I miss the pal,
I'd like to go out, taking a shower,
but there's a heavy cloud inside my head.
I feel so tired, put myself into bed.
Well nothing ever happens, and I wonder. Isolation, is not good for me.
Isolation, I don't want to sit on a lemon tree.
I'm stepping around in the desert of joy,
maybe anyhow I get another toy,
and everything will happen, and you wonder.
I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about the blue blue sky,
and all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
I'm turning my head, up and down,
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around,
and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
I wonder (x2)
I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about the blue blue sky,
and all that I can see (x3) is just a yellow lemon tree.
By Fools Garden
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА по дисциплине «Английский язык» Тема « Путешествие»
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