по выполнению
практических работ по английскому языку
по теме
«Описание человека»
2020 г.
Методические рекомендации по выполнению практических работ по английскому языку разработаны с учетом Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования.
Разработчик: :Преподаватель английского языка Захарова И.А.
Пояснительная записка
Данная методическая разработка предназначена для студентов первого и второго курсов
Целью изучения данного модуля является формирование коммуникативной компетенции, позволяющей свободно общаться на английском языке в различных формах и на различные темы, с учетом приобретенного словарного запаса, а также условий, мотивов и целей общения;
В результате освоения данного модуля обучающийся должен знать:
1. значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой «Описание человека» и с соответствующими ситуациями общения;
2.языковой материал: идиоматические выражения, оценочную лексику, единицы речевого этикета;
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь:
1. вести диалог (диалог–расспрос, диалог–обмен мнениями/суждениями, диалог–побуждение к действию), используя аргументацию, эмоционально-оценочные средства;
2. рассказывать, рассуждать в связи с изученной тематикой, проблематикой прочитанных/прослушанных текстов; описывать события, излагать факты, делать сообщения;
3. понимать относительно полно (общий смысл) высказывания на изучаемом иностранном языке в различных ситуациях общения;
4. понимать основное содержание аутентичных аудио- или видеотекстов, выборочно извлекать из них необходимую информацию.
5. читать тексты, используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи.
Письменная речь:
6. описывать явления, события, излагать факты в письме;
7. использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической и профессиональной деятельности, повседневной жизни.
Некоторые задания данной методической разработки в соответствии с дифференцированным подходом составлены в нескольких вариантах для студентов разного уровня владения английским языком.
Практическая работа № 1. People you know.
1.1. Learn the words
acquaintance – знакомый (-ая) classmate – одноклассник (-ца) mate -товарищ neighbour – сосед (-ка) relative –родственник (-ца) colleague - коллега |
1.2. A. Put the words in the box into the correct group.
acquaintance, boss, boyfriend, classmate, close friend, colleague, friend of the family, girlfriend, mate, neighbour, relative. |
Family |
School |
where you live |
Love |
Work |
other acquaintance |
1.3. Complete the sentences with one of the words on the right.
1. I have got lots of mates , but very few close friends. |
classmates/ mates
2. He’s _________,really, I’ve only met him a few times. |
an acquaintance/ a close friend
3. She is a good __________.She pays me well and is always fair. |
boss/ relative
4. I love going to work. My __________ are great fun. |
colleagues/ neighbours
5. It’s her sixth birthday next week. She’s invited her __________ to tea. |
boyfriends/ classmates |
6. Do you like your new house? Have you met your _________ yet? |
friend of the family/ neighbours
7. Our family is quite small, so I haven’t got many _________. |
girlfriends/ relatives
8. Amy’s got a new ___________. |
boyfriend/ relative
9. Jim isn’t my uncle, he’s just a ____________. |
boss/ friend of the family
10. Ian says he’s going to ask his ___________to marry him. |
colleague/ girlfriend
11. If you have a problem, it helps if you can talk to _________about it. |
an acquaintance/ a close friend |
2.4. The people
When you are talking about people in general from a particular country, there are some nationalities that you can make plural with an 's', but others can only be formed with the definite article (and no plural 's'):
Brazilians |
The British |
Germans |
The French |
The Italians are (usually very ..) |
The Swiss |
are …. |
Russians |
The Dutch |
Israelis |
The Japanese |
With both groups you can also use the word 'people': British people, German people, etc. When you talk about one person from these countries, you need to add woman/man/ person to the group on the right: a Brazilian but a Japanese person; a German but a Swiss person, etc.
2.5. Who speaks what where?
Country |
Nationality |
Language |
Germany |
German |
German |
France |
French |
French |
Italy |
Italian |
Italian |
Spain |
Spanish |
Spanish |
Britain |
British |
English |
Portugal |
Portuguese |
Portuguese |
Japan |
Japanese |
Japanese |
Korea |
Korean |
Korean |
China |
Chinese |
Mandarin (also Cantonese) |
Thailand |
Thai |
Thai |
Australia |
Australian |
English |
The United States |
American |
English |
of America |
Saudi Arabia |
Saudi Arabian |
Arabic |
Brazil |
Brazilian |
Portuguese |
Sweden |
Swedish |
Swedish |
Switzerland |
Swiss |
Swiss-German,French, Italian |
Egypt |
Egyptian |
Arabic |
Holland |
Dutch |
Dutch |
Mexico |
Mexican |
Spanish |
Russia |
Russian |
Russian |
Israel |
Israeli |
Hebrew |
Greece |
Greek |
Greek |
Turkey |
Turkish |
Turkish |
Argentina |
Argentinian |
Spanish |
2.6. Answer these questions without looking at the previous exercise.
1. What nationalities speak English as their first language?
2. What nationalities speak Portuguese?
3. What are people from Holland called?
4. What are people from Switzerland called?
5. What are people from Saudi Arabia called?
6. What nationality are people from Sweden?
7. What nationalities speak Spanish?
8. What are people from Egypt called?
9. What nationality speaks Hebrew?
10 What nationality speaks Mandarin?
2.7. Mark the main stress on the words in the box, and practice saying them.
Japan , Japanese, Brazilian, Egyptian, Arabic, Italian
Austria, Australia, Chinese, Portuguese, Saudi Arabia
What do you notice about the stress on words ending -ia, -ian, and-esei
2.8. Complete these sentences with the name of the people from the country on the right.
Examples: I've worked a lot with Germans. |
Germany |
I've spent a lot of time with the French. |
France |
1 We do a lot of business with _________. |
Japan |
2 |
________are usually hard-working. |
Israel |
3 |
I have always found _ |
very friendly. |
Brazil |
4 |
People often say that |
_______are reserved. |
Britain |
5 |
___________are very |
organised. |
Switzerland |
6 |
I met a lot of_______ |
on my trip to Athens. |
Greece |
2.9. Have you met someone from each of the countries on the opposite page? Go through the list and tick the ones you have.
Практическая работа № 2. Appearance and character. Reading.
2.1. Study the vocabulary:
slender – стройный dark –skinned – темнокожий shoulder-length hair – волосы до плеч ponytail – хвост (прическа) to highlight – подчеркивать, выделять cheekbones – скулы almond-shaped – миндалевидный to sparkle – искриться to light up – засиять от счастья incredibly – невероятно |
supportive – поддерживающий, оказывающий поддержку to encourage – ободрять, поддерживать to tend – иметь склонность stubborn – упрямый determined – решительный to make up one’s mind about smth – решить что-то to live life to the full – жить полной жизнью to hum – напевать (без слов) adventurous – отважный, смелый, рискованный marvelous – изумительный |
2.2. Read. Match the headings to the paragraphs: A. personality and justifications, B comments and feelings, C name and when/where/how met, D physical appearance, E interests.
My dearest Friend
1. Sunny and I met on the first day of secondary school on a warm autumn day. After class I told her that her name described the weather perfectly that day. She laughed and we became friends.
2. Sunny is an attractive girl in her late teens. She is tall, slender and dark-skinned and she usually wears her shoulder-length brown hair in a ponytail, which highlights her high cheekbones and long oval face. When she smiles, her almond-shaped eyes sparkle and her whole face lights up. She wears light makeup and fashionable clothes.
3. Sunny has an incredibly warm personality. She is supportive and knows how to encourage people when they're feeling down. However, she tends to be very stubborn and determined. Once she's made up her mind about something, no one can make her change it!
4. Sunny always lives life to the full. In fact, she finds it very difficult to sit still for long! She's always humming her favorite songs, too, whatever she's doing! She's adventurous and loves discovering things about people and places.
5. Sunny is a marvellous friend who really lives up to her name. I find it hard to imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't met her.
2.3. Learn the words:
Appearance slender/slim – стройный tanned – загорелый pale – бледный wrinkled – морщинистый well-built – хорошо сложенный skinny – тощий overweight – с избыточным весом straight – прямой (нос, волосы) curly – кудрявые (волосы) upturned – вздернутый (нос) |
Traits of character
stubborn – упрямый determined – решительный generous – щедрый hard-working – трудолюбивый arrogant – высокомерный cheerful – веселый hot-tempered – вспыльчивый |
Практическая работа № 3. Appearance and character. Lexical exercises.
3.1. a. Find words from the article in Ex.2.2. which match the headings.
short, of medium height, just under six foot |
skinny, overweight, well-built, petite |
in his/her mid-twenties/thirties etc., middle-aged, elderly |
pale-skinned, wrinkled, tanned, freckled/ rosy/ rough/dry skin |
round, heart-shaped, triangular, oval, square |
curly, straight, long, blond, dyed, thick, medium-length, spiky, permed, neatly-combed, ponytail, bun |
deep blue, light brown, sparkling, piercing, sad, tear-filled, expressive, lively |
hooked, crooked, long, straight, upturned |
formal, casual, designer, fashionable |
b. Use adjectives from the table to complete Jane's description. Find pictures of your family members and describe them to your partner.
1 . Jane is quite good-looking. She's slim with ... and ... hair: She's
pale-skinned with a ... nose. She always looks well-dressed in ... clothes.
Personality and behavior
3.2. a. Match
the adjectives to their justifications. Make sentences, as in the example.
1 energetic 2
easy-going 3
talkative 4
lazy 5 bossy 6
7 ambitious 8
selfish 9 hot-tempered
10 popular
a always looks on the bright side of life
b never stops chatting
c is always telling people what to do
d only cares about him/herself
e is always on the go
f has lots of friends and is liked by everyone
g isn't easily annoyed, worried or upset
h doesn't like working
i has a strong desire to be successful in life
j gets angry really easily
My dad is an energetic person who's always on the go.
b. Fill in: aggressive, pessimistic, generous, hard-working, outgoing,
arrogant, sensitive, cheerful.
1 Ben is so .......... He believes that a job isn't worth doing unless it's
done properly.
2 Alison is quite ............. She often picks fights with people and gets angry really easily.
3 Jake is ........... He's the life and soul of the party and loves meeting new people.
4 Joe is a ..........person. He always expects the worst.
5 Tanya is ...... .She's always got a smile on her face and never lets anything get her down.
6 I've never met anyone as.........as Sally. She's always buying people gifts.
7 John is so ........! He thinks he's more important and better than everyone else.
8 Sam is a ..........
guy. He's a great listener and seems to understand when you're feeling down.
3.3. Rephrase the following using milder language.
1 Andy is very proud.
2 My sister always behaves immaturely.
3 He is terribly disorganised.
3.4. Match the descriptions (1-6) to the adjectives, Find two descriptions in
the article in Ex. 2.2.
• shy • moody • confident • nervous • impatient • sensitive
1 She looks people in the eye and smiles when meeting them for the first time.
2 He looks down at the floor and blushes when speaking to people he doesn't
know well.
3 Sara's eyes often fill with tears when she watches sad movies.
4 Sam often sits with his arms folded and with a grumpy expression on his
5 Mike taps his foot and sighs when he has to wait.
6 As well as biting her nails constantly, Anna often fidgets a lot.
Практическая работа № 4. Describing an appearance. Parts of the body.
4.1. Learn the words:
cheek – щека chin – подбородок ear – ухо eye – глаз eyelashes – ресницы (eye)brows – брови forehead – лоб lips – губы mouth – рот moustache – усы beard – борода nose – нос teeth – зубы tongue – язык jaw – челюсть cheekbones – скулы hair – волосы
head – голова hand – рука (кисть) arm – рука (от плеча до кисти) elbow – локоть wrist – запястье fingers – пальцы рук thumb – большой палец toes – пальцы ног leg – нога (от бедра до ступни) foot – нога (ступня) thigh - бедро knee – колено ankle – лодыжка neck – шея back – спина shoulder – плечо chest – грудь stomach – живот bottom – ягодицы |
4.2. Label the picture with the words from the box.
beard, cheek, chin, ear, eye, forehead, |
4.3. What is missing from these pictures?
1. _____eye.___ 2. ___________ 3. ____________ 4. __________
4.4. Complete the sentences.
1. I can’t hear you. I've got a cold and I'm having problems with my ears.
2. Are your _____ blue or brown?
3. Is your ______ short or long?
4. Brush your _______ twice a day to keep them white.
5. If your hold your __________, you won’t be able to smell anything.
6. He’s licking a strawberry ice cream and now his ________ is red.
4.5. Find eighteen words of your body. Then look at the pictures and match the words with the numbers.
Put the words into the correct group.
Hand |
arm |
Leg |
Foot |
other |
Ankle |
leg |
4.6. Look at people’ photos on the screen or choose any from a magazine or the Internet. Describe the person in the picture.
Практическая работа № 5. Signs of the Zodiac. Reading.
5.2. Read the information about different signs of the Zodiac. Before reading study the vocabulary below the text. Please, don’t take it too seriously, it is just for fun!
Aries / March 21 - April 20
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and associated with fresh vigor and new beginnings. Individuals born under this sign are said to have an enthusiastic, adventurous, aggressive, humorous, passionate, and pioneering character but one which is also prone to selfishness, boastfulness, intolerance, impulsiveness, and impatience.
Positive Adventurous and energetic |
Negative Selfish and quick-tempered |
Aries – Овен vigor – сила, энергия confident – уверенный, самоуверенный prone to – склонный к |
quick-tempered – вспыльчивый boastfulness – хвастливость foolhardy – необдуманно смелый, авантюрный daredevil – смелый, безрассудный |
Taurus / April 21 - May 20
Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac and associated with material pleasure. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a calm, patient, reliable, loyal, affectionate, sensuous, ambitious, and determined character, but one which is also prone to hedonism, laziness, inflexibility and jealousy.
Positive Patient and reliable
Vocabulary: |
Negative Jealous and possessive |
Taurus – Телец hedonism – гедонизм, жизнелюбие, жажда наслаждений affectionate – любящий, нежный inflexibility - негибкость, жесткость, упрямство warmhearted – сердечный
prone to – склонный к placid – безмятежный self-indulgent – потакающий своим желаниям resentful – обидчивый |
Gemini / May 21 - June 21
Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac and associated with youth and versatility. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a sociable, fun-loving, versatile, lively, communicative, liberal, intelligent, mentally active and friendly character but one which is also prone to moodiness, inconsistency, superficiality, restlessness and laziness.
Positive Adaptable and versatile |
Negative Nervous and tense
Vocabulary: Gemini – Близнецы versatility – многосторонность; непостоянство, изменчивость versatile – многосторонний; непостоянный, изменчивый prone to – склонный к moodiness – удрученность, мрачность inconsistency – противоречивость superficiality – поверхностность
restlessness – беспокойность witty – остроумный eloquent – красноречивый superficial – поверхностный inconsistent – противоречивый cunning – хитрый inquisitive – пытливый |
Cancer / June 22 - July 22
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and associated with family and domesticity. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a kind, emotional, romantic, imaginative, sympathetic, nurturing, and intuitive character, but one which is also prone to changeability, moodiness, hypersensitivity, depression and clinginess.
Positive Emotional and loving
Negative Changeable and moody |
Vocabulary: Cancer – Рак domesticity – любовь к семейной жизни, уюту imaginative- обладающий хорошим воображением sympathetic – сочувствующий nurturing – опекающий prone to – склонный к moody – мрачный
moodiness – удрученность, мрачность clinging – цепляющийся shrewd – проницательный protective – покровительственный touchy – обидчивый, раздражительный |
Leo / July 23 - August 22
Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac and is associated with the keywords magnanimous, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoritative, active and open. Leos are typically pictured as very dignified and regal. They are hard-working, ambitious and enthusiastic, however they are prone to laziness and can often take "the easy way out." They are known to be exuberant, extroverted, generous with a natural dramatic flair and very creative. They are typically very self-assured, and love taking center-stage in whatever arena they are in.
Positive Generous and warmhearted
Negative Pompous and patronizing |
Vocabulary: Leo -Лев magnanimous – великодушный, благородный authoritative – повелительный, властный dignified – горделивый, величавый regal – величественный, царственный prone to – склонный к exuberant – яркий, пышный self-assured – уверенный в себе, самоуверенный flair – талант, склонность |
broad –minded – с широкими взглядами expansive – несдержанный, открытый pompous – напыщенный patronizing – относящийся покровительственно, снисходительно, свысока bossy – любящий командовать, властный interfering – настырный, назойливый dogmatic –догматический, не терпящий возражения
Virgo / August 23 - September 22
Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac, a set of astrological signs, and associated with purity. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a diligent, analytical, self-sufficient, controlled, orderly, and modest character but one which is also prone to fussiness, perfectionism, harsh criticism, coldness, and hypochondria.
Positive Modest and shy
Negative Fussy and a worrier |
Vocabulary: Virgo – Дева purity – чистота diligent – прилежный, исполнительный orderly – организованный, дисциплинированный |
prone to – склонный к fussiness – нервозность, беспокойство meticulous – мелочный, дотошный, педантичный |
Libra/ September 23 - October 22
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac and associated with justice. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a pleasant, articulate, charming, charismatic, artistic, social, refined, diplomatic, even-tempered and self-sufficient character, but on the negative side, are also thought to be indecisive, flirtatious, extravagant, lazy, analytical, frivolous, impatient, envious, shallow, aloof, and quarrelsome.
Positive Diplomatic
Negative Indecisive and changeable |
Libra – Весы articulate – способный внятно излагать мысли even-tempered – уравновешенный, невозмутимый self-sufficient – самодостаточный, независимый refined – утонченный indecisive – нерешительный aloof – отчужденный, равнодушный |
sociable – общительный easygoing – легкий в общении frivolous – несерьезный, легкомысленный peaceable – спокойный, мирный gullible – доверчивый, легковерный self-indulgent – потакающий своим желаниям |
Scorpio / October 23 - November 21
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and associated with intensity, passion, and power. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a complex, analytical, patient, keenly perceptive, inquisitive, focused, determined, hypnotic, and self-contained character, but one which is also prone to extremity, jealousy, envy, secretiveness, possessiveness, cruelty and cunning.
Positive Determined and forceful
Vocabulary: |
Negative Jealous and resentful |
Scorpio – Скорпион intensity – сила, напряженность complex – запутанный keenly – остро perceptive – проницательный, восприимчивый inquisitive – любопытный, пытливый self-contained – сдержанный, замкнутый prone to – склонный к jealousy – ревность
resentful – обидчивый envy – зависть possessiveness – чувство собственности cunning – хитрый, хитрость forceful – сильный compulsive – страдающий манией obsessive – помешанный, зацикленный obstinate – упрямый |
Sagittarius / November 22 - December 21
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and associated with travel and expansion. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a straight-forward, dynamic, highly intelligent, extremely clever, ethical, humorous, generous, open-hearted, compassionate, and energetic character, but one which is also prone to restlessness, impulsiveness, impatience, recklessness, and kiddishness.
Positive Optimistic and freedom-loving Vocabulary: |
Negative Blindly optimistic and careless
Sagittarius – Стрелец expansion – развитие straight-forward – откровенный, прямой compassionate – сострадательный prone to – склонный к |
restlessness – беспокойство recklessness – безрассудный, опрометчивый kiddishness – инфантильность jovial – веселый superficial – поверхностный |
Capricorn / December 22 - January 19
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac and associated with hard work and business affairs. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have an ambitious, modest, patient, responsible, stable, trustworthy, powerful, intellectual, perspicacious and persistent character but one which is also prone to coldness, conservatism, rigidity, materialism, and dullness.
Positive Practical and prudent
Vocabulary: |
Negative Pessimistic and fatalistic
Capricorn – Козерог modest – скромный stable – стабильный, устойчивый trustworthy – надежный perspicacious – проницательный prone to – склонный к
persistent - настойчивый rigidity – негибкость, непреклонность, строгость prudent – благоразумный reserved – сдержанный miserly – скупой grudging – жадничающий, завидующий |
Aquarius / January 20 - February 18
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac and associated with future ideas and the unusual. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a modest, creative, challenging, inquisitive, entertaining, progressive and independent character, but one which is also prone to rebelliousness, coldness, erraticism, indecisiveness, and impracticality.
Positive Friendly and humanitarian
Vocabulary: |
Negative Intractable and contrary |
Aquarius – Водолей modest - скромный challenging – вызывающий inquisitive – любопытный, пытливый prone to – склонный к rebelliousness – непокорность erraticism – изменчивость, непостоянство indecisiveness – нерешительность |
humanitarian –человеколюбивый intractable – упрямый, непокорный contrary – противоположный unpredictable – непредсказуемый |
Pisces / February 19 - March 20
Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac and associated with human emotions. Individuals born under this sign are thought to be tolerant, modest, dreamy, romantic, humorous, generous, emotional, receptive, affectionate, and have an honest character, but are also prone to exaggeration, fickleness, passiveness, hypersensitivity, and paranoia.
Positive Imaginative and sensitive
Negative Escapist and idealistic |
Pisces – Рыбы modest – скромный receptive – восприимчивый affectionate – любящий prone to – склонный к exaggeration – преувеличение fickleness –непостоянство, переменчивость
compassionate – сострадательный selfless – неэгоистичный unworldly – неземной, одухотворенный escapist – эскапист vague – неопределенный, неясный weak-willed – слабовольный |
Практическая работа № 6. Signs of the Zodiac. Lexical exercises.
6.1.Learn the words:
confident – уверенный, самоуверенный resentful – обидчивый cunning – хитрый, хиттрость jealousy – ревность jealous – ревнивый envy – зависть envious – завистливый |
compassionate – сострадательный reckless – безрассудный, отчаянный sociable – общительный modest – скромный persistent - настойчивый exaggeration – преувеличение shrewd – проницательный reserved – сдержанный |
6.2.Find synonyms to the following words in the description of the signs of the Zodiac (more than one synonym is possible):
hot – tempered sly shrewd loving confident foolhardy |
compassionate calm stubborn talkative rigidity |
6.3. Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.
6.4. Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.
Практическая работа № 7. How you feel.
7.1. a. Study the vocabulary:
embarrassed – смущенный, растерянный relaxed – расслабленный fed up – сытый по горло miserable – несчастный, жалкий |
satisfied – довольный relieved – испытывающий утешение, облегчение frustrated –разочарованный, потерявший веру в себя homesick – тоскующий по дому |
b. Learn the words:
to be well – чувствовать себя хорошо I’m cold – мне холодно I’m hot – мне жарко tired – усталый bored – скучающий hungry – голодный thirsty – испытывающий жажду ill – больной angry – сердитый, рассерженный happy – счастливый sad – грустный frightened – испуганный worried – обеспокоенный |
pleased – довольный annoyed – раздраженный guilty - виноватый, виновный proud – гордый surprised – удивленный confused – смущенный, растерянный disappointed – разочарованный nervous – нервный depressed – подавленный shocked – шокированный excited – взволнованный, возбужденный stressed – в состоянии стресса upset – расстроенный |
с. Study both tables and find synonyms.
Level 1.
7.2. The underlined words are in the wrong sentences. Write the correct word for each sentence.
1. I don’t sleep much at night, so I’m really cold. ___tired___
2. I’m hungry. I need a drink. __________
3. He has a very high temperature. I think he is tired. __________
4. I’m really ill in the evening because I don’t eat much at work. __________
5. If you feel thirsty, why don’t you put a jumper on? __________
6. He’s hot again and is coming home from hospital soon. __________
7. Take your coat off . You must be really well in here. __________
7.3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
angry, bored,
frightened, |
1. He’s happy.
2. She’s ___________________.
3. He’s __________________.
4. He’s ________________.
5. She’s _____________
7.4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
angry, |
1. Take a book with you so you don’t get bored while you are waiting.
2. She’s _______ because her best friend can’t come to her party.
3. Little children are sometimes _______ of the dark.
4. I’m ________ because I don’t have to go to work today.
5. You can see he’s _________. He’s very red in the face.
Level 2
7.5. Find the correct word for each picture.
relaxed/worried jealous/pleased
annoyed/guilty miserable/proud fed up/surprised
7.6. Complete the sentences with the other words from 7.5.
1. I have no job, no money and I can’t sleep at night – I feel so miserable.
2. People think I’m _________ because she’s got a boyfriend and I haven’t.
3. I feel __________ about not visiting my grandmother in hospital.
4. I’m not ___________they’re getting married – they’ve known each other a long time.
5. I’m ____________ about you walking home on your own at night.
6. And then I just started to cry in front of everyone – I felt so ____________.
7.7. Find the correct word for each sentence.
1. I’m confused/satisfied. Everyone I asked about it tells me something different.
2. I’m very disappointed/ nervous. I’ve got to stand up and talk in front of 300 people.
3. I just feel so depressed/ relieved. I have no money, no friends and nowhere to live.
4. I’m frustrated/ shocked. A friend of the family has been arrested for murder.
5. I’m so excited/ stressed. My best friend is coming and we haven’t seen each other for ten years.
6. I’m very homesick/upset. She just suddenly started shouting at me. |
7.8. Complete the sentences with the words from 7.7.
1. I feel __________.I’m very busy at work and I’m studying for an exam in my spare time. I just don’t have any time to relax.
2. I feel so __________. She really needs my help, but there’s nothing I can do.
3. I’m a little ___________.I haven’t seen my friends and family for such a long time.
4. I’m so ___________ you’re here. I was beginning to think you’d had an accident.
5. I’m really ___________. We’d had to cancel our skiing holiday because John’s broken his leg.
6. I’m not ______________with the repair work they’ve done in my house. It’s just not good enough.
7.9. Make up a dialogue “How do you feel today? How did you feel yesterday?”
Практическая работа № 8. Describing people.
Describe a friend of yours: appearance and character. Use the active vocabulary.
Список литературы
1. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык. 10 класс (Комплект с CD). - М.: ExpressPublishing: Просвещение, 2015 – 248 c.
2. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык. 10 класс (Комплект с CD). - М.: ExpressPublishing: Просвещение, 2014 – 244 c.
3. Pye G. English Vocabulary in Practice (beginner) – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2004. – 64 p.
4. Pye G. English Vocabulary in Practice (elementary) – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2004. – 54p.
5. Pye G. English Vocabulary in Practice (pre-intermediate) – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2004 – 79 p.
6. Pye G. English Vocabulary in Practice (intermediate) – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2004.-78p.
7. Redman S. English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate and intermediate) – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1997.-266p.
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